Ready Player One Sneak Peek at SXSW 2018


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Some folks got to view the upcoming Ready Player One at SXSW 2018 in Austin, TX this weekend and the feedback is very solid. Indie Wire has a full review posted if you are interested. Given all the positive feedback, I just went over to Amazon and purchased the book. I would rather "ruin" the movie storyline, rather than the book's. The trailer is below if you do not know how all this has a tech slant.

Check out the video.

From filmmaker Steven Spielberg comes the action adventure “Ready Player One,” based on Ernest Cline’s bestseller of the same name, which has become a worldwide phenomenon. The film is set in 2045, with the world on the brink of chaos and collapse. But the people have found salvation in the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday (Mark Rylance).
Another here recommending the Audio book, Wil Wheaton does a fantastic job.

Excited for this movie but also worried as it will be very easy to screw it up.
I love the book and now based on the above need to get the audio version as well. I just went through and read it again last week preparing for the movie. I am sure the movie will take many liberties and make changes but that's any movie really.
Spielberg (among others) gets a bonus +30% in review appraisals. Take professional reviews with a bucket of salt.
I'm a fan of the audiobook as well. The first movie trailer made me think I was going to hate the movie. This one looks a little bit closer to the storyline that the book created.
I always buy the Warcraft novels in book form. Gotta have some time away from the screen and/ or headphones
I'm a fan of the audiobook as well.

It's all in the narration. The perfect narrator can elevate a good novel to an experience better than reading the text. I blazed through World War Z maybe a dozen times after it was released in 2006, but the unabridged audio book (voiced by a couple of dozen hollywood actors) is my preferred way to revisit it now. Same with Andy Weir's The Martian, (RC Bray) Chrichton's Jurassic Park novels (Scott Brick) amd James SA Corey's The Expanse (Jefferson Mays)

But not all audiobooks are blessed with talented narration. And I've listened to narrators so bad, it makes you wish Siri or Alexa would read instead,
Terrible book. I picked it up and the darn thing wouldn't close. I couldn't stop reading it until I was done. Tried to go to bed a few times and had to get back up and keep reading. Super addictive. Avoid if you value your life.

Seriously though, anyone who grew up in the 80s (myself) and likes tech should really enjoy this book. I think I read it in 3 days. Just couldn't put the darn thing down. It's a fairly light read. I'm very worried I won't like the movie. We'll see though, trying not to be too excited. Haven't seen a good movie adaptation since Girl with a Dragon Tattoo.
Movie looks awesome, I'm another movie before book person. Looking forward to both
oh god, he reads so slow.... I couldn't stand it.

I do have to agree though that it felt like it was written for him to read it. And there's the section of the audio book that mentions something about Wil Wheaton.

All in all though, it's just not my type of book, and I really didn't care for it. So I'll probably also pass on the movie.