What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Satisfactory is great, has me completely hooked, I Climbed up the space elevator today in it:



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I tried to replay Arkham Asylum and City again the other day, but after 15min, all I wanted to do was play Mad Max again. ;)

Unpopular opinion, but I found Mad Max to be far better than the the Arkham games. I thought Asylum was pretty good, City was trash, and Knight was okay if repetitive due to the large open world nature.

As for me, a little bit of Armored Warfare and making some skins for DCS.
If I can get away from work, would like to hit The Division 2 a bit more. I like both it and the original.

Although, occasionally the "found footage" tales of family woe are actually upsetting to me. Yes, I know damn well it's fiction, but sweet lord, as a parent - hearing scared kids (even in fiction) does trigger something very primal.

Then I can open a box with nothing I want in it!
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Arcade games. Lot's and lot's of arcade games. I've finally built up a dedicated machine for my arcade game collection, with a dual-stick setup, wall mounted display, that can be played standing or sitting. I spent a bunch of time getting all the settings configured just right as well. The unfortunate part is that the wall mount doesn't allow me to turn the monitor to portrait orientation, so I need to pick up a new one. I didn't really think about it at the time, but I'd much prefer that for vertical games. In the meantime it's doing ok anyway though. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe a dual monitor setup on the wall would be even better. One in each orientation. Vertical games on one, horizontal on the other. :pompous::cigar:

Replying to myself for context. Here's the current setup. I got a mount that swivels, so I can play vertically. I can't stand black borders, so for now I'm letting the screen stretch, but it's not so bad. Not nearly as bad as having borders. I bought Launchbox Premium, and downloaded all the metadata, images, videos, etc. to accompany all of the games. I set up filters to ditch the thousands of Mahjong games that I don't play.

The only thing left to do now is proper cable management, and possibly move to a MiniITX system. I'm just plugged into a mid-tower running a Ryzen 2400G APU, which I'm actually very impressed with so far. It even runs most of the PC games I have on there decently well (for an APU at least). :D I may just move the APU onto a Vesa-mount style ITX box, and mount it out of sight. The display cables are driving me nuts. :D I'm actually thinking I could squeeze the ITX setup inside the dual-stick enclosure (with some additional ventilation) which would REALLY simplify things. I'm running it all off solid state storage, so it can take a decent beating if it's inside the stick setup.

I'm doing a simulated CRT with Aperture Grill for the graphics, and it's absolutely gorgeous, especially when vertically oriented with some crazy shooters. Looks VERY authentic. The next item I'd like to get is a flight setup for playing things like Thunderblade, Metal Hawk, Assault, Afterburner/GLOC, Galaxy Force II etc. I did manage to get a good digital stick setup going for Air Combat that felt decent, and played that for a couple of hours the other night. I still think a good analog flight setup would be better though.

Starting to think I should move this to another sub-forum, but this IS in fact what I was playing on the weekend, and what I will be playing this weekend, soooooo...


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Replying to myself for context. Here's the current setup. I got a mount that swivels, so I can play vertically. I can't stand black borders, so for now I'm letting the screen stretch, but it's not so bad. Not nearly as bad as having borders. I bought Launchbox Premium, and downloaded all the metadata, images, videos, etc. to accompany all of the games. I set up filters to ditch the thousands of Mahjong games that I don't play.

The only thing left to do now is proper cable management, and possibly move to a MiniITX system. I'm just plugged into a mid-tower running a Ryzen 2400G APU, which I'm actually very impressed with so far. It even runs most of the PC games I have on there decently well (for an APU at least). :D I may just move the APU onto a Vesa-mount style ITX box, and mount it out of sight. The display cables are driving me nuts. :D I'm actually thinking I could squeeze the ITX setup inside the dual-stick enclosure (with some additional ventilation) which would REALLY simplify things. I'm running it all off solid state storage, so it can take a decent beating if it's inside the stick setup.

I'm doing a simulated CRT with Aperture Grill for the graphics, and it's absolutely gorgeous, especially when vertically oriented with some crazy shooters. Looks VERY authentic. The next item I'd like to get is a flight setup for playing things like Thunderblade, Metal Hawk, Assault, Afterburner/GLOC, Galaxy Force II etc. I did manage to get a good digital stick setup going for Air Combat that felt decent, and played that for a couple of hours the other night. I still think a good analog flight setup would be better though.

Starting to think I should move this to another sub-forum, but this IS in fact what I was playing on the weekend, and what I will be playing this weekend, soooooo...

Anno 1800. When I can anyway. Been sick lately. Having pneumonia is not fun. :-(
Planetside 2

If you enjoy FPS games and have not tried it I highly recommend spending at least 25-50 hours to learn some aspects of it. Probably takes at least 100 hours to get a good grip of what really is (or can be) going on in the game. Totally free game.

Have 4.6k hours in the game and have played the original and this since beta. DX11 patch just went live, CAI patch somewhat removed (increasing vehicle VS vehicle TKK like it had been for 2 years pre CAI), and a bunch of other things. Expect some bugs as per usual but I hope the vehicle vs vehicle game is actually fun again (I drive and gun for all 3 factions).
Planetside 2

If you enjoy FPS games and have not tried it I highly recommend spending at least 25-50 hours to learn some aspects of it. Probably takes at least 100 hours to get a good grip of what really is (or can be) going on in the game. Totally free game.

Have 4.6k hours in the game and have played the original and this since beta. DX11 patch just went live, CAI patch somewhat removed (increasing vehicle VS vehicle TKK like it had been for 2 years pre CAI), and a bunch of other things. Expect some bugs as per usual but I hope the vehicle vs vehicle game is actually fun again (I drive and gun for all 3 factions).

It's really a very fun game. I play with my oldest son, and we do the "this tower is ours" game. We drop in, support each other, and hold it as long as we can. It's great fun. He plays the MAX usually, and i keep him alive and flank / ruin bad tactics the plebs deploy.

We high five each other every time we get accused of cheating. That's how we know we had a good run. :)
Finally gonna finish Mass Effect 1, probably play some rounds of Dota and sprinkle some Anno in there.
Vermintide 2 (This is really good guys, check it out with some buddies)
Marvel vs Capcom 3

- and who knows what else....
Been taking advantage of Street Fighter V free week on Steam. It's still up for another seven days or so.

I've got another 8 days to decide if 8 bucks is worth it, as I don't play as many fighters as I used to.
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I'll probably play some Destiny 2 and Ghost Recon Wildlands this weekend.
Been taking advantage of Street Fighter V free week on Steam. It's still up for another seven days or so.

I've got another 8 days to decide if 8 bucks is worth it, as I don't play as many fighters as I used to.

As far as the game itself goes, I really like it. I stopped playing it for a while because Capcom pissed me off with the whole in-game ads thing. IMO paid games shouldn't have a bunch of ads in them. Unless it makes sense contextually like maybe in a racing or sports game or something. Anyway, I'm just about done throwing my tantrum, and will probably start playing it again soon, because it really is a decent game. Mine is pretty much full-blown, all characters, stages, a bunch of costumes, etc. etc. In that capacity it's good. The Arcade Edition alone is also pretty good. The base version with no expansion leaves a little to be desired, but still plays good.
I'm still playing a lot of arcade games on the new setup. However, a friend of mine came over with a bottle of Wild Turkey a few days ago, and we proceeded to split the bottle of it, and play Dead or Alive 6 and Soulcalibur 6 for about 8 hours or so. :D It was pretty fun. May try and do something like that again this weekend, but maybe with a glass or two less of the whiskey. :D For some reason I kept wanting to say "alright alright alright". :p
I endeed up buying only the base game, as I don't have the free time I used to. I managed to almost beat someone on Casual, and got my ass handed t me on ranked, so I can see myself eventually being good enough for casual. Going to have to figure out all the new power ups, activation and combos if I want to ever be ranked, and I just don't see myself doing that.

The horrible in-match ads are gone, so I didn't have any complaints. Game looks like any previous Street Fighter to me.
Ugh....Wild Turkey. I got sick as hell drinking that one night with some friends. I woke up in a pool of my own vomit. There is nothing like the smell of Wild Turkey and vomit to turn you against it forever. To this day I can't drink that swill.
Ugh....Wild Turkey. I got sick as hell drinking that one night with some friends. I woke up in a pool of my own vomit. There is nothing like the smell of Wild Turkey and vomit to turn you against it forever. To this day I can't drink that swill.

That WOULD put a damper on it.

I typically drink Bookers, Jameson, Macallan, Pendleton 1910, and others. This was actually the first time I've ever had Wild Turkey. It wasn't too bad. It's 100 proof though, so I can see your situation happening if you weren't expecting it. After half a bottle though, I felt tip top. (but then I do ok with this sort of thing usually) Every once in a while something will take me by surprise though. :D I did get pretty sick drinking too much Tequila a couple of years back.
Ugh....Wild Turkey. I got sick as hell drinking that one night with some friends. I woke up in a pool of my own vomit. There is nothing like the smell of Wild Turkey and vomit to turn you against it forever. To this day I can't drink that swill.

I had the exact same experience with Jim Beam. Just the smell alone will cause me to hurl now.
I had the exact same experience with Jim Beam. Just the smell alone will cause me to hurl now.

Well, to be fair the smell of Jim Beam makes me want to hurl, and I've probably only ever had one or two glasses in total. :D

The Turkey wasn't too bad taste-wise, but still not even close to the other whiskeys and Scotches that I normally go for. I didn't get sick from it though, and in fact felt pretty good. I can't stand poor quality liquor though. If something even gives me a slight headache the next day, I never drink it again.

I can drink a good Whiskey/Scotch/Cognac, really good Gin (like Ten or something), good Absinthe, or a really good Vodka all night. If it's not though, I steer clear.
Elder Scrolls Online, once the next expac drops (which should be soon). Right now it's log in and do the daily crafting and log out.

Also probably more Division 2 though it is starting to crest the hill for me. My buddies and I did most all the PvE stuff, ran through the Tiers and did all the "dungeons" so now it's just more of the same but maybe with slightly more difficulty via the settings or Invaded / Invasion mode (though it seems to be the same or even sometimes easier due to the parallel progression / nicer gear vs when we were still leveling).
I haven't been able to play much of anything lately but I'm going to jump back in to The Division 2 this weekend and hopefully make it to WT5 finally.
Elder Scrolls Blades

Borderlands 1

Fallout New Vegas (Mainly for the mod that allows for continued play after end game where your decisions throughout the game are reflected after end game)

Functional Post Game Ending
Seems like I am playing a dozen games at the same time. Nothing seems to keep my interest for longer than a few minutes. Will probably continue playing God of War, World War Z, Wolfenstein 2, maybe Skyrim, and possibly Hitman 2. Can't say I am particularly excited about any of them.

The only game i've played recently i've truly enjoyed was Wolfenstein 2009. Can't buy it digital anywhere, but you can buy it physical. It's actually quite fun and under-rated in my opinion.