Wii U is the most dissapointing console I've ever owned.


Sep 9, 2006
Zelda (already played through Wind Waker back on GameCube), Metroid, Star Fox, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, F-Zero, none of these have came out yet and Mario Kart isn't due until Spring 2014. I am so close to just giving up and selling my Wii U. Nintendo couldn't even counter XB1 and PS4 with a franchise hit release. I've been waiting since release. I bought this console release day. I can't even blame Call of Duty on this one. What the fuck is taking so long Nintendo?!?

Complete waste of $300. :mad:

Feel free to delete this thread mods if it's too overboard. I just had to /rant.
The only Mario game I've really enjoyed is Mario Kart. Tons of fun playing against others and just trolling with red shells. :(

I grew up playing Metroid and Zelda on the Super Nintendo. Didn't play much Mario at all on 64 (was all about GoldenEye 007) and GameCube I just played all sorts of everything. I remember the GC even had an epic release hit known as Rogue Leader. Skipped the Wii.
compared to the PS3 and the 360 The Wii U is by far the better streaming video player. As for games I am a big Mario fan and I have mosf of them.....I love my Wii U
Yeah, I was considering getting one today but opted for the Zelda 3DS. There's still no killer app for the Wii U yet. Even though Super Mario 3D is getting rave reviews, it's really not any kind of epic like a real Zelda game.
Yeah, I was considering getting one today but opted for the Zelda 3DS. There's still no killer app for the Wii U yet. Even though Super Mario 3D is getting rave reviews, it's really not any kind of epic like a real Zelda game.

You can almost be assured a new Zelda game will get announced at this years E3. And it'll probably be another in the vein of the darker Zelda games as well.

There are plenty of great games on the Wii U , but if you don't bother to think about your purchase with the Wii U before hand then buyers remorse can be an issue.

I bought my Wii U to play Nintendo games , not to play third party titles. And that's how you should approach it.
The games for the wiiU will come for sure - it's just taking time. And that sucks - sorry OP. But it'll get better.

That said - totally agree on the 3DS though. I was just looking at them for my kids - thinking about getting them one each for their one and only xmas present. And it it hit me - there's a lot of good games for that handheld. Lol now I want one! ;)

I think if you want your Nintendo fix the 3DS is the way to go. Mario, Mario 3D Land, Mario kart, 2 zelda games, new pokemon, Donkey Kong, Starfox - jeez all they are missing is Metroid...
Should have posted this in the Wii U is done thread, it's the second longest thread in this forum for a reason.
It really makes me think Nintendo just can't make next gen games, they are stuck. Non complex game-play mechanics formula with non complex kids graphics formula. That has always been Nintendo's bread and butter, and that is all they can do. Problem is they are cranking out these type of games at a painfully slow pace.

Nintendo Wii U sux, sell it.
I just picked up the new Mario and it kicks ass. Should have been released when the Wii U came out a year ago.

I almost regret being an early adopter for Wii U since no really great games came out until this year; but next year I'm sure we will see a Smash Bros/Mariokart 1-2 punch while the other next gen systems won't have much at all to warrant the purchase price
Be sure to pick up Rayman Legends as well. The Wii U version is the best by a mile and it's a blast if you enjoy coop platforming.
im actually buying a wii u this week end. Cant wait to play mario and zelda!
It really makes me think Nintendo just can't make next gen games, they are stuck. Non complex game-play mechanics formula with non complex kids graphics formula. That has always been Nintendo's bread and butter, and that is all they can do. Problem is they are cranking out these type of games at a painfully slow pace.

Nintendo Wii U sux, sell it.

The problem I have is that they seem to be taking the George Lucas approach and adding in extra annoying things to cater towards kids. This really started with the N64. Even the new Zelda game has these annoying Jar Jar characters I want to strangle. And they just don't stop there, as then the characters seem to go out of their way to prove that they're kid friendly by acting like morons and exaggerate all the effects. And then they annoying voices that they attach to their characters now...

The difference is that in the SNES era and earlier, the games were kid friendly, but had some dark overtones too. They worked on multiple levels, which the N64 and later games just lack.
The problem I have is that they seem to be taking the George Lucas approach and adding in extra annoying things to cater towards kids. This really started with the N64. Even the new Zelda game has these annoying Jar Jar characters I want to strangle. And they just don't stop there, as then the characters seem to go out of their way to prove that they're kid friendly by acting like morons and exaggerate all the effects. And then they annoying voices that they attach to their characters now...

The difference is that in the SNES era and earlier, the games were kid friendly, but had some dark overtones too. They worked on multiple levels, which the N64 and later games just lack.

Yep Nintendo characters are very similar to the Disney channel in that way. In every show they have to "have" a Steve Urkel/Butt Monkey character/cast, and rely on "accidents/slips/older than you parents jokes" in almost every episode for laughs. Nintendo basically takes a page from Disney. Lets throw in Mario, and some brighter colors than last time and see what happens. But the story oh heck no! Don't even try to, or spend more than a day on it.

It's basically the same episode re-ran and everyone is like "oh comon" your just a hater, when the fact of the content being re-spun for the 100th+ time is always avoided in discussion. But yeah give the new Mario game a perfect score 5/5, 10,10, because as game reviewers. They NEVER complain about a games story or characters. :rolleyes: Yeah right! Nintendo and those people perpetuate crappy generic non-existent story's in the gaming industry. So we can all enjoy the next gen undesirable situation, that continues indefinitely. Hey it's a 10 outta 10 what are they judging it on Bright colors and platforming with multi-player? IT'S GOTY I TELL YA! LOL!

Now I know why we never get a story like FF6 anymore.
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I can't even take these "game review sites" seriously anymore with those perfect scores for SM3DW. You can just tell they don't have a brain, in fact I think I am one of the only people on the internet bringing this issue up. I mean really there's millions of people out there and they just go along with this perfect score like that game has brought something new to the gaming universe?

Like I said I'm so glad most people can admit that FF6 was one of the best games ever created. I would just like to see people realize that without a compelling story, a game cannot and should never be a 10/10. And all the people defending that game and those scores, I really doubt you even understand all the pieces that make up a best game ever. But story is a piece of the puzzle when reviewing a video game, I mean this isn't an Atari 2600 game right?? haha :eek:
OP: Why did you buy the console in the first place? That seems to be a 'you' problem, not Nintendo's.

Pro tip, don't buy a console until there are at least 1-2 killer games that you want to play on it and you know you'll enjoy. That way you're almost assuredly not going to be disappointed. Buy it because it's new a shiny? That's your fault.
If you buy any Nintendo system and don't intend on playing Mario games you're doing it wrong. Don't buy Nintendo if you don't like Mario games.
If you buy any Nintendo system and don't intend on playing Mario games you're doing it wrong. Don't buy Nintendo if you don't like Mario games.


i turned on my Wii-U for the first time in months to actually attempt to buy the new Mario 3d digitally, then i saw it was also 60 bucks. Eff dat. Powered back off.
The games for the wiiU will come for sure - it's just taking time. And that sucks - sorry OP. But it'll get better.

I hope the games come for it as I'd like to get one. If nintendo keeps waiting the entire system will fail before they get them out.
I'm getting the super ario bundle console just because I had all 3 last gen I want all 3 this gen and it will be my back up to my WII, which I still enjoy for casual gaming .
Not just Mario, but Zelda games too, if you don't care for those 2 franchises no use getting a WII-U
Zelda (already played through Wind Waker back on GameCube), Metroid, Star Fox, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, F-Zero, none of these have came out yet and Mario Kart isn't due until Spring 2014. I am so close to just giving up and selling my Wii U. Nintendo couldn't even counter XB1 and PS4 with a franchise hit release. I've been waiting since release. I bought this console release day. I can't even blame Call of Duty on this one. What the fuck is taking so long Nintendo?!?

Complete waste of $300. :mad:

Feel free to delete this thread mods if it's too overboard. I just had to /rant.

You must have overlooked Super Mario 3d World releasing 2 days ago, and it will win more awards this year than any other game on any other platform.

Not just Mario, but Zelda games too, if you don't care for those 2 franchises no use getting a WII-U

Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Sonic Lost World
Rayman Legends
+ decent list of multi plats
+ most affordable console
+ better bundles
+ no cost for online whatsoever

The Wii U isn't for everyone, I"m not trying to spin that. But there is plenty of reason to own one in 2013 and beyond. Also, I'm not alone...


edit. I just bought the NSMBU/NSLBU bundle yesterday, and have like 5 games for it in waiting. I'm more excited for the WiiU than I was for the 360/PS3 and I have no plans to get a PS4/XB1 right now. I upgraded my PC for the core stuff, so personally the WiiU is the perfect companion console for me and my family right now. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the N64, and its an exciting time right now :)
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You must have overlooked Super Mario 3d World releasing 2 days ago, and it will win more awards this year than any other game on any other platform.

Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Sonic Lost World
Rayman Legends
+ decent list of multi plats
+ most affordable console
+ better bundles
+ no cost for online whatsoever

The Wii U isn't for everyone, I"m not trying to spin that. But there is plenty of reason to own one in 2013 and beyond. Also, I'm not alone...


edit. I just bought the NSMBU/NSLBU bundle yesterday, and have like 5 games for it in waiting. I'm more excited for the WiiU than I was for the 360/PS3 and I have no plans to get a PS4/XB1 right now. I upgraded my PC for the core stuff, so personally the WiiU is the perfect companion console for me and my family right now. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the N64, and its an exciting time right now :)

Lots of truth in this post!
I've had mine since launch I knew what I was buying and have been very happy
also... games on it are cheap on the used market its not even fair.

im getting a console with no game for 250. brand new , guy was a collector so he wanted the new mario and luigi U game. Here they go new for 305+ 15% tax ( near 350). I will pick up mario 3d world and another game . Maybe try to find a copy of new super mario U for cheap.
i think its a good console since they finally implemented an HDMI port ;P but its all geared more for the youth and it does that well.... very well... plus who doesn't like mario? thats the only reason I would get it.
but what i want to know is Zombie U a good enough reason to get a wii U? thats the only reason i seem to want to get one.
I'm looking forward to the next Monolith Soft game and that's about it...

Xenoblade kicked ass (on dolphin at 3x resolution ofc :))
There's a slew of good releases coming out but it sounds like you should have looked into the games it has vs the games you like BEFORE buying it. Can't act surprised after you buy it that there's no games for you
Weird.. I just bought the Mario + Luigi Bundle this weekend! 250$ brand new with a price-match at Best Buy :D

I can't wait to play the mario's games that comes with the bundle with my GF. After that, we'll get the new Super Mario 3D World. Donkey Kong in february. I'll pick WW HD and finish the Wii's Zelda game on the Wii U.

I can understand you being annoyed if you bought the console at release for 350$+ but for me, right now, I don't feel disappointed at all. Only disappointment is that I haven't had time to open it up yet :p
I bought it when it came out, and I enjoyed the features built into the system and many of the games that came out for it. Some games like ZombiU had issues, but were still fun to play, and there were some cheaply made ports, but that's more laziness on the side of the developer.

There's more good games for the Wii U than there are for the Ps4 or Xbox One in my opinion. If you don't like them, I can only assume you had the ability to read and see what games had been out, and to make the decision to buy or not to buy based on that.
The Wii U is not done yet. What I would really like to see is some revivals of the older sidescroller games I had so much fun with on the older platforms (Metroid, Battletoads, TMNT2/3, Contra, Double Dragon, etc.)
The Wii U is not done yet. What I would really like to see is some revivals of the older sidescroller games I had so much fun with on the older platforms (Metroid, Battletoads, TMNT2/3, Contra, Double Dragon, etc.)

Metroid and Super Metroid are available on the Virtual Console for the Wii U. They're also releasing some other classic side scrolling brawlers too, little by little.
Metroid and Super Metroid are available on the Virtual Console for the Wii U. They're also releasing some other classic side scrolling brawlers too, little by little.

so we can buy(not buy) them for the 15th time! Yay!

Sorry, I just see no redeeming value in my Wii-U anymore. Hell its not even worth selling it either.
I actually like the Wii U from a hardware perspective. The problem is I think they're about 3 years too late with it.

My complaint is the software lineup is garbage. Wind Waker HD should've been a launch title or atleast released early in the console's life cycle.
I am also a terribly disappointed launch day WIi U owner. As already mentioned in this thread, next gen is not Nintendo's game. I honestly think Wii U will be Nintendo's last console. They will focus solely on handheld. They are just in over their heads vs MS and Sony when it comes to console gaming.
so we can buy(not buy) them for the 15th time! Yay!

Sorry, I just see no redeeming value in my Wii-U anymore. Hell its not even worth selling it either.

You'd probably need to actually buy games for it. Which, yes, it does have.

And Super Metroid was available for 30 cents when it was released. Not exactly a big purchase.

But still, if you don't like the games Nintendo makes, why did you buy it? I don't buy a Sony product if none of their games interest me. I mean, were you sitting there with fingers in your ears for every console ever released and only now got taken by surprise that games get delayed and take time to come out? Did you buy a Wii U for games that may eventually exist?
I am also a terribly disappointed launch day WIi U owner. As already mentioned in this thread, next gen is not Nintendo's game. I honestly think Wii U will be Nintendo's last console. They will focus solely on handheld. They are just in over their heads vs MS and Sony when it comes to console gaming.

You mean like everyone was saying that Nintendo's 3DS was going to be their last handheld, and that the market now belonged to Apple? Shit, I'm waiting for everyone to say, 6 months in the future, that the PS4 and Xbox One are done because they have so few games. The consoles are new. With how long the generations are supposed to last, I'd say that it's stupid and shortsighted to call a console "done" until 2 years have passed.
You must not have been around in the days of the Jaguar, CD-I or the 3DO. If you could find one you probably couldn't afford it, and while there were some cool games, they definitely weren't worth $700.
I'm interested in the Wii U, but not at a $300 price point. I'll be inclined to purchase when it's $200 or less. My friend bought one at launch but never uses it.