SteamVR Input Beta Brings Control to Controllers in VR


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
We fully understand that there will be a lot of HTC Vive and Vive Pro users this morning that will be rejoicing at finding out this news. A new beta release of SteamVR now allows users to map their own controller binds. There is a full graphical UI in the headset to make this an easy task as well. This works on VR games that have not even updated to the system yet on the developer end. So if you have a favorite game that was developed on another platform, with another controller in mind, you can now bridge that gap yourself. To gain access to this, just make sure you use the SteamVR Beta, and all this will be exposed to you in the Settings menu.

SteamVR Input allows users to build binding configurations for their favorite games, even for controllers that didn't exist when the game was written. They can adapt the controls of games to take left-handedness, a disability, or just personal preference into account. And once they build a configuration they can share them easily with other users of the same game via the Steam Workshop.
Best news article for a long time! Time to tell me boss I have to leave early today!
they actually changed it in the last update. for Rift anyway.. changed it to long-press the menu button.

that is a problem on the rift? Guess i don't get crazy enough as i have only put about 3 hours into the game but haven't accidently paused it yet.
that is a problem on the rift? Guess i don't get crazy enough as i have only put about 3 hours into the game but haven't accidently paused it yet.

I didn't either, but I guess it was a big enough problem for them to make it one of the few updates