Lenovo Parodies MacBook Air Ad

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Mac parody ads are nothing new. Most of the time they are created by end-users, PC owners or people that just like to make fun of Apple (*cough* me *cough*). So, imagine my surprise when I saw this MacBook Air parody….made by Lenovo.
Been using Sony's ultra portables since 1998. This is old hat. ;)
Doh, didn't pay attention at the end, it's a ThinkPad X300

Apple better check themselves before they wreck themselves. They have kind of opened up pandora's box by targeting other companies (Microsoft) with negative ads. And, yes, I know it's Lenovo, not Microsoft, that did this one (apparently--I didn't verify that or anything).

Not that future famous screenwriters sitting in Starbucks care ;)

I liked the part where they try to fit it back in the envelope. I got a big kick out of that.


... :cool:

Apple better check themselves before they wreck themselves. They have kind of opened up pandora's box by targeting other companies (Microsoft) with negative ads. And, yes, I know it's Lenovo, not Microsoft, that did this one (apparently--I didn't verify that or anything).

Not that future famous screenwriters sitting in Starbucks care ;)

Actually, those mac vs. pc commercials are more aimed at selling hardware, not software. They are negative ads targeted at people like Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al [tier one integrators]. Microsoft and Apple are not actually direct competitors as a Mac purchase does not deny Microsoft a sale. Plenty of mac users use boot camp with Windows licenses and even more still use Office as well. Apples main competition is PC integrators.
Funny ad. Lenovo notebooks are the only notebooks I don't talk smack about aside from Apple's. They may be ugly but they are built like tanks and are reliable as hell. That said, I checked out the price on them and holy crap.


The x300 costs well over $1000 more than the Air while having a much slower CPU, half the RAM, and what I am positive is a worse LCD and keyboard. The Air LCD is LED backlit and looks awesome, while the Air keyboard is IMO the best notebook keyboard I've ever gotten my hands on and I want it in future Macbook Pro revisions. The Air is hundreds cheaper even if you throw an SSD drive on the it, which is the only option on the X300. Plus it is basically two sheets of aluminum with a screen and keyboard embedded; even though I have no use for something like that (I need power) it is still an amazing piece of engineering.

Man, I am so glad I don't have the need for an ultra portable; I love the size but can't deal with the power/price ratio. Even when the Sony ultraslims first came out years back I thought they were way too much for what you were getting (plus Sonys suck). I guess it makes sense if you are carrying that thing with you everywhere and all you need to do is run office applications, web, email, program, maybe run a virtual desktop, but when I'm working on the road I like to also play some games. I don't mind having a slightly heavier notebook to do that with, but that's just me.
Man I loved that. Spontaneous applause combined with laughter as they tried to shove it all back in the envelope!
Actually, those mac vs. pc commercials are more aimed at selling hardware, not software. They are negative ads targeted at people like Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al [tier one integrators]. Microsoft and Apple are not actually direct competitors as a Mac purchase does not deny Microsoft a sale. Plenty of mac users use boot camp with Windows licenses and even more still use Office as well. Apples main competition is PC integrators.

People need to realize this. They are not in competition with Microsoft, they are in competition with other PC manufacturers. Yes the operating system is important, and for me is 90% of the reason I buy Apple products, but they aren't competing with Microsoft in the OS retail market in the same way. Apple is a hardware company that happens to have a great OS tied to their products. That said, you can run all Microsoft software on their hardware. Microsoft makes a good profit on their Mac Office sales and they even make money from those who buy Windows to run on their Macs. I myself have one Vista license that is running on Boot Camp (albeit bought at deep discount from my friend who works at Microsoft).
Actually, those mac vs. pc commercials are more aimed at selling hardware, not software. They are negative ads targeted at people like Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al [tier one integrators].

You might want to watch the ads again. While some of them are indeed harping against PC's in general (excepting Macs of course), and there are some that merely tout OS X's features, there are many, indeed most that are directly targeting Windows. See "Choose a Vista", "PR Lady", "Security", "Better Results", "Viruses", and "Computer Cart" for example. Many more of them are making fun of Vista than against the hardware of a generic PC; think about it, other than being prettier (which is a matter of taste), what's inside those fancy enclosures isn't very different than what's inside a generic Dell PC, so why would Apple want to make fun of it?
ya it is not IBM any more people!

that commericla is too funny

sure it costs more, but at least i dont need to carry around all the extra crap!
It's ugly, though.

And it is $1500 more than the Air with a much slower CPU (1.2ghz vs 1.6 or 1.8), half the RAM, worse LCD, worse keyboard, and no multitouch trackpad, no ability to run OS X, and it is larger and heavier (isn't getting those things as small as possible the point?). A lack of ports sucks in theory but I myself almost never plug in to my desktop replacement style notebook when I'm working on the road. I carry a retractable CAT5 cord with me and I can't remember the last hotel I've stayed in that wasn't exclusively wifi, I use a bluetooth mouse, and I almost never use my DVD drive unless I'm watching a movie on a plane. Sometimest I plug in a card reader or digital camera if I'm throwing some photos on, or an external USB hard drive if I'm reading a Final Cut Project file since I'd rather not have a folder that large taking up space on my internal notebook drive. Again, something like video editing is something I would only do with a beefy desktop replacement notebook anyway so that's a different market and beside the point.

Yeah, ultraportables are not my thing and probably never will be since I need desktop power for some applications and games. If I was just doing office or programming work and really had the money to burn over a normal Macbook, I might consider one. Either way it is still a way better deal than the Lenovo (which again, are the only notebooks I like other than Apple's).
Actually, those mac vs. pc commercials are more aimed at selling hardware, not software. They are negative ads targeted at people like Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al [tier one integrators]. Microsoft and Apple are not actually direct competitors as a Mac purchase does not deny Microsoft a sale. Plenty of mac users use boot camp with Windows licenses and even more still use Office as well. Apples main competition is PC integrators.

All the commercials I see bash Vista. Seems to me like that's targeted to Microsoft.
Why do people still insist on calling these IBMs?
Because many of us can't stand the thought of them going to the Chinese...:(
Cue mac Fanbois responses in 3...2..1...
Well, since the thread is already rolling that direction...I would like to point out that the Air has more RAM, much more CPU, allows you to remove the useless SSD, and is almost half the price of the X300.

My next computer is going to be a Lenovo Tablet, so I'm by no means a fanboy or hater, but I'm just saying...
My next computer is going to be a Lenovo Tablet, so I'm by no means a fanboy or hater, but I'm just saying...

Don't you know, if you own anything that isn't hand built with a Microsoft OS installed, you're a fanboy.

I own both OS X and Windows machines, an XBox 360, a PS3, a Wii, and a DS, so obviously I'm a biased fanboy. :rolleyes:
Said it before and I'll say it again... The MacbookAir is a great laptop.

if you need the extra stuff - internal DVDRW, lots of USB ports, removable battery... get something else.

However, my Macbook Air is the best ultraportable (sub 3 pounder) i have ever owned. And I have owned a lot of different models from Sony, Dell, Fujitsu and now Apple. Very well built, looks awsome and performs very well for the things I do on it... e-mail, web and server admin through RDP. I run OSX AND Windows XP SP3 on it with no issues. I personally do not need or even want a built-in DVDRW drive (used my external twice so far in 3 months for XP and Office install). I never use more then one USB at a time - nor have I needed to. And I consistantly get 4 to 4.5 hours of battery time.

The lenovo seems nice, but it is ugly and I am wililng to bet that it does not "feel" as well constructed as the MBA. Although I will not know for sure until I check one out in a store.

Also, I am not a Mac fanboy... I own many PC's and have been running and servicing Windows based PC's and servers since Win 3.11.

Just my opinion.
And it is $1500 more than the Air with a much slower CPU (1.2ghz vs 1.6 or 1.8),

This is the only valid point you make. In less than a month the X300 will have a sata hard drive option that will slash prices hugely. Until then it is only fair to compare the AIR SSD edition to the X300.

By the way, the Lenovo's SSD is twice as fast as the Apple's in terms of raw numbers. It is even moreso in real world usage.

Also, nobody buys lenovo through lenovo.com, just as nobody buys an air through apple.com. People get the air's through corporate or educational discounts and people get Lenovo's through CPP. I can get the X30 for $2400 shipped with the SSD, which blows the Air's price with the SSD away.

half the RAM

You're an idiot if you buy either one with more than 1GB and don't upgrade it yourself. But you are an even bigger idiot if you pay $500 for Apple's 4GB ram - Lenovo's is $130.

worse LCD

Nope. Glossy LCD's suck if you don't live in a cave. Give me the LED backlit matte screen of the X300 anyday.

worse keyboard

You're kidding right? The Lenovo has the best keyboard on the planet, second only to the IBM Model M. Yes, I am including desktop keyboards. This is a well known fact - indeed it is probably the biggest reason why business users use thinkpads.

no multitouch trackpad

The air has on trackpoint, which is 99999999x more useful than multitouch. I will never go back to a trackpad of any kind ever again after using the ibm trackpoint.

ability to run OS X

Huh? I am booting both Vista and OSX Leopard 10.5.2 on my thinkpad. I don't have to use no bootcamp either.

and it is larger and heavier (isn't getting those things as small as possible the point?).

Did you watch the video? The X300 fit much better into the envelope than a similarly equipped air. In fact, the air ripped the envelope!
And by the way, the X300 keyboard is frontlit instead of backlit, which is superior thanks to longer battery life and the ability to use it as a flashlight to see real documents and papers that you have printed out and are working on.
Don't you know, if you own anything that isn't hand built with a Microsoft OS installed, you're a fanboy.

I own both OS X and Windows machines, an XBox 360, a PS3, a Wii, and a DS, so obviously I'm a biased fanboy. :rolleyes:

Sooner you admit it, the sooner the healing begins.
This is the only valid point you make. In less than a month the X300 will have a sata hard drive option that will slash prices hugely. Until then it is only fair to compare the AIR SSD edition to the X300.

By the way, the Lenovo's SSD is twice as fast as the Apple's in terms of raw numbers. It is even moreso in real world usage.

Also, nobody buys lenovo through lenovo.com, just as nobody buys an air through apple.com. People get the air's through corporate or educational discounts and people get Lenovo's through CPP. I can get the X30 for $2400 shipped with the SSD, which blows the Air's price with the SSD away.

You're an idiot if you buy either one with more than 1GB and don't upgrade it yourself. But you are an even bigger idiot if you pay $500 for Apple's 4GB ram - Lenovo's is $130.

Nope. Glossy LCD's suck if you don't live in a cave. Give me the LED backlit matte screen of the X300 anyday.

You're kidding right? The Lenovo has the best keyboard on the planet, second only to the IBM Model M. Yes, I am including desktop keyboards. This is a well known fact - indeed it is probably the biggest reason why business users use thinkpads.

The air has on trackpoint, which is 99999999x more useful than multitouch. I will never go back to a trackpad of any kind ever again after using the ibm trackpoint.

Huh? I am booting both Vista and OSX Leopard 10.5.2 on my thinkpad. I don't have to use no bootcamp either.

Did you watch the video? The X300 fit much better into the envelope than a similarly equipped air. In fact, the air ripped the envelope!

All very good factual points. I like it, more people on the internet should debate this way ;) :p

I cant believe someone said the keyboard on the air is better...Mac keyboards do not come close to the thinkpads (ok, maybe that is a bit of opinion, but once you use a thinkpad keyboard...everything else sucks :( )
I've used both the air and the x300 laptop, and honestly, they are not in the same class. The air is a much smaller machine. Both machines have uneven (sloping) thickness, but the air at the thickest point is about the same as the thinnest point on the x300. If apple had made the air the same thickness as the x300, they could have easily put in more ports and an optical drive, but the chose not to, so they could make it smaller. The air is not a meant to be a primary machine, it's meant to be a tiny, take anywhere, secondary machine.

There are are several things about both that I don't like however. On the air, I think it really should have firewire (after all, it is a mac), 2 usb total, ethernet, a user-replaceable battery, a higher res matte screen, and upgradeable ram. On the x300, they should use a better screen (one without the backlight bleed along the top edge), the battery should not protrude from the shell of the laptop (thus raising the height of the front of the laptop), the processor should be faster, they should make it look more attractive, and finally they should stop loading their BS bloatware on them (all "think" software should DIAF along with norton).

Honestly I would buy neither, since I have no need for a ultra small notebook (15.4" suits me fine), but both are pretty cool and for the right person could be the perfect machine.
This is the only valid point you make. In less than a month the X300 will have a sata hard drive option that will slash prices hugely. Until then it is only fair to compare the AIR SSD edition to the X300.

By the way, the Lenovo's SSD is twice as fast as the Apple's in terms of raw numbers. It is even moreso in real world usage.

I already made that point in an earlier post. Even if you max out the Air with the SSD and 1.8ghz CPU upgrades, that the Air is still hundreds of dollars cheaper than the X300. Throw in the external DVD drive and it is still cheaper.

As far as SSD speed goes, I haven't seen any reviews confirming that. Which brand drive does the X300 use instead of the one in the Air, and do you have links to benchmarks that show the difference in speeds? Either way, you are still dealing with a notebook that uses a 1.2ghz CPU vs one that has 1.6 or 1.8 ghz. As far as discounts go, its good to know you can knock a whole $1000 off the x300 price. I get pretty decent professional discounts on hardware myself.

As far as RAM goes, 2GB is standard in the Air. You can make an aftermarket purchase for the Lenovo if you want, it will still be more expensive overall. BTW, I've made the aftermarket argument several times when talking about upgrading RAM on the Macbook Pro, iMac, etc back when Apple charged an obscene amount for 4GB upgrades and certain people here called "no fair", that doesn't count, Apple = $$$stevejobsturtlenecks, blah blah blah. It is irrelevant to this conversation since 2GB is standard on the Air anyway and you are already making the x300 more expensive but I do agree with you; nobody should be buying RAM from Lenovo, Apple, Dell, HP, whoever, when they charge such ridiculous markups on them.

I totally agree that the Lenovo keyboard is excellent. It is one of the main reasons that I recommend it for those that don't want an Apple laptop. That said, I think that the Air keyboard is excellent and again, I hope it rolls down into the rest of the product line.

I absolutely hate trackpoints, give me a trackpad any day of the week. Adding multitouch and gestures to a trackpad makes it even better. Navigating applications, doing right click functions, navigating directory trees, back and forth through web pages, navigating documents, all way easier and faster than with a normal trackpad. And there is no comparison with a useless, imprecise little touchpoint, ugh. Lenovos are awesome but it is the one thing I wish they would ditch. There is a reason those little eraser tips never caught on.

And your last quote is genuinely funny. :) I use bluetooth mice and wifi. My notebook has ports for everything and I rarely ever plug anything into it (my camera or card reader for a few minutes, that's it). I'd still go with something along the lines of a Macbook Pro because I like and need the raw horsepower, but I honestly wouldn't miss a bunch of ports if they suddenly had to go away. The Air, or any ultraportable for that matter, is not for me, but the whole lack of ports argument is a bit of a strawman given the normal use of a notebook and the state of wireless technology today.

Cool that you're dual booting OS X on your Thinkpad. I really need to research if I can Hackintosh my current PC config. I'd glady dump my Ubuntu partition for OS X if I could make it work.
I cant believe someone said the keyboard on the air is better...Mac keyboards do not come close to the thinkpads (ok, maybe that is a bit of opinion, but once you use a thinkpad keyboard...everything else sucks :( )

Like you said, matter of opinion. Over the last few months I have really grown to love super low profile scissor keys, both for regular typing and for gaming. The Thinkpads have excellent keyboards but going with something even lower profile is my personal preference right now.

And I would call a dead heat between the Macbook Pro and Thinkpad keyboards. Really beefy, solid, and just the right amount of give.
repeat after me

the macbook air is NOT an ultraportable
NOT an ultraportable
NOT an ultraportable
NOT an ultraportable
NOT an ultraportable
NOT an ultraportable
NOT an ultraportable
NOT an ultraportable
NOT an ultraportable