
Extremely [H]
Feb 9, 2002
I just got Kotor 2 today and I've been playing it quite a bit. Problem I've run into is that it says that I don't finish the race when swoop racing even though I make it all the way to the end of the track? WTF? Even when I beat the times that it says I have to beat.

It's pissing me off.
I dont have the game yet but is it as good as the first and is there any difference between the PC version and the Xbox version? What do you think of it?
I like the game real well so far. I don't know if there is any differences between the XBox and PC versions. I don't own an XBox and don't plan to. So it's hard to say. The graphics of course are better on the PC version though. If you've got the hardware to back it up.
The first one is the reason i got an Xbox, but i don't have the second one yet. From what i've heard there are a few bugs though. Thats the biggest thing that was wrong with the first one, they let too many small annoying bugs slip into the final release.
Yeah the damn thing just crashed on me. One of the movies won't play back, and theres the weirdness with the swoop racing.

I wanted to check and make sure I wasn't doing something wrong, rather than it being a bug. I suspected that the damn thing wasn't working properly. I mean theres not too much to the racing part.
I didn't think it came out until the 15th.... WTF!?
Goddamn it. Off to the store I go....
I'll be buying it tomorrow since its on sale but I don't really plan on playing it until at least the first patch is out.
i havent played very much, but there are a lot of bugs. the gameplay is just as good as the first, but the bugs are much worse. on the mining planet, the first place you go, there is a spot where it is very easy to clip into the wall. also in conversations you can do actions multiple times, it only does it once, but it just makes the game feel amateurish (sp?). for example you can search the droids for spare parts over and over, but the option doesnt go away. also, i had artifacts on 9500 pro with cat 4.12, so i upgraded to the 5.2 and i havent seen anymore yet. i hope they release a patch pretty soon to do what they should have done before releasing the game: polish it.
I'm getting it from Amazon in a few weeks (They're delaying it 1 to 2 wks, I don't know why)

Hopefully they'll have a patch out by then. I hope it's as good or better than the first.
Two questions:

1) Where is it "on sale" tomorrow?

2) Does it support widescreen resolutions such as 1680x1050 16:10?
naveed said:
3) Is it exactly like the first one? What's new?

From what i read about it, they seem very similar, bugs and all. Gamespot has a review up for your reading pleasure.
I had problems with Swoop Racing in the Xbox version, yet to pick up the PC version.

Overall for the gameplay not including Xbox problems/bugs I give it a 9/10

With the original coming in at a 9.5/10

One word of wisdom, personally level every character you have in your party and don't be too reliant on your jedi
Anyone not getting great framerates? Even with AA and AF turned off I usually get mid 40's average and sometimes dips into the low 20's. Adding AA/AF doesn't effec the framerate much at all, which leads me to believe it's not a hardware issue. This is with an Athlon 64+/6800GT. I chalked it up to being a console port, which in my experience usually perform pretty poorly on PC hardware.

Other than that, it's awesome so far. Pretty much identical to the first and so far the storyline is just as good. The characters are more interesting though.
Of Course it has bugs. Its George Lucas working his magic. This is just the first release of KOTOR 2.... You have to wait for "KOTOR 2 : Greedo shoots firsts" to have a fully playable game ... silly people :D
bonkrowave said:
Of Course it has bugs. Its George Lucas working his magic. This is just the first release of KOTOR 2.... You have to wait for "KOTOR 2 : Greedo shoots firsts" to have a fully playable game ... silly people :D

no, you've got it wrong. The movies they made good, then they got crapped on. But Lucas Arts has a long standing tradition of pumping out crap direct to the customer, no need to buy it twice you get it right away. :D

For the record i'm a huge Star Wars fan and there are many Lucas Arts games that i like... but lets face it: there are also many steaming piles
corran_horn314 said:
no, you've got it wrong. The movies they made good, then they got crapped on. But Lucas Arts has a long standing tradition of pumping out crap direct to the customer, no need to buy it twice you get it right away. :D

For the record i'm a huge Star Wars fan and there are many Lucas Arts games that i like... but lets face it: there are also many steaming piles

Ya i gotta conced that the Tie Fighter and X-Wing series of games were very very good ....

Someone call up Geroge and get him to make a new version. :D
I wish they'd make an new Tie Fighter and Xwing Game.

Some web sites aren't shipping the game until the 15th, but it can be had at any local Gamestop.

Anyway, the game bugs aren't quite as bad as the first on my machine. So far it's only crashed the one time, I get great frame rates with 4x AA@1600x1200 but if I turn on Antisitropic filtering the performance takes a nose dive.

The only other bugs I've encountered was the swoop racing thing and the occasion video playback issue. Which happend on only two videos. The rest have worked so far.

Other than that I disagree with the statement about the other characters. I use my Jedi more than anyone. He's been able to handle everything that's been thrown at him.

I'd also like to say that the game is somewhat more linear and the popular side quests for the other characters are practically non-existant. Although thier conversations are better and you learn more about them. Interaction between characters seems less than it was, where they'd bicker back and forth.

The Interface has been improved slghtly, and I've found less bugs overall than with the first one. Those of you who are worried to play it before it's patched shouldn't be.

The story seems better in this one. At least a little more plausable. The characters seem more important to the plot than before and there are many more intracacies. Also cameo appearances from the first game are very well done. They are important and not simply thrown in for the hell of it.

There are more planets to go to, but you spend less time on each one. This is nice because I don't find myself getting irritated by being stuck on one planet too long like the first one. Anyone whos done all the quests on Manann in the first one knows what I am talking about.

Anyway I like it really well. There are pluses and minuses vs. the first one, but overall it's a good sequel.

Harrath said:
Anyone not getting great framerates? Even with AA and AF turned off I usually get mid 40's average and sometimes dips into the low 20's. Adding AA/AF doesn't effec the framerate much at all, which leads me to believe it's not a hardware issue. This is with an Athlon 64+/6800GT. I chalked it up to being a console port, which in my experience usually perform pretty poorly on PC hardware.

Other than that, it's awesome so far. Pretty much identical to the first and so far the storyline is just as good. The characters are more interesting though.

The characters are more interesting. But the game runs much better on my PC than on the first one did. I've got the same video card as you, but a different CPU and mobo. Even when I have 10 or 20 enemies and my party all on the screen the performance doesn't dive near as badly as what your reporting your average FPS to be.
Anyone know when/if a patch will be relesaed?

Hopefully soon... There aren't any major problems, thnkfully, but these little bugs are enough to get annoying.
If I still haven't played KOTOR is it worth it at this point, or should I go right into the sequel ?
I'm somewhat motivated to play as there is really no other single player rpg out.
I played through the opening sequence with the droid at a friend's. It seems better than what I remember part 1as being. Let me know soon so I can start playing one. :)
I'd recommend starting with the first Kotor simply because of the excellent story.
KOTOR 1 is an excellent game. Although the stories are seperate, I feel you'll get more out of the cameo appearances of some of the characters that were in the first game in the second. Other than that there only real reason to play KOTOR 1 is because it is an excellent game.

The sequal so far is VERY good. I wouldn't say it's better or worse. Just a bit different and very good on it's own. I'll see how it stacks up when I've completed it.

I played through the first one several times. Since I got the game for $20, And I played it through both light and dark side twice, and that takes about 40 hours each time, I'd say it was WELL worth it.
I just picked up the PC version of Kotor 2, I will let anyone know if there is any differences between the Xbox and PC version
Haha, I just got it and it doesn't support widescreen. Redicilous. Hell, even WoW supports 1920x1200, why can't this game? :mad:

I guess that was a waste of 50 bucks. Pfft.
Kotor II is a decent game but there are so many bugs for the pc version that its almost unplayable. I can't swooprace for the same reason mentioned above, and there is all kinds of tearing in the graphics and random crashes.
perfektrtw said:
Haha, I just got it and it doesn't support widescreen. Redicilous. Hell, even WoW supports 1920x1200, why can't this game? :mad:

I guess that was a waste of 50 bucks. Pfft.

Because it's a console port. The inferface elements are fixed on the screen, with a different set of graphics for each supported resolution. This works for consoles because there's only one resolution to code for. Thus, you get what resolutions the developer wants you to have and nothing more.

There's no excuse for this kind of shoddy work. It's not like a scalable interface is incredibly difficult to implement.

Yeah, I hate console ports :mad: The engine this and KOTOR1 are based on was built for PC (Neverwinter Nights). Why'd they have to sell out to XBox?
Just finished the game, and I will definately play it through again. Hopefully will not be long before there is a savegame editor so I can mess with things a bit without completely playing it over like 10 times :D

Sir-Fragalot said:
Interaction between characters seems less than it was, where they'd bicker back and forth.

Now that you mention it, that is something I really miss... In the first one I would partially pick my party based on how they acted with the other characters in the game, but now it's more static.

Other than that I think the game is very well done and I haven't ran into any of the bugs people complain about.

NeoNemesis said:
Kotor II is a decent game but there are so many bugs for the pc version that its almost unplayable. I can't swooprace for the same reason mentioned above, and there is all kinds of tearing in the graphics and random crashes.

I did the swoop racing on all the planets and won without any bugs... No bugs(but some annoying AI quirks) and only one crash of the game from start to finish, considering just about everything in my system is overclocked that is very good. If you are experiencing tearing, have you tried enabling V-SYNC? there is an option ingame for it, so it would be best to let the game handle it.
I have only gotten as far as the first Cantina so I just did one swoop race so far. I saved before talking to the guy so I was able to restart if I ran into any problems, which was good because one time after a few races I started having the same problem with him saying I needed to finish the race.

I reloaded my saved and never had the problem again.

A helpful hint for that first race at least is that you can race as many times as you like without ever paying if you get a top time on your first try.... Once you are in the top 4 (I assume 4, but I only verified top 2), you can race for free by asking who has the top times then saying you wish to race again.

Saves a lot of money, or if you have been constantly reloading then it saves a lot of time.
I am really enjoying the gameplay and recomend this game to any RPG fans.

Their are a few technical bugs though: I have experienced crashing, artifacts and performance problems. I imagine this game will be great when these problems are patched/
Rehevkor said:
Why'd they have to sell out to XBox?
Microsoft has a lot of money.

I'm playing the game through right now. It's a good sequel, but there are so many things I didn't like about the first one that didn't get fixed in the second (3 classes?! let me pick my OWN attributes & feats). Obsidian did a decent job, but Black Isle did better. Why they turned down doing the second is a mystery not worth figuring out to me.

Ok things I like about KOTOR2:
* gameplay is good
* story is good
* weapon mods are much better than the first
* creating your own upgrades & misc items is a neat touch
* I like how some of your party members (even non-jedi's) can teach you things and improve your skills
* your decisions have influence on your friendly NPC's which is interesting
* you pick up lots of friendly NPC's which will give the game good re-playability.

Things I don't like:
* swoop racing is buggy and almost worth skipping altogether
* can I have my lightsaber now please?
* the graphics aren't as good as the original (the characters more than the world) and that's inexcusable
* the friendly NPC's all hate eachother and if I were really a dark jedi i'd force grip their ass and make them all STHU
* can I have my lightsaber now please?
* 4 different dialog options. Choose any of them and whoever you're talking to will still say the same thing... no matter which you chose. Happens a lot...
* character generation could easily be more customizable. I don't use half of the feats granted by default to the Guardian. Medium Armor and Blaster Rifle focus... a waste on me. Why not just give me 10 and let me pick? Or give just a few in the beginning and every 3 or 4 levels up you get 2 instead of 1?
* I've been playing the game for 20 hours and I'm a jedi... where's my friggin' lightsaber? Why can't I go kick Atrius' butt and make her hand over my old blue one? Finally got it just before leaving the 3rd world.
I am finally playing the PC version. I skipped the Xbox version because of jaggies. The PC version looks a lot better. I can even see T3 extending his "arm" to open containers and disable security system. Using the mouse pointer to click on options of the screen is much easier than clicking loads of buttons on the control pad. Because the loading is much, much faster. I did notice that with the Xbox version you are supposed to get the protocol droid to repeat the voice command and you record it. Then, you use it later. The PC version you ended up going around and getting fragment of the code from terminals in order to piece together the voice authorization. I stopped playing the Xbox version, waiting for the PC one, as soon as I was off to Telos. :)
Excellent game. I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the first one, but considering that was in my top 3 of all time, it's understandable.

Major bug I experienced was crash to desktop when loading a new area. Every time but one it had autosaved before the crash, so it was only a 20 second break for me.

I liked the fact that you didn't get your lightsaber until later. It was a major carrot for me, and I appreciated it so much more when I finally got it. My second time through I'm going to focus on offensive dark side force powers, so I won't need one to be all Forced-up.

Did anyone else think this game was too easy though? I played normal the first time, so I'll definitely up it on my second run, but the strategy seemed simplistic most of the time. Not that it wasn't a blast, mind you, on the contrary. I guess I would have liked to see more Force-user opponents like in the first one.
Yea, most parts were too easy. One part that I found really hard was ::spoiler:: fighting the 5 of Atrius' handmaidens. I could pretty easily handle 2, but 5 was too much. Any tips? ::/spoiler::
More ::spoilers::If you ask them to fight they'll offer to spar. Pick any one of them. You fight 1 at first, then 2 and then 5. 2 is easy, but 5 you better be prepared.
Besides Swoop; are there any other mini aracde games in KOTOR2(i.e. Defending the Hawk like in KOTOR1) ?
digitalman said:
Besides Swoop; are there any other mini aracde games in KOTOR2(i.e. Defending the Hawk like in KOTOR1) ?

Yes. Only one so far. I am about 39 hours into it so I doubt theres more.