What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Getting back into Guild Wars 2. The DX12 mod is a miracle and the only reason I didn't uninstall after 5 minutes this time. It really is a badly optimized game when some guy can create a relatively simple mod that improves performance by 300+%.

Also looking forward to ESO's big performance overhaul coming on the 24th.
working way through Yakuza's on PC. Finished 0 two weeks ago, Kiwami 1 last friday and started Kiwami 2 yesterday. I've played all of them on PS2/3/4 before, but having them on PC has been a blast to relive. I don't marathon games often in this day and age, but these have been surprisingly excellent for replay years later. Helps that they support 21:9 and run and look great on PC. Especially Kiwami 2, extremely gorgeous game.
Finally getting into Hunt Showdown, not sure what took me so long but I am looking forward to getting several more hours into it tomorrow.
I'm on a old school JRPG kick. Started playing through Lufia 2 again for the SNES last night. Think I'll tackle final fantasy 4-9 next.
I actually out of the blue decided to give Dishonored 2 a proper go last night. I'm absolutely loving it this time. I think I just wasn't in the mood the first time. I absolutely LOVED the first one, so I was a bit puzzled when I couldn't get into the second. Now I'm truckin' along just fine, and enjoying it a lot. Not to mention everything is absolutely maxed on my new system. (it was close at release, but I did have to drop a few things back a bit) I'll probably play through it this weekend because I don't have too much going on for once.

I'll drop into No Man's Sky a bit this weekend too, to check out the new update.

Probably play a bit of Terraria with the kids too. The world we've been working on recently is getting really interesting now. I've laid down minecart tracks that go from one end of the world to the other, up into the cloud-islands, and to some specific underground locations, so there is now mass-transit. :D It took for-fucking-ever... but it was worth it. This game never really gets old. :D
I've been in a nostalgia kick lately. I have a bunch of older consoles and I like collecting games, and so this past weekend I got a RCA to HDMI converter from Amazon so I can play my old consoles on my computer monitor. So now i've been knocking out some old games I played years ago but never finished, and some I never even played like Timesplitters. Only problem is I am spoiled for choice so I ended up starting a bunch of games and play each to a good saving point like I complete a full chapter or something and then move on, and I just repeat that. So right now in my rotation on my Playstation 2 I am playing Enter the Matrix, LOTR: Return of the King, Medal of Honor: Frontline, and The Getaway.
I actually out of the blue decided to give Dishonored 2 a proper go last night. I'm absolutely loving it this time. I think I just wasn't in the mood the first time. I absolutely LOVED the first one, so I was a bit puzzled when I couldn't get into the second. Now I'm truckin' along just fine, and enjoying it a lot. Not to mention everything is absolutely maxed on my new system. (it was close at release, but I did have to drop a few things back a bit) I'll probably play through it this weekend because I don't have too much going on for once.

I'll drop into No Man's Sky a bit this weekend too, to check out the new update.

Probably play a bit of Terraria with the kids too. The world we've been working on recently is getting really interesting now. I've laid down minecart tracks that go from one end of the world to the other, up into the cloud-islands, and to some specific underground locations, so there is now mass-transit. :D It took for-fucking-ever... but it was worth it. This game never really gets old. :D

the stealth element feels f’d up in number 2, that’s what ruined it for me.
the stealth element feels f’d up in number 2, that’s what ruined it for me.

I'm actually doing a "rip and tear" play-through. I normally play too-good a character, so I decided to have a bit of fun on this play. So far so good. When I have wanted to be stealthy it's been fine, but most of the time I'm just using the blink/stab maneuver. Maybe I'll run into something later where this becomes problematic, but for now it's not bad. I'm not on a mission to get the best ending on this play.
Picked up DragonBall Xenoverse 2 for the Switch so I will be on that a bit. Also Mario Odyssey.
Kind of on a switch kick. If that don't do it, then maybe some Outer worlds on PC and of course some trash rounds on Overwatch for dessert.
Picked up DragonBall Xenoverse 2 for the Switch so I will be on that a bit. Also Mario Odyssey.
Kind of on a switch kick. If that don't do it, then maybe some Outer worlds on PC and of course some trash rounds on Overwatch for dessert.

I had the hardest time getting into Mario Odyssey at first. I tried several times, and just kinda picked off a few levels here and there. Then my daughter and I sat down with the intention of getting into it more, and we actually did. It's an incredibly fun game. Some of the visuals are absolutely insane (like the bubbling goop levels for example) and the food level was really fun. Very cool Mario game. It went from being an ok Mario game to one of my favorites. We've also been playing New Super Mario Bros a bit. In the soda jungle right now. It's pretty tricky when playing multiplayer. :D
I'm actually doing a "rip and tear" play-through. I normally play too-good a character, so I decided to have a bit of fun on this play. So far so good. When I have wanted to be stealthy it's been fine, but most of the time I'm just using the blink/stab maneuver. Maybe I'll run into something later where this becomes problematic, but for now it's not bad. I'm not on a mission to get the best ending on this play.

that’s what I found, killing works fine, but sneaking not, the first game both worked. I just wasn’t in the mood for wanton slaughter when I played.
This is one of my favorite threads. Always like to see what people are up to. I've actually discovered a few games because of this thread.

Yeah, That was kind of my thought when i posted it. Kind of a general heads up on whats fun or new or worth going back to play. Retro, PC, anything!
that’s what I found, killing works fine, but sneaking not, the first game both worked. I just wasn’t in the mood for wanton slaughter when I played.

:D Now you've got me curious. Maybe I'll try sneaking around and behaving myself for a bit, just to see. I'm definitely still headed for a vengeful killer play-through, but I'll try and get a sample of the stealth mechanic a bit. I'm curious to see what's different from the first now that you've brought it to my attention.
:D Now you've got me curious. Maybe I'll try sneaking around and behaving myself for a bit, just to see. I'm definitely still headed for a vengeful killer play-through, but I'll try and get a sample of the stealth mechanic a bit. I'm curious to see what's different from the first now that you've brought it to my attention.

i found the maps not as well designed and the patrol routes less about timing and more about luck, would be curious to see if you find the same.
i found the maps not as well designed and the patrol routes less about timing and more about luck, would be curious to see if you find the same.

I'll give it a whirl. I actually saved my game at a transitional point the other night, so when I pick it up again, I'll try a bit of stealthery.
I actually out of the blue decided to give Dishonored 2 a proper go last night. I'm absolutely loving it this time. I think I just wasn't in the mood the first time. I absolutely LOVED the first one, so I was a bit puzzled when I couldn't get into the second. Now I'm truckin' along just fine, and enjoying it a lot. Not to mention everything is absolutely maxed on my new system. (it was close at release, but I did have to drop a few things back a bit) I'll probably play through it this weekend because I don't have too much going on for once.

I'll drop into No Man's Sky a bit this weekend too, to check out the new update.

Probably play a bit of Terraria with the kids too. The world we've been working on recently is getting really interesting now. I've laid down minecart tracks that go from one end of the world to the other, up into the cloud-islands, and to some specific underground locations, so there is now mass-transit. :D It took for-fucking-ever... but it was worth it. This game never really gets old. :D

Wasn't the entire Dishonored collection on sale for $5 recently? That's a whole lot of great gaming for next to nothing. I've played through the sequel twice now.

I actually enjoyed 2 more than the 1st game, and the prequel with the metal arm lady was pretty tight. The stealth has some issues, but I found the better story, graphics, level design and atmosphere more than makes up for it.
I'm on a old school JRPG kick. Started playing through Lufia 2 again for the SNES last night. Think I'll tackle final fantasy 4-9 next.

I wish I could reach a place where I could enjoy those games from my childhood. Everytime I try playing a JRPG from the 16 bit era, something in my adult brain tells me "No". :(

Have fun!
I wish I could reach a place where I could enjoy those games from my childhood. Everytime I try playing a JRPG from the 16 bit era, something in my adult brain tells me "No". :(

Have fun!

I can play Chrono Trigger every couple of years or so, but I haven’t been able to get back into Final Fantasy, or any of the others.

I do like Secret of Evermore still, but that’s a different sort of game. More Zelda like and I still play the living hell out of Zelda games.
I got farm sim 19 from Epic and I like it. I'm a little lost still but I'm going to spend some time with it today and tomorrow
Finally played through Crysis and Crysis Warhead for the first time. It was a PITA mostly because it kept crashing to desktop randomly and after searching for a bunch of fixes, the only one that seemed to work was to disable some graphical options like AA, motion blur, Trilinear Filtering, etc. Plus I had to run it in windowed mode with some other "Borderless Gaming" app that seems to not be updated anymore so I could still play in full screen basically, else if I ran it in full screen within the game settings, the performance was much worse and more sporatic. Once I figured all that out, it seemed that I was able to play it at 60+ FPS most of the time, which is sad because my 2700X and 2080 were both sitting at like 30% utilization the whole time since the game is basically single threaded and completely dependant on clock speed rather than cores/threads available.

Anyways, Crysis was decent and glad that I finally got to play through it. It was just a bit slow in some areas to me and although the environments were huge and allowed for multiple avenues of attack, I mostly just rambo'd through it on hard still and got it done. Warhead was much faster paced and more fun because of it. Just started playing through Crysis 2 and am glad it's on a much more modern engine where I can play at 100+ FPS mostly and the gameplay seems much better overall despite it being much more linear and in a city setting rather than spread out on an island. It seems they just completely changed the story, enemies, setting, main character, and plot of the game from the original Crysis though, which I thought was odd. But the game seems much funner nonetheless and I look forward to finishing it too and moving onto Crysis 3, which seems to still be pretty tough on current hardware at least, so I can finally put my 2080 to better work again.
Still playing City of Heroes mainly, with a little Wolcen playtime also. Would play more but worked 70 hours last week. ;)
Thinking of continuing my Ghostmaster and Dungeons 3 playthroughs also. (Got about halfway through each so far)
COD is always fun times. Watched Flight Simulator 2020 videos. Cant wait for that one!
Back to Gears 5. Such a fantastic looking/sounding game. While it drags in places, it's still a terrific game.
The Division 2. Grinding out the Firewall research objectives, hoping to get the Savage Wolverine AR the next two of days. Who needs an Eagle Bearer AR? HA!

Have the Honey Badger AR and it shreds but the S.W. AR is even better.
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Metro Exodus
Detroit Beyond Human
The Surge
CODE vein
Star Wars

Subject to change took a lousy week off.
Finally played through Crysis and Crysis Warhead for the first time. It was a PITA mostly because it kept crashing to desktop randomly and after searching for a bunch of fixes, the only one that seemed to work was to disable some graphical options like AA, motion blur, Trilinear Filtering, etc. Plus I had to run it in windowed mode with some other "Borderless Gaming" app that seems to not be updated anymore so I could still play in full screen basically, else if I ran it in full screen within the game settings, the performance was much worse and more sporatic. Once I figured all that out, it seemed that I was able to play it at 60+ FPS most of the time, which is sad because my 2700X and 2080 were both sitting at like 30% utilization the whole time since the game is basically single threaded and completely dependant on clock speed rather than cores/threads available.

Anyways, Crysis was decent and glad that I finally got to play through it. It was just a bit slow in some areas to me and although the environments were huge and allowed for multiple avenues of attack, I mostly just rambo'd through it on hard still and got it done. Warhead was much faster paced and more fun because of it. Just started playing through Crysis 2 and am glad it's on a much more modern engine where I can play at 100+ FPS mostly and the gameplay seems much better overall despite it being much more linear and in a city setting rather than spread out on an island. It seems they just completely changed the story, enemies, setting, main character, and plot of the game from the original Crysis though, which I thought was odd. But the game seems much funner nonetheless and I look forward to finishing it too and moving onto Crysis 3, which seems to still be pretty tough on current hardware at least, so I can finally put my 2080 to better work again.

Beat Crysis 2 and went right into Crysis 3. So far the series isn't that great on story, but the game play is decent enough to keep my playing. I'm still kind of confused as to how Alcatraz turned into Prophet at the end of Crysis 2 though. Crysis 3 definitely tries to ramp up the characters a bit more to make you more emotionally invested, esp. with Psyco being alongside you for a lot of the game and now that he has a love interest (which seems a bit weird for his character). I'm definitely enjoying the 3rd one more than the previous two so far though and think I'm already near the end with maybe 5-6 hours into it.
Crysis was the favorite, also liked Warhead. 2 was a big step back for me, and essentially a spin off. 3 seemed to try and tie in more with the original and gameplay was between the two. I'd give the nod gameplay wise to 3 over 2. 1 and Warhead are still my favorite.
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Started the Outer Worlds finally after 3 months of it sitting untouched due to time-sucking ppl/tasks. Great game so far. Adding my voice to the "it's cross of game x and y", it's a cross between Mass Effect 2, Fallout New Vegas, and Witcher 3. It's so refreshing having an utterly simple inventory system compared to the over-engineered/heuristically-designed garbage in many games nowadays. Having items organized in a quick, simple, logical grid without massively-overwrought UI and transitions is better... who'd a thunk it?