Video Comparing Far Cry on PC and X360

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Moose777 said:
This thread has just lost all credibility due to the "Teh 360 is 13373z7 conzolez in da werld!!11!!1!1!!" propaganda.

Yes, the Instincts video does look good. It does not necessarily mean that the 360's video card is the most incredible thing since sliced bread with teh power to donkey punch all computers.

I'm surpised this thread lasted as long as it did before it turned into a Console is greater than PC debate.

just wanna point out 360 is the fastest console in the world in production

paranoia4422 said:
just wanna point out 360 is the fastest console in the world in production

Operative words in the sentence you used are:

"fastest CONSOLE"

Key word:


So yes, while it is the "FASTEST CONSOLE" in the world it does not make it any better than a computer. Equal to in some respects but no where superior than a computer. It is after all....a console and it is very limited in the things it can do. A console is still good for what it is.

And again, I'll state that I am impressed with how Instincts looks on the 360. I can only hope it also comes out on the PC around the same time for several reasons. 1) I don't own a 360 or any console for that matter and I don't ever plan on buying one. 2) I think it could look just as good if not better on the PC.
Firewall said:
First and foremost, LOL.

Secondly, to the user he was replying too, even your $600 vid card won't "tear" the 360 a new one I'm afraid. In fact, I have yet to see a PC put out something that looks as good as FN3.

You can return to Doom 3 now....

Funny that Doom 3 was hailed as a great game by many XBox1 fans... but anyway, speaking of Fight Night 3 (which will be released elsewhere, btw)... wasn't ZX6 just talking about how great you can make games look in controlled, enclosed environments? Say, something similar to... a boxing ring, maybe?

A $400 console like the X360 can give you some impressive visuals for the cost, but that doesn't mean it's a replacement for my gaming PC. It never will be. Not only is it apples to oranges, but in the end if you're looking for an experience based solely on visual merit, and have money to spend, the PC will always come out on top. It already is capable of such.
Moose777 said:
Operative words in the sentence you used are:

"fastest CONSOLE"

Key word:


So yes, while it is the "FASTEST CONSOLE" in the world it does not make it any better than a computer. Equal to in some respects but no where superior than a computer. It is after all....a console and it is very limited in the things it can do. A console is still good for what it is.

And again, I'll state that I am impressed with how Instincts looks on the 360. I can only hope it also comes out on the PC around the same time for several reasons. 1) I don't own a 360 or any console for that matter and I don't ever plan on buying one. 2) I think it could look just as good if not better on the PC.
wow i never said it was faster then pcs, no need to get your panties in a bunch
Moose777 said:
Operative words in the sentence you used are:

"fastest CONSOLE"

Key word:


So yes, while it is the "FASTEST CONSOLE" in the world it does not make it any better than a computer. Equal to in some respects but no where superior than a computer. It is after all....a console and it is very limited in the things it can do. A console is still good for what it is.

And again, I'll state that I am impressed with how Instincts looks on the 360. I can only hope it also comes out on the PC around the same time for several reasons. 1) I don't own a 360 or any console for that matter and I don't ever plan on buying one. 2) I think it could look just as good if not better on the PC.

Nobody is saying its better than a COMPUTER! A computer can be used for millions of different things, while a console is mainly for gaming. In terms of upcoming games for both PC and 360, I still think 360 has more impressive looking titles than PC. Hell, MotoGP 06 and FNR3 already blow anything thats coming out for PC in 06 away! I was just looking at that Gamespot 06' preview for PC, and while there are a few good games here and there, none of them really look that amazing. The ones that do are coming out on 360 anyways.
steviep said:
Funny that Doom 3 was hailed as a great game by many XBox1 fans...

Funny that the Xbox version had features that the PC version didn't, but anyway...

steviep said:
but anyway, speaking of Fight Night 3 (which will be released elsewhere, btw)... wasn't ZX6 just talking about how great you can make games look in controlled, enclosed environments? Say, something similar to... a boxing ring, maybe?

The problem with that analogy is that F.E.A.R. doesn't even begin to approach the first-gen effort of FNR3, despite it's closed environments. It's sad that you would let your bias lead you to ignorantly infer that the X360 is even close to reaching it's max potential. FNR3, AFAIK, doesn't even run on multiple cores.

Go back to playing some infantile Nintendo game, please.
I'm not upset. I didn't mean for my post to come off as me being upset.

I just feel that people forget the consoles are just that, consoles designed to play games. I'm getting tired of seeing the "Consoles are so much better than PC" threads and debates. This thread actualyl started out as something different. It showed a very impressive game being developed for a console and it showcased a lot of things that haven't revently been done on a computer and a few poeple jump on and start with the "consoles are phasing out computers" type of statements.

I didn't say that computers were better than a console. Just stating that the argument of which is better is stupid as each is good int heir own field.

And I do agree, there are a lot of games coming out on consoles that look a lot better than PC.

My post was basically a blanket statement because I knew someone was eventually going to turn it around and say that computers can never do what consoles do. And thats just not true. A lot of what is done on consoles is programmed on a computer then transferred over to a console.

So, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off as being upset as I'm not. And I agree with much of what has been said. I just dislike seeing the console fan boys who ruin threads when they start in witht heir propaganda talk anout how much better a console is. it seems they don't realize that a console is designed for one thing whereas a computer can do a multitude of things.

Again I apologize if what I wrote came off as being me being upset.
ZX6Master said:
Go back to playing some infantile Nintendo game, please.

You are a constant source of irritation and I have removed your posting ability. Our staff does not have the resources to deal with your type of postings over and over again. Bye.
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