Warhammer Online Thread!

They will only do anything with names if someone reported you, if not they don't care. I agree with you on the Bots, they don't give a shit about them. I had a nice discussion on this at my war blog how CSR"s in this game dont really fix anything, they just ban people, and give you canned messages.

Yeah I figured as much, but the fact that it's indisputable because their only way to argue with them on it is misconfigured is laughable. Then when I can hop on their website and do a server wide search of names and find rather quickly a dozen or so obvious naming violations who are level 40. While my 2-3 month idle character gets a written warning and forced name change when there is someone with the exact same name and a multitude of variations exist on nearly every server in their game.

I was told in game that only name CSRs can handle name policy problems, only via the email they gave me...that doesn't work. So we got CSRs whose job is just enforcing the naming policy, but they don't actively and consistently enforce it. And that's my problem with all of it.

Everquest was horrible about their whole policy enforcement as well, and it's why I quit...got tired of trying to figure out if I'd get someone who'd help me with lost inventory or get a GM who'd tell me "Well you shouldn't try to trade items in this game if you know the bug exists!" And this is referring to when East Commons was big, and you had to put stuff in a trade window for people to see it (no linking via chat) or list every stat. And it just got simpler to let them look at a bag full of items than typing everything in. Then when you'd cancel the trade, the game would remove them from trade and populate them back into your inventory. But sometimes the re-population of your inventory would screw up, and you'd end up with a bag half full of items instead of completely full.

And the whole bot situation in WoW is why I quit it, got tired of playing boring rounds while other people could do couple hundred hours a week in it with their little bots while the "playing" players did all the work. WAR has this insubstantial population spread out too thinly on all it's servers, and they haven't eliminated a single bot yet. While I admit I could be wrong on some, I just don't see that every person I sent a tell to who didn't answer at any point but consistently score lower than people at the bottom of the tier ...all day long could be anything else. On top of the fact they don't run when they are squishy and getting pounded, or don't spin to fight the only person hitting them whose standing behind them killing them. Absolutely kills the game play for me.
As most of you probably know the Choppa and Slayer are now available on public test-server Shifting Isles, you can access it from a file called "testpatch.exe" in your Warhammer install-folder. Here's a couple screenshots.



Destruction obliterated Order in that Nordenwatch btw.
When is patch 1.2 release ? Looks like there will be some very good changes and fixes in this patch. If they released the game at 1.2, I bet it would have taken off and be way more popular
how is the game doing? haven't played since November; did they start swinging the nerf bat wildly or did they bring up other classes?
They will only do anything with names if someone reported you, if not they don't care. I agree with you on the Bots, they don't give a shit about them. I had a nice discussion on this at my war blog how CSR"s in this game dont really fix anything, they just ban people, and give you canned messages.

Hmm I dunno, so far my interactions with the CSR's has been a good one.

First time I needed one we were a large group in T4 of about 50-60 people and somoene enemy ran up to us obviously taunting, we put up chase and they fled at about 300% run speed, so we all CSR'd the guy and a few of us had a response 10 minutes later asking for our take on it, the CSR was quick and polite and took our word on what we saw, the investigated the character.

2nd time was on a bugged quest, NPC wasn't respawning, a CSR request was filled in about 20 minutes, they helped confirm the bug and after a short while respawned the NPC for me which correctly aided me in finishing the quest.

This compared to say WoW....where I complain about a bugged quest, get a response about 6 hours later and they tell me to quit and restart it and wait a few days, none of which worked. Or AoC where CSR queues took about an hour to move just 1 position up the queue and queues where often 200-300 big, essentially you NEVER got to speak to a CSR unless you stayed online for about 50 hours straight.

Maybe EU support is better than US, but we have GoA sorting our servers and support out and they've done nothing but fuck up so far...doesn't seem right to me. Maybe american CSRs are just cocks.

how is the game doing? haven't played since November; did they start swinging the nerf bat wildly or did they bring up other classes?

1.2 brings a fair few character changes, most of the changes are balances or alterations rather than flat out nerfs, the game/team dynamic is being strengthened in this regard.
I still have 6 7 day trial keys if any one wants one. Shoot me a pm with an email address and a name and i will get them out.
I still have 6 7 day trial keys if any one wants one. Shoot me a pm with an email address and a name and i will get them out.

i'll take one if you don't mind sending one to someone that would just use it to figure out if they want to resub.
Game still looks good, but I got way too bored with it too fast. The screens make me googly eyed.
I also have some referrals/trial keys left if anyone needs them. Send me a PM with your email address (required to send the key) :).
Can you really get by with only 1 spellbar? One of the things I really didnt like about WOW was the 17 spellbars that were completely necessary at all times.
Can you really get by with only 1 spellbar? One of the things I really didnt like about WOW was the 17 spellbars that were completely necessary at all times.

Actually, depending on your class you may only need two to four. There are some classes, like the Swordmaster that have "stance" mechanics and lots of attacks that are situational, but luckily there's a feature built into the game to page your action bar automatically now, I think (for instance, if you're a SM in Perfect Balance currently and you put all your perfect balance on roll A of Bar 1, it will only show roll A. When you are at improved balance, it will show roll B on Bar 1 instead etc.)

One may be pushing it, but you're not going to need eleventy billion bars like WoW, or lots of complicated mods.
All you need with choppa is 1 bar. As long as you have lots of choppin and get to da choppa your good.
Can you really get by with only 1 spellbar? One of the things I really didnt like about WOW was the 17 spellbars that were completely necessary at all times.

Actions/spells are just one part of your character in WAR, there's a fair few other things that make combat more complicated without having loads of additional abilities, like tactics slots, the path you decide to take which gives you additional non-generic abilities and the bonuses you spend your renown points on, as well as morale abilities.

Since you spec a path (long term), a set of tactics (short term) and also Renown abilities (long term) and moral abilities (short term), you can make your character specifically good at one thing, it lets you sacrafice one set of traits of your character to improve others essentially...so a tank can disregard damage a lot and improve their armour/health to become almost indestructable, it allows for a greater range of playstyles within each archtype.

This has the knock on effect of making some of your spells/actions more or less useless compared to others depending on how you spec, so you only ever need 1-2 bars for them...unless you spec really even/generic character in which case more of your abilities might be useful.
same. i really want to play again, but like you i know after a week or 2 max, ill end up shelving it again.

I got bored at the t4 level. It was awesome from 1 to level 35, then boring.

Zerging is all the rage.
I got bored at the t4 level. It was awesome from 1 to level 35, then boring.

Zerging is all the rage.

Sorry to say but this game is over. I have heard there are less than 150k subscribers, which is not enough for an big MMO to survive, word is the game could be shut down next year like Tablua Rusa ? sad really the game showed some promise, but just poorly executed. The first months of release, minus all the bugs was exciting, going through the Public Quest with new friends, and exploring the world, it was fresh because it was not WoW, but still fun. Then just 3 months later the game population dropped in half, and many zones were ghost towns, and it just went downhill fast after that. Too bad really, the game had potential, just took a wrong turn somewhere in the design of the game, that nothing could fix, but a whole new game really. Oh well...What is the next big MMO release ?
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Sorry to say but this game is over. I have heard there are less than 150k subscribers, which is not enough for an big MMO to survive, word is the game could be shut down next year like Tablua Rusa ? sad really the game showed some promise, but just poorly executed. The first months of release, minus all the bugs was exciting, going through the Public Quest with new friends, and exploring the world, it was fresh because it was not WoW, but still fun. Then just 3 months later the game population dropped in half, and many zones were ghost towns, and it just went downhill fast after that. Too bad really, the game had potential, just took a wrong turn somewhere in the design of the game, that nothing could fix, but a whole new game really. Oh well...What is the next big MMO release ?

Pretty much. I canceled my sub last month.
What do you guys think was the main downfalls of the game?

Here's what I think contributed to the failure:
Too many PvE zones. The idea was somewhat cool, but I think having the different classes in different zones posed a major problem. You had PQs in some areas without tanks (Elf zone), etc. Main issue was too spread out for the population. I would have preferred all of the classes in one larger zone, with more content.

A good one I thought was because they balanced the mirror classes based on RvR not 1v1. I believe if they were even in 1v1s they'd be even in a big zerg too ;). There was always bitching and dissatisfaction over Order or Chaos having the OP Caster or ___ that completely annihilated the mirror ____

I know I have a few others in here, but can't quite come up with them.
To be honest I am sick of talking about it. I would have a laundry list of how this game came out wrong. Too bad really, it had potential in there somewhere, but nothing that could be changed with patches, it was game design stuff that needed to be done a little differently from the start.

oh well...too late now this game is cooked and not going to somehow magically change for the better, it is over.
Honestly the biggest thing that could make WAR more fun is PEOPLE. the WAR team tried to do the right thing at the beginning and have plenty of servers - they knew the "I can't find any small rats to kill because there are eleventy billion players in this zone" issue was a big one. However, what they neglected to realize is that in a PVP game you need roughly triple the number of players per server to make it fun. Since areas were too barren at the beginning, some people with limited patience quit, which lead to a spiral effect.

I still think the game is great, but they've lost a lot being the "first" to try something a little different than WoW. If subscribers even broke 500k, and they were shunted properly (read as: crammed) onto servers, that alone would revitalize the game. Alas, it seems most MMO players are fickle and lack patience - if a game isn't perfect at and shortly after launch, they rarely go back, which leads those that DO go back to think it sucks and is underpopulated, as a catch 22. I'd love to see WAR do something like give FREE months to lure people back in.
the game has a design flaw..the tier system..looked good on paper but in practice it was a failure. everything else 'wrong' with this game is secondary in nature. it will be shut off next year...period. you cannot fix or patch a design flaw..no way, no how.
the game has a design flaw..the tier system..looked good on paper but in practice it was a failure. everything else 'wrong' with this game is secondary in nature. it will be shut off next year...period. you cannot fix or patch a design flaw..no way, no how.

Totally agree, the game had a few design flaws that no patching will ever change, it is stuff that needed to be changed back in early development. Oh well this game if done right could have been very stiff competition to WoW, the graphics were gritty and cool, not breathtaking but still lived in and abused looking world. The PvE stuff if done smarter and more low level dungeons could have pulled in alot of the WoW'ers.

Yep the Tier system just did not work out. The zones felt too separated at times, and group questing was lame, with the enemy AI being fucking retards, you had to step on their feet almost to make them attack you. I know WAR was a PvP game mainly, but still the PvE should have been much smarter and then would have been tons more fun.

And for a game being all about War, why have these little RvR lakes ? The whole game should be a big lake, no boundries at all, this is war and there should be battles going on up to the main camps, with the big guns and cannons in camp actually being used to defend them. Man that pisses me off, this game could have been pretty special and been the #2 MMO, but seems like the development team gave up and half assed the design or something ?
Totally agree, the game had a few design flaws that no patching will ever change, it is stuff that needed to be changed back in early development. Oh well this game if done right could have been very stiff competition to WoW, the graphics were gritty and cool, not breathtaking but still lived in and abused looking world. The PvE stuff if done smarter and more low level dungeons could have pulled in alot of the WoW'ers.

Yep the Tier system just did not work out. The zones felt too separated at times, and group questing was lame, with the enemy AI being fucking retards, you had to step on their feet almost to make them attack you. I know WAR was a PvP game mainly, but still the PvE should have been much smarter and then would have been tons more fun.

And for a game being all about War, why have these little RvR lakes ? The whole game should be a big lake, no boundries at all, this is war and there should be battles going on up to the main camps, with the big guns and cannons in camp actually being used to defend them. Man that pisses me off, this game could have been pretty special and been the #2 MMO, but seems like the development team gave up and half assed the design or something ?

Knowing they were trying to pull from the WoW crowd, they didn't want to do a completely open PVP environment. Darkfall (Darkfail, to most) and the early alpha of Mortal Online are prime examples why a full on PVP game won't appeal to the WoW demographic. 95% of post-WoW MMO players don't want non-consensual PVP. They certainly don't want to lose experience or items/money when they die. Thus, WAR tried to bridge the gap and I thought they did a rather good job. PVP was always available, but you didn't have to worry about getting ganked questing in a newbie zone. Every zone had RvR areas, and battlegrounds were always accessible ... it was reaally the most anyone could do without simply having perma-PvP, which would kill its wide-market appeal.
I think one thing that hurt them was not having all the classes in come release. I mean kudos to them for releasing them later for free, but Im not going to wait and hope the class I really wanted to play is implemented in the future.

Then this led to balancing around classes that weren't even in the game, then rebalancing when they added a pair, then balancing again. Not to mention the really pathetic classes like squig herder, where one whole tree of stuff barely worked and the two trees that did work were REALLLLLLY weak compared to other DPS...and almost no survival skills on top of it.

While the game was going strong, they pissed me off by constantly futzing with the rewards in PVP. Especially for healers, when I went back I still didn't think healers got enough reward for as much work as they do. Especially since you only got points for healing the guy who recently killed someone (assuming he was hurt at all). Leading to a lot of solo DPS you HAD to heal if you wanted any reward at all. I mean they hadn't had this lined out in 4 months, and I highly doubt it's lined out by now.

Tanks were only fun to play in the early game in PVP, late in T2 and from then on...you got knockbacks! And EVERYONE gets them, so you get to chase them around have them almost dead, they knock you back, heal to full, repeat. I thought they were interesting at first, then you get to the stages where terrain matters and you get knocked off the ledge every time by the knockback spam. How does this pass their testing as being innovative, challenging and most importantly fun?

Then stack on a helpful dose of Mark Jacobs "looking into" everything. I mean the guy was posting like crazy, on top of everything. Except.....nothing ever seemed to get better. Sure it changed, it didn't improve it. It just shifted the problem from one area to another. Rewards in PVP favored healers, then they nerfed it and it favored DPS, then they nerfed it and made it favor kills. People learned and did what made them level the fastest, they never seemed to make a system where people who "participated" the most got rewarded the most no matter what their class. So then you ended up with bots only a few months in, really useless bots that would run a path, stop in place and shoot as soon as it got close enough to a enemy to fire. Which meant they were getting rear attacked to death and never moved......ever.

I mean sure, they were busting people's balls over names. But those botters would bot a week straight and nothing ever happened even though I reported em. Gotta keep those subscribers and make sure they don't offend the bots with their names.

The game had flaws from the start, but I fail to see how they couldn't address PVP rewards, bots, and other annoyances to at least make it so you don't have a poorly designed game with jack shit for rewards, lots of bots, and a stupid naming policy. I had a char named "Waaank" because during beta everyone kept doing the "Waaagh" thing all the time and it was very annoying so I tried to make it so I could say my name instead. "Waaank" was offensive after about 4 months of having it, but the level 50 "Fingerbanger" on the server......no problem.
Just started playing the last couple days. I had been playing WoW sense closed Beta (over 5 years) so I am looking for something new. So far I am really liking Warhammer.

I am pretty sure I will be buying this game next week and I am looking for a guild I am currently on IronRock server playing Chaos I have 2 toons currently:
1. lvl 7 Chaos Marauder named Chaynes
1. lvl 5 Greenskin Squib Herder named Nulog

So if you have a fun social guild I am looking for some fun comany to help kick up the gameplay.

If you dont have a chaos guild I will look into playing on the other side as I dont have alot invested yet.
Just started playing the last couple days. I had been playing WoW sense closed Beta (over 5 years) so I am looking for something new. So far I am really liking Warhammer.

I am pretty sure I will be buying this game next week and I am looking for a guild I am currently on IronRock server playing Chaos I have 2 toons currently:
1. lvl 7 Chaos Marauder named Chaynes
1. lvl 5 Greenskin Squib Herder named Nulog

So if you have a fun social guild I am looking for some fun comany to help kick up the gameplay.

If you dont have a chaos guild I will look into playing on the other side as I dont have alot invested yet.
Don't do it. The game is terrible after tier 2. It gets extremely boring and the PvP is terrible. It's very unbalanced and cc and knockbacks are too powerful.
Sorry to say but this game is over. I have heard there are less than 150k subscribers, which is not enough for an big MMO to survive, word is the game could be shut down next year like Tablua Rusa ? sad really the game showed some promise, but just poorly executed. The first months of release, minus all the bugs was exciting, going through the Public Quest with new friends, and exploring the world, it was fresh because it was not WoW, but still fun. Then just 3 months later the game population dropped in half, and many zones were ghost towns, and it just went downhill fast after that. Too bad really, the game had potential, just took a wrong turn somewhere in the design of the game, that nothing could fix, but a whole new game really. Oh well...What is the next big MMO release ?

WAR's problem was this, sure it had better PvP and it was fresh to a new mind in the beginning, but PvP wasn't exciting enogh. When you killed somebody you knew that they would get back up in half a minute, completely ready to engage you like nothing had happened just before... there's something fundamentally wrong with dying barely having any penalty. It pleases the loser and slaps the winner in the face and make him go why should I even care? That is socialism. I grasp the incentive of socialism in real life cause we have one go in life, but in a game!? PvP was what had been promoted by the creators; Hey come to this game its gonna be WoW with better PvP! Well sorry but your forgiving death penalty eliminated all sense of lasting excitement about your PvP, and there isn't much else to do.

In the end WoW had more diversity and life, and old guild relations were pulling people back when the grind started to kick in.
It pleases the loser and slaps the winner in the face and make him go why should I even care? That is socialism. I grasp the incentive of socialism in real life cause we have one go in life, but in a game!?

lol... i don't know what to say except i doubt this is the reason the game isn't a huge success.

anyways... i am more than confident we will be seeing threads like this later but about aion.
anyways... i am more than confident we will be seeing threads like this later but about aion.

No doubt about that at all. Luckily for NCSoft, they were smart enough not to launch the game with 5 zillion servers.
These companies should learn from EVE and Fallen Earth where everyone plays on 1 server. I love that about those 2 games!!!
These companies should learn from EVE and Fallen Earth where everyone plays on 1 server. I love that about those 2 games!!!

do we have a thread for Fallen earth...even though im playing Aion and champions :) id love to read mroe about the concept...even though the graphics arent as good as the above two. the concept of MMOFPS interests me very much. was disappointed when huxley was slated to release..never
When you killed somebody you knew that they would get back up in half a minute, completely ready to engage you like nothing had happened just before... there's something fundamentally wrong with dying barely having any penalty. It pleases the loser and slaps the winner in the face and make him go why should I even care? That is socialism. I grasp the incentive of socialism in real life cause we have one go in life, but in a game!?

Thanks for the laugh, great post.

owait, it's not a joke?
Such a shame, I love the Warhammer and Warhammer 40k universes.

I thought it was great playing a goblin or an orc. But when the population dwindled it just wasn't fun anymore.
I got a free week a while back and went and played my witchhunter for a bit and most of his attacks were broken. It was a well known issue which is pretty sad. Couldn't even play the game. When I played the first time around PVP was completely fucked by the Magus ability that sucked everyone into one spot and allowed sorcerers to spam pit of shades. There was pretty much no way for Order to win. That game could have been so awesome too.