This Week on Submit or Die: Elon Musk


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
While I have to admit, "Borg" was the first thing that came to mind, we all know this is going to hash out a lot more like the Quake 4 or Matrix storyline. Elon lays out the argument that AI will have such an advantage when it comes to handling bits and bytes that we will have no choice but up our interface game to stay relevant. I know I have a serial cable stashed around here somewhere, so I am going to get to work on this today.

In an age when AI threatens to become widespread, humans would be useless, so there's a need to merge with machines, according to Musk. "Some high bandwidth interface to the brain will be something that helps achieve a symbiosis between human and machine intelligence and maybe solves the control problem and the usefulness problem," Musk explained.
I think Ghost in the Shell is a better representation of a cyborg future.
Lol. This has a lot more implications than just having an interface. Would your memory and thoughts be accessible? Would there be matrix like downloads for skills? Would your extra brain processing power be hijacked and used for bitcoin mining?
Imagine a dystopic future where government gets involved with mandating that people install governing programs directly into your brain. Suddenly you're saying xer and know all 5000 genders. How horrifying.
I do think this is highly probable if a true sentient AI is ever made. If we create an AI, unless it has some sort of compassion or some sort of religious reverence for us, or unless we can successfully handcuff it, why would it want us around? We would be its single biggest threat. We need to "evolve" accordingly.
Elon Musk, (aka real life Iron Man) always has an interesting perspective on things. Most people seem to think we need to inhibit AI but he's saying we should interface with it. I understand the dystopic arguments, but this could lead to the next stage in human evolution too. It really feels like we are just a hair away from another technological revolution, and maybe that hair is AI.
"I know n00b fu"
"Show me"

Interfacing with an AI, though? Sounds a lot like religious thing to me. It would also give even more power to the evil ones (google and their ilk)
Hoping this crap isn't in my lifetime. If so, then I'm thinking the "Flesh Fair" scenes from Spielberg's "AI - Artificial Intelligence" won't be too far off in the future.
He is right, but we are also horrifically over populated, with most of us being completely useless in the grand scheme.

AI/Singularity, man its going to be interesting.
If there's anything that can be guaranteed, based on our past history - we will war with anyone or anything different than us. We will do whatever it takes to be top dog and even if that means sacrificing the few for the good of the many. Hell, in the animal kingdom the weak or frail already get 'picked off' by their own kind. Why share limited resources and compete when you could destroy something and get more to advance your genes?

We would need to change as a species. No longer men and women of different color - just under one banner. Earthlings. If I was to judge the world by America's new president, we're doing really well getting towards that goal. :dead:
He's just stealing ideas and material from Neuromancer and The Matrix, I mean come on. :D