RYZEN Demo At CES 2017 Was Running At 3.6 GHz Base Clock, F4 Stepping Can Turbo to 4.0 GHz


[H]F Junkie
Aug 5, 2013


Thats actually better than I expected for an 8C piece. I can't wait for this.
5Ghz confirmed.

Time to return the 6 RX 480 I bought in Novemember that's covered under newegg's holiday return policy.
I guess I'll add on some tidbit from PCWorld's article from CES on Ryzen.

First, and most importantly: When Ryzen launches it won’t be limited to the high-end 8-core, 16-thread model AMD’s been showing in all its demos. AMD product manager Jim Prior tells me that Ryzen will be a complete stack of chips at release, though he declined to go into further details. Furthermore, each and every AM4 motherboard, cooler, and PC that AMD announced last night will be available from day one.
I am super excited for Ryzen and have always wanted a CPU with more cores but was unwilling to pay for the intel prices. I hope that the prices for the Ryzen CPU and Vega GPU are reasonable, because if so I think I will go all AMD this year.
I mean even if they can come close to performance I would buy just to help avoid the monopoly that Intel has right now. They released a 1700 dollar CPU this year! I mean come on!

I'm more of the 'tough love' sort of consumer. Vote with your wallet: If Intel put out a better product, buy the better product. If Ryzen is good, I'll consider buying it. Don't let AMD think they can get away with trash.
What ballsy news. A week ago I was hoping Zen could OC to 4Ghz on 8 cores, now it's running stock 4Ghz turbo...

Bring on 4.5Ghz then, hopefully that's not too much to ask for! :D
This CPU seems to keep knocking down the walls of ill advised preconceived ideas. I mean why would Canard PC stake their entire reputation on lying about an AMD CPU"s performance, Come now lets get real, this CPU is showing potential to change the landscape and as an end user maybe now I will have options to upgrade my 4790 and 4960X parts whether that is team red or team blue it will depend on price and what I get. Good on AMD and that Lisa Su has done one hell of a job taking AMD at a point when it was all over to the foot of the mountain of recovery. She is actually quite inspirational.
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This goes on to show what I had been saying all along. As time went on amd was more and more confident in Ryzen. It really does look like they have an ace in their hands. amazing to me that all the people here saying not enough time for amd to bump up clocks. Who is to say they didn't have multiple steppings being tested. Good for amd. While I have a 6850k I got from retail edge I am so glad amd is bringing competition back to CPU side.
This is very promising. Now here's to hoping the top end SKU costs less than 700$
That looks promising. Personally i am looking at what the 6 core model will look like. If i can get a 6 core 12 thread that runs 4ghz+ for $250-300 like rumors claim i will jump all over it. I like being able to game and play around with editing, graphic design, etc... That would be a really good upgrade to my 1231v3!
That's an F3 stepping. There are screenshots on Canardpc that show an F4 stepping. that's what I'm waiting for
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I have my money ready if the reviews from Kyle and other reputable sources are good. I'd love to have a 8c16t CPU that performs well.
Yes, yes, engineering samples. I'll wait for this again with production run chips.
CPUs are only half the battle though. If all of the MBs that come out are shit, its not going to help.

This is an excellent point that's often overlooked. In the early Athlon days, the chips may have indeed been faster in many cases but the motherboards they ran on were garbage. I worked in a service center where we had stacks and stacks of Slot A motherboards with fried voltage hardware.
I think F4 stepping is as close as can be to alpha silicon. I mean 2Ghz turbo bump from F3.
If AMD f*cks this up, I am done. Also, we as a whole community are screwed. Intel will kick back, laugh, and crank up prices across the board 33%.

Time for player 3 to enter the game! Bring Cyrix back from the dead! (not really)
This is an excellent point that's often overlooked. In the early Athlon days, the chips may have indeed been faster in many cases but the motherboards they ran on were garbage. I worked in a service center where we had stacks and stacks of Slot A motherboards with fried voltage hardware.
It is still a current problem too. I've been using APUs for machines with low requirements (my internet PC, HT pcs, etc) and the MB's I've been using are a far cry from the quality of the Maximus Series MB's I've been using for gaming PCs.
It is still a current problem too. I've been using APUs for machines with low requirements (my internet PC, HT pcs, etc) and the MB's I've been using are a far cry from the quality of the Maximus Series MB's I've been using for gaming PCs.
But wouldn't you expect that when comparing a $200-$400 motherboard versus a $60-$120 motherboards? My Asus 970 board that i had when i was running an 8320 was just as good as my current Z97mx 5 both i bought for around $120-$130
If AMD f*cks this up, I am done. Also, we as a whole community are screwed. Intel will kick back, laugh, and crank up prices across the board 33%.

Time for player 3 to enter the game! Bring Cyrix back from the dead! (not really)

VIA will come back from the dead with a new Jesus chip.
It will be weird using an AMD machine without an NForce Chipset lol. The last AMD board I ran that I actually liked was the Asus M2N. I ran some slightly newer Phenom boards in other peoples machines but I have no experience with AMD's own chipset. If I remember right though it always seemed as though AMD had way more PCIe lanes than Intel did.
I'm more of the 'tough love' sort of consumer. Vote with your wallet: If Intel put out a better product, buy the better product. If Ryzen is good, I'll consider buying it. Don't let AMD think they can get away with trash.
I have a i5 3570k, i7-6700hq, and 8350

I feel like intel has bent me over a barrel, 8350 is just as good with what i play(warhammer total war, Witcher 3 etc) with and cost far far less
This is an excellent point that's often overlooked. In the early Athlon days, the chips may have indeed been faster in many cases but the motherboards they ran on were garbage. I worked in a service center where we had stacks and stacks of Slot A motherboards with fried voltage hardware.
I suspect this will not be as much a problem this time around. First, there are far fewer MB makers, and the overall reliability is much higher. Second, the motherboard makers can't afford any real missteps, as there is much higher visibility now than then, and the market has significantly contracted.

But wouldn't you expect that when comparing a $200-$400 motherboard versus a $60-$120 motherboards? My Asus 970 board that i had when i was running an 8320 was just as good as my current Z97mx 5 both i bought for around $120-$130
Sure, I only build 3-4 systems a year now, but as long as I have been using major brand motherboards, I haven't been having any problems with the cheaper models. In fact, that is almost exclusively what I use, but none of the systems I've been building are being overclocked or used with multiple graphics cards either.
If AMD f*cks this up, I am done. Also, we as a whole community are screwed. Intel will kick back, laugh, and crank up prices across the board 33%.

Time for player 3 to enter the game! Bring Cyrix back from the dead! (not really)

I don't think they will. Intel's biggest threat right now is from ARM more than AMD. They need to convince people to keep buying x86 computing solutions and a huge price increase won't help.

Now within the x86 space, this might result in an overall price reduction if AMD has another Athlon on their hands, and that's great news for everyone....except Intel...