WoW; 5th expansion Warlords of Draenor

One I really, really like about WoD is that they'll finally be eliminating a bunch of those stats like Hit and Expertise, and also normalizing the stat/power curve so that we won't have things like "256000 DPS" as it continues to rise. I'm so bloody glad that Blizz "gets it" that just gearing up is needlessly complex right now. Invisible Hit and Expertise caps etc...alll this stuff makes it so you really can't even tell if an item is a true upgrade without an assistant addon, one of the "spreadsheet sites" or having an encyclopedic knowledge of game systems. This kind of meta-game is horrible, as though the raid bosses may be tuned for an optimal spec/talent/gemming etc... nothing informs you of that in game. There's nothing that says "Hey there Rogue, your Hit cap is 417, and if you don't have that, your DPS will drop dramatically". Yes, if you mouse over the stat it will show "Oh, you may miss 2.5% of the time on boss encounters" but many players will look at that and say "Oh, that doesn't sound so bad!" However, that is not how the game is balanced!

Simplify, simplify, simplify! We don't need a ton of junk stats that are hard to understand; it shouldn't take a long process of assessing every stat balance to decide if an item is an upgrade for a particular task of yours etc. Finally, Blizz!

I'm also hoping for further expansion and upgrade of professions. They need to truly be useful, and the 5.4 stuff (I haven't actually played since 5.4 so I'm just looking into it) is a good start, but considering the expansion of it in WoD that looks like a great improvement.

Garrisons are exciting; finally, "housing" after all this time. Did it take WildStar and Elder Scrolls Online to finally light a fire under their arses to get this going? Either way, it should be beneficial if it is implemented correctly.

I've been seeing lots of discussion (reportedly from a Blizzcon goer etc..) that there will be either a new race, a new class, or both in WoD - anyone weigh in on this?
So far no news on a new class or new race, but maybe Blizzard holding out on us :)

Most forums seem happy no new race / class, they say game has enough races already, and plenty of different classes to choose from, no need for more now. Let them fine tune and perfect the exidting this expansion.
Garrisons are exciting; finally, "housing" after all this time. Did it take WildStar and Elder Scrolls Online to finally light a fire under their arses to get this going? Either way, it should be beneficial if it is implemented correctly.

Seems so, as well as having a persistent PVP zone/lands with territory control. WOW's never been quite my cup of tea, but this sounds like one hell of a good expansion for people who play...
WoW 2 :eek: Due out by end of the decade.

Picture of Stormwind using early next gen game engine

Not sure if you're joking, but I think thats concept art for the movie.
I wouldn't mind them adding new races, as long as they were competent choices. I think Ogres, the Consortium, or something like that would make great new races. Pandaren and Worgen are just godawful furry pandering and took away a lot from the game for me. Don't really like what they did with Goblins either.
I wish Blizzard would just make ' World of Diablo '

A very dark, gritty, mature, and bloody version of WoW, with an all new next gen game engine, I'd be super happy with something like that.
I wish Blizzard would just make ' World of Diablo '

A very dark, gritty, mature, and bloody version of WoW, with an all new next gen game engine, I'd be super happy with something like that.

So they can add a RMAH to it and make the end game a "How rich are you" mini game?

No thanks. Blizzard needs to start proving it isn't creatively bankrupt. Spending years on Titan only to scrape the entire project and start over? That rarely happens at such a well developed company , only StarCraft : Ghosts has suffered such a fate and that FMV Warcraft game in the course of Blizzard development so Titan must have sucked quite a bit to toss it out.

I fear we will only see sequels and spin offs from here on out. Now a StarCraft MMO might just be what the doctor ordered.
Was there any hint or whisper of ' Titan ' behind back doors at Blizzcon ?

Was it completely scrapped, and started over brand new, or just some major changes along in development ?

I assume Titan release is like 5 yes away now ?
Excellent Blizzcon if I do say so myself. We've got a lot of good shit coming our way for the next expac. Exciting time.
Was there any hint or whisper of ' Titan ' behind back doors at Blizzcon ?

Was it completely scrapped, and started over brand new, or just some major changes along in development ?

I assume Titan release is like 5 yes away now ?

Completely scrapped and started over , confirmed a while ago. It will probably be a very long time before we even hear about it again.

Internal mumbling was that it wasn't very good and not even close to Blizzard standards.
Was there any hint or whisper of ' Titan ' behind back doors at Blizzcon ?

Was it completely scrapped, and started over brand new, or just some major changes along in development ?

I assume Titan release is like 5 yes away now ?

IIRC, most of the people working on Titan have been reassigned to other projects. With the new MOBA and upcoming expansions, I don't think Titan will be getting any resources anytime soon.
Warlords Release Date

Another MoP patch would delay WoD, so Patch 5.5 isn't going to happen. The entire team is working on WoD right now, so any more MoP content would slow down development.

Q: "Typically after you announce something it is another year, but we are at Patch 5.4 now. What content do you have planned for between now and then?" A: "Any content we do now will delay the expansion by the same amount of time it took us to make that content. We are completely focused on making the next expansion and will try to deliver that as soon as we can, hopefully on a shorter cycle than players are imagining, but you never know, we will have to see."

Q: "Typically that would be in the Winter of next year. Does that mean it is a goal to bring it in to Summer or Spring?" A: "Well certainly the goal is before that, but we'll see, it is very hard for us to predict."

All the WoW forums from people that went to Blizzcon are saying April / May is a very realistic release date. No way will it be a long wait until Fall like all other expansions. Blizzard has stated after WoD they want another expansion sequel tied directly to the previous expansion, and released quickly, after the last patch of WoD. Instead of the typical two year wait, they want it to be between 12 - 18 months, and no more 24 months between expansions.
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"There will be no free re-customization for characters after new character models."

What :mad: So they make a big deal about finally updating the character models, but will make us pay money to use them ? Am I reading that right ?
I'm exciting about going to Draenor, but besides Garrisons..there is no new unique content. They said they want to speed up the leveling process, so we will level 100 quicker. Then do what? Raid, raid, raid, dungeon, etc.

I'm kind of disappointed in this expansion's content. No new classes, hero class, advanced classes, or complicated talent system. Instead they just play with stats (hit/expertise) that they have fondled with before. It really seems like Blizzard is too afraid to make real changes and just keep selling expansions that are really map packs.
I'm exciting about going to Draenor, but besides Garrisons..there is no new unique content. They said they want to speed up the leveling process, so we will level 100 quicker. Then do what? Raid, raid, raid, dungeon, etc.

I still play WoW after all these years, and have a love / hate relationship with the game. I love new expansions, and exploring the new content, and questing and leveling up in the new zones, and trying out the new dungeons once max level. But then I sort of get bored after that. Raiding is a real pain at times, unless you do LFR which is ok, but not the same a true 10man or 25man Raid. Finding a good Guild to run Normal Raids is not easy, and then you need to be on their Raid weekly schedule, etc...

Lets say you don't want to Raid period, or very little. What does WoW offer you, once you ding max level ? I am serious. I do like WoW, but it seems once you hit Level 90, and if you don't Raid, what else is there to really do ? I wish there were more options. Like more storyline quests, or cool adventures to go on.

Run around Timeless Isle ? That place gets old real quick. Run 5man dungeons another hundred times over again. No thanks. I mean they are cool at first, but after awhile become very repetitive. Craft stuff, no thank you.
It is kind of a love/hate relationship. Unless you really enjoy leveling or alts, or are able to do content with a group each week, there's really nothing here for you. Granted, if you're coming into the game fresh, you've got a slew of things to do, especially with all the content coming. There's still a ton to do, but some of us are just plain burnt out, and nothing will change that. It's time to move on.

Personally, I'm not much of a hardcore raider anymore, like I used to be, but this expansion has gotten a lot of people I play with excited, so this'll be very cool for sure, with all the little things in the game currently. As far as I'm concerned, I love those little things (Garrisons, Farming, etc.).
Not a fan of the garrisons, but again I'm willing to hold all judgments till the actual release. Blizz isn't exactly known for coming through, my bet is half this shit changes or won't be included.

As long as the raids are fun I'll still keep playing. Even if I don't like the idea of the item shrink.
Dam starting to get that same old itch again, it just never wants to go away.
This new mythic raid difficulty sounds interesting. Hopefully it'll be something unique besides just the usual increase in damage received. I always thought that a 20 person raid team seemed more balanced than a 25 anyways.
I dunno about balanced but a lot of the dying 25 man guilds can probably "cut the fat" of 5 people and fair quite well. I know my guild could lose 5 people and do much better.
After all this time I thought I finally got over this game and now they release this trailer and the game looks interesting again. What am I to do >_<
So there will be 4 different difficulty levels of raids now? LOL, raid finder, normal, heroic, and mythic? Gogo reskinned items with very minor stat differences.
After all this time I thought I finally got over this game and now they release this trailer and the game looks interesting again. What am I to do >_<

Welcome to the problem ALL of us former (right now) WoW players face each expansion release. I got sucked into MoP but got bored quickly after I got a full set of Arena gear and a nice Arena weapon. I even hit 1900 rating in my RBG games but still felt bored on my DK.

I'm not very optimistic about this new expansion but I am interested in participating in a world opening event (AQ's opening , Cata's opening and Burning Crusade's opening) so I'll probably be suckered into buying another one.

The mythic 20 man raids sounds wonderful on paper but will Blizzard actually dedicate enough resources to make it extremely challenging but also memorable? They seem to generate raids just fine but they are all (in recent expansions) pretty much the fucking same thing with only minor changes. They need to go from Nax to Black Temple in terms differences.
All of the dorks in Rift talk about WOW the Rift people hate it so much in general chat...

These WOW kids say WOW is the first MMO and they preach it like the bible then someone says Ultima was and it goes downhill from there.
All of the dorks in Rift talk about WOW the Rift people hate it so much in general chat...

These WOW kids say WOW is the first MMO and they preach it like the bible then someone says Ultima was and it goes downhill from there.

WoW has a massively larger player base than those games and is the most successful mmo ever. Sure WoW may be on a bit of a decline now, but it's still the king of the mmo world and it problably will stay thay way until blizzard makes it's successor.
After all this time I thought I finally got over this game and now they release this trailer and the game looks interesting again. What am I to do >_<

This is why I never give away my stuff when I go inactive from an online game. Never know when we'll be sucked into it again.:p
So there will be 4 different difficulty levels of raids now? LOL, raid finder, normal, heroic, and mythic? Gogo reskinned items with very minor stat differences.

There's already 4 difficulties right now, LFR, Flex, Normal, Heroic. They just shifted flex to become normal difficulty and the others moved over. The main difference being the flexible scaling mode available to Normal and Heroic.

I'm exciting about going to Draenor, but besides Garrisons..there is no new unique content. They said they want to speed up the leveling process, so we will level 100 quicker. Then do what? Raid, raid, raid, dungeon, etc.

I'm kind of disappointed in this expansion's content. No new classes, hero class, advanced classes, or complicated talent system. Instead they just play with stats (hit/expertise) that they have fondled with before. It really seems like Blizzard is too afraid to make real changes and just keep selling expansions that are really map packs.

I think this expansion is a good time for them to work on finessing the existing systems, like the item squish and the tweaks to ui and such. Blizzard has learned from the DK fiasco to be careful with hero classes, since they can be a total bitch to balance. A complicated talent system is the polar opposite of the talent system that they've moved to now (which they've already stated they're quite happy with how it turned out...and most folks I know agree with them).
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I'll wait until the beta hits to weigh in. Some of the changes sound good, but 10M heroic cutting edge guilds will probably be the most affected by the new raiding changes. But for the majority of player base, Heroics should be more easily accessible. Mythic is only geared towards those people that clear content the first couple weeks ie The Blood Legions and Methods of the world. It'll be very interesting to see how they scale difficulty/loot/etc in Normals/Heroics. Also, it scares me that they said LFR would be a tourist feel as it's mostly for people that want to see the content and experience the story. LFR can either be smooth as butter or an incredible 2-3 hour time sink. They definitely needed to nerf SoO LFR hard since they implemented a system where basically you could hit 90, do Timeless Isle, get 496 gear, then immediately queue for SoO which results in people doing 30k dps and tanks not even 600k health or some other random combination of bads because they haven't earned gear/skill per say. The removal of hit/expertise/parry/dodge also is going to be interested, and they say stats on your gear will change depending on your spec so if you're Feral Druid and switch to Boomkin, all that agi leather will tun to intellect. All this stuff sounds good in theory but execution will remain to be seen.
New character models, I have a few questions comments;

- Is it true that Blizzard will make us pay to change them ? That the new character models will be automatically updated to your character at the launch of the new expansion, but will match your current hair style, and skin color, etc... no changes allowed, unless you pay for them ?

- And my main beef with the current outdated looking characters, hasn't really been the facial bones or teeth or hair, because we wear Armor 99% of the time with helmets, etc... and never actually see the face character details. To me it's been the stupid Quake 3 looking body shape. The Human Males are the worst of them all, they look fat and bloated, and have Popeye forearms that look ridiculous, and all of that is still easily seen with armor on. Same with the Night Elf Male, they are way too too tall and lanky, and have a wafer thin wist, and almost look like skinny Gorillas , and armor doesn't cover that up. So will they actually change the shape of the character model, to look more proportionately correct, and not so cartoony stupid ?

That's why I play a Blood Elf Male, they are the one character model, that is not fat / bloated, nor too tall and skinny, the Blood Elf Male just looks right, like a normal body type and shape. And armor on them looks great, again no Popeye forearms like humans, etc... I think Human males should have the same shape as the Blood Elf males, or close to it.

Or here's an idea, how bout allowing character adjustments, other games like Guild Wars 2, allows you to make to make your character tall or short, skinny or fat, bloated face or chiseled face, broad shoulders or slimmer, etc... I hope WoW offers this ?

&#8226;You can technically buy as many level 90s as you want if you buy another copy of the game, get the level 90, and then transfer the character to your main account each time. The team has talked about putting a level 90 purchase option in the store, but it hasn't been decided yet.

This I like. Having the "bonus" ability not count towards the budget is nice.

&#8226;Tertiary stats are bonus stats that can appear on gear that don't count towards the item level budget. Lifesteal, avoidance, sturdiness, movement speed, cleave, and more.

Someone's been playing GW2.

&#8226;Craft Directly from the Bank: Craft or enchant directly from materials in your bank. There&#8217;s no need to withdraw the materials, craft or enchant the item, and then deposit the materials back at the bank.
&#8226;Collections: Collections provide account-wide tracking for heirlooms and toys&#8212;more on that below.
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The heirlooms is nice, I know for me I've been playing a lot and have a ton of heirlooms. Although I wonder how it'll work unless they do like a stored inventory type thing. Gear is very different than mounts/achievements. People who want to roll on other servers will definitely be happy about that - especially with servers merging and such.
I hope they also include some additional bank space for clothing. With all the items for transmog etc... having a "wardrobe" of some kind is the next step. Most of my bank is storage for clothing/RP gear, including a good amount of it being soulbound. Glad they're finally getting to it though, with trying to take things out of the "normal" inventory.
You forgot flex. So 5.

Plus the fact that to create 5 sets of armor for every single class. Who the fuck has time for that? Do people even know, or care, how long that shit actually takes?

The answer is a very resounding, no.
Plus the fact that to create 5 sets of armor for every single class. Who the fuck has time for that? Do people even know, or care, how long that shit actually takes?

The answer is a very resounding, no.

Mostly re-coloring and I believe flex and normal look exactly the same, so a bit less. But yeah I still completely agree, it's horseshit.

They need to ditch LFR, not bring out mythic, merge normal and flex. Since no one gives a shit about normal and go back to having only Normal and Heroic.
Mostly re-coloring and I believe flex and normal look exactly the same, so a bit less. But yeah I still completely agree, it's horseshit.

They need to ditch LFR, not bring out mythic, merge normal and flex. Since no one gives a shit about normal and go back to having only Normal and Heroic.

I hear what you're saying, and it does make perfect sense, but it is kind of neat to have all those choices. More choices never hurt anyone (well, usually ;) )

The process of concept to approval for anything, especially art (I've witnessed the process in my internships) is pretty grueling, and while I'm sure we all think we could knock out some tier pieces in minutes with our pro paint skills, but it's sometimes a little tougher than it seems.

I kind of went off on a deeper tangent, but w/e.