Growing Rat Muscles onto Robot Fingers


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Do you want the T-800 Model 101 Terminator, because the journal of Science Robotics is showing us how you get the T-800 Model 101 Terminator. Given these robotic fingers are grown from rat muscles, we can probably just call Orkin instead of Sarah Connor.

Check out the video.

To grow their robot's muscles, they layered hydrogel sheets filled with myoblasts—rat muscle cells—on a robotic skeleton. The grown muscle is then stimulated with an electric current that forces it to contract.
On a more serious note, damn. We are not that far off humanoid androids are we? What 20-30 years maybe?
Um, a bit of ? here. First T1000? It had a flesh shell but it didn't help with movement?!? just a disguise.

Second, Um this is not really new? just the current technique of making a scaffold for the muscle.. in which getting cells to grow on a scaffold itself is not new either.
Yay! When our robot overlords are destroying us, they'll have soft warm hands to do so with.
Reminds me of a Stainless Steel Rat book, by Harry Harrison, I read years ago where they rode in a car powered by an 8 "cylinder" motor using genetically altered frog leg muscles attached to the crankshaft. It used sugar water as "fuel" and got stronger over time. I thought at the time it was a brilliant idea!
As the metal hand is wrapped around a person's neck in the future, they'll think back to the article and try to utter:

"Fucking rats."
Now they can develop rats with the strength of two rats!
Excellent! I'm one step closer to having a robot arm!

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and so, what kind of BioRobotics do they have up at Los Alamos and over at Lawrence Livermore Labs? Those who know don't say ..

On a more serious note, damn. We are not that far off humanoid androids are we? What 20-30 years maybe?

IMUO (In My Uniformed Opinion) ... 10
Future Real Sex Dolls are going to have a hell of an upkeep. 22 square feet of rat muscles isn't something you can shake a Hiachi stick at!
Future Real Sex Dolls are going to have a hell of an upkeep. 22 square feet of rat muscles isn't something you can shake a Hiachi stick at!

Earth to modi123, muscles have volume. :p

You and your "third" dimension.

What about it?

It's cute...
I see I am not the first one to consider the future markets on Real Dolls.
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The T-600 series had rubber skin, they were easy to spot. These are new...…..:droid: