Hunt: Showdown Streaming on Twitch


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
If you are not aware of Hunt: Showdown, it is a Crytek powered and developed game. The sneak peaks we have seen in the past have looked fairly compelling. It is currently in closed alpha (will be available on Steam), but apparently a few are being allowed to stream on Twitch as seen below currently. The gist is that you are on a team of bounty hunters looking for monsters to cash in on, the thorn in your side however may be the other bounty hunting teams that all have the same objective. Thanks cageymaru. FYI, content and language may be NSFW.

Check out the live gameplay.

Savage, nightmarish monsters roam the Louisiana swamps, and you are part of a group of rugged bounty hunters bound to rid the world of their ghastly presence. Banish these creatures from our world, and you will be paid generously-and given the chance to buy more gruesome and powerful weapons. Fail, and death will strip you of both character and gear. Your experience, however, remains in your pool of hunters-called your Bloodline.
this game looks amazing from bnoth a graphical and gameplay standpoint...I applied for the alpha but still haven't received a code...hopefully it's because they haven't sent them out yet
interesting, but not sure I care for the "lose your shit" concepts. It also may be too little too late. Other games with such a massive player base they will have a hard time getting any traction as several developers have found.
I like this. It has some of that Battle Royale appeal, but sitting and camping is not going to give you any progress either, so there is some motivation that does not exist in Battle Royale.
Looks pretty cool. It totally helps that the music score appears to be ripped from one of my favorite movies of all time: Predator. GET TO THE MONSTARRRRRR!
So I have been working on the test bench since I posted this, and I have let the stream run. (Changed it a few times till I found two guys that were teaming good and not cursing every other word...) It looks like something I would like to play, especially with my kids on gaming nights. Not sure if you could have teams of more than two folks though, looks like it is limited to that. Would love to see 4 player teams.
4 player teams would be badass. Hopefully they get it there. I wouldn't mind spending time on this one.
So it looks like if you don't have a partner you are not going to be able to play this game. I know you will say that the game does matching.... but I don't think public 1+1 matching is going to work that well. Just my guess.
So it looks like if you don't have a partner you are not going to be able to play this game. I know you will say that the game does matching.... but I don't think public 1+1 matching is going to work that well. Just my guess.
I saw some guys earlier playing solo. I don't think matching randoms would be any different from any other game on the planet. But the loner guys were getting their asses handed to them overall. Would be great to see 2-man, 3-man and 4-man team games. But I think this is limited to 2-man teams currently. I have not seen more than that in any of the press or gameplay so far.
Hopefully they've got proper security precautions to prevent the cheating that happened with PUBG. Looks like a fun game and cheating players/teams wouldn't definitely ruin it. I just finished RE7, I know totally different, and was thinking about this game during some parts.
Really hoping this will fill that left for dead itch. Might not be quite as much nonstop action but will deliver the tight co op gameplay that really sold those titles. Game looks and runs well for an alpha being streamed, definitely going to be a must play on release. Unlike offline sp games you'll have to lean toward performance over graphics for online competitive experiences. Since there aren't that many players; the netcode should hold up pretty well for such a graphics intensive game. While this will probably be another game where people are cranking up the gamma so that there is no hiding in the shadows, the earlier controlled environment showcases of the game where it was REALLY dark looked much more claustrophobic.
Thanks Kyle for blessing us with your presence in BurkeBlack twitch stream last night. Burke is looking to get a new gaming rig in the near future. Perhaps [H] can build him a solid rig. His contact info is on his twitch page.