Microsoft's Rural Broadband Strategy - UHF

wow, yea, that is quite a bit out of my budget. not sure even if all the neigjbors pitched in it would be possible.

What is involved? Depends on where you are putting it, what you have to start with, and what you are installing. I installed one a few months ago that required 3 miles of fiber be put in first ($50,000 per mile) then $25,000 in electronics in order to upgrade 80 people to 50Mbps DSL. So that was $175,000 to install that one. That said I have some areas that I have fiber passing through and only need to hit a 20 - 30 houses till I can get fiber there in a few years and can do that with equipment will only cost about $15,000 - $20,000. Both of these are me already having cabinets that I can reuse. Another location where I had to buy everything from scratch for a fiber to the prem location in a different city. I spent $60,000 on electronics and cabinet, we probably are spending about $75,000 to get fiber there from our closest location. Will give fiber to about 70 people when done with how we planned out the fiber build to start, which means more for all the drops. Normally if we are running fiber to every location in a subdivision / condensed area averages about $2700 per house to do fiber (when looking at 70 - 120 locations).

So tens of thousands is them putting in about the bare minimum they could to get upgraded service to an area. To which even that would be pushing it.
wow, yea, that is quite a bit out of my budget. not sure even if all the neigjbors pitched in it would be possible.

Every company does it different so keep that in mind. What I listed there are cost to do the work, not what the end user would have to pay. Depending on many different factors that could all be done at no cost to you, or it could be done at hefty cost to you. For us, if somebody is one of our customers and we are upgrading an area for everyone, there isn't a fee because everyone is equally getting connected so can't exactly go tell them that they have to pay some additional cost. If it is something special for 1 customer or if somebody is not our customer and we have to come back later to connect them then we charge them a fee (normally a percent of the work required). It all comes down to how long before the company can make their money back on the investment.

Getting all the people in your area to request fast speeds would show that there is demand and could help encourage them to build out.