Gas Station Pump Hackers

According to the DOE, on average taxes make up 16% of the cost of a gallon of gas.

In California it's closer to 20%. Even worse, their greenhouse Cap & Trade legislation is estimated to increase the price of gas by up to 70-80cents/gal in ten years.
My exact thoughts. What morons for so little money.

They most likely did not expect to be detected. Probably they watched how busy the attendant was and expected to not be noticed at all.
Taxed properly????

Ummmm, the amount of tax that is already paid per gallon of fuel is already waaaaayyyyy too much.

Not really - at least not at the federal level it is not. I think it's been 18.4 cents / gallon for... for the longest time that I can remember. They really need to bump up the tax amount to help pay to improve our infrastructure. On top of that, gas cars are becoming more efficient and electric cars are on the road more... so they are getting a lot less revenue.

I obviously can't speak for what it is taxed at your particular state level.
They most likely did not expect to be detected. Probably they watched how busy the attendant was and expected to not be noticed at all.

Anytime you are doing something out in the open for 90+ minutes is WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time where anyone (not just the employee) can simply ask a "Hey, what are you doing?" or a cop drives by and sees suspicious activities, etc..

Whatever, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Not really - at least not at the federal level it is not. I think it's been 18.4 cents / gallon for... for the longest time that I can remember. They really need to bump up the tax amount to help pay to improve our infrastructure. On top of that, gas cars are becoming more efficient and electric cars are on the road more... so they are getting a lot less revenue.

I obviously can't speak for what it is taxed at your particular state level.

That's cute, you think that money would actually go to fixing the infrastructure and not get earmarked for special interest programs. Kind of like how state lotteries were gonna put all that added income towards the school systems exclusively...
That's cute, you think that money would actually go to fixing the infrastructure and not get earmarked for special interest programs. Kind of like how state lotteries were gonna put all that added income towards the school systems exclusively...

Not here to debate how tax revenue gets spent. I'm just pointing out the facts ma'am...

The main fact being, the federal rate @ 18.4 cents hasn't moved since 1993 (20+ years ago). That is on top of cars getting better gas mileage, and electric cars not utilizing/paying the taxes either.
Watch it was an inside job, sure they may have "hacked" the pumps but the attendant just let them do it.

I'm guessing that they had cans to fill up though? Because 600 gallons divided between 10 vehicles doesn't add up.

It's detroit, they were filling milk jugs and water balloons.
I just want to know where they actually have gas stations where you pump first and then pay. Ever since the dawn of pay at the pump here, you either prepay with a credit card OR go inside anywhere around here where I live. No where were you allowed to pump and then pay. I suppose if you let it authorize a credit card, then blocked the wireless so it could';t actually bill the final amount, you could pump as much as you wanted and get a $1 charge - which is what most stations here authorize on the card before you start pumping. The $1 gets reversed and the actual amount you pumped gets charged - sometimes there is enough of a lag in the transations that this shows up on my credit card web site, $1, -$1, $30.00. But nowhere I can go around here can I just pull up, turn on the pump, and start filling up with an unlimited amount.
So a while back, I filled up my car at a MAPCO. After I was done, the pump came up and said that the pump was prepaid for $100.

I had to go inside and talk to the manager in order to get them to fix it.

I could have called friends/family to come use the "free" $100 worth of gas.

Their whole system was screwed up that day.

lol no... the pump likely put a 100 buck hold on your card and will only then charge it for what was used this is pretty common you see any where from 50 to 100 $ holds when you pay the pump all the time

your card would have been charged with in 24 hours source i worked in banking with USAA the holds some times lasted longer then they should of which would prevent people form using there account if they had only 100 bucks or so in it
Not here to debate how tax revenue gets spent. I'm just pointing out the facts ma'am...

The main fact being, the federal rate @ 18.4 cents hasn't moved since 1993 (20+ years ago). That is on top of cars getting better gas mileage, and electric cars not utilizing/paying the taxes either.

On a much more important note, I've heard "Just the facts, Ma'am" used all over the place but I haven't the slightest idea where it originates from.
The same people that are supposed to be watching the pumps are the people tasked with checking out the line and they're probably too focused on that to pay attention. Especially if customers can pay at the pump. Source: Worked as a cashier at a Meijer gas station for 2 months during the summer after I turned 18.

That said, $1800 isn't worth going to jail for. These criminals should look into cybercurrency scams.
Why is that a crime? Have you seen the breakdown of fuel costs per gallon? The margin is not that high. About 51% of the cost of gas is crude oil cost. 25% of the cost to refine it. Thats 76% right there...then you have to tack on distribution and taxes. Remind me how they are raping everyone again? Per gallon they dont make much but they do make a lot BY VOLUME. That however is no excuse to say they are thieves for selling A LOT of their product at pretty darn near what it costs them.

What? Do you even know how much it is? The federal gas tax is 18.4 CENTS per gallon. At $3/gallon that equates to about 6%. The highest state tax that I am aware of is 10 cents. So 28.4 cents/gallon which equates to 9% tax in the highest taxed state. How is that too much? Thats less than the tax to eat out in DC (10%). Seems pretty much in line with most other sales taxes...

Caveat: I dont know all state taxes so there might be higher...but still that doesnt seem out of line.

I'd love to have a state gas tax of 10 cents.. I'm in pa.. lol
Don't want anyone to think I condone this in any way but really have to wonder how many years of free gas they might have had gotten away with if they'd not been a$$hats with this.
Not really - at least not at the federal level it is not. I think it's been 18.4 cents / gallon for... for the longest time that I can remember. They really need to bump up the tax amount to help pay to improve our infrastructure. On top of that, gas cars are becoming more efficient and electric cars are on the road more... so they are getting a lot less revenue.
Yes the federal tax is been that way for literally forever... ok since about 1993... and it's supposed to be used to help highway infrastructure and some minor mass transit. The problem is the money is not distributed equally based on how much is brought in, that said every state gets more than they put in, but some states get quite a bit more.
The only thing that upsets me in this that you can still get a gallon of gas in the US for $3.

That's still about 50% of european prices. No wonder people refuse to get rid of their gas guzzlers.
The only thing that upsets me in this that you can still get a gallon of gas in the US for $3.

That's still about 50% of european prices. No wonder people refuse to get rid of their gas guzzlers.

L2 pump your own oil instead of depending on the likes of Turkey and the rest of the middle east to do it for you and you too can prosper and enjoy cheap gasoline :p

Same goes with your migration crisis in Europe..... quit paying Turkey to hold them and instead guard your own borders.... But hey, what do I know - you guys love your taxes down there.
Not really - at least not at the federal level it is not. I think it's been 18.4 cents / gallon for... for the longest time that I can remember. They really need to bump up the tax amount to help pay to improve our infrastructure. On top of that, gas cars are becoming more efficient and electric cars are on the road more... so they are getting a lot less revenue.

I obviously can't speak for what it is taxed at your particular state level.
Only ever saw about 200 yards of a road in my state paid with federal dollars once. That whole roads pork shit needs to stop, states can pay their own way. Problem solved.
Only ever saw about 200 yards of a road in my state paid with federal dollars once. That whole roads pork shit needs to stop, states can pay their own way. Problem solved.

And you know it was paid for thusly how?
My debit card was hacked at the Kroger's in Brownstown MI on the 3rd of July. Kroger knew about it but didn't notify anyone. i called wxyz in Detroit but i guess krogers is a big advertiser with them. My Credit Union said there's been a rash of this shit here in Detroit and the suburbs for awhile. When in Detroit just pay cash and keep that close to your weapon of choice.
L2 pump your own oil instead of depending on the likes of Turkey and the rest of the middle east to do it for you and you too can prosper and enjoy cheap gasoline :p

Same goes with your migration crisis in Europe..... quit paying Turkey to hold them and instead guard your own borders.... But hey, what do I know - you guys love your taxes down there.
It's a web of corruption top to bottom, with no accountability. About 75-80% of taxes goes to waste or into the pockets of cronies. Why would anyone love that? Except the beneficiaries of course. There is no oil here, maybe some natural gas, but the rights to extract were sold to US companies many years ago :p
It's a web of corruption top to bottom, with no accountability. About 75-80% of taxes goes to waste or into the pockets of cronies. Why would anyone love that? Except the beneficiaries of course. There is no oil here, maybe some natural gas, but the rights to extract were sold to US companies many years ago :p

By down here do you mean the US? Theres about 29 billion barrels of "proven" reserves that are conventionally acquirable in the US. It jumps significantly hire if you include shale fact I remember reading that the US could become the top oil producer of the world if we tapped all the shale oil.

Personally I think we should NOT do this and save it for a rainy day ;).
By down here do you mean the US? Theres about 29 billion barrels of "proven" reserves that are conventionally acquirable in the US. It jumps significantly hire if you include shale fact I remember reading that the US could become the top oil producer of the world if we tapped all the shale oil.

Personally I think we should NOT do this and save it for a rainy day ;).
By here I mean where I live in Eastern Europe.

Share oil is barely profitable to extract at the current prices, but it will sure come in handy when the price doubles. I just hope mass consumption will be in the past by then.
By here I mean where I live in Eastern Europe.

Share oil is barely profitable to extract at the current prices, but it will sure come in handy when the price doubles. I just hope mass consumption will be in the past by then.

I just wanted to make sure ;).

Yeah its barrel profitable because they pushed production to drive prices down to shut down the shale frackers...that and you have the mindless who would rather humanity starve than disturb a single hair on the head of an animal.
I just want to know where they actually have gas stations where you pump first and then pay. Ever since the dawn of pay at the pump here, you either prepay with a credit card OR go inside anywhere around here where I live. No where were you allowed to pump and then pay. I suppose if you let it authorize a credit card, then blocked the wireless so it could';t actually bill the final amount, you could pump as much as you wanted and get a $1 charge - which is what most stations here authorize on the card before you start pumping. The $1 gets reversed and the actual amount you pumped gets charged - sometimes there is enough of a lag in the transations that this shows up on my credit card web site, $1, -$1, $30.00. But nowhere I can go around here can I just pull up, turn on the pump, and start filling up with an unlimited amount.

I thought that as well. I also wonder why some sort of limit wasn't set on the pump. I know some stations I've been to have a $75 limit that it will allow and then the pump stops.
The only thing that upsets me in this that you can still get a gallon of gas in the US for $3.

That's still about 50% of european prices. No wonder people refuse to get rid of their gas guzzlers.
Well we could tax the shit out of everything, add a VAT to just about everything under the Sun and then be online with your prices. But our whole country was founded on the idea of "fuck you and your bullshit taxes" but hey everyone is different in what they consider "reasonable", I mean me personally if the tax value added to an item is approximately the same cost of the item minus the taxes I'd bitch up a storm.
Well we could tax the shit out of everything, add a VAT to just about everything under the Sun and then be online with your prices. But our whole country was founded on the idea of "fuck you and your bullshit taxes" but hey everyone is different in what they consider "reasonable", I mean me personally if the tax value added to an item is approximately the same cost of the item minus the taxes I'd bitch up a storm.

Yup exactly. I always love it when people compare Europe to the US. Apples and Oranges.

A lot of countries in Europe have very high income tax rates to the tune of 20-50%. People also like to point out how they have "free" health care well sure...countries like sweden and denmark do indeed have that. But Denmark, as an example, has a top marginal tax rate of 60% which applies to everyone earning about $60k or more if I recall correctly.

Making my salary today I would pay 60% in taxes and I would be able to afford: Nothing. I certainly coulnt pay my mortgage, I might have car...but it wouldnt be anything nice. And that would be about it. I couldnt afford to eat out or go to the movies etc. Life would suck. But hey I would have free health care!
Not here to debate how tax revenue gets spent. I'm just pointing out the facts ma'am...

The main fact being, the federal rate @ 18.4 cents hasn't moved since 1993 (20+ years ago). That is on top of cars getting better gas mileage, and electric cars not utilizing/paying the taxes either.

IN my case it doesn't need to move. I pay state income, federal income, county sales, state sales as well as tolls & property as well as an existing gas tax (state & local). All of those have (somewhat) of a budget for roads. If they can't figure out how to fund roads after I'm paying 8 different taxes to take care of the roads, something is wrong.
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