[H] NHL 10 PS3 Team


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2002
Hooligans - http://www.easportsworld.com/en_US/clubs/761A0001/578/overview (EA Sports team page)

Recruiting Thread - Link
EASHLForum Team Page - Link

Click the link above for team info or message me to join.

[H] hockey returns to the ice for another season! The first month will be in the casual division while the team gels, and we'll take it from there. If you have NHL 10 on PS3 and would like to join just post in the thread.

Current Roster: PSN ID - Forum Name (Position)

Basstek - IcedEmotion (FWD/DEF)
d3br34k5 - Snaggletooth (C)
(private) - Ludic (DEF)
refraxion - Refraxion (FWD/G)
N/A - Movieesa (LW)
N/A - Leb_CRX (RD)
N/A - 123Lanoix (?)
N/A - Droc (DEF)
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if I end up getting it for the PS3, I will join again

odds are, it'll be for the 360, but we'll see
I was thinking of getting it for 360 as well, but decided on PS3 for now. If there's more interest on the 360 side I may think about getting it for the 360, or both.
:(, I'll be on ps3. I barely use my 360 haha

Don't worry, the plan is to start on PS3 at least and hope the mic issues from last year are resolved. We have at least 3 returning players from last year including myself and two others who don't post much. With you and hopefully Snaggletooth that puts us at 5 so we are off to a good start already.
I'm so pumped for this year, what team do you guys choose though?

Haha, Edmonton Oilers better do good this year I'll be pissed. With the new coaches they better do something miraculous! We've only got a new goalie... stupid Dany Heatly can go to hell
Last year we started as Vancouver and then switched to the Bridgeport Sound Tigers halfway through the year. The team doesn't really affect much besides colours though, so it's up for discussion what jersey we will use this year.

We also need to pick a name and which division to enter. I'm assuming we'll go casual since we were middle of the pack last year. If we do well in Casual maybe we can make the jump to Pro.
Yeah casuals is fine for me, I'm not very good anyways.. :(. Hockey games are freaking awesome though.
I'm in for PS3 this year. I played on 360 last year. Buying on launch day.
i have nhl 10 preorder i got a ps3 blu-tooth headset
pm with details !
I've also got a ps3 bluetooth headset, does it conflict with online like it does with certain games?
The PS3 bluetooth didn't mix well with NHL09. Some people it worked fine, others were too quiet. When I ran mine in HQ mode, hardly anyone could hear me and when I ran it in normal mode there was a ton of interference.

As far as headsets in general, half the time someone would come through choppy for a whole game. Then the next game they would be fine and someone else would be choppy. Then there was the issue where once in a while half the team couldn't hear the other half... it was a mess.

Hopefully with the headset being out for a while they will have solved the issues, if not I don't know what we'll do. I might buy a wired headset if there are issues again.
The PS3 bluetooth didn't mix well with NHL09. Some people it worked fine, others were too quiet. When I ran mine in HQ mode, hardly anyone could hear me and when I ran it in normal mode there was a ton of interference.

As far as headsets in general, half the time someone would come through choppy for a whole game. Then the next game they would be fine and someone else would be choppy. Then there was the issue where once in a while half the team couldn't hear the other half... it was a mess.

Hopefully with the headset being out for a while they will have solved the issues, if not I don't know what we'll do. I might buy a wired headset if there are issues again.

that might be your internet connection or your router Qos ?
I use the headset on my pc and ps3 just fine and i tried other headset but this is the most durable and best quality one i found to work with the ps3 and also as blue tooth headet in general with my pc and cellphone.
that might be your internet connection or your router Qos ?
I use the headset on my pc and ps3 just fine and i tried other headset but this is the most durable and best quality one i found to work with the ps3 and also as blue tooth headet in general with my pc and cellphone.

Nope, I know how to open ports and I even put the system in front of my router at one point. It was happening with everyone. Sometimes I would be fine and others wouldn't connect well, it was just a shitty implementation. It works fine in Killzone so games that use HQ mode are fine.
I'm in. Hopefully we can get some more members this year.

We had a competitive team last year, for a team that didn't use chince-goals at all.

The mic issues had nothing to do with end-user settings. Hopefully everything's worked out this year, I'm expecting it will be.
I'm in for PS3 this year. I played on 360 last year. Buying on launch day.

out of curiosity why is that?

I had the ps3 version and thinking of switching to the xbox because of mic issues and I am hoping for less issues playing online
After my 6th RROD, I bought a PS3 and have been making all new purchases of multi-platform games on PS3 instead (except for music games because of the instruments and DLC).

It helps that my PS3 is hooked up to my 46" 1080p LCD in my living room rather than the X360 on the 32" 720p LCD in the kids play room on the 3rd floor.
Did the 360 version have a lot of disconnect issues last year? Most nights on PS3 were fine, but some were pretty bad to not playable after multiple disconnects.
The 360 version had it's share of problems, but nothing worse than what I've heard about the PS3 version. I'm really not too worried about it.
We're closing in on two weeks until launch, so we should probably pick a team name. It looks like all the really active teams are going pro, but we'll probably start on casual anyway at least for the first month.
What's our team count up to now Iced? You were the stat-master last year and did a good job with it.

I'm really hoping the mic issues are solved this time around on the PS3.
We are at 7, with 1 maybe so far. 4 are returning from last year, although 2 didn't play much until after the team packed it in. If the mic issues aren't sorted, I might just buy a non-bluetooth headset and see if that improves it a bit. I hope they figured it out though.

I don't know if I'll keep the stats updated this year. If I do, it will be on a separate site that allows tables since it was a pain doing it on here. It would be nice if EA gave us the option to link to player stats but I'm not counting on it.
Yeah, they should have it all pinned out on a Team Website like we're trying to do here on the forum.

Those stats, postable to the PS Home Clubhouse bulletin boards might entice some people to log in there for at least a minute or two as well.

/filed under category of not gonna happen :D

Just a black and white grid of stats would do.
I played the demo on the ps3, and I am say, I am floored with how smooth it is, that was my main complain with 09...the xbox was so much smoother IMO

I might be in, we'll see in a few weeks when I return from vacation
Do you have set positions or call them just before you play? I played center and goalie last year and got Superstar card at both positions. I'm not sure if I want to do that this year or play defenseman/goalie...
I played the demo on the ps3, and I am say, I am floored with how smooth it is, that was my main complain with 09...the xbox was so much smoother IMO

I might be in, we'll see in a few weeks when I return from vacation

i have a ps3 and i noticed this too with the nhl 10 demo
Do you have set positions or call them just before you play? I played center and goalie last year and got Superstar card at both positions. I'm not sure if I want to do that this year or play defenseman/goalie...

Last year we all sort of played every position. Centre is a popular place to be, but I enjoy defense or wing as well. Nice that you're a Goalie. That's a huge help when up against the inevitable cheese goals.

If we find a good setup for positions, likely we'd stick it out for a streak.
I just hope the people who play the front 3 realize how to play offense and work the puck around, instead of rushing up, passing to the center, taking one shot and going back on defense. It helps to know how to score as well. Too many times I'd sit back and watch people have absolutely no clue on how to work a defense to get someone out of position to take a quality shot.
Oh, I'll be a bit rusty.. but I did know how to score in NHL 09.. which I presume should be the same in NHL10
We kind of had a primary position and a backup position for each person last year. For the last few months I've been playing D and RW with a playmaker build geared towards defense and it's worked well, but I'm not sure if that will be possible in 10.

Near the end of the season last year we were pretty good passing back to the point and cycling the puck on offense. It will take a while to get chemistry going but I think we will be fine in that regard.

It's really good that you can play goal Ludic, if the points system is similar to last year then a goalie will help out our rank quite a bit. Of course you won't be stuck there if you don't want to be.
I can practice goal too if need be.. but I'll be sucking it up and I don't think you guys would like that very much, haha.
We'll wait and see how things are this year. Last year the general consensus was that the more players you had, the more points the team got for a win. Someone did the math and worked it out that a goalie counted the same a 3 skaters, but that was never confirmed by EA and they haven't said much about the ranking system this year.

If we get bumped up to the pro division we would need a goalie, but for the first month I'm not too worried about it.
Near the end of the season last year we were pretty good passing back to the point and cycling the puck on offense. It will take a while to get chemistry going but I think we will be fine in that regard.

Definitely true, and if we have a properly functioning comm system this year, it'll be alot easier to set up 2-1-2, overloads, point-tip plays, etc. BAP mode is really helpful for learning how to play any position.

I've been playing hockey since I was 3 and have coached a minor bantam team as well; I know how to execute some really good plays. It's all about faking out the opponent with tricky passes.... then when they're least expecting it, turn the trick. It would be really cool if there was a team practice mode in the team locker menu that didn't take forever to load/exit from.

We'll get it. :)

I'm good to go with teamspeak if the worst should happen.
My PC isn't anywhere near my PS3, so TeamSpeak wouldn't be a realistic option for me unless someone sent me a laptop... lol
Ya, that's the trouble. I usually have a laptop nearby but I don't think the average console gamer can say the same. All we can do is hope that EA has better mic support this year because we don't have the party chat fallback option like the 360 guys do.
count me in for right D
I cycle the puck pretty well and a huge team player...if any of you guys remember :eek: