What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Played Hunt Showdown for about 5 hours last night, only played Quickplay. Just had smoking rounds. Filled up both my Hunter rosters with 8 or 9 wins. At least 3 times I got clutch kills inside the last 10 seconds of the match with explosives. Fun times.
A little more on my previous post. My daughters and I completed Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. And we couldn't stop playing, so we started over, and started playing through it again. It is ridiculously fun, especially if you have three players. (Pilot, Gunner, and Shield Operator) At this point, I really can't recommend the game enough, and will be updating my mini review in the 2D Game thread soon.
I'll probably be playing SWTOR, got hyped up about it after finishing The Mandalorian. I played it before, forgot about it and now I'm back at it with my bro. It's ok, kind of like Mass Effect but with multiplayer and the SW universe is similar to the ME one with all the space travel and aliens.
Runescape 3, with the wife
Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
The Division 2 Hardcore. I have died twice now lol
Interesting. Do you actually like playing hardcore? I could never get into it on other games. For me it's just unnecessary frustration. I want some enjoyment from games.
Starting the day with a mug of Bali Blue Moon coffee and a session of The Outer Worlds on Supernova difficulty. Modded for the ability to quicksave because I'm not that hardcore.

Life's good! Have a happy weekend!
Just finished Wolfenstein Old Blood in one sitting. Another game off of my backlog.

As expected, it was good, but seemed like a side-story/quest compared to New Order and Colossus. Haven't played Young Blood yet as reception of it seems pretty poor overall so I'm waiting for it to go on sale for $10 or so before I pick it up.

Not sure what I'll play next. I just finished Death Stranding too last night. But here's what I have left in my queue:

  • Entire Crysis series
  • Entire Bioshock series (I've started the first one multiple times and get distracted by either work or other games every time)
  • Mario Odyssey
  • Metro series except for the first one I played several years ago and I don't have Exodus yet either.
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • CoD Infinite Warfare
  • Spider Man
I think that's about it other than I still have to finish Zelda Breath of the Wild too. I keep taking breaks from it for other games as well.
I'm on a bit of a weird streak, still playing wow and apex legends, also some wow classic, Grim dawn, Star wars: Jedi fallen order on the Xbox, some destiy 2

Also recently finished Batman Arkham asylum and Batman Arkham city on the PS4 since I got the 3 game collection as a gift during the holidays, but took a break b4 doing the last one
I'm on a bit of a weird streak, still playing wow and apex legends, also some wow classic, Grim dawn, Star wars: Jedi fallen order on the Xbox, some destiy 2

Also recently finished Batman Arkham asylum and Batman Arkham city on the PS4 since I got the 3 game collection as a gift during the holidays, but took a break b4 doing the last one

Ive 100% the first 3 Arkham games. Lost my saves to Arkham Knight and still need to restart it. Still one of my favorite game series.

Currently playing Borderlands 3, about to head out for the Pokemon Go community day though and will have to take a break from both for the game called 'Housework'
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts.

Just finished Wolfenstein Old Blood in one sitting. Another game off of my backlog.

As expected, it was good, but seemed like a side-story/quest compared to New Order and Colossus. Haven't played Young Blood yet as reception of it seems pretty poor overall so I'm waiting for it to go on sale for $10 or so before I pick it up.

Not sure what I'll play next. I just finished Death Stranding too last night. But here's what I have left in my queue:

  • Entire Crysis series
  • Entire Bioshock series (I've started the first one multiple times and get distracted by either work or other games every time)
  • Mario Odyssey
  • Metro series except for the first one I played several years ago and I don't have Exodus yet either.
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • CoD Infinite Warfare
  • Spider Man
I think that's about it other than I still have to finish Zelda Breath of the Wild too. I keep taking breaks from it for other games as well.

A lot of good games in there. If you get Metro Exodus, play Last Light and then Exodus. Final DLC is coming soon, so maybe wait for that and finish it all together. Exodus is one of the best games I've played in a long time.

Loved Crysis 1 and also Crysis Warhead, 2 and 3 are okay but not as good. Worth playing all of them though. Bioshock 1 and Infinite I enjoyed. Infinite had a nice world and story but gameplay wasn't that great, but it still stands out as a memorable experience. Got only 30 or so minutes through 2 before stopping. Rise of Tomb Raider is good, I liked 2013 more. CoD Infinite Warfare is the best CoD campaign to date. Was genuinely surprised at how good it was. Mario Odyssey, wasn't as big of a fan. Never tried Spiderman.
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts.

A lot of good games in there. If you get Metro Exodus, play Last Light and then Exodus. Final DLC is coming soon, so maybe wait for that and finish it all together. Exodus is one of the best games I've played in a long time.

Loved Crysis 1 and also Crysis Warhead, 2 and 3 are okay but not as good. Worth playing all of them though. Bioshock 1 and Infinite I enjoyed. Infinite had a nice world and story but gameplay wasn't that great, but it still stands out as a memorable experience. Got only 30 or so minutes through 2 before stopping. Rise of Tomb Raider is good, I liked 2013 more. CoD Infinite Warfare is the best CoD campaign to date. Was genuinely surprised at how good it was. Mario Odyssey, wasn't as big of a fan. Never tried Spiderman.

I started Spiderman last night after trying to start Crysis and it kept crashing to desktop after attempting to launch. Apparently there's an issue with Crysis on Windows 10 and AMD platforms (I'm on a 2700x / RTX 2080 rig) and the download link for the 8-core bat file there is dead for me, so I got annoyed and moved on to Spiderman, heh. If you have any insight into that issue specifically, I'd definitely appreciate any links/instructions.
Super Mario World and Sundered. (again). :D

I live life in two dimensions these days.
I started Spiderman last night after trying to start Crysis and it kept crashing to desktop after attempting to launch. Apparently there's an issue with Crysis on Windows 10 and AMD platforms (I'm on a 2700x / RTX 2080 rig) and the download link for the 8-core bat file there is dead for me, so I got annoyed and moved on to Spiderman, heh. If you have any insight into that issue specifically, I'd definitely appreciate any links/instructions.

Pretty sure I played Crysis, downloaded from Origin, on my Ryzen platform. Don't recall which CPU (I've had 3, now on 3700X). Win 10 as well. But maybe I am mistaken. Will have to look into it. I know Crysis 3 ran fine as I replayed that within the past year.
I'm continuing my run through the Resident Evil series. Having played all but one of them (#3, which is being re-released soon), I'm hopping around at random.
I started with #1, jumped to #7, went back to #2, and have now moved on to #4. I've played through this one at least 7-8 times so I'm making strong progress. I got all the way to the huge fish in about 90 minutes.
I figure I'll likely play 4-6 in order since they're pretty similar to one another. If I have time I might try 0 at some point.
With some luck I'll finish up right as the remake of #3 hits.
Hoping to get back into The Witcher again. I have had a lot of real life stuff to deal with and not much time for video games lately.
Been playing City of Heroes pretty much with an occasional few hours into American Truck Simulator. (Modded of course) Probably will play a little bit of MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries though. May continue on with the Witcher series in the near future, (Like the preceding post) but need to be in the mood for it.
COD:MW isn't good for my health, so I'm putting a stop to that.

Renewed the World of Warcraft sub. Not really sticking. meh

I know the league started a few weeks ago, but updated Path of Exile. Been great so far. Haven't played it in a few months. Solid game.
I set up a Terraria server again this weekend, and played it with my kids for several hours. It would seem we're back on a Terraria kick for a while, as I pretty much dropped everything else to play it. I hadn't played it since the most recent major update. It's quite cool all the changes they made.
I'm going to keep at Frostpunk this weekend and finally wrap out Outer Worlds, I think I might give Rust a shot again after seeing that new thread here.
More Wow as Always, finally have found my footing in outer worlds so will play that a bit, some jedi fallen order and also gotten back in division 2 in preparation for the big update later this month.
Been playing RDR2! Game is gorgeous at 4k! Took forever to really tune in though. Brings my system to it's knees, I had to turn some of the settings from Ultra to High (mainly Global Reflections and Water Physics Quality). Can't say those settings are very noticeable between High and Ultra anyway... but damn this game is a GPU hog!
Been playing a lot of Frostpunk, but just bought Disco Elysium last night, so I'll be playing that too.
Beat MechWarrior 5 on Friday evening. Been going through the post-end missions. The game has a few substantial annoyances (AI during base defense missions is maddening!), but overall, I think they did a great job balancing technical detail with simple smashy smashy. Setting up 'Mech lances can be overwhelming given the variety of models, model variants, weapons, and armor configurations, but once you get the hang of it, it's really fun. Great game to sit down and play for an hour, then log off.
Deep Rock Galactic and just started playing Axiom Verge (not my type of game but its great so far ) and playing some Sega Genesis on my bittboy :LOL:
I've heard so many great things about Disco Elysium that i really want to try it.

I have 25 hours into it so far, and just finished my first playthrough. It reminds me of Planescape: Torment in some ways with the humor, plus The Longest Journey with a lot of the story elements. Overall it is a superb game.
Played some Q2-RTX. Nothing new of course, but the lighting really does add something. The detail level of the models obviously can’t be helped, but it has a really surreal feel to it that I like. Pretty cool.
Then I started Youngblood. As I expected, the acting is an atrocity. :D Definitely not up there with the last three, especially TNO. However, the shooting is fun, it looks great completely maxed, and the performances is flawless.

Played some Terraria with the kids.

And I started Astral Chain on the Switch. It’s pretty cool. It’s 100% a typical Platinum game, so if you like those, this one is right up with the rest.