Netflix Goes Cyberpunk with Altered Carbon


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
This looks well done. And yeah, they use computer in it so it is officially tech news, at least on Friday.

Check out the video.

In the distant future, human consciousness can be digitized and downloaded into different bodies. Brought back to life after 250 years by Laurens Bancroft (James Purefoy) the richest man on Earth, ex-Envoy soldier Takeshi Kovacs (Joel Kinnaman / Will Yun Lee) must solve Bancroft's attempted murder for the chance to live again in a world he doesn't recognize.
Could be good, I am optimistic. Way too few cyberpunk movies/TV out there these days.
I'll give it a go. From the trailer though I got progressively less interested as time went by.
this is going to be's the most expensive Netflix show ever, plus it's based on a critically acclaimed book series...

here's another sleeper Netflix show for anyone that loves really smart shows about time travel- the show is called's in German with English dubbing but don't let that turn you off
Well, the book it's based off of is fantastic... If they stick to the excellent source material from Richard K. Morgan, then this will have a pretty good chance of being quite entertaining. And I highly recommend the books... read them about 10 years ago. Altered Carbon, Broken Angels, and Woken Furies. While the first one is more a "detective/mystery" type of cyberpunk novel, the other two really take off and veer more into the mercenary/military SciFi action realm and kick a fuck-ton of ass. They also get better with each successive novel. Good stuff!
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so, ghost in the shell?

no, not really. Ghost in the shell is an oddball. Altered Carbon is to the point where the technology is completely mundane. AKA ghost in the shell is centered around the uniqueness of the situation of the Major. In Altered carbon, we've advanced far beyond that phase where trading out bodies is so common place that it is used as a form of travel (aka, you don't ship people between planets, they upload into new bodies between planets/cities/etc) and "death" has for all intents and purposes lost most of its meaning.

The book it is based on is exceptionally good, so much so that I would just recommend getting a copy and start reading it.
Well, the book it's based off of is fantastic... If they stick to the excellent source material from Richard K. Morgan, then this will have a pretty good chance of being quite entertaining. And I highly recommend the books... read them about 10 years ago. Altered Carbon, Broken Angels, and Woken Furies. While the first one is more a "detective/mystery" type of cyberpunk novel, the other two really take off and veer more into the mercenary/military SciFi action realm and kick a fuck-ton of ass. They also get better with each successive novel. Good stuff!

And if it does well, hopefully we won't just get the rest of the series, we'll also get the equally excellent Market Forces.
Thanks Kyle!

Didn't even know this was happening. We'll definitely give it a shot.

Now if only they'd do either GrimJack or Shadowrun!
The script writing seems pretty darn bad. But, the visuals are pretty cool. Might be enough to keep me watching, maybe.
Damn you Netflix. Too much TV. Not enough time...

Quit job AND stop playing video games...
The book is great. As long as they are fairly faithful to the original text it will be hard to mess this up.
It'll probably be another political soap box. I already cancelled my Netflix account.
you're not wrong, but after the backlash of bill nye and the surprisingly tame Bright (reminiscent of late 90's racial-barriers movies and less "fuck white people" modern ones), I'm excited for this.
If I see one "person" in this show that doesn't have a pink penis, I'm going to Facewittergrams to bitch until my head explodes.
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The books were a lot of fun to read. I certainly hope moving it to a screenplay keeps the depth of the stories.