If money grew on trees, what would your case look like?

forgot the case

i'd rig up a small climate controlled room, with an industrial air purifier.

then i'd set up my dream rig on a big metal table with mounting holes pre drilled all across it. this way i'd be able to change out/add/remove components in seconds. i'd route the I/O cables to jacks in the wall that feed jacks in my work space in the next room.

and whats not custom made... i'd make sure with all that money i've got the best quality and most over-clockable components.

then i'd name it Darcy and then hope it doesn't try to take over the world or kill me.
Antec P180 or a nice Lian Li. A cathode or 2 inside for lighting, and watercooled with AC. Maybe power rails...
If money grew on trees, I doubt it would be used as currency!

Anyway, I'd paper mache myself a case from 50$ bills.
lozaning said:
my cace would be kinda like a mountain mods case but different. the case would be a perfect cube but divided into 2 halves a top and botton half. the top top half would house the mobo, ram, cpu, video card what not, and the bottom layer would have the hard drives, powersupply, watercooling pump and rad. the case would be made out of black and blue aluminum and that one way mirror stuff that was on that one demo case for a video card manufacturer(dont remember who) prolly throw in some blue leds and some UV paint

as was said erlier i would bay thisisglen the big bucks to wire it all up fancy and cool

for an astoundingly low $400, that case can be yours! http://www.mountainmods.com/product_info.php?products_id=352&osCsid=eri7lg4iqcn86u15fq0c9j3qd1
am I the only one who would build a car-like enclosure? Have doors to enter and sit down. The windshield would be a screen. The seats would be leather. The dash would have the DVDRW and any other controller buttons on it. The computer itself would be outside of the machine towards the back. It'd have hydraulics for force feedback if you want....custom sound, etc.

Basically it'd be like a simulator only for general computing. The only drawback would be the lack of light hitting your skin would make you completely pale.....so I'd have to install some sort of tanning bed as well.
mine would be the size of my house. and my accutal house would be behind the computer house so if peopole tryed to break in they would step into a gigantic computer house!
HRslammR said:
i'd take the best case parts about an antec p180, pair em up with the best of a lian-li. then call up "thisisglen" and have him wire me up a case stocked full of all the best goodies that money could buy!

so it seems, that lian-li was able to read this, and immedietely make it and distribute it within 24 hours...

http://www.coolerguys.com/pca10.html hooray!
Rather than going for a big case the size of an office laser printer, with lights and "bling"... Id rather spend the "money tree" into a PC thats wear-able. My PC takes up about as much room as a rocking chair would, or a big screen tv. Remember the Mac-Classic? Small, yet wasnt nuetered like a laptop.

Im saving up for a big car project which is probably going to cost too much (they always do), but as far as comptuers... Smaller and more plain, the better. I dislike computers which are "rice", or seem to give a las-vegas experience.

But to be real, Id probably get a case like what my "server" is. Just 2" too tall to fit in my small backpack, its ~16x13x4. There is enough room in it for two CDROM drives, and two hard drives, and if I used a riser card, one fancy modern videocard could fit, along with two half-height PCI cards.