Is it really worth going to Window 10 from Windows 7

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yea i am contemplating doing the same thing on my laptop, lol, never used linux before but its gotta be an improvement.

If you have a free 4gb+ Usb stick around it costs you nothing to boot a live distro off it to check it out. No need to commit instantly. If you boot of a USB and everything just works it should give you a good idea what your looking at if you decide to install it to a hdd.
I started off using Linux just out of curiosity more than anything, a few years ago, on an old cheap Core 2 Dell Optiplex with bulging capacitors. I've always been keen to learn and over time I found that not only was I using the little Dell more and more over my overclocked Windows PC because it was less power hungry and quieter, I was really enjoying Linux - It's so neat, clean and tidy. It looks the way I want it to look, not the way a third party wants it to look and it felt like my own creation. As time went on my terminal skills improved, however I was surprised at just how little the terminal was necessary, perhaps my expectations regarding the necessity of the terminal under Linux were just outdated?

As time went on I replaced the bulging capacitors in that little Optiplex, I swapped the E6600 for the fabled Q6600, I added more ram and an Nvidia graphics card as well as a cheap SSD. By this stage I was hardly using my Windows PC at all and had installed Steam under Linux and was even experimenting with Steam and a few games, honestly I was impressed!

Since then I've replaced the little Dell with something better, I've done quite a bit of distro hopping only to end up close to where I started back in *buntu land, I feel as comfortable with Linux as I felt with Windows - In fact Windows is the OS that's beginning to feel alien to me now. I doubt I'll ever fully go back to Windows. I've added a second processor to my system and doubled the ram capacity and I've installed Windows 7 under Virtualbox and have started migrating my physical Windows PC to the VM, the Windows PC is just taking up precious desk space that I could use for other, more important things. Not too sure just what I'll do with the Windows PC.

It's a journey that's as positive as your attitude going into it. If you decide to try Linux be prepared to become frustrated, but enjoy learning from your frustration. Starting out everything is uphill battles, but if you enjoy challenges, if you enjoy learning, you'll do fine.

Terminal is still the best way to do a lot of things... of course in general if you want to do it in a GUI you can these days. Terminal isn't as scary as some people let on. Of course at first like anything new you have to be a humble student and be willing to do a bit of reading and learning. Having said that though... Linux uses almost the same commands as Unix, more then a few years back when my grandfather was still with us, I remember he was so confused by windows 95 or 98 back then can't remember which was current. However he saw my Linux machine at the time and new all the commands lol, told me ohhh this is like the machines I used in the 70s. lol It was right then that I think I realised for the first time that its MS that is the odd man out. :)

I don't blame MS but one of the worst things that ever happened to the computing masses imo was the death of DOS and text input in regard to the PC at least. Typing commands isn't that big a deal, and its sad to say but in the late 80s early 90s people had a much better handle on how their systems worked in general.

I know it sounds geeky and some people here will just say I just want my games to work instantly... but messing with the OS is fun. As long as I have been using Linux there still so much to learn. I learn new things all the time, and those new things aren't new ways I'm forced to disable X or Y after some patch turns it back on. ;)

I had windows 10 on my machine for a few months back around the time 10 came out. The main issue I had was I just didn't use it enough. Every time I booted it windows wanted to do an hour worth of updates and reboots. I guess if I used it every day that would have been less of an issue. Having said that after the 3rd or 4th time of 40-60 min of updates to realise MS reverted a ton of settings on me I killed it in a fit of rage. lol I have a windows 8 install on an spare HDD that I fire up for a couple games I play a few times a month... honestly windows 8 with updates turned off. lol Ya its not secure but I use that OS for nothing I don't go on the net I don't check my mail I don't do my banking, it plays games for a few hours a month. If it blows up I won't be replacing it. Chances are I'll get those games up and running well enough via DXVK soon enough that I won't care.
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First time I used linux/unix I was completely clueless and it seemed like voodoo. The first touch I got to a terminal interface was when I compiled IRC bots using the internet service providers shell resource which back then was included in the internet subscription. I was a clueless windows user back then and was struggling to get the windows patched against winnuke etc. DoS attacks which were abundant on IRC back then. After that I've been using linux more and more and absolutely prefer to do things in the terminal instead of using GUI.
Windows 10 is a heaping pile of shit. The UI sucks. The telemetry/spying sucks. The "reset your preferences" sucks. I hate it. Literally hate it. It was Windows 10 that got me to move to linux as my daily desktop. When I want to game, I fire up the VM and endure the shitty win10 GUI long enough to play. And MS doesn't get to suck very much information from my Steam library.

WooHoo, another Windows thread that has turned into the Year of the Linux Desktop, 2018 edition! :D :whistle::joyful::ROFLMAO:
You cant buy it that way legally.
Best to steer clear of W10.

You sure that people can't buy LTSB legally from unofficial license resellers? Remember EULA are not laws, and they're filled with illegitimate BS that is non-enforceable. The European Union's highest court ruled that software licenses are personal property and a person who owns a software licenses is fully entitled to resell them per their sole discretion.

That would mean that anybody with an LTSB license is lawfully entitled to sell them - which would imply that anybody wanting to buy one could do so from someone selling theirs.

Also, there are LTSB licenses for sale on eBay. If they were illegal to sell or buy, those would be removed.

I think Microsoft claims or tries to suggest that its LTSB licenses cannot be resold, but that's just corporate PR that holds no legal bearing - especially not in Europe.
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no point sticking with W7 now...end of life is coming up soon...I stuck with W7 for a long time but after using W10 for awhile I've grown to like's no XP or W7 but it's a nice modern OS...I try to remove as much of the spying crap as possible but I'm sure it's deeply embedded into the OS itself...everything is being used to spy on you nowadays from your Smart TV, phone, internet etc so W10 is just par for the course...use another OS for your illegal activities
no point sticking with W7 now...end of life is coming up soon...I stuck with W7 for a long time but after using W10 for awhile I've grown to like's no XP or W7 but it's a nice modern OS...I try to remove as much of the spying crap as possible but I'm sure it's deeply embedded into the OS itself...everything is being used to spy on you nowadays from your Smart TV, phone, internet etc so W10 is just par for the course...use another OS for your illegal activities

It doesn't make sense to move away from Windows 7 when it's still a good ways off from OEL. Why move before there's a reason to?

Also, why move after there are no more security updates? I've ran non-updated Windows OSes for years and years. There's no issue with doing that, so long as you're familiar with the internet and don't visit sketchy sites and don't open files or click links in spam emails. If a person is concerned, then they can just get a good anti-virus. But even that's not needed if you have safe browsing habits.
I will not complain about Windows 10 itself, but recently I run into a problem quite a few have experienced - clone windows to a new ssd and want to make things right but the bios was set to IDE on installing previous Windows/upgrade to Windows 10, makes me wonder - this is so much common problem for some and the fix looks easy for experiensed users - changing few values in registry or booting in safe mode, yet Microsoft as only option recommends reinstalling whole OS (which is painful if you have many installed apps and configurations done) for just to change from IDE to AHCI driver on boot? Why haven't Microsoft releaded simple utility to do that or even better, why Windows 10 still won't detect and load correct driver depending on AHCI or IDE setting?
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It doesn't make sense to move away from Windows 7 when it's still a good ways off from OEL. Why move before there's a reason to?

nothing wrong with sticking with W7 if you still like it...I still have W7 installed on a backup hard drive but it looks and feels dated to me...also feels slower for some MS continues to backport a lot of the telemetry crap into W7 so if you think you're free of that by using it you're mistaken
WooHoo, another Windows thread that has turned into the Year of the Linux Desktop, 2018 edition! :D :whistle::joyful::ROFLMAO:
Given the OP has been on here a few years, I am working under the hypothesis that this thread had a particular goal and it's been achieved. Note that the goal was never about actually using Windows 10.
plus MS continues to backport a lot of the telemetry crap into W7 so if you think you're free of that by using it you're mistaken

That's why I install Win 7 from a June 2015 image, which is before Microsoft started back-adding telemetry. And after installing Windows 7 I then turn off Windows Update and leave it turned off for the life of that installation.

I have a Win 7 boot that I've used heavily since 2013, having turned-off Windows Update turned around August - October 2015 (I also uninstalled the telemetry updates that were downloaded before I turned it off), and it has had zero issues. But my Windows 10 installations have had many issues in the same 3 years that my Windows 7 OS has received no updates. And I've had to reinstall Windows 10 multiple times due to all the issues that those installations have had.

That isnt what I said.

Well, you said "You cant buy it that way legally", and my response means to ask in regards to "that way", as in from resellers. I'll edit my prior post to clarify that.
Well, you said "You cant buy it that way legally", and my response means to ask in regards to "that way", as in from resellers. I'll edit my prior post to clarify that.

The sellers risk the wrath of MS lawyers.
Up to them.
Any license purchased this way could be nulled.
I'm amazed that some of you people can't see where Windows 10 is leading you. Sheep to the slaughter, lol.

Not a lot of choices for those that have a lot of Windows only compatible hardware and software. Even if what you say is true I'd have to throw away thousands of dollars in hardware and software so whatever consequences there are in continuing to use Windows 10, all the other options have expensive consequences as well.
Not a lot of choices for those that have a lot of Windows only compatible hardware and software. Even if what you say is true I'd have to throw away thousands of dollars in hardware and software so whatever consequences there are in continuing to use Windows 10, all the other options have expensive consequences as well.

You chose to tie yourself to the ecosystem so you can only blame yourself. Unfortunately if nobody stands up to the oppression MS is free to treat you customers as they wish.
That's not how it works though. Current PC VR started out with Oculus, HTC and Valve. Initially Oculus was even going to support Linux but dropped support. Linux Steam VR has been in beta for over a year and has gone practically nowhere. So preaching about one choosing to lock oneself in is a load of nonsense. PC VR was essentially a blank slate two years ago and even Valve has bothered little to this point to advance it on Linux.

And if all the desktop Linux community is going to do is preach self righteous platitudes instead of doing the hard work to bring new tech to the platform, that's the Linux community's fault, not Microsoft's.

You're wrong. Microsoft has a history of practising illegal or unethical business practises, limiting consumers from options. Anyone supporting them is participating in the downfall of computing and consumer choice. The complaints people have about Windows 10 stem from the fact that Microsoft doesn't have any real competition due to years hard efforts to block any. Consumers lose, Microsoft wins.

So just say no. Choose to use alternatives, whatever they are. Games are for kids, get a Playstation.
You're wrong. Microsoft has a history of practising illegal or unethical business practises, limiting consumers from options. Anyone supporting them is participating in the downfall of computing and consumer choice. The complaints people have about Windows 10 stem from the fact that Microsoft doesn't have any real competition due to years hard efforts to block any. Consumers lose, Microsoft wins.

So just say no. Choose to use alternatives, whatever they are. Games are for kids, get a Playstation.

So, you are saying Kyle Bennett is a sheep and a kid, eh? I know he has been called an asshole from time to time but these are new too me. :D
That's not how it works though. Current PC VR started out with Oculus, HTC and Valve. Initially Oculus was even going to support Linux but dropped support. Linux Steam VR has been in beta for over a year and has gone practically nowhere. So preaching about one choosing to lock oneself in is a load of nonsense. PC VR was essentially a blank slate two years ago and even Valve has bothered little to this point to advance it on Linux.

And if all the desktop Linux community is going to do is preach self righteous platitudes instead of doing the hard work to bring new tech to the platform, that's the Linux community's fault, not Microsoft's.

Which, at least on the desktop, is mostly all that the Linux Community does, preach how great they are well failing to fix the biggest issues, which the number one is the bad fragmentation.
So, you are saying Kyle Bennett is a sheep and a kid, eh? I know he has been called an asshole from time to time but these are new too me. :D

One of the main reasons I got into PC VR is because of this site and all of the interesting and positive stuff that was said about. And when I got the setup myself I entirely agreed with the assessments here. This was and still is something of a greenfield technology that desktop Linux had as much chance at Windows is driving new things. And not even Valve did much besides give lip service to Linux Steam VR.
I'm amazed that some of you people can't see where Windows 10 is leading you. Sheep to the slaughter, lol.

Is it where Windows 10 is leading us? Or is it where Facebook, Google, and most of the internet has been leading us for years and Microsoft is simply following? As much as all of us would love for operating systems to never have advanced past Windows 7, can Microsoft really afford to ignore the direction the world is heading, and is it their fault that the world is heading in that direction? Microsoft didn't invent telemetry based spying, cloud bullshit, and all of the stuff that Facebook, Google, and others have been making billions off of most of the last decade. If anything, Microsoft has been mostly late to the game.

Don't get mad at Microsoft just because you don't like the way the world works these days. Microsoft is a company that has to try to make money, and with the way other companies are making money now, the path is clear.
Which, at least on the desktop, is mostly all that the Linux Community does, preach how great they are well failing to fix the biggest issues, which the number one is the bad fragmentation.

Fragmentation is a big one, but I think the biggest is simply lack of an ecosystem. Telling people how "wrong" they are about trying out new things when the alternative is to simply bash something you don't use is hardly any kind of alternative.
Don't get mad at Microsoft just because you don't like the way the world works these days. Microsoft is a company that has to try to make money, and with the way other companies are making money now, the path is clear.

The notion that Windows stays any where relevant to consumers is by sticking to a decades old desktop computing paradigm is ridiculous. I perfectly understand people not liking were a lot of this is headed, but we are where we are and no one is really offering anything more than FUD.

If you don't like where this all headed then make something better. Because just bashing stuff you don't like won't change much.
So just say no. Choose to use alternatives, whatever they are. Games are for kids, get a Playstation.

PC gaming has done as much as anything to drive the state of the art in PC tech. From faster CPUs, GPUs, storage, better displays, mice, keyboards, gaming.

As the cliché goes, the difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. Boys game on PlayStations.
I started off using Linux just out of curiosity more than anything, a few years ago, on an old cheap Core 2 Dell Optiplex with bulging capacitors. I've always been keen to learn and over time I found that not only was I using the little Dell more and more over my overclocked Windows PC because it was less power hungry and quieter, I was really enjoying Linux - It's so neat, clean and tidy. It looks the way I want it to look, not the way a third party wants it to look and it felt like my own creation. As time went on my terminal skills improved, however I was surprised at just how little the terminal was necessary, perhaps my expectations regarding the necessity of the terminal under Linux were just outdated?

As time went on I replaced the bulging capacitors in that little Optiplex, I swapped the E6600 for the fabled Q6600, I added more ram and an Nvidia graphics card as well as a cheap SSD. By this stage I was hardly using my Windows PC at all and had installed Steam under Linux and was even experimenting with Steam and a few games, honestly I was impressed!

Since then I've replaced the little Dell with something better, I've done quite a bit of distro hopping only to end up close to where I started back in *buntu land, I feel as comfortable with Linux as I felt with Windows - In fact Windows is the OS that's beginning to feel alien to me now. I doubt I'll ever fully go back to Windows. I've added a second processor to my system and doubled the ram capacity and I've installed Windows 7 under Virtualbox and have started migrating my physical Windows PC to the VM, the Windows PC is just taking up precious desk space that I could use for other, more important things. Not too sure just what I'll do with the Windows PC.

It's a journey that's as positive as your attitude going into it. If you decide to try Linux be prepared to become frustrated, but enjoy learning from your frustration. Starting out everything is uphill battles, but if you enjoy challenges, if you enjoy learning, you'll do fine.

Yea I've tried it years ago but I was always a gamer so it was worthless to me, but I don't game anymore so Im sure it would suit my needs just fine now, I'll have to try it again. Thanks.
You're wrong. Microsoft has a history of practising illegal or unethical business practises, limiting consumers from options. Anyone supporting them is participating in the downfall of computing and consumer choice. The complaints people have about Windows 10 stem from the fact that Microsoft doesn't have any real competition due to years hard efforts to block any. Consumers lose, Microsoft wins.

So just say no. Choose to use alternatives, whatever they are. Games are for kids, get a Playstation.

I like the first part of your post, but the PlayStation comment is ridiculous, real gamers game on pc, consoles are for kids, they are essentially cheaper shittier pcs with worse hardware, controls and graphics. They getting better these days, but pc still kills them easily
I like the first part of your post, but the PlayStation comment is ridiculous, real gamers game on pc, consoles are for kids, they are essentially cheaper shittier pcs with worse hardware, controls and graphics. They getting better these days, but pc still kills them easily

PGMR person sighted. :rolleyes: Real gamers game, period. Amazing how people attempt to define others based upon their own daily usage of things.
PGMR person sighted. :rolleyes: Real gamers game, period. Amazing how people attempt to define others based upon their own daily usage of things.
I have always had both PS and xboxes for GTA, but if you play first person shooters a pc is the ONLY way to go. They suck on consoles, missing half the game, lol
PGMR person sighted. :rolleyes: Real gamers game, period. Amazing how people attempt to define others based upon their own daily usage of things.

I get what you're saying. As a long time PC gamer I admit that I've biased. But powerful PCs currently represent the most aspirational platform for gaming. The difference between can we make it fit versus what can we do?
I have always had both PS and xboxes for GTA, but if you play first person shooters a pc is the ONLY way to go. They suck on consoles, missing half the game, lol

Yet, what you just said now and what you said before do not line up. Are you are real gamer or not? :LOL::D

I get what you're saying. As a long time PC gamer I admit that I've biased. But powerful PCs currently represent the most aspirational platform for gaming. The difference between can we make it fit versus what can we do?

I prefer to have all the options, especially since I can now afford them, later in my life. :) In fact, the Xbox 360 is really fun to play on and yes, the are real games because they are games. Heck, that would be like saying back in the day, only real gamers game on an Amiga, since the PC was a complete joke in comparison, back in those days.
Yet, what you just said now and what you said before do not line up. Are you are real gamer or not? :LOL::D

I prefer to have all the options, especially since I can now afford them, later in my life. :) In fact, the Xbox 360 is really fun to play on and yes, the are real games because they are games. Heck, that would be like saying back in the day, only real gamers game on an Amiga, since the PC was a complete joke in comparison, back in those days.

Can I not like real games and kid games too? There's a large of games and I like to have them all, but if you can't tell the difference between console and pc games then I'm gonna guess you've never had a good gaming pc setup or you don't play many different kinds of games.
Can I not like real games and kid games too? There's a large of games and I like to have them all, but if you can't tell the difference between console and pc games then I'm gonna guess you've never had a good gaming pc setup or you don't play many different kinds of games.

Ummmm, no, just no. :D What you game on is not and has never been a determining factor on whether you are a real gamer or not. If you game, you are a real gamer, period. Perhaps assuming is more like what you are doing, and you know what that does...……… :D
Ummmm, no, just no. :D What you game on is not and has never been a determining factor on whether you are a real gamer or not. If you game, you are a real gamer, period. Perhaps assuming is more like what you are doing, and you know what that does...……… :D
Go play battlefield on good gaming rig and then go play it on a console, you'll figure it out pretty quick that a pc is by far superior. But they should be, they cost about 8 times more, simple common sense.
Go play battlefield on good gaming rig and then go play it on a console, you'll figure it out pretty quick that a pc is by far superior. But they should be, they cost about 8 times more, simple common sense.

And that has all of nothing to do with being a real gamer.

I like the first part of your post, but the PlayStation comment is ridiculous, real gamers game on pc, consoles are for kids, they are essentially cheaper shittier pcs with worse hardware, controls and graphics. They getting better these days, but pc still kills them easily

Real gamers game. However, based upon this post:

I have always had both PS and xboxes for GTA, but if you play first person shooters a pc is the ONLY way to go. They suck on consoles, missing half the game, lol

You are not a real gamer anymore. Turn in your PGMR badge and hang your head in shame. :D
This thread has gotten brutal. :ROFLMAO:

We've all spent a lot of time and money on PCs and gaming so we're all passionate about the subject. And at least from our on perspectives not wrong in our beliefs. Windows 7 or 8.1 or Linux simply won't support all of the hardware and software I use so that's how I see it. Others have different perspectives.
You are not a real gamer anymore. Turn in your PGMR badge and hang your head in shame. :D

There's just a lot of options and power with PC gaming that are there with consoles. Doesn't mean that people playing games on phones or consoles don't love and appreciate games, great games don't need tons of compute power. But good games that do use that kind of power well are appreciated for it.
no point sticking with W7 now...end of life is coming up soon...I stuck with W7 for a long time but after using W10 for awhile I've grown to like's no XP or W7 but it's a nice modern OS...I try to remove as much of the spying crap as possible but I'm sure it's deeply embedded into the OS itself...everything is being used to spy on you nowadays from your Smart TV, phone, internet etc so W10 is just par for the course...use another OS for your illegal activities

Ah the old if your not doing anything illegal you have nothing to hide defence. lol :)
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