What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Trying to get back into The Witcher again. I really want to make it all the way through the first one before moving on to 2 and 3 but its tough for me to get into. I really like the story but the gameplay in the first one is a little rough around the edges.
Trying to get back into The Witcher again. I really want to make it all the way through the first one before moving on to 2 and 3 but its tough for me to get into. I really like the story but the gameplay in the first one is a little rough around the edges.

It took me three "real" tries to get into the first one. (maybe more, but it was close to three) Finally I decided to press on, and made it quite a way into the game. I didn't finish it because I got distracted with something else, but what I played I actually enjoyed once I really got going. I'll agree it was a bit rough, but not bad. I barely played the second or third though. I would like to eventually. I just haven't had RPG-Time TM to play something like these recently.
The first Witcher is really clumsy at the beginning. They introduce too many mechanics in the first 10 minutes and they don't really give you a lot of background on any of them. The best advice I can give anyone for that game is to ignore the double tap moves and just learn the mouse clicking cadence. You'll figure the menus and skill trees out once things open up a little. The double tap moves never are all that great beyond helping you chance positions in a few battles.
Diablo 3, and hope not struck lightning and computer blow up or nothing like that (or bad connect and lose all my cookies)
I love the gunplay so much that I don't really care about anything else. I really wish the combat in the Fallout series felt this good.

The combat is the best part of Rage 2. If it wasn't for that it would be a fairly boring. Certainly better than most SP shooters these days.
Trying to get back into The Witcher again. I really want to make it all the way through the first one before moving on to 2 and 3 but its tough for me to get into. I really like the story but the gameplay in the first one is a little rough around the edges.

Rough is definitely an understatement. I was lucky enough to find the game within a month or so of release so it wasn't that bad when I played but it still took a bit of effort to get things down but it was worth it.
It took me three "real" tries to get into the first one. (maybe more, but it was close to three) Finally I decided to press on, and made it quite a way into the game. I didn't finish it because I got distracted with something else, but what I played I actually enjoyed once I really got going. I'll agree it was a bit rough, but not bad. I barely played the second or third though. I would like to eventually. I just haven't had RPG-Time TM to play something like these recently.
This is like my third or fourth try so I'm hoping I can stick with it this time. I found a few lets plays on youtube so I figure if I dont make it I will just watch one of them so I can get the story and then move on to Witcher 2
Observation. Thankfully the story and ambience are so far making it easy to overlook the terrible performance.
Ashen, I have been enjoying it. a dark souls lite with a mostly helpful companion. there have been a couple of long sections until the next waystone (like bonfire) but overall it is quite a bit safer.
More Wow, Division 2, Rage 2. Should also continue Days gone, but for some reason the game just does not do it for me.
Went for a replay of BioShock 2, remastered version....and apparently I never played through to the end the first time, either that or I have a horrendous memory.

Edit: Nope, 100% sure I never finished it the first time. Guess that is what happens when you have a lot of hardware to test. :)
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Didn't get much opportunity to play this weekend. I got maybe 45 min of Steam World Quest last night before I crashed but that's about it.
Riff Racer, Starblast, and Bloodline of Prima are the most recent games I've been playing. Starblast I'd recommend the others idk they are hit or miss recommendations I'd say. Bloodlines of Prima is rough around edges and in early access, but it is sort of unique and interesting and kind of pulls you in a bit after the first 2-3 hours which those first few don't hold your hand.
SW:TOR - Why have I never tried this game before.... A Bioware game before they started sucking.
void bastards, just a fantastic underrated game,
I did an easy playthrough so as to build everything
It has a couple of good voice actors including the guy that did stanley parables and another guy, but I can't quite place him
endgame kit is usually riverter pro, glow spiker and herd zapper.

Probably playing some more RDR 1, I gave Project Hospital a shot and it wasn't great.
The Division 2--- first attempt at this game for 31.19 on Epic couldn't pass it up.
Mechanicus--- I lost my saves from last week so pissed I tried saving a hard copy of my save and I wrecked my Windows directory so nothing would save for the game. Had to reinstall.
More old games for me. I made more progress on my MiSTer setup. Here's the new case in progress. I'm just waiting on the top/bottom/side panels now, and then it will be complete. I played Supergrafx and Genesis games all weekend. :D

Edit: The bottom panel is now on, with the PCBs attached properly.


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If I get a chance to play at all it will be Battlefield V MP.

Since moving to a SSD I can only install the games I will actually play.

Currently I have BF V, Apex Legends, LA Noire, and Far Cry 5.

Far Cry is simply for the co-op although my friend is never free to play it with me, so it might be gone soon.
I have been playing The Division 2, but am getting bored of the end game. Thinking about starting Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
More Wow, Division 2, the new BL2 DLC that just vame out for free (I seem to be lacking my old BL skills or they made the new enemies pretty feisty) ow and going to see Metallica to change things up a bit :p
Gears of War 4, Apex, Mordhau, and Warhammer: Chaosbane.

I reinstalled Dawn of War 2 and apparently it's currently broken for the majority of Win10 users - which is a bummer.

.... So I installed DoW: Dark Crusade yet again....
Looking at itching my Warhammer scratch... Mechanicus of Battlefleet Armada 2 (I really like xcom2 and space battle RTSs so these may be to my liking). Recommendations for either?

I'm all Total War'ed out after a another run in Rome 2, and am not really an MP hack-and-slash fan so I think those other titles are a no-go for me.
I played Compile's shooter library across all platforms all weekend. Aleste, Spriggan, Super Aleste, M.U.S.H.A. etc. So good!
Was able to get BL2 running on a 730M/1GB VRAM and played the new BL2 DLC: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary.

Played for about 1.5 hours last night and am enjoying the new addition. One of the NPCs, Vaughn, is hilarious. Spineless, babbling, goofball. :p
Still playing Monster Hunter World here and there. Just resubbed for FFXIV and hoping to have more time to make it worth palying.
Bought Prey for $10, and giving it a go...kind of fun.

I really like it, but it never pulled me in quite like System Shock to where I couldn't make myself quit, even in the middle of the night. The first Dishonored pulled me in to where I beat it over the course of a weekend. I'm actually still chipping away at Prey even now (after having it for a year or more) and I really enjoy it when I play it, just in those little chunks for some reason. I like pretty much everything about it, so I'm not sure why I play it like this, but I completely recommend it to people. I think it's actually less the game itself, and more when I started playing it. Most of my game time is spent with retro and indie stuff over the last couple of years, so I play the big stuff a bit less. I should be just about done with Prey though pretty soon I think. I might give the DLC a whirl, because it's actually designed to be played in chunks (rogue-ish-lite-like-ish from what I understand)
Was able to get BL2 running on a 730M/1GB VRAM and played the new BL2 DLC: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary.

Played for about 1.5 hours last night and am enjoying the new addition. One of the NPCs, Vaughn, is hilarious. Spineless, babbling, goofball. :p

Nice! I was wondering how it was. My daughters and I love playing the BL games together, so more content is always welcome. They're just about out of school too, so we could probably kill a day with this. :D
My goal is to play more than 2hrs of Bloodstained. I usually don't like gaming when it's nice out...but I also have to work. So, I'm going to hope for 2hrs of Bloodstained.
I picked up both Prey and Titanfall 2 in the last week. I think I like the combat better from Titanfall 2, but Prey is not a bad game.

I love the fact that Titanfall 2 comes with a single-player game, so I have an easy chance to get better at the controls (that's one of the main reasons I gave up on the first one), and the opening mission has been surprisingly fun (spent two hours straight playing last night).
My goal is to play more than 2hrs of Bloodstained. I usually don't like gaming when it's nice out...but I also have to work. So, I'm going to hope for 2hrs of Bloodstained.

I have a similar goal. I probably would have gotten more time in on this game if I had waited for the Switch version, but I should manage a couple of hours this weekend. (I'll probably end up with the Switch version anyway at some point. :D )
I love the fact that Titanfall 2 comes with a single-player game, so I have an easy chance to get better at the controls (that's one of the main reasons I gave up on the first one), and the opening mission has been surprisingly fun (spent two hours straight playing last night).

Titanfall 2 is fantastic.

I picked up Dishonored 2 for cheap yesterday. Hopefully it's as legit as the first but the reviews back-when we're ehhhhh

Besides that, I wanna check out this Dota Underlords thing....

- Usual suspects of Apex and Mord with the buds etc.

EDIT: I'm waiting for you guys to give Bloodstained the "SotN vouch" so I can justify the purchase.
I have a similar goal. I probably would have gotten more time in on this game if I had waited for the Switch version, but I should manage a couple of hours this weekend. (I'll probably end up with the Switch version anyway at some point. :D )
I kinda wish I had a portable option for my Steam Library. Only because Fire Season is starting to pick up and I'll be away from my PC for awhile. I could buy a "laptop" I just find that a waste of money.
I kinda wish I had a portable option for my Steam Library. Only because Fire Season is starting to pick up and I'll be away from my PC for awhile. I could buy a "laptop" I just find that a waste of money.



It's only Intel IGP, but that's more than capable of playing most of your steam library. It's either this, or you pay out-the-ass for the $900 smach z pro (AMD 2500u), but has yet to ship.

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I kinda wish I had a portable option for my Steam Library. Only because Fire Season is starting to pick up and I'll be away from my PC for awhile. I could buy a "laptop" I just find that a waste of money.

Yeah, I'm not really into laptops for games. There are some out there that obviously do the job. I also played half of Dead Cells while on vacation on one, but I definitely prefer either a desktop PC, a living room PC or console, or a real handheld. The Switch is great though, and has much of the indie games I play on Steam, and for decent prices. I typically duplicate the games I play the most on Steam and Switch (if it's a game that lends itself well to playing in multiple places).