Resident Evil 4 (remake)

Nvidia's planned obsolescence working perfectly, 4070 ti owners are next, two years it'll be the same problem with 12 gb cards.
Two years? Um even right now its at the limit in a couple of games.
Nvidia's planned obsolescence working perfectly, 4070 ti owners are next, two years it'll be the same problem with 12 gb cards.

it's not forced's that Nvidia wants you to buy the $1700 4090 with 24GB VRAM

The video shows them turning it up to max graphics. What do they expect? I didn't cry about my GTX 970 not being able to run newer games with the highest texture settings a year after release.
I was being generous, it's a stupid card to sell in 2023.

I said planned, they could've sold 3070 ti's with 16 gb no problem.
And it would have been priced out of its market segment if it did. GDDR6X was going for around $15-20 a GB back then, and adding more memory to the video card isn't as easy as just soldering the ICs in.
I'm having a total blast with this game. Rather than leaving things out, it feels like they've actually added bits of content to the game vs. the older one. The things they've changed have been minor and they've felt like upgrades. I'm not super far (just completed the Lake sections), but I couldn't be happier.
I'm not sure how new players will feel about it. It looks modern and it's a hell of a game, but some of the mechanics feel a little dated. When enemies are closing in on you, you're just kinda left standing there. There's no option to dodge, sway, kick, defend, etc. They game wouldn't be the same with those things, but it makes Leon feel like an idiot for no kicking the shit out of enemies all the time...which he actually CAN do in RE6. When you play this game and Village, it becomes pretty clear which is the remake vs. the newer title. I like that they kept the older title mostly the same, but I get why some people might not like that.
The video shows them turning it up to max graphics. What do they expect? I didn't cry about my GTX 970 not being able to run newer games with the highest texture settings a year after release.

And it would have been priced out of its market segment if it did. GDDR6X was going for around $15-20 a GB back then, and adding more memory to the video card isn't as easy as just soldering the ICs in.
Good grief, it shows that 8 gigs of VRAM is a problem on cards that could otherwise run those settings. These aren't entry level video cards and should have never come with only 8 gigs of VRAM in the first place. Now think just how stupid it is that Nvidia is going to launch 60 class cards in 2023 with only 8 gigs at what used to be 70 class pricing.
Good grief, it shows that 8 gigs of VRAM is a problem on cards that could otherwise run those settings.
If it can't run at the setting with the memory it came with, then it can't run at those settings. The memory subsystem is integrated into the video card.
If it can't run at the setting with the memory it came with, then it can't run at those settings. The memory subsystem is integrated into the video card.
That's the whole point which is that the cards are not coming with the appropriate amount of VRAM in the first place. The more expensive the card is the more egregious this BS becomes. It is completely asinine to release a 60 class card in 2023 with only 8 gigs of VRAM and a 70 class card with only 12.
I think blaming Nvidia for low VRAM is a legit criticism and part of the problem here, and they don't want you to hold onto your plenty enough VRAM card along with DLSS now for too long (as they have enough forward looking foresight to see what would be required by 'gaming' writ large, etc etc)

But Capcom isn't Crytek and Resident Evil isn't Crysis - you target your game for the market at the time - this is literal shit optimization/proper programming on their part IMO, and where a lion's share of the blame should go
I think blaming Nvidia for low VRAM is a legit criticism and part of the problem here, and they don't want you to hold onto your plenty enough VRAM card along with DLSS now for too long (as they have enough forward looking foresight to see what would be required by 'gaming' writ large, etc etc)

But Capcom isn't Crytek and Resident Evil isn't Crysis - you target your game for the market at the time - this is literal shit optimization/proper programming on their part IMO, and where a lion's share of the blame should go
Shit programming = 4k textures? I don't get it. What do you think programming has to do with texture resolution? There are ways to reduce texture usage but I'm sure they're already using them. Stuff like vertices doesn't take up much vram.
Shit programming = 4k textures? I don't get it. What do you think programming has to do with texture resolution? There are ways to reduce texture usage but I'm sure they're already using them. Stuff like vertices doesn't take up much vram.

This is not only happening with 4k textures on - I've experienced it myself

Their engine (once they added in ray tracing after the fact/retroactively) is flawed - at the very least their graphical selection/shown usage in settings is flawed

Again you can find the same in the RE 2/ 3 forums ever since the ray tracing update and I'm assuming RE 7 and RE 8 forums but never went there
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This is not only happening with 4k textures on - I've experienced it myself

Their engine (once they added in ray tracing after the fact/retroactively) is flawed - at the very least their graphical selection/shown usage in settings is flawed

Again you can find the same in the RE 2/ 3 forums ever since the ray tracing update and I'm assuming RE 7 and RE 8 forums but never went there
I'm not sure that RT + Texture res = bad programming, I can't speak to RT specifically because I haven't really worked with it. But I'm guessing all of the raycasting data they create while sending bounces isn't cheap by any means.
I'm not sure that RT + Texture res = bad programming, I can't speak to RT specifically because I haven't really worked with it. But I'm guessing all of the raycasting data they create while sending bounces isn't cheap by any means.

RE3 and 2 has crashed on me in DX12 (the ray tracing update brought DX12) with ray tracing off, and when it said I should be only using 5GB of VRAM at 1440p (think textures was set to 2GB)

Put the games in DX 11 mode/pre-ray tracing update - no crashes - maxed settings

It's shit optimization on Capcom's part
RE3 and 2 has crashed on me in DX12 (the ray tracing update brought DX12) with ray tracing off, and when it said I should be only using 5GB of VRAM at 1440p (think textures was set to 2GB)

Put the games in DX 11 mode/pre-ray tracing update - no crashes - maxed settings

It's shit optimization on Capcom's part
Huh, I don't have a 3060 ti any longer but I'm curious to test it. I played both games on the 3060 ti but I must've played them before the RT patches. I'm not sure what shit optimization means, there's a lot of different techniques to optimize things. Is there a particular reason ram usage would be higher in DX 12 than 11 in general? Like it says it only says 5 gb, but it seems like it's running out and crashing. I'll go ahead and download it, put it in DX 12 and see what kind of metrics I get.
They should try some of them then
The game ran like I dream for me back when I played it, so it's optimized for DX 11 but something went wrong in DX 12 is what it sounds like you're saying. I'm not sure that game isn't using proper texture optimization (I kind of doubt that they're not optimized, texture data takes up a ton of space). But there might be something going on when they switched to DX 12.
The game ran like I dream for me back when I played it, so it's optimized for DX 11 but something went wrong in DX 12 is what it sounds like you're saying. I'm not sure that game isn't using proper texture optimization (I kind of doubt that they're not optimized, texture data takes up a ton of space). But there might be something going on when they switched to DX 12.

Right so bad programming and or optimization

To put it in non-exact terms - if the game is using 24GB of VRAM in the background (and again not trying to be technically correct, just painting a picture) and your graphics settings screen says the user will only be using 8GB of VRAM - that's shit programming

If your game is using 24GB of VRAM when most cards on the market you're releasing that game into aren't 24GB cards - that's shit optimization

I stand by what I've said
Right so bad programming and or optimization

To put it in non-exact terms - if the game is using 24GB of VRAM in the background (and again not trying to be technically correct, just painting a picture) and your graphics settings screen says the user will only be using 8GB of VRAM - that's shit programming

If your game is using 24GB of VRAM when most cards on the market you're releasing that game into aren't 24GB cards - that's shit optimization

I stand by what I've said
So optimization is down to the user choosing settings that are inappropriate to their hardware now?
it's not forced's that Nvidia wants you to buy the $1700 4090 with 24GB VRAM
You're kidding right? They launched the 3090Ti with less than half a year before a card that was nearly twice as fast and costed less came out. It's not like they didn't know about the product developments happening in their own company. "Top tier" cards aren't safe in nVidia's product stack.
So optimization is down to the user choosing settings that are inappropriate to their hardware now?

When the settings menu/shown estimated VRAM usage coded by the developers is obviously off/wrong/incorrect? How does the user then know?
You're kidding right? They launched the 3090Ti with less than half a year before a card that was nearly twice as fast and costed less came out. It's not like they didn't know about the product developments happening in their own company. "Top tier" cards aren't safe in nVidia's product stack.

the 3090 TI and previous Titans were never realistically targeted towards high end gamers...they were niche products...the 4090 is the first card marketed as such where the 4080 and below seem irrelevant
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When the settings menu/shown estimated VRAM usage coded by the developers is obviously off/wrong/incorrect? How does the user then know?
So you were right that it is lower than what they show in the menu. It showed that I was going to use 14.6 gigs of vram with everything turned up all the way including RT @ 4k, was a decent bit lower, but still hit 11.3 gb while playing. Admittedly, that was in an empty area but a pretty large one. I would imagine with a lot of zombies on the screen there could be some fluctuation, so maybe the estimate is worst case scenario. Without RT brought be down to around 10 GB everything turned on except chromatic abberation and DOF @ 4k. I would imagine even at 1440p using max textures would cause a struggle. I have a hard time believing the 2gb textures are a problem, something else has to be going on with your install or machine at that point. I will say though, RT was completely broken for me, there was no denoising at all and everything looked like a blotchy mess. Oh, and this was Resident Evil 3.
So you were right that it is lower than what they show in the menu. It showed that I was going to use 14.6 gigs of vram with everything turned up all the way including RT @ 4k, was a decent bit lower, but still hit 11.3 gb while playing. Admittedly, that was in an empty area but a pretty large one. I would imagine with a lot of zombies on the screen there could be some fluctuation, so maybe the estimate is worst case scenario. Without RT brought be down to around 10 GB everything turned on except chromatic abberation and DOF @ 4k. I would imagine even at 1440p using max textures would cause a struggle. I have a hard time believing the 2gb textures are a problem, something else has to be going on with your install or machine at that point. I will say though, RT was completely broken for me, there was no denoising at all and everything looked like a blotchy mess. Oh, and this was Resident Evil 3.

I've been on multiple (clean) installs and have had it happen (since DX12/RT update), and again, you're acting like it's just me it happens to, when you can go look at those Steam forum links and see it's widely reported - and that was just for RE4 I linked - go check RE2 and RE3 forums too

Edit: Plus how on the same OS install switching to the DX 11 version will then work perfectly fine - with maxed settings across the board, much higher than settings being used in the crash prone DX 12 version when that crashes - again - not just for me as you can see across the forums
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I've been on multiple (clean) installs and have had it happen (since DX12/RT update), and again, you're acting like it's just me it happens to, when you can go look at those Steam forum links and see it's widely reported - and that was just for RE4 I linked - go check RE2 and RE3 forums too

Edit: Plus how on the same OS install switching to the DX 11 version will then work perfectly fine - with maxed settings across the board, much higher than settings being used in the crash prone DX 12 version when that crashes - again - not just for me as you can see across the forums
I don't think it's only happening to you, I just don't think the game is unoptimized really. Are you and windows 10 or 11 (I'm on 10)? A lot of people in the first thread you linked if you go to the end a bunch of people are writing about having good experiences with max settings on a 3080 ti and another on a 3080. The 3080 guy did have to turn texture resolution down though. There could be an issue where they're not dumping assets from video memory and it's build over time. I didn't play long enough to check really.
Hit chapter 3. Not sure why all the peeps are jizzing over this game. It is decent but the old poor camera angles and over the shoulder drawbacks really show up with tight and unimaginative level design.

It’s a solid game but I think I may have been too hasty to splurge 45 on it day 1. Should’ve waited for a sale like the previous remakes. Hopefully this is longer than the 4-5 hour romps in RE2 and 3.

Have all the previous versions of RE4 but it is first time I actually play it and am glad to report that the archaic stop and shoot nonsense is gone in this one though you still go into extremely slow and lethargic mode every time you point your gun. Which is apparently an amazingly incompetent tactic to create that “atmosphere” of dread.

P.S. graphics are also OK ish.

I give it a solid 6/10 for now.
It’s a solid game but I think I may have been too hasty to splurge 45 on it day 1. Should’ve waited for a sale like the previous remakes.

You just described every non-zombie RE game 😤

the archaic stop and shoot nonsense is gone in this one though you still go into extremely slow and lethargic mode every time you point your gun. Which is apparently an amazingly incompetent tactic to create that “atmosphere” of dread.

It was a holdover/bridge from tank controls of 1/2/3/CV/Outbreak/the rest to third person controls - even 5 did it that way I think?

The tightest controlling RE game I ever played with true 3rd person movement is Revelations 1 👌 Nothing has matched it to this day IMO. Had a crappy/broken dodge mechanic, but that's a staple of the series basically.
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When the settings menu/shown estimated VRAM usage coded by the developers is obviously off/wrong/incorrect? How does the user then know?
It's an estimation, not exact. It's telling you that it's the maximum amount of memory that could be allocated by the game. If people are going to start getting autistic over the number then they should just make it like the oil pressure gauge in modern cars: don't show the number and simply display green for good, yellow for on the edge, and red for bad.
I saw the PS5 version at work today they only had 2 copies though I wonder if Sony makes just a few copies of the disks so people buy digital instead?
It's an estimation, not exact. It's telling you that it's the maximum amount of memory that could be allocated by the game. If people are going to start getting autistic over the number then they should just make it like the oil pressure gauge in modern cars: don't show the number and simply display green for good, yellow for on the edge, and red for bad.

An estimate still has to be in the ballpark of and of use - otherwise what good does an estimate do and what's the point of it

Telling you you'd be 3GB under and still crashes (even if because it's not flushing assets - which I'd call wastefully unoptimized) isn't estimating - it's just plain wrong

You're not gonna die if Capcom fucked up, it's OK - again - there's a plethora of evidence and people to show there IS a problem here somewhere - it's not people just trying too just select settings to high for their setup and everything is perfect otherwise and that's simply it

Edit: And again, this is Capcom - you yourself said you have to play the old DX10 version of RE5 because they released and inferior DX9 version as an 'update' that has known bugs like the cell shading bug that they refuse to acknowledge or fix - so again - them fucking up like this, just with a different bug in a different RE/game, shouldn't be news or a surprise to you
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He discusses the crashing issue here and says he could reproduce it on 8GB and 10GB GPUs and that shadows seems to be the culprit

I'm still doing a playthrough on and off of RE3 in whatever highest difficulty is, I'll try lowering just shadows, maxing everything else (within limits of what settings tells me I can/should run) and see what happens

Lots of other issues he reports - Capcom step your fucking game up 🤬
As I progress further, it's interesting to see which areas they kept as-is, which ones that they expanded, and which ones they removed. I'm in the early phases of the castle and still having a good time. I really do wish Leon could kick like RE6, though. Because they're absolutely swarming you with enemies this time, you feel oddly defenseless all while Leon is doing gynmastics and world level Muay Thai seconds later.
I'm probably 70% done and still having a blast. I've made peace with Leon choosing not to be a badass all the time and I'm noticing that (like the original) the game gets easier as you get further. Better weapons and being able to power them up absolutely makes all the difference in the world. Especially when you're mostly fighting the same enemies. The early sections of this game can be pretty damned tough. There have been a few spots where I was dangerously low on ammo, and the game seems to pick up on that and compensate you. Now I've got a pretty decent stockpile and am just about the play the mine cart area, which was one of the more fun and unique areas in the original.
So far I'd probably give this game a B+ or an A-. It's hard to overlook the weird quirks in a nearly 20 year old game. Yet if they weren't there, it wouldn't be RE4.
Just started playing, got to the first merchant. The only thing I'm really disliking is the chain sound in the surround speakers when enemies are attacking you. I think I'm starting to tune it out, but it's really annoying when you have NPCs yelling at you and it sounds like someone dragging a chain is approaching from behind but there's nothing. It's a distraction.

I'm using an RTX 3090, performance is good and no crashing during gameplay, but I did get the D3D 25 crash after pausing the game and going to the display options screen; I didn't even change anything, just navigated to it. It was early in the game, standing by the tunnel in the area where they blow up the rocks to block the path (formerly the boulder drop area).
Something worth mentioning - the fish in the castle pond respawn. I'm not sure about the frequency (once per chapter, maybe?), but they came back 3 different times for me. 3 fish each time, too. That's a whole lotta health you can get back without using normal healing items. You can stockpile the little ones since they don't take up all that much space, too. Large ones appear to heal you completely. At least they did for however much health I had. For a little while I was happily running around with a suitcase full of fish.
Literally no one has mentioned eggs... are they back or not?
Literally no one has mentioned eggs... are they back or not?
Indeed there they are. And you can throw a golden egg at Salazar to kill him quickly too! Dunno if that's a carry over from the first game or not.

I guess I'm going super slow on my playthrough. I'm at 20 hours and just got to the 3rd range in chapter 10 I think. I'm on hardcore for my first playthrough though and dying a lot. The gold case I got for preordering is helping a lot on upgrades though at least. Same with the 30% handgun crafting charm you get. Prolly the only time I've used or cared about a preorder bonus.
I made it through the rest yesterday. It truly is the same length of the original. Anything that didn't carry-over from the original was replaced by something comparable and new. I also appreciate that the weapons are fairly balanced this time around. There are some exceptions, but if you max out the early weapons they can be just as good as the later ones. In some cases (like the Stingray), better.
Looks like there's no standard option to replay the game with unlimited ammo, which I was kinda hoping for. I always liked "getting my revenge" by hosing everything with gunfire in a 2nd playthough. Guess I'll have to settle for just nuking them with maxed out weapons.