NVIDIA Next Generation Mainstream GPU to be Discussed at Hot Chips 30

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[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Ok, now we know NVIDIA is going to start talking about their next gen mainstream GPU and it's going to be at Hot Chips 30 on the 20th of August. No code names are mentioned so there's no telling what it's going to be, but at least we know something is going to be talked about. This could also mean we'll see new GPUs from NVIDIA around that time frame as well. Bring on my new precious!
Dude, didn't you get the memo?


AMD Radeon

August?! How long have we been on Pascal sheesh. Not that I'm upgrading or anything, I'm just now watercooling my GPU so not going to throw that money away. Maybe get a second hand me down for sli later in life.
I generally don't care if giant asshole companies act like assholes, when I buy something I want the best performing product on the market I can afford but this is one of those cases where I really don't want to give nVidia my money but I know that AMD's product can't do for me what I need it to do and if I'm going to spend between $400 and $600 on something it better damn well be the best damn thing on the market in its price class. I know I'll be building a new computer around the end of the year so I'm really hoping nVidia pulls their collective heads out of their asses and shapes up by then.
I'm in no rush to upgrade as my GTX1070Ti more than meets my needs, but if the price/performance is right...
Speaking of crap. Anyone notice NVidia's drivers are drawing more and more telemetry lately? Before you had to install the GeFarce Experience to get that, and it seems they are moving the telemtry gathering to the main driver now, or installing it even when you do not want the GeFarce Experience.

Ya know, it has been a while since I really hijacked a thread. :)
It will be interesting to see how things will go this time around.

My new model was to buy a Titan on launch and keep it as long as possible.

But starting with the Titan V being a $3,000 professional part I'm not sure what will happen this time around.

My Pascal Titan X is marginal for 4k gaming. I could really use another 50% performance or so, but I am unwilling to go SLI, as I've been burned by multi-GPU in the past.

I wonder what the next gen part at the 1080ti level will be... I can justify spending $1200, but that's about my max.
Speaking of crap. Anyone notice NVidia's drivers are drawing more and more telemetry lately? Before you had to install the GeFarce Experience to get that, and it seems they are moving the telemtry gathering to the main driver now, or installing it even when you do not want the GeFarce Experience.

Ya know, it has been a while since I really hijacked a thread. :)

To a certain extent, telemetry isn't a bad thing. If they are using it to determine what is causing crashes, taking memory dumps and using them to fix bugs, I'm OK with it. If they are collecting other user data for other purposes, I am fundamentally opposed. Problem is, it is very difficult to know.

What have you seen that suggests the drivers are dialing home more often?
Not drivers per se. Background processes which used to be restricted to the GeFarce E thing are running when you do not install GeFarce E. No way to shut them down, that I can find,...yet.

It bothers me because they do not disclose what data they are collecting.
Not drivers per se. Background processes which used to be restricted to the GeFarce E thing are running when you do not install GeFarce E. No way to shut them down, that I can find,...yet.

It bothers me because they do not disclose what data they are collecting.

They are collecting your forum posts. Future boost clocks will be limited if your "influencer" rating drops too low.:troll:
Speaking of crap. Anyone notice NVidia's drivers are drawing more and more telemetry lately? Before you had to install the GeFarce Experience to get that, and it seems they are moving the telemtry gathering to the main driver now, or installing it even when you do not want the GeFarce Experience.

Ya know, it has been a while since I really hijacked a thread. :)

In autoruns.exe, enter "nvidia" in filter/search box. Uncheck everything that says telemetry. Have to repeat each time the driver is updated.
Ok, now we know NVIDIA is going to start talking about their next gen mainstream GPU and it's going to be at Hot Chips 30 on the 20th of August. No code names are mentioned so there's no telling what it's going to be, but at least we know something is going to be talked about. This could also mean we'll see new GPUs from NVIDIA around that time frame as well. Bring on my new precious!

My "new precious" isn't going to be from a blatantly anti-competitive, anti-consumer company that emphasizes proprietary tech and closed standards to milk their customers. My precious is going to be a 7nm Vega or Navi card from AMD!
With all the crap they have been pulling lately, I could care less. Next card is from the red team as soon as the cryptocrazed nonsense stops.

Newegg and Amazon have the Gigabyte Vega 64 for under $600 right now...
nvidia can drag pascal out for another 2 years and it would be ok.
Lets make a drinking game. Every time nVidia gives an excuse as to why the GPU will be so expensive (some useless VR technology, RAM prices, "tensor" cores, real async compute, etc.), take a drink.

If they unveil the price at the end of the conference, chug the whole bottle.
Got my HP Omen 17X laptop recently with a Geforce 1080 in it. So I'm good for a while.

I will say this, going from an ASUS with a 780M to the 1080 in this laptop was probably one of the most exciting hardware upgrades I've done in ages. I am hoping that Nvidia follows the same direction for these new GPUs and produces a laptop variant that is just as powerful as its desktop variant. Cause that type of "mobile" horsepower is blindingly awesome.
nvidia can drag pascal out for another 2 years and it would be ok.

They have been shipping record breaking amounts of cards for the last several quarters and people are willing to pay over MSRP for them. Not much motivation to come up with something better.
Good, the faster Nvidia puts out their card, the faster AMD with put out theirs.
nvidia can drag pascal out for another 2 years and it would be ok.

I doubt that is accurate. You seem to think AMD is woefully behind Nvidia, when the reality is that the Vega 64 is the third most powerful card on the market, only eclipsed by the 1080ti and the Titan. Sure it's a power hog, and it runs hot...but neither are insurmountable problems, and we know NOTHING about the 7nm version of Vega that is sampling NOW. Your comment assumes that AMD's engineers are just sitting on their hands, and they are certainly not.
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' start talking' in August ? really?
this is ridiculous , goes to show you what happens when there is no real competition.
anyway i`m using this time to go back to consoles after skipping this gen so far, got a new Xbox one X , nvidia just lost my business
Patience, it takes time to come up with new GameWorks features that will cripple all current gen cards and then pay to have them implemented into new titles to spur sales of new GPUs. :cautious:
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Got my HP Omen 17X laptop recently with a Geforce 1080 in it. So I'm good for a while.

I will say this, going from an ASUS with a 780M to the 1080 in this laptop was probably one of the most exciting hardware upgrades I've done in ages. I am hoping that Nvidia follows the same direction for these new GPUs and produces a laptop variant that is just as powerful as its desktop variant. Cause that type of "mobile" horsepower is blindingly awesome.

I went from a shitty radeon 6650m to a gtx1060. Exciting.
Lets make a drinking game. Every time nVidia gives an excuse as to why the GPU will be so expensive (some useless VR technology, RAM prices, "tensor" cores, real async compute, etc.), take a drink.

If they unveil the price at the end of the conference, chug the whole bottle.
Play the game again when Navi comes out. Then tack on an extra $100 to the price just because AMD likes to pull a fast one on us like that.
Except for the problem with poor performance you now have. :p

I'll accept poorer performance over supporting a company who has been doing the crap NVidia has been lately. AMD is not perfect, but they are lesser of the two evils at this moment.
I'll accept poorer performance over supporting a company who has been doing the crap NVidia has been lately. AMD is not perfect, but they are lesser of the two evils at this moment.

I won't.

If you think AMD wouldn't do the exact same stuff if it had market dominance then you are out of your mind. These companies exist to make share holders money. None of them give a shit about you.
I won't.

If you think AMD wouldn't do the exact samee stuff if it had market dominance then you are out of your mind. These companies exist to make share holders money. None of them give a shit about you.

And if they do that, then I'll move along. I have no qualms about stopping doing business with companies, even if it means I have to give up something to do so.

I know I am in the minority on this. Most people, today, have no moral or ethical issues doing business with companies anymore as long as they get their toys, regardless of any reprehensible behavior exhibited by those companies. I get that. I just do not swing that way.

As long as poeple support companies who shit in their oatmeal, then those companies will continue to do so.
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Enjoy the inferior performance

The radeon 9700 was clearly faster than Geforce 4Ti, but the GF4 still outsold the Radeon 9700. History repeated itself pretty quickly with the Radeon 9800 vs the FX5900.

You sound like the worst kind of fanboy/blindly loyal customer. Done with this conversation. enjoy your "superior" products.
I'll accept poorer performance over supporting a company who has been doing the crap NVidia has been lately. AMD is not perfect, but they are lesser of the two evils at this moment.

Not to mention that under Linux, it's actually superior....
RX 470 / 570 / 480 / 580 and even Vega are good performance wise if you can get one at close to MSRP, but these days that is not really an option as RTG products are still going "strong" on the GPU mining front.

Power draw is around 25% higher compared to nVIDIA offerings, I can't argue with that. RTG been spinning its architecture mainly around compute capabilities so it eats more silicon and power.
A somewhat streamlined gaming oriented GCN variant manufactured on 7nm would be nice in the next round of GPUs, but one can only dream.

I would be rocking an RX 480 8GB + FreeSync IPS right now, but budy of mine passed down his month old GTX 1060 6GB back in 2016 Octiber at a very low-low price that I couldn't resist.

Good old times. Radeon 9500 to 9700 softmod, that was the stuff. One of the best tech purchases I made. Bro-in-law had one of those Northwood Pentium 4 1.6A's that could do 3.0GHz with some adjustments.

We are seeing AMD cards return to MSRP prices as we speak. Gigabyte Vega 64 is currently on Amazon for under $600 right now...(and newegg)
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