Managed Services Software


Jun 28, 2002
I support quite a few small businesses, and have gotten by fairly well so far without any extra software, but I am working on a lead for a new account that is a bit bigger than most of my other customers, with multiple branches. A good MSP solution should help me save them money and provide better service, as well as free up their 'tech' guy to focus more on his real job. If it works out well with them, I would offer it as a service to my other existing customers as well.

Anyway, I had looked at a few products a while back, but couldn't justify the expense at the time. There are a ton of choices out there, so I'd like some opinions on what the rest of you MSP's like to help automate and manage client networks.

I have Spiceworks installed for my in-house network, and I think it's great for being free, but I haven't found a good way to manage multiple networks from one console. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like I would need to manage each network independently from each other? Not a deal breaker, but the more I can simplify management, the better.

I get junk mail from GFI all the time, but other than their Vipre software, I don't know much about them. They have a free demo I might give a try just to see.

Kaseya is supposed to be really good, but expensive. How expensive? I don't see any trials available.

And the list goes on... Obviously I'm going to have to do a ton more research, but I would like to know what the rest of you are using. Thanks.
I use a hodge-podge currently and am in a pretty similar boat.
I use Meraki's System Manager (free, for desktop and mobile OSes), Windows InTune (not free, but can be sold if you are an MS Partner), SystemCenter 2012 (Free with MS Partner subscription, but possibly massive overkill and certainly complex).
I use pfSense to control remote access either by port forwarding and/or VPN.

Knowing your customer's budget and needs are essential in coming up with a solid plan/offering.
GFI sold VIPRE, VIPRE is now owned by a spin-off company called Threat Track.

We use Continuum for the sole fact its simple, it does everything, and we get a NOC to help us if we are really busy, plus they will fix things when things are broken in the middle of the night.

InTune works really well also, it is essential SystemCenter with some extra's.

I've used all the managed service software... Or a huge majority of it.

Level Platforms is nice and cheap, N-Able is now owned by Solarwinds and will probably become a big mess in the near future, Kesya sucks (stay away).

You could always use spiceworks or something if you want to stay cheap, you can make head end servers and have the call back to home, NIAGOS will do this as well.

There are a million different things you could do, I prefer Continuum though because they are easy to work with, the software works flawlessly, and the NOC does 99% of the work for you with the software! :D

Plus Continuum uses Logmein and I love Logmein. And you can get the expensive mobile version for 1200 bucks a year, unlimited use.
I use GFI Max. Pretty decent MSP product. Allows for remote monitoring of workstations and servers. Can run scripts to automate basic tasks, like deleting temp files and what not. Also has patch management, Asset Tracking, Alerts, and Reports (that you can print out and give to your clients). Inexpensive monthly fee. Can include Vipre (Managed AV) if you want for cheap ($1/month per workstation or server). Also has Remote Support (using TeamViewer). Personally I don't like TeamViewer as I've been using LMI Free for years, so I stick with that and don't enable the TeamViewer function. Pay as you go. I'm satisfied with it.
I'm going to give the 30 day trial of GFI Max a try.

I tried InTune. I am a 365 reseller, so I thought it would be a good fit, but I didn't like it for what I need. Most of my customers already have their own on-premise server that handles most of the duties that InTune tries to do.

I already have a license for ScreenConnect for remote control, and like it a lot, so it would be great if I could find a product that it integrates with.
I've played around with GFI Max a bit. It's ok, but not real intuitive and I don't see that it can automatically scan for resources like Spiceworks. It also doesn't have a ticketing function like Spiceworks, but the monitoring seems better.

I just signed up for a trial of n-able. The trial page does not work with IE10, which is a bit unsettling. I will look into Kaseya as well, but have been told it is one of the most expensive options.

Any other opinions?
Try Level Platforms or Continuum.

I do managed services for a living so I have worked with pretty much all of them.

I would stay away from N-able as they are not a big north American company, also Solarwinds just bought them and they are probably going to get bloated full of Solarwinds application / application functions.
I definitely like the interface of N-Able better than Spiceworks or GFI, but it also doesn't have a ticketing system, and the fact that it doesn't work well with IE 10 or Chrome is a head scratcher.

I think I'll give Continuum a shot next. I wasn't aware of Labtech, so thanks for that suggestion. I'll look a little closer.