Intel 2004 Purchase Program

Hmm. I am only at 8k chips and still no notice. I guess it has only been two weeks, but it feels much longer. Well, back to wishing I was a lucky person... :)

Has anyone not in the 10k club got their bundle?
ShepsCrook said:
Oh finally! I get my notice! woohoo! Wonder how long it will take to ship. :)

Mine shipped the same day I ordered (3 hours after I ordered I received my "your order has been shipped" email.). I ordered on Friday and received it Tuesday by about 3pm. I did pay extra for the 2 day though (4 bucks...not too bad).
Well to update my 8k chip count, I was verified and I ordered today! I didn't get a shipping verification, which means I will probably get it sometime next week.

I hope this helps anyone still waiting...
I work at Fry's and currently I have 9420 points. I work at returns. I put myself as PC Salesperson. When I put other a week ago, it said you're not eligible. Then I put PC Salesperson. It's still unverified. Now when I put other. Still not verified. Weird man. It's pissing me off.

If I work in returns, what would you put it as?

UPDATE: Now if I put other, I close the website and login again. It says I am not eligible. If I change it, it says I am not verified.
Vesentac said:
Holy Shit, I'm in the 10K club, and I havent gotten verified wtf.

just give it time.... and keep your fingers crossed. Have you talked to your boss to make sure he kows wtf is going on when Intel calls?
Vesentac said:
Holy Shit, I'm in the 10K club, and I havent gotten verified wtf.

god damnit, that really pisses me off, fuckers w/ 8K are getting there shit before me with 16k and have been working on it the entire time get anything WTF?!
as a 'sucker' with 8k, my only defense is that I signed up for the bundle as soon as the website was updated. Oh, and I kept a good attitude about when I would get the bundle.
I've got 13,000+ chips and I clicked the verify employment... arg... it's been at least a week or two now... getting anoying. Last year it only took them 2 days!

I really want this, I've done the intel deal for 4 years now.

I'm still waiting also - have not heard a thing. I'm @ 14040 in points and I work in a correct department so there should be no problem, but I don't think my store has a Intel rep so we'll see.
dementer said:

god damnit, that really pisses me off, fuckers w/ 8K are getting there shit before me with 16k and have been working on it the entire time get anything WTF?!

Don't get so pissy. Damn. There aren't even 10,000 people in the 10 club so intel is probably moving through the first 10000 people that are 7000 and up. Besides for all you know your boss didn't pick up the phone for the first 2 rounds of verification and that could be the reason for the delay. The website says anybody over 10k is guaranteed a bundle so keep your panties on. :D

If you order it will come...... lol... man am I bored....
bobwrong said:
Don't get so pissy. Damn. There aren't even 10,000 people in the 10 club so intel is probably moving through the first 10000 people that are 7000 and up. Besides for all you know your boss didn't pick up the phone for the first 2 rounds of verification and that could be the reason for the delay. The website says anybody over 10k is guaranteed a bundle so keep your panties on. :D

If you order it will come...... lol... man am I bored....

*pulls up panties*
ya, but it still makes me mad... I was in ~20 min after it opened, I have 16,970 chips and i don't get my stuff.
yet people w/ 8000 chips who enterd in 2 days after it opened have it at their door step...
dementer said:
*pulls up panties*
ya, but it still makes me mad... I was in ~20 min after it opened, I have 16,970 chips and i don't get my stuff.
yet people w/ 8000 chips who enterd in 2 days after it opened have it at their door step...

lol.. :D :D

Yeah, it is kind of a bitch I guess. If I'm not mistaken the same thing happened last year with the intel deal. I didn't take part in it that time though..... damn intel needs to get their orders straight eh?
bobwrong said:
lol.. :D :D

Yeah, it is kind of a bitch I guess. If I'm not mistaken the same thing happened last year with the intel deal. I didn't take part in it that time though..... damn intel needs to get their orders straight eh?
last year it was when you got in, is when you got a call

i was in about 8 hours after it opened so i didn't get it till really late, but this year is seems to be a random as all hell way of going about it
bobwrong said:
lol.. :D :D

Yeah, it is kind of a bitch I guess. If I'm not mistaken the same thing happened last year with the intel deal. I didn't take part in it that time though..... damn intel needs to get their orders straight eh?

Last year, when I got my intel retail edge package, they forgot to include the processor. :rolleyes:

Talk about disapointment.
Jonsey said:
Last year, when I got my intel retail edge package, they forgot to include the processor. :rolleyes:

Talk about disapointment.

ya, that would make you be about as happy as i am, maybe a little more pissed though..
dementer said:
ya, that would make you be about as happy as i am, maybe a little more pissed though..

I think I'd be even more pissed.....imagine the intel rep on the phone: "sure...we forgot the processor....did you want an extra motherboard too or have we already sent you 2 of those?"..... lol

I bet that was a pain in the ass....

On the's cheap. :D
bobwrong said:
I think I'd be even more pissed.....imagine the intel rep on the phone: "sure...we forgot the processor....did you want an extra motherboard too or have we already sent you 2 of those?"..... lol

I bet that was a pain in the ass....

On the's cheap. :D

I was wondering what they would say before I called them up. How could I prove they hadn't sent the processor? The intel rep looked at the shipping recipt and he said he could see my package was too light, so it was obvious the processor was gone. He was friendly and I got my processor within a week.
Jonsey said:
I was wondering what they would say before I called them up. How could I prove they hadn't sent the processor? The intel rep looked at the shipping recipt and he said he could see my package was too light, so it was obvious the processor was gone. He was friendly and I got my processor within a week.

Wow! :eek: Score one for customer service. Not to bad on that one. I would have expected that to drag out for at least a month with any company. gg Intel.
here is what is sad. Today we got a call at CompUSSR for verifying ONE of the SIX employees that is getting this bundle...sad my manager WHO IS ONE OF THOSE SIX got called...and he didnt get verified...but that ONE employee they called about did...
Woohoo! I just got my intel stuff today. As well as my K8N Neo 2 Platinum board so I will be building my main rig today and tomorrow. I need to trade this Intel board to someone for one that doesn't have DDR2 and PCI-E because that's worthless to me.

I would like to move my Ati Radeon 9800 Pro AIW to the intel rig, and my Samsung PC3200 Ram as well. To reduce cost. Allowing me to purchase a 6800GT for my gaming rig. :)

I think the best part to today was seeing both UPS and FedEx show up at my door at the same time, kinda looking at each other funny.
It's all good. I got mine.. I dunno what order they are doing them.. maybe the order people reuqested them..
I got denied and they resetted my points. Little @$&$@&

Man I worked so hard and went to seminars and those damn idiots denied me. It said I don't work there but I do work there and in Returns Department.
Slava said:
I got denied and they resetted my points. Little @$&$@&

Man I worked so hard and went to seminars and those damn idiots denied me. It said I don't work there but I do work there and in Returns Department.

Perhaps you should give Intel a call and see what's up. I'm sure they just couldn't get through to your boss in a timely manner. What store do you work for? Did you let your boss know Intel was going to be calling? I've found it's a lot easier if you let 'em know so they aren't like..."wtf are you talking about" when they get the call from the intel rep.

Follow through and maybe they will set you up after all...maybe not but it can't hurt to try yeah?
I work at Fremont Fry's Electronics. There is 5 supervisors, 1 department manager in one whole department. They could've even called store manager or even Audio/Video or Telecom. Of course those don't know me. Store manager cannot remember all the names of everyone. What number should call to talk to intel?
I do not think my store has a rep - how can I contact my rep if I don't know who he/she is? :confused: Is there a way to contact retailedge as mentioned above or some way to find out who the area rep is? I emailed Intel a week ago with these questions but I have not gotten a reply. They said 4-6 weeks and we are getting close, what is the hold up? I qualify in every way and my manager knows they will be calling, I even gave them his cell number to speed things up but that has not helped. Who is the Midwest Area intel retail contact - anyone know? Thanks if you do.
I may give up on Intel soon. I think I'll build a Althon64 system insted - no need for DDR2 will make up the extra money on the MB and CPU. The six weeks will soon be up and still no contact.
I got approved and will receive combo on tuesday. I will sell that crappy mobo and buy abit or asus mobo that supports ddr1 and pci-e. What mobo would you guys recommend to get from those 2 manufacturers?
I bought the Soltek SL-865Pro 775. It's not bad. But for some reason it's only recognizing the processor as running at 2.8ghrz. Rather then 3.4. I think it just needs a bios update. I haven't looked into it all that much. I think if I put it up to the 3.4ghrz it might run a little hot with the stock heatsink and fan. Right now I'm idling at about 51c - 54c. Not sure what the room temp is because I don't have a thermometer in here. It's only my workhorse computer anyways.

I have no use for the Intel motherboard. I need to sell mine off. Same with the Windows XP Pro SP2 cd. Don't really need that either.
ShepsCrook said:
I bought the Soltek SL-865Pro 775. It's not bad. But for some reason it's only recognizing the processor as running at 2.8ghrz. Rather then 3.4. I think it just needs a bios update. I haven't looked into it all that much. I think if I put it up to the 3.4ghrz it might run a little hot with the stock heatsink and fan. Right now I'm idling at about 51c - 54c. Not sure what the room temp is because I don't have a thermometer in here. It's only my workhorse computer anyways.

I have no use for the Intel motherboard. I need to sell mine off. Same with the Windows XP Pro SP2 cd. Don't really need that either.

I'll give ya $10 ea :)
My boss did that ... he also jumped on the deal with the Xeon processors. What deal is that, you ask?

Two 3.0GHz Xeons with 1MB of cache each
Intel Server Board SE7520BD2
Intel Server Chassis SC5300BRP

Don't remember the price, though ... it's been about a month since he did it.
dblagent said:
I do not think my store has a rep - how can I contact my rep if I don't know who he/she is? :confused: Is there a way to contact retailedge as mentioned above or some way to find out who the area rep is? I emailed Intel a week ago with these questions but I have not gotten a reply. They said 4-6 weeks and we are getting close, what is the hold up? I qualify in every way and my manager knows they will be calling, I even gave them his cell number to speed things up but that has not helped. Who is the Midwest Area intel retail contact - anyone know? Thanks if you do.

i just got an email saying that best buy is not doing "phone verification" and therefore its by email

so it shouldnt take too long

however im not in the computer dept (i do work there but i work in home theatre) i hope it wont decline me b/c of it

just giving a status update.
Thanks for the update. I have almost given up, I'm looking at Althon64 939 systems now. My desktop died and I need a new one now so Intel may lose out for me. Four years and they have screwed up every time.
I received the BBY e-mail too. They say they are working with Best Buy Corporate to get us verified. It doesn't surprise me that Corporate would do something like this. I think they're looking for some kick back.