PWM/ARGB hub AND controller? I'm confused, why do I need both?


Jul 24, 2021
Ok let me get to the point:

I am building my dream rig in my new case; the HAF 700.
It has a argb/pwm controller board AND Hub board. (See attached pics of diagrams please to see the devices preinstalled in the back of the case.)

My question is, why do I need both?

Are they doing different jobs?

The smaller device [controller ?] looks like it has 3 argb slots so I'm pretty sure you plug one into the hub right? But then why is there 3 slots and not just 1? That is confusing me. Is it for adding more hubs? Or just 2 additional argb slots?

The larger device (hub?) Has both slots for argb & pwm. I'm assuming this is where you populate every pwm and argb devices/fans here. But do I connect anything else for for both devices to communicate to each other? Or only the argb/pwm from the controller and USB also. Btw I don't know wtf is going on with 2 devices I'm lost lol

This is my first time using either a controller device or a hub device so I want to get a better understanding.

If you could please look at the diagrams I attached and help me understand the difference between the 2 devices and how I can have 24 argb fans (with 3 to 1 splitters) all controlled by these 2 built in devices on the back of my new HAF 700 case I'm literally building in right now.

Thank you in advance.

Ps: Id like to add that I have the CPU/GPU/RESERVOIR argb wires as a set of three connectors, where do I plug these? Into the controller with the 3 ports?

Then I have 24 argb fans do I just plug them all into the hub with splitters?

So many questions and confusion lol if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again.

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the hub just expands the ports the controller can control. if you need more ports, but buy one.
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