First Windows 10 RTM Version Gets Support Dropped Soon


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
55,709 has passed along that Windows 10 v1507 is going End of Servicing on January 26th. This was the first official RTM version that customers could purchase or upgrade to. For those of you "cold dead hands" folks, you might look at getting your OS bumped up so you are getting needed security updates.

What this means is that this particular version of Windows 10 will no longer be supported by Microsoft after that grace period. Windows 10, version 1507 reaches end of support on March 26th, 2017.
Isn't this basically the same thing that happened to Windows 8, for those who didn't want to upgrade to 8.1?

This is a bit disturbing though, if we are now on a year and a half cycle from "Brand new" to "End of Servicing". That is especially true if we have reached the end of discrete OS versions, where new versions are basically released as service packs. They could have basically just released Windows 8 as a service pack for 7 and then dropped support for 7 a year and a half later. Seems that is similar to what will happen with 10 now and in the future.
This is a bit disturbing though, if we are now on a year and a half cycle from "Brand new" to "End of Servicing".
Well, that IS their plan. OS by subscription, so they have a continuous influx of cash. Pay by the month or pay by the year. Subscription runs out? So does the support. Then, eventually, like the electric bill, you don't pay, they turn off your computer. It's coming, because most people have no idea how to use anything other than windows.
Well, that IS their plan. OS by subscription, so they have a continuous influx of cash. Pay by the month or pay by the year. Subscription runs out? So does the support. Then, eventually, like the electric bill, you don't pay, they turn off your computer. It's coming, because most people have no idea how to use anything other than windows.

I'm not sure what your point is regarding subscriptions, since 98% of everyone I know who is running 10 either upgraded to 10 for free or had it come for free with their computer, and there is no "end date" when the OS that is already installed stops being free. I don't see anyone being forced or even pressured to pay a subscription for their OS.

As much as I hate the slippery slope, there is precedent for this type of patching and how the OS is supported. IIRC Microsoft dropped support for XP installs that were stuck on old service pack versions long before they dropped support for XP altogether, and SP2 did bring some pretty significant changes to XP not unlike what we are seeing now with 10.
Thinking that the only folks that need to worry about this are ones running an Enterprise version that lets them have some control over updates. Most normal end users should already have a newer version. Or are using computers that are mostly off grid. Guessing that "loss of support" won't prevent this version of the OS from getting updates, just that if you contact MS about an issue, once they find out what version you have, they won't help until you update.
Does that mean you won't get force updates anymore?
sounds like you'll lose all support, so yes. But as the next poster said, you'll almost certainly get messages saying to upgrade (which is what they should do, given that otherwise people would bitch that they didn't know they weren't getting support anymore).
The new start menu sucks on 1507 so I refuse to upgrade.

Something tells me that after this date is when they FORCE us to upgrade to 1507 without a choice (like the other updates), even though I have the "defer updates" checked.
does Microsoft update the iso on the W10 download page to the latest version?...or is it still the same old version?
The new start menu sucks on 1507 so I refuse to upgrade.

Something tells me that after this date is when they FORCE us to upgrade to 1507 without a choice (like the other updates), even though I have the "defer updates" checked.

They don't want you to upgrade to 1507. 1507 is going end of support. I think your confusing 1507 for 1511 or newer.
The current version I see up is 1607, and on their VLSC page they have the 1507 and 1511 versions still available.
They don't want you to upgrade to 1507. 1507 is going end of support. I think your confusing 1507 for 1511 or newer.
I don't know if he is serious or trying to tell a joke or what, is he trying to say he is still on windows 7 so he refuses to upgrade to windows 10 because he doesn't like the start menu.

Personally I was required to go back to 7 recently just to work on a bunch of machines of people who refused to do the upgrade in the office and I found it so clunky and slow it was painful. They got upgraded while I had the machines just because the software they are now using works better with 10 than it does 7 so they just have to suck it up.
It's strange (or not, it's MS after all) but my first W10 machine was a new build, W10 Pro, and it's had a couple of updates (the big ones) even though I had "defer" selected. It's currently on 1511. I had an 8.1 rig I upgraded right before the grace period, and it's on 1511 but with a notification that it has a "feature update to 1607" ready to download. And this upgraded machine never had as as many group policy options as the ground up machine did, like a gimped version right out of the gate. I think 1607 is the Anniversary Edition - the one I didn't have when I tried to install Gears of War 4. Windows 10 Pro wasn't good enough, had to be running the Anniversary Edition.
sounds like you'll lose all support, so yes. But as the next poster said, you'll almost certainly get messages saying to upgrade (which is what they should do, given that otherwise people would bitch that they didn't know they weren't getting support anymore).

That's true, I forget about the annoying popups and such, since I'm no longer on 10.
I don't know if he is serious or trying to tell a joke or what, is he trying to say he is still on windows 7 so he refuses to upgrade to windows 10 because he doesn't like the start menu.

Personally I was required to go back to 7 recently just to work on a bunch of machines of people who refused to do the upgrade in the office and I found it so clunky and slow it was painful. They got upgraded while I had the machines just because the software they are now using works better with 10 than it does 7 so they just have to suck it up.
I'm sure a 5 year old install of an OS on 5 year older hardware with a quite likely fragmented mechanical drive would be clunky on any version of Windows vs. a new install on a SSD equipped machine.

You kind of admitted those machines are neglected.
That's true, I forget about the annoying popups and such, since I'm no longer on 10.
I'm sure once 7 is close to retirement, they'll do it there too. It's pretty important to make sure the end user knows support is ending...and IMO, it's important to annoy the fuck out of them over it, because otherwise everyone will bitch that MS cut off support and didn't let users know.
Myth. No one would never actually complain.
Yes they would. As soon as Daddy's computer is infested with security holes, because he didn't know there was no more security patches, the bitching would ensue.
I'm sure once 7 is close to retirement, they'll do it there too. It's pretty important to make sure the end user knows support is ending...and IMO, it's important to annoy the fuck out of them over it, because otherwise everyone will bitch that MS cut off support and didn't let users know.

I'm on 8.1, so I've got til next year.
I'm on 8.1, so I've got til next year.

You've got til 2023 - extended support.

Not like MS was going to add any new features to 8.1 before "mainstream" support ended anyway.

6 years gives MS more than enough time to pull their heads out on 10, or whatever they call 11.