Hunt: Showdown - Update 2.3 on Test Servers


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Crytek has just rolled out its latest Hunt: Showdown v2.3 Update onto its test servers this morning. This game uses the latest version of CryEngine and it has spectacular graphics if you have a system that can handle those. You will also want to have a good headset as sound queues are extremely important in gameplay. All the update specifics are outlined here. We have been playing this game since it came into early release in March, and is the best $30 you will spend on a game if its genre interests you. That said, it is far and away from a casual game. The perma-death aspects and extreme sense of paranoia it carries with it nearly throughout your entire match can be a bit much for some folks. Don't be a wuss. Crytek has given a list of things to do to keep from getting your butt kicked however.

Tutorial Video.

Highlights - Water Devil - Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…. this update introduces a new special AI that will make wading through the Louisiana swamps a bit more of a challenge.
I bought the game but cant find randoms to group with. It's like no ones playing. If I solo it still takes forever for matchmaking...
I bought the game but cant find randoms to group with. It's like no ones playing. If I solo it still takes forever for matchmaking...
The game is not automatically pairing you with a Random? That is odd. This is on the live server? Have not seen issues with this as there have been thousands of people online playing lately.
So this AM I couldnt get in a game, when I went solo I got in a server, then the game crashed. I opened it back up thinking I lost my guy, but I got a message about "sorry that was our fault". After that I was able to find a game.

Got with a random, we took out two guys that had already started to banish the spider so we took their loot and left. What a stupidly fun game. haha
We had some server crashes last night too. But we did get our Hunters back. Still early access, and they make changes all the time. THey have a Discord that gives server announcements and what is going on.
Great and fun game been playing a lot more recently. Bought the game when it had first came out but the long load times and some of the bugs killed it for me. The patches since then have fixed some of those issues. Any idea how long it usually takes for the update to go from test to final?