Lucky Draw - SilverStone ST80F-TI 800W Power Supply


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
SilverStone ST80F-TI 800W Power Supply Lucky Draw

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HardOCP Enthusiast Silver.gif
Read the HardOCP Review of the SilverStone ST80F-TI 800W Power Supply! You can visit the SilverStone Strider webpage here.

To enter this enter this SliverStone Lucky Draw, answer this question in ONE POST in this thread. This Lucky Draw is limited to shipping inside of the Continental USA. Next week we will pick one winner at random and you will be notified through HardForum PM/Conversation. You will have 24 hours to answer that PM, and after 24 hours we will draw another entry at random.

Are you already using or planning on getting devices utilizing USB Type-C connector soon? If yes, what are they. If not, why?
I grabbed a combo USB 3.0/3.1 card for my server so I could hook up my USB 3 external hard drive with the hopes I could hook up a monitor via the USB 3.1 port on it soon.
Yes, my next cell phone.

As for computer stuff, I am pretty set but don't have any USB-C anything. That may change with Ryzen though.
I did with my Note 7. I'm sure the Note 8 will have it. Hoping to get one when they come out.
No, I'm not using any devices using the USB Type-C connectors at this time. I don't have any plans to buy anything using this technology for a while. I could sure use this power supply though.
Yes, will likely be replacing my Samsung S5 this year (and that will likely have USB Type-C). Also, The Nintendo Switch has a USB-C connector and I'll likely be suckered into getting one of those.
Not at this time, but my next phone in 2018 will have it as default I hope. If more mainstream devices, like keyboards, mice, scanners, etc., were to use it then I would, but I don't use external storage devices (besides my phone) in any way that particularly benefits from more than USB 2 speeds.
Are you already using or planning on getting devices utilizing USB Type-C connector soon? If yes, what are they. If not, why?
I am not using any C type devices at the moment, will probably be using C type devices in the future like external hard drives and phones.
Yes, on my next new cell phone purchase. Still deciding on which phone to get.
Had usb type-c for my note 7 and the gear vr. Motherboard also has usb c (Gigabyte z170mx) and i have a usb c cable waiting on my desk for something to plug in. Could use this power supply, my hx520 is a little long in the tooth for my soon to be vr station. need a little more juice for that gtx1080.
I don't have any Type-C devices and only the laptop has a Type-C port ( a single one at that) so I don't plan on using any for some time.
my laptop has one and i used it with a display port adapter to get another monitor running. I will probably get a usb hub as more electronics convert over.
I already have a Google Pixel XL that uses USB Type C, and I plan on getting a USB Type C Docking Station for my laptop eventually.
Aww man. I just noticed, I probably don't qualify for these anymore :p

Just for the data point, I'll submit my usage of USB Type C ports though.

My last two phones have used USB Type C, the Nexus 5x and Pixel. Right now I'm hooking them up using adapter cables, but once USB C becomes more common on motherboards and cases, it would be nice to be able to connect them natively.
My wife has a LG v20 and I will likely get one soon too. Either that or another phone with a type C connector. I am also building a new desktop PC for my son soon which will have it too.
my next mb im sure will have it, but im not sure if ill really need it. i no most storage of stuff over the network.
I have a Pixel XL that is Type C, and I hope my next MB has Type C. Room for more connectors, and I love not having to get the plug orientation right.
Nope. I don't have any peripherals or devices that use it and I don't plan on buying any devices that use the port. Matter of fact, I only just realized (yesterday) that my recent build has a USB Type C connector. I guess I'm behind the times.
No, I have no type C devices. I never really use external devices so until I buy a phone with it, I probably won't have any type C stuff.
Not currently and probably not for a while. Hasn't really been adopted a ton yet and none of my PC's have the connector.
Am I using one? Nope.
Am I planning on it? Yes, I may be a dinosaur but my arms are long enough for a USB-C cable and I will be upgrading my cell phone next year.