Mercenaries Review @ [H] Console


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Mercenaries - Your mission is to topple a sinister military regime by any means necessary. If it drives or flies, you can hijack it. If it shoots or explodes, you can use it as a weapon. You are free to go anywhere and blow the crap out of everything.

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about Mercenaries is that it is simply worth my money, and I want to see more. I easily put twenty plus hours into the game without even noticing the time pass, or regretting spending so much time playing.

Please share your thoughts on our review and the game here. Thanks for reading!
Well, not to be nit-pickey, but the pixel aspect ratio is wrong on almost every image. No multi-player, and not being able to name your game saves can't be held against it. Multi-player can change game-play, but not being able to name a gamesave has no bearing on how you play at all.

Other than that, a good review.

Oh to fix the aspect ratio, scale the image 120% horizontal.
i thought the game was super repetitive.
i killed off all the diamonds and some of the clubs, then i got really bored.
Hyperblau said:
Im curious as to why many old games are getting reviewed?

We had originally planned to launch the new site much earlier than we did. For that reason we have some older content for you guys to read through. As Kyle said though this is a good thing, you have played the game, and read our review and can decide if we're full of shit. ;)

Have no fear, the [H] Console crew are working their bloodied hammer thumbs to the bone to get you guys a ton of great and new content.