Humble-bundle "Stand with Ukraine" $40


[H]F Junkie
Aug 16, 2004

100% donated to Ukraine humanitarian relief efforts​

The violent and unlawful invasion in Ukraine is taking a tragic toll—displacing people, devastating families, and creating an urgent need for food, water, supplies, shelter, and safety. To help out how we can, we’ve joined forces with game creators, book publishers, and software makers around the globe for a bundle 100% dedicated to supporting the victims and refugees from Ukraine during this crisis.

The Stand With Ukraine bundle features over 120 pieces of content worth over $2,500, including:

  • Back 4 Blood, Satisfactory, Metro Exodus, & Fable Anniversary
  • Pathfinder, Starfinder, & Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay books
  • GameMaker Studio 2 Creator (12 months), Music Maker EDM Edition, RPG Maker VX, & Polygon game dev assets
100% of the proceeds will go to Razom for Ukraine, International Rescue Committee, International Medical Corps, and Direct Relief. Support vital humanitarian crisis relief efforts for the people of Ukraine today.
Do you get individual keys for each game? I have some of the major titles already but a couple of my boys would like Satisfactory and Back 4 Blood...
Wow. Charity is not your gig, eh?
Interesting way to frame it. This means I can accuse anyone of not being charitable if they don't donate to the causes that are important to me personally?

Besides, giving one penny is theoretically more than nothing. I like the old model better.
If there ever was a reason for a downvote/dislike button on the [H] forums, I’d say this is the best one I’ve come across in quite a while…
What can I say? My jokes can't all be winners.
Interesting way to frame it. This means I can accuse anyone of not being charitable if they don't donate to the causes that are important to me personally?

Besides, giving one penny is theoretically more than nothing. I like the old model better.

What can I say? My jokes can't all be winners.
Those bastards and their charity models that keep you from giving less than the service transaction costs. Yeah, they were thinking about folks like you specifically.
Its great to see Humble, with their massive assets and name recognition, finally making this sort of move. Itch has been noteworthy for raising tons of money for charitable causes with truly massive bundles, so its nice to see Humble actually getting into this arena. While the Humble bundle is a bit more expensive at $40, it guarantees Steam keys and the titles included seem worthwhile as well; an assortment of bigger named AA's, higher profile or well regarded indies, and smaller titles aalike. If you can find even a couple titles you think you'd enjoy, its likely worth it. Maybe I'll come back and either edit or post again with an overview of some of the titles included.
Gonna snag it too, thanks for posting! Even just back 4 blood makes it worth it, but there's several on there that I think I'd play
I didn't realize that B4B was in the bundle and I thought that I had activated all the games, but when I checked on Steam it wasn't there.
For some odd reason I skipped it and would never have know about it if I hadn't read your post. 🎉
I have most of these in steam, but it's such a good cause. I'm in!
Same. Still worth it though for a few that I was sort of interested in, but normally wouldn't have picked up. Great cause just makes it that much more of a no brainer. I've already donated through quite a few other means (Ukrainian AirB&B's, Ukrainian Red Cross that work happens to match 1:1, and GlobalGiving's Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.) I figure adding this in to the mix doesn't hurt - really cool that Humble is throwing 100% of the proceeds in towards helping.
I just purchased to throw some dollars at people in a true world of pain. Have no real intention of playing any of these titles with summer coming. However, I just saw after the fact it comes with Toe Jam and Earl. That stupid, silly, frustrating, corny yet funny game is worth more than all the others to me.

One of my favorite games of all time as it made late childhood survivable. Twisted metal, Goldeneye and Diablo finishing the list.
I just purchased to throw some dollars at people in a true world of pain. Have no real intention of playing any of these titles with summer coming. However, I just saw after the fact it comes with Toe Jam and Earl. That stupid, silly, frustrating, corny yet funny game is worth more than all the others to me.

One of my favorite games of all time as it made late childhood survivable. Twisted metal, Goldeneye and Diablo finishing the list.
Don't forget Monkey Island! That was one of my favorite series growing up. Golden age of PC gaming if you ask me. The days when Sierra and Lucas were at their peak.