Tribes Ascend now live


I don't know what to say, either that guy is a complete tool or a trolling genius, I'm leaning towards the later...

Think he's just making fun of people who do that crap.

He has a technician video too, and it basically says to just repair your deployable turret and put it in the middle of nowhere so you won't die....because not dieing equals you winning.

I know the non-repairing techs or only gen repair techs drive me nuts because I both help them with the gen and then have to run around repairing all the turrets and radar....which without them up the generator is a lot less useful.
So far I haven't seen any 50-75% off daily deals...How often do they come up? Best I've seen so far is like 30-40% I think, and mostly they've been 25% off.
So far I haven't seen any 50-75% off daily deals...How often do they come up? Best I've seen so far is like 30-40% I think, and mostly they've been 25% off.

Totally random, I get quite a few 65%-70% off ones, sadly it is usually on stuff I have no desire to get even if it was the % off exp lol
Being totally free, how is it actively supported. Ads?

You buy gold to use if you want to unlock stuff faster then using exp you earn, also skins can only be bought with gold and you can rent your own private servers for gold as well. Oh, and boosters are only available with gold as well.
So fun pissing people off as a sentinel. A good sentinel can shut down an enemy team's cappers.
So I've been "hoarding" gold and XP because I'm not sure what I should buy with it. I haven't played a ton but I've got 1050 GP and about 16000 XP. Are classes and weapons pretty much the only things you should get? Or should I go for accessories? Skins I couldn't give two shits about, really.

I mostly just play as Soldier with a Spinfusor and Thumper D (default gear more or less), but I could try getting into other classes.
16000xp wont by you much do you mean 160,000?

Yeah 16k would unlock a class maybe but most of the weapons etc for the classes seem to be 70k plus.

I've had probably the most fun as soldier, it's a good mix of firepower and maneuverability IMO. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to do this against really skilled players, but I can grab and run the flag if I'm in a good spot for it. Last round I got the winning cap with a "llama grab", I actually had to look up what that meant(although I was pretty sure it was for going slow lol). I only did it because their defense was pretty bad and I was getting tired of nobody on my team having grabbed the flag in a really long time. I've had a couple of really good flag returns today too, both me and the carrier moving at high speed(150+, high for me as a noob anyway :p lol) in their base, last second grab and then high-tail it out of there as our team caps(we already had the flag) and then grabs their flag again. I usually try to get between our carrier and the people following him, then turn around and hit them as hard as I can. Mostly I play defense hanging around on our "half" of the map between our base and mid-field, but if I feel like our defense is in good shape I'll make may way up towards their base and see what's up and try to aid our carriers if I can.

So far I'm having a blast, just playing a little bit here and there but it's lots of fun. I almost forgot how much fun a really fast FPS can be after playing so much Battlefield(800 hours in BC2 lol) :D
So I've been "hoarding" gold and XP because I'm not sure what I should buy with it. I haven't played a ton but I've got 1050 GP and about 16000 XP. Are classes and weapons pretty much the only things you should get? Or should I go for accessories? Skins I couldn't give two shits about, really.

I mostly just play as Soldier with a Spinfusor and Thumper D (default gear more or less), but I could try getting into other classes.

Depends how you like playing. But you get the most "stuff" by unlocking it with XP and not gold. They are pretty cheap. Save your gold for big XP items and wait for discounts.

Don't buy anything with gold unless it's 60% off or more, it'll eat your gold up fast if you buy it under 50% because some of that stuff is just crazy expensive.

I mean....some of those weapons are 780 gold, that's around 5 bucks in real world money depending on how you buy gold, etc.

If you like soldier, and you're blowing up defense turrets or popping the gen. Brute would be good.

Doombringer is kinda boring....they NEED mines to defend if you're defending. Offensive they can be OK but it kinda sucks being stuck with forcefields on offense...they aren't very useful as a deployable on offense...takes too much effort to place them effectively and you will end up dead if you slow down to do it most times.

Sentinel if you're good is awesome, but otherwise it's just irritation trying to shoot things. You'll constantly feel like the gun doesn't do enough damage.

Raider is's tough to adjust to if you're used to spinfusors.

Technician is defensive, thumper makes that class more fun....and you can kill a lot of people and rack up some really good scores if you keep your deployable turrets in good places and the base gen, etc repaired. It's kind of monotonous and extremely irritating when people don't help you much either with repairing, stopping people from blowing stuff up or keeping people from killing you while you repair.

Think that's all the unlockable classes.

Try them in the target practice training mode. Just remember they'll all be better when you get armor upgrades and weapon upgrades via playing....armor upgrades make a pretty noticeable difference.
Well I see what you are looking at Mav, and the answer is it depends on what you do, What position are you playing? A class could be a good unlock but then again a perk might be good too.
I am loving this double exp. Bought a booster with some of the gold I have left from the $30 pack I bought when it came out. Racking up the exp big time now. Before the double exp I had 550k exp now I'm at 810k (granted I've played a lot today lol). I'll hit a million before the weekend is done hopefully :D
Fun game but not as fun as Unreal Tournament. Too much Skiing and flying for me.

Still fun to play with so many people. Wish UT3 had as many active players.
Loaded up this game again after a break of a few months. Still pretty damn fun. Lately I've only been playing pathfinder. I'm decent, but I know I could be a lot better if I practiced the perfected running routes by the top players. Going to work on Raider a bit more for when my team is lackluster in taking down their defense.
Depends how you like playing.


Hey, thanks for the detailed post. I'll probably work on unlocking some of the other classes and maybe perks depending on what they are. I looked through some of them and so far I prefer the Ultra Capacitor ones over anything else.
Ask first a description of a perk really does not tell you much about how effective it really is.

Ultra cap is not worth your XP in any class I have played.
Then there is survivalist which no one talks about but is one of the most used perks by good players.
I like the I think it's egocentric that cuts back the damage you do to yourself by up to 60% it's good for picking up speed with the thumper/spinfusor/grenade/whatever. Plus if all you got are explosives and people are rubbing up against you it keeps you from killing yourself more often than you'd think....or from grenades you throw killing you.

Lots of them are good, I don't have ultra-cap 2 at all...extra energy is fine but it doesn't really help like the other perks do.

Like if you are defending flag as heavy, you have to have the heavy perk. Otherwise they just knock you off the flag. Plus when you max it out they kill themselves when they hit you so you are still deadly on the flag even if you're reloading.

Survivalist is good, but only really if you are getting into the thick of the fight. If you kill one guy every so often and usually mostly regen between.. not nearly as useful.

But I agree with rudy, ultra-cap perk is probably not worth it EXCEPT with maybe pathfinder or sentinel (if you have the sniper gun that uses energy). Pathfinder will use it to escape chasers by being able to jet longer distances or get higher. But again the self-damage perk will often offset this for the chasers or for the grabber when they are getting their speed built up. Once they have the flag they can only use spinfusor to pump speed up really.....and you need the ego perk to keep from killing yourself with it.

And and you'll notice the ultra cap perks dont have any benefits beyond the initial. So you are getting it's full effect in training, but you aren't getting the full effects of the others in the training mode because it's kind of lame like that and doesn't let you test them in their various stages to see the difference.
Ego is a great perk, I run it a lot on my jugg depending on the map.
I loved this double exp weekend. Hit 1 million exp. With VIP, double exp, and the booster I bought I was getting a lot of exp at the end of each game :D
Deal of the Day - 65% off Raider class - 98 GP

Seems good, picked it up.
Best thing you can buy in this game is the Spinfusor for the Soldier. It was on sale a few days ago. It is like 48k xp or something ridiculous so it was just worth the gold.
The deal of the day is different for each person. Best thing to buy for the solider is the Gast rifle, autos will win every time against explosives sadly in TA. I personally don't use autos but they are nuts and if you have equal skilled people fighting and one is using explosive based weapons and the other an auto, the auto will win. A good doombringer can dominate any other class.
Yeah it's really irritating to run into a bunch of techs as jug/brt, not much you can do if they are on the ball and avoiding your shots while staying fairly far back to effectively hit you but with time to avoid your shots.

Anymore 9/10 brutes you see just run into a room fractal spam and then die. It's effective when it really shouldn't be....they need to have something that's anti-fractal. Like make the raider shield charge off enemy fractal hits, or doombringer shield do the same thing... that would make brutes work against their own team when they keep fractal crapping all round. More effective shielding during fractal spam.
Deal of the Day - 65% off Raider class - 98 GP

Seems good, picked it up.

Raider can be pretty good at clearing flagstands and taking out turrets etc, the Arx Buster has a huge range. You may draw a lot of attention doing this though ;)
Raider can be pretty good at clearing flagstands and taking out turrets etc, the Arx Buster has a huge range. You may draw a lot of attention doing this though ;)

*shrug* I just picked it up because I have gold to burn and it was cheap. :cool:

So far I pretty much only roll with Soldier + Spinfusor.

Also, one odd thing I have noticed is that I ranked up REALLY fast to Rank 5, and now for the last several rounds (even going top of the board or close to it) I've barely progressed at all toward Rank 6.

The deal of the day is different for each person.

Didn't know that, thanks. Guess I won't bother posting any more deals. :eek:
Deal of the day doesn't offer you something you already own either. Or shouldn't. So that's why it's a good idea to buy the cheap stuff with XP and save the gold for expensive XP items for when the daily deal pops up.

Anything under 20k XP is relatively cheap XP wise.
well finally tried this game, stayed up til 3am.. great game... really reminds me of tribes 1.. kindof wish they had a few more maps but maybe they'll release more.. (CTF only player)
Deal of the day doesn't offer you something you already own either. Or shouldn't. So that's why it's a good idea to buy the cheap stuff with XP and save the gold for expensive XP items for when the daily deal pops up.

Anything under 20k XP is relatively cheap XP wise.

Well even that Raider class unlock was only like 14k. I can't recall seeing anything over 20k XP (maybe some weapons?), but I can't find a price list anywhere without going into the game. :(

Is it best to spend gold on XP boosts or something then?
Well even that Raider class unlock was only like 14k. I can't recall seeing anything over 20k XP (maybe some weapons?), but I can't find a price list anywhere without going into the game. :(

Is it best to spend gold on XP boosts or something then?

Sometimes the weapons, the ones that cost anywhere from 40k to almost 90k, will go on sale for 50% off or more(when buying with gold). I think that's what most people are saying you should buy with gold.

Does anyone know how often do they run double XP events? If they're often enough then you might be better off waiting for another one of those and buying a booster then, but it's hard to say really. If there's nothing in particular that you feel you want to unlock right now then you're probably better off sitting on your gold and xp until you want to spend it. The only gold I've gotten so far is the free Facebook gold and I just spent that on the Spinfuzor for the soldier, not on sale or anything but that's what I wanted and I wasn't going to wait around just hoping it might go on sale.

well finally tried this game, stayed up til 3am.. great game... really reminds me of tribes 1.. kindof wish they had a few more maps but maybe they'll release more.. (CTF only player)

They've released a couple I think since release? Tartarus and Raindance are two I saw "dev diary" things on about them being released, could be others. I assume they'll continue releasing maps but who knows. Community made maps would be awesome but it won't happen most likely.
Well even that Raider class unlock was only like 14k. I can't recall seeing anything over 20k XP (maybe some weapons?), but I can't find a price list anywhere without going into the game. :(

Is it best to spend gold on XP boosts or something then?

Every class has a weapon or two that are 40k or more...upwards of 88k on some.

I save my gold to buy things that are 60% off or more. I won't buy anything under 50% off. Only time I buy 50% off is if it's something I want enough to not wait for it to be a bigger discount.

It's not so bad to buy anything when it's got a big discount, but if you buy all the small things when you could just as easily pay with XP. And it's even better now to do this because when you earn more XP you upgrade your item through wearing it as you play AND you get XP to buy another item. So I like to buy a couple items for a class whether with XP or gold, play it until I max everything I bought. Then buy some other items for another class. Play it until I max them earn enough usually to buy another item before all the maxing is done per class.

So if you can stick with XP and whittle all the small XP cost items off the list, then you'll only get the big XP cost items on your daily deals or at least a better chance at them. And you'll lower the overall amount of gold you spend and have it around for when they release new stuff.

Because they are always going to release new stuff. And Im not paying a hundred bucks or more over the lifetime of the game to keep up. Eventually I'll get all the items and my playing will just be banking XP so then I can just outright XP buy things unless they add stuff a lot faster than they have been at higher prices.

My only class that's really lacking in unlocks is sentinel, just because I suck at it and it's almost painful to play when I know Im going to get dismal XP at the end of each round.

As for boosters, buying them on double XP periods is a very good idea. But also if you buy them keep in mind that it's a big waste of money if you don't play the hell out of the game during that period. Like I didn't boost over this last double XP weekend because I was busy and knew I wouldn't have time to really benefit from it. Boosters boost your base and bonus XP, they also give you more XP for any badges you earn. So like...if you were getting close on earning a bunch of badges boosting would get you a thousand or two on each badge you earn at the gold levels at least.
Any [H] players want to play with a complete noob? I can Xfire, Teamspeak, Vent whatever so you can yell at me for playing bad. =D

This game is the tits for me though.
Just check the XP/gold ratio to know if something is a good deal to buy. Do a quick calculation. It doesnt even really matter if it is a small or large item so long as the XP/gold ratio is good, but generally speaking the large purchase items have the better XP/gold ratios. And the smallest items have the worst ratios. Don't buy anything with gold if the XP/gold ratio is less than 175. You should be shooting more for 250 plus.
Picked this up. Its alright, though zero cover in maps and I find after 4 hours of play, I have seen 2 vehicles in CTF. Seems rounds are over before people get a chance to use them.
Vehicles can be oddly missing in the game, often it isnt even people not able to use them but more they just dont use them. A tank only cost 2500xp, you can get that simply by dieing 12 times. Alot of noobs just dont know to spend their credits, and when they do spend them they prefer to drop strikes, probably because vehicles have a learning curve.

But that reminds me to state, do make sure you spend your credits every game, any credits you spend typically work you toward badges which results in extra XP. Any you dont spend are wasted.
Vehicles can be oddly missing in the game, often it isnt even people not able to use them but more they just dont use them. A tank only cost 2500xp, you can get that simply by dieing 12 times. Alot of noobs just dont know to spend their credits, and when they do spend them they prefer to drop strikes, probably because vehicles have a learning curve.

I've seen people be effective in the shrike, chasing flag runners mostly, but I haven't seen any other vehicles used to much effectiveness. It just seems that tanks are too easy to blow up, and grav cycles are just kind of...pointless overall? Because you have to hit vehicles with explosives to kill them the shrike can be harder to take down, at least if you're on foot, and because of the angle you can get over the battlefield it seems like some pilots have an easy time basically being a chaser when they're in a shrike. Not to mention some guys are roadkill machines with them lol.

Maybe tanks can be used well, I don't know, but I've personally never seen it and I've never been given an especially hard time by a tank. I think part of the problem is that they don't take that long to kill and it takes forever to repair them. They're probably best used either defensively or at very long range against mostly stationary things. The vehicle physics can be pretty funny with them though :D
The vehicles for the most part are meh, at least in CTF. The shrike is hands down awesome though in CTF if used for chasing flag carriers. The tank is an easy target, best use for it is to play defense in your base and if you are a tech so you can repair it. The gravcycles are pretty much used by heavies to move around more freely and quickly.

Best use of your credits is to save up for Orbital Strike, if you can afford that then tactical. Or if you find you don't die a lot and are in the enemies half of the map, inventory stations. A good Orbital strike can make back most the credits you spent buying it to start with, you really want to save it for when an enemy flag carrier is getting close to their base (timing is the most difficult part as it takes a few seconds to do the call in then another couple of seconds till it actually happens).
Grav cycles are mainly transport, a heavy can buy one and be back to the other teams base almost as fast as a medium. The other thing is if you have someone to play with you can chase a shrike with a grav cycle and a doombringer, its pretty much the only way a shrike can get hit much if he is not bad.

yes the tank dies easily its more about timing but you can overcome that in multiple ways.

1 if someone else on your team will repair your tank you can last a while. Second most people who tank or shrike take out tech with pilot and wheel deal perks. They can buy these vehicles cheaper and with more armor. Then they lay out a couple turrets where they plan to camp the tank. This helps defend them. The flag is a stationary object so you can hit it at range or up close. Depends on the map. The tank pretty much one shots people and if you get the hang of it in a pub you can rack up plenty enough credits to buy another one right away.

Now I did say it depends on the pub, if your gen is always down you might not be able to buy one. When I pilot it seems I often have to go clear the gen and fix it myself, then buy a vehicle before they get it down again. Ever so often you see a tech who will repair your tank and it can really turn the game.

So another option I find really works well is just properly timed tanks. IE in a flag standoff I will run and grab a tank, even if I die I can do alot of damage in a short time and fend off the opposing team, I will also often grab a tank if I am near the pad and I see one of our cappers has the flag, my goal here is to go sit on the flag and eat spinfusors just long enough for our capper to get home. Usually the other teams cappers are splatting into my tank over and over. You just move back and fourth over the flag and you get random kills on infiltrators hanging to close waiting to E grab. It doesnt seem like much but it wins alot of games to use that at the right time.

The main problem is just that alot of new player jump in a tank or shrike and die right away, so they say screw it not wasting the credits, its something you have to practice but once you practice it gets pretty effective. Its not any different than sentinel, you dont see nearly as many as their should be because of the learning curve.