Next Chapter of Elder Scrolls Online - Live


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I know we have a lot of Elder Scrolls Online fans around [H]. Bethesda is streaming a live broadcast entitled "Discover the Next Chapter of ESO," at 1pm CST. Below is the embed for your pleasure. Or displeasure depending on how much of a hate-boner you have for Bethesda.
Damn, when I saw the title of the video I thought that they had decided to remaster the original Morrowind.

I've always wanted to play it, but the graphics are just too fugly at this point.
Impressed the minute I witnessed the mechanical Dwarven automatons start appearing. I want to play yet $15 a month is a bit tough to swallow at the moment.
I remember when the ES games were good. Before they were MMO. If this is the route that the series is going, I guess the last one I will ever play is Skyrim.
I don't get it? Where does it say you have to pay monthly again?
You don't, but you do get access to the extra content included in the Premium membership at no extra cost for the length of your subscription. Otherwise there is a one-time cost for the DLC.
The new stuff itself looks great, I'm excited for it!

But Zenimax is making fools out of anyone who subscribed to ESO. ESO is Buy to Play, but offers a monthly subscription which includes all DLCs (so far there's been 5 DLCs), so you don't have to buy the DLCs separately like non-subscribers have to do. But this new Morrowind addition doesn't count as a DLC, its labeled as an "expansion" instead. So even if you subscribe, you still have to buy the new Morrowind DLC expansion. Those who don't subscribe and buy DLCs separately are having a good laugh at their now-justified mistrust of Zenimax's business practices (or whatever the reason they didn't sub, that was mine).

No publisher should ever price so as to punish their most loyal customers.

And FYI, I dropped my subscription a few months after release, only returning to the game when it went B2P. I never resubscribed and have been buying the expansions DLCs separately (except the last one that was just two dungeons; I still haven't bought that one).
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I'm with cocheese256 on this one. I hate all this "Milk Em till they're dry" MMO concept. I don't like having to deal with online asshats... And if i'm not playing with others online...then why MMO at all. This BETTER not be the direction of the new ES games.
You don't, but you do get access to the extra content included in the Premium membership at no extra cost for the length of your subscription. Otherwise there is a one-time cost for the DLC.

I thought that was the deal. I just got the Gold edition for Xbox recently when it was on sale and haven't started it yet.
Damn, when I saw the title of the video I thought that they had decided to remaster the original Morrowind.

I've always wanted to play it, but the graphics are just too fugly at this point.

Yeah, I thought they wanted to add Morrowind areas to the ESO. IMHO, Morrowind was the best TES game they had made and despite graphical advancements, TES has been getting worse with each iteration. I didn't even finish Skyrim for this reason and that's the only TES I didn't finish. Regarding Morrowind, you should really play. Sure graphics are 15 years old but it isn't that bad. At least it will run on any system now. Menu system alone make it work a try, back when menu systems were PC oriented. Older games tend to be better made and had more emphasis on gameplay than majority we see these days.
Yeah, I thought they wanted to add Morrowind areas to the ESO. IMHO, Morrowind was the best TES game they had made and despite graphical advancements, TES has been getting worse with each iteration. I didn't even finish Skyrim for this reason and that's the only TES I didn't finish. Regarding Morrowind, you should really play. Sure graphics are 15 years old but it isn't that bad. At least it will run on any system now. Menu system alone make it work a try, back when menu systems were PC oriented. Older games tend to be better made and had more emphasis on gameplay than majority we see these days.

I might give it a shot actually. I really wanted to play this game when it was released but I just never had a console/pc that could handle it.

I've enjoyed the TES games for the most part. Oblivion was okay for the exploration, but the quests and overall story were absolute crap. Given how amazing Witcher 3 is I seriously hope that Bethesda smartens up and starts putting a little more effort into their games.
ES Morrowind is a great game even by todays standards... without mods its still amazing... but the graphical overhaul mod puts it over the top. Oblivion is probably my favorite though. Damn... might install it this weekend... haven't played in years and the mods look great...yup its decided... Jameson/Ginger-ale and Oblivion!
I'm with cocheese256 on this one. I hate all this "Milk Em till they're dry" MMO concept. I don't like having to deal with online asshats... And if i'm not playing with others online...then why MMO at all. This BETTER not be the direction of the new ES games.
Its not, ESO has been out for a long time. IIRC bethesda doesnt even make it, or at least the same team that does all the ES games doesnt make it.

But Zenimax is making fools out of anyone who subscribed to ESO. ESO is Buy to Play, but offers a monthly subscription which includes all DLCs (so far there's been 5 DLCs), so you don't have to buy the DLCs separately like non-subscribers have to do. But this new Morrowind addition doesn't count as a DLC, its labeled as an "expansion" instead. So even if you subscribe, you still have to buy the new Morrowind DLC expansion. Those who don't subscribe and buy DLCs separately are having a good laugh at their now-justified mistrust of Zenimax's business practices (or whatever the reason they didn't sub, that was mine).


As a regular player, IMO the sub is worth it just for the crafting bag because juggling stuff between alts is for chumps. Some people want to bash the game because it's an MMO and breaks from the sandbox that is TES, but the storyline is pretty good and there's an active community on all platforms (I started on PC but now on PS4). It has its fair share of problems for sure, just like any game, but for the most part it's a pretty solid game that will eat a few weeks off your schedule if you actually pay attention to the story.

If you need top-notch graphics and a sandbox to stay entertained then it's def not for you; graphics are sub-Skyrim quality and the sandbox is impossible in an MMO. As an old-ass adult with a job though I can afford the $15 per month for something that helps me decompress after shitty work days, it's way cheaper than weed.
What I wouldn't give for a TES with proper drop-in/drop-out co-op ala Borderlands.
I'm Partial to anything Trion puts out but hell if I have time to play it they know how to do Robots well.
Anyone else have really long download times for patches/updates? I stopped playing it for a while because it was just taking so long. Other programs and games work fast for downloads. I read about this problem with some players, sounds like a random issue?
Their patching system does suck, especially on console. I won't defend it, I'll just say that US/MX border internet sometimes means I don't get to play on patch day. Fortunately having a life or gym or another game usually solves that problem.