Hitman Absolution Performance and IQ Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Hitman Absolution Performance and IQ Review - Hitman: Absolution is one of a few games this winter to support completely implemented DX11 features. Tessellation, global illumination, and ambient occlusion are all utilized using the new Glacier 2 game engine. We see how a variety of video cards perform in Hitman: Absolution, and what is needed to get the most out of the game.
I just grabbed this game from Amazon for $20. Now to check out the visuals. Thank you for the heads up!
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very good review. Is there some issue with the HD 7970 Ghz as its getting lower min fps and very poor performance scaling wrt a HD 7950 boost at 1600p. at 2560 x 1600 4x MSAA the performance scaling from a HD 7950 boost to HD 7970 Ghz is less than 8%. At 1080p with 8x MSAA the difference is 20% which is as expected. In most other games the difference is 20%. There could be a few possible explanations. maybe its a driver issue which needs a fix. the other could be its quite difficult to replicate the test run identically and so a few differences are expected. Also was the HD 7970 Ghz throttling due to powertune by any chance at 1600p.
I have finished playing the game and agree that the game looks awesome. This game really does push the high end graphics cards when maxed out. I had to turn off msaa at 1080p on my HD 6950 2GB. but it was playable with all other options at max. though in a few missions the fps went below 30 but it was playable and the majority of the game stayed around 35 - 45 fps.
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is it just me or does the save system suck? the graphics r good even on my 6850..but playin it is frustrating withe the inability to save when u want.....
This probably belongs to its own thread, but here it goes.

highest playable settings is nice and all. But I've seen reviews of several games pushed to 8x AA and other IQ options when it doesn't really increase IQ significantly (if at all), specially in lieu of its performance cost.

From what I can see in this review. 8xAA does not improve gameplay experience, it looks pretty much the same as 4x.
I bet FXAA+4xAA looks as good as 8xAA+FXAA and performs faster.

Most of the time in the conclusions, you will give some recommended settings, but sometimes those are not the ones you use in your testing.

Food for thought.
Never played any of the titles if in the series, rather surprised they gave it that much polish for the PC, might have to check it out.
The first review I read said that Blood Money was awesome, but this one is a disaster, simply terrible for several reasons including the awful plotline which you are forced to suffer through multiple times due to not being able to save much... I'll wait for it to go down to $10, then buy it, because I do still want to try it. The free pre-release mini-game looked pretty cool, I'd rather buy that than the full game.
Or, how about a re-release of Blood Money with a new graphics engine and additional content added? I'd buy that for $30.
Absolution is a great game, albeit the save system pretty frustrating if you are doing stealth. If you're not really slick in this game, then prepare for lots of trial and error.

It does remind me of Blood money, except that you can't fully rely on your disguise like you used to. I don't think anything beats the opera house level in Blood Money.
You're Bottom Line Assessment makes absolutely NO sense when looking at review.

"The AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition was the next fastest video card. It averaged 51.6 FPS while playing at 2560x1600 with 2X MSAA enabled" and "was nearly playable by our standards at 1080p with 8X MSAA enabled"

"Anyone trying to play at or above 1080p on a GeForce GTX 660 Ti or Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition will have to disable most anti-aliasing in order to be playable. We would not recommend these video cards if you're a 1080p gamer.
Were these benchmarks run on the default benchmark option in the launch screen? What settings did you use in the Catalyst control panel for your crossfire tests? I have crossfired 7970 GHZ ed's and I get no where near your results. Since the benchmark result is so close between single and dual I'm wondering what profile you selected in the control panel? Default, AFR friendly etc. I went as far as reinstalling win7 and AMD drivers on my gaming rig to see if it was a driver error on my end.
First Far Cry 3 and now Hitman requiring a 7970/GTX680/GTX670 to play at near 60 fps with max settings. This is an encouraging trend to have two of the biggest PC releases be pretty demanding. Wasnt long ago that a $175 card could handle anything coming out at 1920x1080 at max and do well over 60 fps. Looks like we're finally getting some games that are demanding more from our gear.
Its very encouraging for the PC , i agree with the review, the software needs to push the hardware and inturn that will push the hardware sales.

That said ATI need to shape up a bit, Far cry 3 is a AMD evolved game and yet it looks like they didn't bother to test in crossfire in DX11 as its a bit of a jerkfest at best - i would say unplayable in crossfire in dx11. DX9 is ok but now i'm stuck either waiting for ever for a driver to fix it or play in DX9. We know its not a game issue as its not so bad on SLI.

Possibly i should get Hitman and be happy with that until a far cry 3 dx11 crossfire fix comes along. Tried radeon pro and dozens of other settings, that game needs a fix at the driver level.
FXAA removes most of the aliasing from objects without any real performance impact.

It also removes most of color and contrast, as always. Look at the buildings.
This probably belongs to its own thread, but here it goes.

highest playable settings is nice and all. But I've seen reviews of several games pushed to 8x AA and other IQ options when it doesn't really increase IQ significantly (if at all), specially in lieu of its performance cost.

From what I can see in this review. 8xAA does not improve gameplay experience, it looks pretty much the same as 4x.
I bet FXAA+4xAA looks as good as 8xAA+FXAA and performs faster.

Most of the time in the conclusions, you will give some recommended settings, but sometimes those are not the ones you use in your testing.

Food for thought.

I agree - I'd like to see an apples to apples comparison that used the best bang for the buck settings (like 4x MSAA instead of 8x MSAA), especially if that let the cards run upwards of 60 FPS, but then I guess the settings used would become a big source of controversy as well. But I doubt many people are going to care about running 8x MSAA with a GTX 670 at 30-40 FPS when they could get 60 FPS with the same image quality at 4x MSAA.