RYZEN Demo At CES 2017 Was Running At 3.6 GHz Base Clock, F4 Stepping Can Turbo to 4.0 GHz

But wouldn't you expect that when comparing a $200-$400 motherboard versus a $60-$120 motherboards? My Asus 970 board that i had when i was running an 8320 was just as good as my current Z97mx 5 both i bought for around $120-$130
Where can I buy a APU MB with specs similar to a hero alpha? It doesn't exist that I know of. If that same thing happens with Ryzen - all cheapass $60-120 MBs, it doesn't really matter how good the chip is.
Last AMD CPU I had was an Athlon X2-3800 ten years ago. Then Intel came out with the Core 2 Duo and it was over.

Here's hoping AMD can pull an upset. I'd love a 16-thread CPU I didn't have to mortgage my house for!
Show me the 4/8 6/12 parts as well. Will the Ryzen tech go as low as 2/4?

How about the Enterprise market? Are we going to see 24/48 chips and 2P or even 4P boards like Intel?
I really wish my PC hadn't blown up mid 2015. I was trying to hold out for Vega and Ryzen on an intel 3770, and a pair of NVidia 760's in SLI.

Mobo blew up and I then sold the farm to get the very nice Skylake rig I have now. Still, I ended up paying about $2500 when all was said and done, and had to get rid of 2of my triple monitor setup to mitigate the cost.

I can only imagine how much cheaper it would have been had AMD had a competitive product out at the time.
I can only imagine how much cheaper it would have been had AMD had a competitive product out at the time.

I assume the bulk of your cost had nothing to do with the cost of CPU or motherboard. Unless you went crazy on the motherboard. I mean these should have totaled less than $600.
I'm guessing a large part of that was the huge dump of SSD's you bought? $2500 and i5, can't blame intel for that, even top end gamer laptops are beyond i5 by the time you reach those numbers

Here's hoping this gets intel off it's ass, I really want the 8 core 2011 chips to cost less, maybe this will do it, or open up consumer level 8 core chips finally
This is positive news.

Can't wait for the final announcement and reviews.

I wish they would tell us when it's coming...

They didn't want to tip off Intel too much before launch. I hope the fact that this information came out doesn't hurt them.
Yay. I already posted this though. Stop taking my flair.


Back to topic!

This is good news but I am curious how much Vega was actually responsible for performance being shown. Doom never struck me as CPU intensive.
They didn't want to tip off Intel too much before launch. I hope the fact that this information came out doesn't hurt them.

All I can say is that if Intel lowers their prices by a lot to match AMD Zen on price/performance, I will buy the AMD chip. If Intel was gouging just because they could, then I will buy the competitor product for that reason alone.
This CPU seems to keep knocking down the walls of ill advised preconceived ideas. I mean why would Canard PC stake their entire reputation on lying about an AMD CPU"s performance, Come now lets get real, this CPU is showing potential to change the landscape and as an end user maybe now I will have options to upgrade my 4790 and 4960X parts whether that is team red or team blue it will depend on price and what I get. Good on AMD and that Lisa Su has done one hell of a job taking AMD at a point when it was all over to the foot of the mountain of recovery. She is actually quite inspirational.

Yes she is amazing, with an approval rating within the company near 90%! Humble, modest and a very talented engineer. Perfect CEO at the right time. I think intel CEO is close to 50% IIRC. Should also remember though that the Zen initiative was started under Rory Reed. He brought in the talent and started the ball rolling with Mark Papermaster, Lisa Su, Raja Koduri, Jim Keller etc. Lisa, Raja and Jim may have been Mark Papermaster's hires but none the less it started with Rory Reed.
This CPU seems to keep knocking down the walls of ill advised preconceived ideas. I mean why would Canard PC stake their entire reputation on lying about an AMD CPU"s performance, Come now lets get real, this CPU is showing potential to change the landscape and as an end user maybe now I will have options to upgrade my 4790 and 4960X parts whether that is team red or team blue it will depend on price and what I get. Good on AMD and that Lisa Su has done one hell of a job taking AMD at a point when it was all over to the foot of the mountain of recovery. She is actually quite inspirational.

Do you know what he dictionary definition of "canard" is?

Look it up if you don't :p
Intel should start fearing ARM at least a bit with Microsoft starting Windows 10 on ARM branch - if successful it may undermine Intel even more in low power segment and from there.....
I mean even if they can come close to performance I would buy just to help avoid the monopoly that Intel has right now. They released a 1700 dollar CPU this year! I mean come on!

In the same boat, myself. I currently have a Haswell build right now and if AMD can at LEAST meet it in single threaded applications, I'll look into doing a new build just to support them. The fact that we're only seeing as much IPC gains from Intel that they can minimally allow for several gens now is not something that should be encouraged.
I am super excited for Ryzen and have always wanted a CPU with more cores but was unwilling to pay for the intel prices. I hope that the prices for the Ryzen CPU and Vega GPU are reasonable, because if so I think I will go all AMD this year.

Same, it will feel great to be balls deep in AMD swag again. Those were some of my favorite years building PCs. Actual competition and a reason to turn to AMD.
F** you AMD.


i know that feeling, lol.. i really need to do a new system build but given prices of cpu's as of late i doubt i'll be able to afford the new ryzen chips given i'd have to buy a new motherboard and ram which will be pricey if ryzen gets close to competing with intel's latest processors. so far though things sound really promising and i hope the hype pays off for AMD since we really need the competition back in the CPU market and i'd love to go back to supporting them with my wallet(when i can afford it of course).

This is an excellent point that's often overlooked. In the early Athlon days, the chips may have indeed been faster in many cases but the motherboards they ran on were garbage. I worked in a service center where we had stacks and stacks of Slot A motherboards with fried voltage hardware.

lol i remember that, i think by the time socket A athlon era was over i had collected around 10-12 motherboards that i had killed from overclocking.. interestingly enough it was the dirt cheap motherboard everyone said sucked (because my parents finally said i killed to many motherboards and they wouldn't buy me anymore of the good ones) that survived the longest with an overclocked athlon 1700+ in it.
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AMD talked alot about how the chip can sense load and temperature in various parts of the cores to optimize its speed based on thermals and such. I read this as the chip will be running close to its limits out of the factory (assuming good cooling is in place) and you won't have a lot of overclocking headroom. Very much like how the new 7700k has a high stock frequency with lots of fancy sensors, fast state changes, and not a lot of headroom.
Where can I buy a APU MB with specs similar to a hero alpha? It doesn't exist that I know of. If that same thing happens with Ryzen - all cheapass $60-120 MBs, it doesn't really matter how good the chip is.
There are decent AM3/3+ boards, although features are long in the tooth. The APU's had more then their fair share of good boards (solid caps, plenty of features, name brands), and nothing could touch them for the price. FM2/2+ are budget boards by the nature of the APU that you would put in them. Your question is very ignorant. Are you seriously asking what super spec MB for your $80 APU?
Ryzen will have some medium priced and some high priced boards. I don't think there will be much in savings, if any compared to an equivalent Intel board. There wasn't on the top of the line AM3+ boards. In fact one of the hindrances of the FX line is when the CPU's dropped in price, it was still too expensive for a top AM3+ MB.
AMD talked alot about how the chip can sense load and temperature in various parts of the cores to optimize its speed based on thermals and such. I read this as the chip will be running close to its limits out of the factory (assuming good cooling is in place) and you won't have a lot of overclocking headroom. Very much like how the new 7700k has a high stock frequency with lots of fancy sensors, fast state changes, and not a lot of headroom.
well not quite the same. That 7700 has a definite clock. The Ryzen is apparently dynamic, more akin to Nvidias boost if all ive seen was accurate.
well not quite the same. That 7700 has a definite clock. The Ryzen is apparently dynamic, more akin to Nvidias boost if all ive seen was accurate.
Ryzen will have a definite clock. It will start at 3.4ghz. It was clear in the zen preview when Lisa said Ryzen start at 3.4ghz+. + probably meaning may be higher end chip. Who knows. It will however scale past the base speed with what you can call it self overclocking I guess given power and cooling.
They forgot the network drivers? How'd the rest of the install go?
youre just jumping to bad conclusions because you want there to be problems. they most likely left the network drivers uninstalled on purpose. since its at CES they wouldn't want it to have internet access. think about it for a sec...
Linus was saying that the Frame rates in the comparison 6900K and SR7 had the Zen running about 96-97% to that of the 6900K, but what was really impressive was the streaming and lack of latency. He was talking about that being the strength of AMD Neural Networking technology. AMD didn't have XFR running yet which can change the performance a little more. Overall it looks very promising.
There are decent AM3/3+ boards, although features are long in the tooth. The APU's had more then their fair share of good boards (solid caps, plenty of features, name brands), and nothing could touch them for the price. FM2/2+ are budget boards by the nature of the APU that you would put in them. Your question is very ignorant. Are you seriously asking what super spec MB for your $80 APU?
Ryzen will have some medium priced and some high priced boards. I don't think there will be much in savings, if any compared to an equivalent Intel board. There wasn't on the top of the line AM3+ boards. In fact one of the hindrances of the FX line is when the CPU's dropped in price, it was still too expensive for a top AM3+ MB.
I picked up an A10 7890k at Microcenter on a deal. I knew in advance I would be throwing the old watercooling gear I had laying around which previously cooled my old core2 quad 9650 processor (after 7 years of being overclocked, the MB finally gave up the ghost), so I was willing to toss extra bucks on a high end motherboard so I could get the best possible overclock out of the chip. I had to settle for an A88X-Pro - not a bad motherboard by any means, but since i was reusing a ton of parts, I would have easily dropped $250 on a motherboard like a hero alpha or hero forumula. Sadly, you can't get that kind of board for an APU, so i had to settle.
Got my money in hand ready to see these first hand. Can't wait to get one of these up an running. Slap a water cooler on it and see where we can go.
Oh god I want that red motherboard. Anyone else with me? Back to the Soyo Dragon/MSI days? (I know its not for sale but I just thought the red PCB was cool, brings back memories)
I want this, minus well upgrade half my rigs from overclocked sandys and westmeres

I really want a r9 490 to mine on because 64 cu's and hbm should be a beast

I really want someone to get their shit together and get a consumer mobo for a power 8 cpu because a 5ghz 8core+ is soooooo tempting even if i have to hypervise everything.

and thats about all free bj's for anyone who can get me that :p
Linus was saying that the Frame rates in the comparison 6900K and SR7 had the Zen running about 96-97% to that of the 6900K, but what was really impressive was the streaming and lack of latency. He was talking about that being the strength of AMD Neural Networking technology. AMD didn't have XFR running yet which can change the performance a little more. Overall it looks very promising.

Do you even understand the meaning of some of the words you used?