Photoshop Uses AI to Find Photoshopped Photoshops


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Deep neural networks are being used by Adobe to find out if you used Abode tools to manipulate an image with its image manipulation software. I think you all see where this is going, but is what you are looking at already photoshopped?

Check out the video.

Vlad explains that a variety of tools already exist to help document and trace the digital manipulation of photos. “File formats contain metadata that can be used to store information about how the image was captured and manipulated. Forensic tools can be used to detect manipulation by examining the noise distribution, strong edges, lighting and other pixel values of a photo. Watermarks can be used to establish original creation of an image.”
So I need an AI to figure out if a photo has been tampered with by an AI...

...Or I can just assume all photographs and videos are bogus until I find conclusive evidence to back it up

...And I thought EU banning memes was bad...

At least I have nothing to worry about, Ive always had this thing where I don't like other people taking pictures of me. I have a sixth sense about it too, so about the only clear shots you get of me are of the back of my head. When they ask why I just tell them random crap like photographs steal your soul... or my recent one is that I our future AI overlords are going to use all the photos we ever posted on the internet against us, and I will escape because it won't recognize me... People think its funny and crazy. But after seeing how google AI has a hard time telling the difference between black people and gorillas, it really starts to make me wonder if there isn't something to what I am doing.

Now I get to tell people that if they ever do see photo of me, then its most likely been manipulated by AI... fun times!
they tested it with many ufo pictures and it shows it was never photoshopped!
So, um... what is Photoshop for then? Isn't it for making memes? Are they trying to get work with the EU?
So, um... what is Photoshop for then? Isn't it for making memes? Are they trying to get work with the EU?

Cuz it's fun to fuck with simple minded humans. However........................................... I still want to believe.









Be nice if Adobe invested some money in making their software not run like a stuck pig.