Soooo, 780 Classified vs 290 (non-X)

I've seen folks on the OCN boards getting 1200mhz+ outta their 290x's

They are new cards, the 780's have been out for awhile now. We don't even have 3rd party cards yet, just reference style.

at the op, if you got a good deal on a good 780 why change it for a 290? makes no sense. They both perform the same, and in your case the oc'ed 780 is faster.

Max oc 780 vs Max oc 290x remains to be seen. Slap a water block on both of them and go to town. I think the 290X will win, and by large margin.
keep the 780, wait till next gen to get a new card.

the differences are so miniscule it isnt even worth upgrading right now if you have a 780 to a 290 or 290x

especially at the price you paid.

also, considering you are on 1080p now and only going to 1440p, stick with the 780, it will be able to do all you want and more.
Well, I suppose I should have known how this thread would turn out lol. Anyways, after deliberating over all the pros and cons, I have decided to just keep the Classy and OC the hell out of it. It will run anything I can throw at it for a while at the resolutions I will be using. Might as well take advantage of winning the price mistake lottery. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on what Mantle ends up bringing to the table though. Thanks for the input!

*Fingers crossed that I'll be able to hit 1300mhz with my Classy on air*

You should be fine. Yes the 290X/290 have better/similar performance but there is no reason those cards make your card obsolete. If you can return and wait for a custom AMD card sure go ahead. I wouldn't, that price is spectacular. I paid 670 USD for my classified. I'm not worried, I paid for the privilege of it's performance for months before AMD released these cards. I don't regret it. (Well not really; I'm not really taxing the card at the moment so I would of been fine with a 660 TI or something..)

You have to be kidding me with some of these post in these threads.

Edited my post, I don't want to feed the trolls, shills, chicken little's, and/or hypocrites
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I don't know what to say anymore.

R9 290 is 55 dollars more expensive and will come with a crappy cooler
Classified stock is about 5-8% faster than a Titan that an R9 290 comes close to when overclocked
Classified can be overclocked to approx 1300 MHz on air, something that cannot be matched by an R9 290

Where did you look for this info?