Seasonic PRIME 1000W Gold Power Supply Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Seasonic PRIME 1000W Gold Power Supply Review

Seems like yesterday that we would never need a 1000 watt power supply again, but maybe Seasonic knew something we did not. This 1000W monster has some new tricks up its sleeve internally, but let's see if this all makes for a better, more efficient high end computer PSU. Spoiler: This is "the best" 1000w PSU we have ever reviewed.
Jesus.... this is so tempting. I wish I had the cash for this right now.

The Corsair TX750 (v2) in my rig is about six years old now and starting to give me some signs that it might not be exactly stable anymore. I can't really fault it, it's never given me a lick of trouble in six years.... and it was actually an RMA replacement from Corsair for a v1 TX750 that itself lasted around four or five years. That PSU is the oldest thing in my rig - by far. I have always loved my Corsairs, but that's largely because most of them are based on a Seasonic design. (Actually, I think that v1 was a CWT based unit, but I digress)
Holy shit. I remember when 1000W PSUs were close to $300 a pop. Seems the ~$200 price point @1000W is a lot more crowded these days, which is nice to see. Still, top tier performance, 12 year warranty @ $189 leaves little room for any other recommendation - including their other PRIME products.
I am going to paste this again here now, as I think it is an important point.

(Editor's Note: Seasonic is the only PSU retailer in North America that supplies HardOCP's review samples out of actual retail stock. The PSU reviewed here was shipped to us by a retailer out of the same stock that you would purchase from. No other PSU manufacturers are yet to do this.)

This is a big deal to me as some folks in the "PSU community" were suggesting that SeaSonic was cherry picking and supplying golden samples. So SeaSonic stepped up and told the others to put their money where their mouth is. No other company has done this.
Nice review of another great PSU from Seasonic! Only reason not to get this one is you want it in white :p

I'd love to see the retail sourced review units from other brands, and other type of gear too while I'm wishing.
Impressive power supply! Power supply reviews with all the new builds happening, especially the HEDT ones are very much needed now.

Is there a power supply wattage chart for the newer builds like what should one get with a X399 or X299 build with the different CPU's? With Threadripper and 64 pcie lanes if one is going to max out the platform, what wattage levels are we talking about? Frankly 1000w seems to be the minimum for X399 or X299.

Great review.
Impressive power supply! Power supply reviews with all the new builds happening, especially the HEDT ones are very much needed now.

Is there a power supply wattage chart for the newer builds like what should one get with a X399 or X299 build with the different CPU's? With Threadripper and 64 pcie lanes if one is going to max out the platform, what wattage levels are we talking about? Frankly 1000w seems to be the minimum for X399 or X299.

Great review.
I have seen overclocked Threadripper fully loaded pulling ~530w at the wall here. Brent has charts of wattage used with the Vega 64 as well, up to ~470w. We did see overclocked V56 above 500w at the wall.
Yes indeed! While computer performance levels have just skyrocketed (particularly with HEDT) power requirements for them when OC have really gone up too. For any new HEDT build, the power supply will need to be very good and looks like the one reviewed here fits that well, with higher wattage one's as needed. Having an 1950x, some multiple graphics cards for rendering would really push the wattage needed way up.
If you have loading both at the same time, and overclocked, you might need more than 1KW. That said, at stock clocks with a single GPU you should be fine, however with a bit less buffer than I might advise. My general rule of thumb has been to keep your power usage to 80% or so of the PSU's rating.
It's hard to choose a PSU when so many different wattages/efficiencies all fall within the same price range.
You can move between Gold, Plat, Titanium and a range of several hundred watts all within about $10-$30 of each other. It's REALLY noticable with the Prime series, Seasonic has all bases covered.
Great Review! I love Seasonic. If I was building today, I would snap this PS up in a heartbeat. My only problem, is my current Seasonic X-850 should be good for many more years.... if you call that a problem...
Great Review! I love Seasonic. If I was building today, I would snap this PS up in a heartbeat. My only problem, is my current Seasonic X-850 should be good for many more years.... if you call that a problem...

Yeah, I just got the X-750 Gold unit for a PC I built for someone. I hope those are still good.
Interesting. Only versions available at my location are 650W 750W and 1200W wonder if those are the same quality.
Not that I'm in a market for a psu, just curious. The 1200W goes for $300 here which is more than what I'd pay for a PSU. The 750 is also above $200, EU getting shafted by outlandish pricing again.
While I would likely never refer to a PSU as "sexy", that shot of the underside of the main PCB gave me a semi.


In the market for an upcoming HEDT build. I really wanted to go R7 and combine my game and production boxes, but there was no way I was giving Biostar any money when the Maximus IV Gene finally gave up the ghost (6 years at 5GHz, CPU still trucking in another system). I felt dirty doing it, but went 7700K on a Strix z270g because I need M-ATX (Fortress FT03, which I really like). Talk about a side-grade. I still have a slim hope for a decent MATX TR4 board, but the old CS2100 just isn't cutting it these days, so I may end up doing a pedestal build with TR if that doesn't happen.

Just checked, still just the Biostar for MATX x370, yeesh. :vomit:

Oh yea, PSU thread, back on topic. I've never had a Seasonic built PSU fail on me. I currently have a few builds out in the wild that live in hot, dusty conditions (Texas) and have been running for 5+ years on Seasonic PSUs. It's usually a drive or motherboard that dies first.

Buying a crappy PSU is like buying crappy tires. Sure, you can save some money upfront, but the consequences when thing go sideways are pretty dire.
Interesting. Only versions available at my location are 650W 750W and 1200W wonder if those are the same quality.
Not that I'm in a market for a psu, just curious. The 1200W goes for $300 here which is more than what I'd pay for a PSU. The 750 is also above $200, EU getting shafted by outlandish pricing again.
You are going to need to be a bit more specific about the model numbers....
Great review. It's because of in-depth testing like this, that I now only run Seasonics in my builds.
Great review. It's because of in-depth testing like this, that I now only run Seasonics in my builds.
Seasonic got smoked by Super Flower in recent years (before the PRIME series). Keep your options open, my friend.
That being said I think Prime is top dog these days.
I thought it was obvious that I'm talking about the same series, why would I mention an unrelated product?
SSR-650GD Active PFC F3
SSR-750GD Active PFC F3
SSR-1200GD Active PFC F3
My apologies.
Fanless till 400 watt load, then it just "breathes" till over 50% load. A nice feature, though i wonder how noisy the rest of the case is when drawing 400 watts.

Anyone know what the power efficiency is at 100 watt idle load? For some reason the 10% test is 55 watt instead of 10% of 1000 watt.
why would I mention an unrelated product?
Please don't ever change.

I think it's supposed to be "No other PSU manufacturers have yet to do this."
That would mean the opposite of what the editor is trying to say.

"No other PSU manufacturer/s has/have done this as yet"
"All other PSU manufacturers have yet to do this"
"Seasonic is as yet the only PSU manufacturer to do this"

Any of the above would convey the state of affairs correctly. Editor was likely drunk.
Please don't ever change.

That would mean the opposite of what the editor is trying to say.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm in the wrong here, English is not my first language. But I thought when I say "the only versions avaialable..." it is explicitly implied that I'm talking of the same series of products that the topic is about. It certainly is implied in my native tongue. So sorry if I offended anyone, but in my reading my post was 100% certain without any shred of doubt that it was about models from the same series, and anyone asking for further clarification is being coy.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm in the wrong here, English is not my first language. But I thought when I say "the only versions available..." it is explicitly implied that I'm talking of the same series of products that the topic is about. It certainly is implied in my native tongue. So sorry if I offended anyone, but in my reading my post was 100% certain without any shred of doubt that it was about models from the same series, and anyone asking for further clarification is being coy.
You're correct, and afaik have not offended anyone. Your original post was 100% correct, and it should have been implied that you're talking about products directly related to the one being discussed.

My comment to you was meant to imply that you are a sweet, beautiful innocent, who is as yet unaware that these review discussion threads very frequently go off into the weeds about completely unrelated and/or stupid shit, and Kyle will then politely request that anyone wanting to discuss stupid shit should start their own fucking thread elsewhere. You can see by Kyle's reply to you that he is somewhat used to dealing with random bullshit. I found your question "why would I mention an unrelated product?" to be completely hilarious in light of what I just explained. "Don't ever change" was me trying to make a joke about the monumental difference between what you [correctly] believe the rules of the discussion thread are, and what they actually are in many cases. Essentially, I'm saying "it is rare that a person understands how these threads are supposed to work, I hope that this person never devolves into one of the many people who just post random crap".

Case in point, this post would have been better as a PM directly to you, so as not to fill the thread with unrelated garbage, yet here I am explaining a joke at great length and wasting everyone else's time. You truly are a beautiful person, and I hope you stick around. I'll see you once my temporary ban is over. :sneaky:
Surely as this planet keeps spinning, Seasonic continues to be Seasonic. Clearly their best competition is themselves, and apparently they are never tired with kicking their own ass, they continue to strive for higher still. A company that really lets their products speak for themselves. Surprising that no one else sends [H] actual retail stock for testing. Seasonic though, they want us all to know exactly what the fuck is up. Gawd damn.
Damn Paul_Johnson another seriously kick ass review. Here and JohnnyGuru are the only places to get a proper PSU review.

On the flip side I am still rocking my EVGA SuperNOVA 1200 P2 80+ PLATINUM that he recommended so highly five years ago! I thought about buying this or the same EVGA again for my next build.

If I buy the EVGA again, I will have a spare hrmm. The Asus x299 platform lists my EVGA on the QVL so its still relevant!

I am rambling...

Thank you for the review Paul

Take care,
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