is this 3d mark score what it should be?


Jun 14, 2004
I ran 3d mark 2001 se at default settings and got 13644 marks. I was wondering if this is about what it should be with my system. Here are my specs:

Epox 8rda3+ mobo
Barton 2500+ oc'ed to 2.2 (11x200)
Sapphire 9800 pro 128mb 256-bit at stock speeds
512mb ocz perf series pc3200
Seems a little low, but close to being right for 2.2 XP for CPU.

I hit right at 15k with my FX 5900 at high quality settings with 2500 MHz on moble XP 166/166
That is VERY low, my ti4200 can do that if I push it far enough. CHeck the sig, there's a link to my score.
Low. With my 1700+ @ 2.1ghz and my 9500->9700, I got 15k, and my 9800 Pro got 17k.

Something's up.
I think the real question is, what does it really mean? :p Sorry, I could not help mysef. Shutting up now.
I get mid 18k with an 2400-M @ 2.2ghz running my 9800 pro at stock speeds.
check all of your drivers.

i tested after i built my system and it was really low. then tried all new drivers then got a huge difference.

you should definately be higher than that though.
I've heard there are different drivers out there for the 9800 pro, which one would you recommend?
I'm going to guess that you have your memory configured wrong. You're using an nForce board if I'm not mistaken? If you have your memory in the wrong slot, you will not get the benefit of the dual channels. When I got an nForce 1 several years back and installed my GeForce 3 I was way under my previous score. Moving the RAM fixed it. Worth a try anyway. Is there a utility that will tell you if they're configured right?
ok, I downloaded the 4.6 cat drivers and ran 3dmark again and got the same score. I still don't know what the problem is. I have the core running at 380 and the mem at 340. In the display settings I have both direct3d and openGL set to balanced. aa is off and vsync is off. any ideas?
J3RK said:
I'm going to guess that you have your memory configured wrong. You're using an nForce board if I'm not mistaken? If you have your memory in the wrong slot, you will not get the benefit of the dual channels. When I got an nForce 1 several years back and installed my GeForce 3 I was way under my previous score. Moving the RAM fixed it. Worth a try anyway. Is there a utility that will tell you if they're configured right?

That will make less than a 5% difference.

Try turning AA and AF to OFF.
both aa and af were off when i did the benchmark. also, i only have 1 stick of memory, so no dc for me
Ewww yeah that would be a little disappointing.

Just for a reference, my P4 3.2C, PC3200 (Corsair XMS) and 9800Pro get me just over 19,000 which is a little low but I don't care anymore. And I don't o/c nuttin cept for the GPU. Games look great. All that matters really. :D
Check my sig. With my card @ 350/350 I push 16000
My card is actually a 9500 pro with a super dooper new BIOS. Viola *9700 pro*

9800XT Overdrive
DFI Lan Party NFII Ultra B
Mobile XP @ 2.5GHz (12.5x200)
2x512mb Kingston HyperX PC3500
Cas 2.0 2-3-2 7
WD360 Raptor

Who knows what it will be when the 6800 U gets here...

I can only imagine.
Resolution to 640 by 480 and get 25k :), it's allin the resolution guys, aa and af as well.

Run 3DMark01 with max eye candy and it becomes a decent DX8 bench again. ;) Try 1280x1024 or 1600x1200 with all the eye candy on for shits and giggles. In fact, benching should be done with eye candy on and not crap quality settings. Think about it. How many of us play our games with 'high performance' texture settings and 'low' detail in game. Not I. In fact, I'm gonna go bench for fun right now and post up some numbers. Let's see what this 9800Pro has got. :D

I am amazed at how badly the quality jump and rez increase killed my system even on 3DMark01. My rig is capable of scoring in the 19,000's when I turn everything to 'high performance' in the control panel settings and run with no eye candy @ 1024x768.

Here are my results.

10,604 marks @ 1024x768. High quality control panel settings, 6xAA/16xAF.

7676 marks @ 1280x1024. High quality control panel settings, 6xAA/16xAF.

I'm shocked. I didn't even bother running 1600x1200. Some1 explain why a 3.2C with PC3200 and a 9800Pro gets crushed under 3D01 like that. Is it simply the 9800Pro crapping out and bottlenecking the system? If so I can't wait for my X800XT to get here. We'll see if that card is as pimp as its been pimped out to be.
thetman456 said:
I ran 3d mark 2001 se at default settings and got 13644 marks. I was wondering if this is about what it should be with my system. Here are my specs:

Epox 8rda3+ mobo
Barton 2500+ oc'ed to 2.2 (11x200)
Sapphire 9800 pro 128mb 256-bit at stock speeds
512mb ocz perf series pc3200

i kinda have the same problem. im only getting around 16k with my system below.

the other night i tried getting the latest Intel chipset drivers for my abit board. that actually worked (it fixed an AGP disabling feature), and sure enough i got 20k with my overclocked 9800 Pro.

however, now for some reason, my score are back down to 16k. i have no clue what i did! AS/AF is def off. fast writes on/off doesnt make a difference.
I never bench with Performance settings... only balanced or above...

I will have to try it at 1280x1024 (max or medium)with the 9800XT and then with the 6800U.
Sounds about right... 3dmark benches better on P4 than it does on a barton...

Mine is at 2.5 with a 9800xt so around a 3.4 rating I guess...

Nice score.