Far Cry 5


[H]F Junkie
Aug 5, 2013

RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2018


Mary May Trailer

Pastor trailer

Rick nye trailer


(I will update this post as new info is released)
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I know the usual Ubisoft talking points and such notwithstanding but I'm fine with both of those ideas coming to light if they can move things forward respectively in both series.

AC Syndicate was excellent for me in a lot of ways. Far Cry... I like these games. I felt like 4 was the end of the road for that present iteration and Primal was good but a glorified expansion pack to that IMO. I'd like to see some things move forward here.
Yawn. For the foreseeable future, I'm done with Ubisoft games. Every single game they make is the same thing. A big, boring, lifeless open world. They are the epitome of quantity over quality.

If they decide to ditch the tedious fetch quests and treasure hunting shit, and instead write a focused, solid narrative, they'll get my attention. But as long as they continue to use total hours wasted as the benchmark for a games quality and sale-ability, i'm out.
I thought Ghost Recon Wildlands was Far Cry 5?

Precisely my point :D

I actually enjoyed GR:W more than I thought. Kicking up the difficulty to max and playing with a group of friends proved enjoyable. Eventually it still got into the rinse and repeat of ever Ubi game before it, though, and I moved on.
I'm done with Far Cry until they make a true sequel to the original... which probably means I'm done with Far Cry.

2 was pretty good and 3 was excellent. 4 had some minor bugs, but was essentially the same thing as 3 which was a good thing. Truthfully, they need to make some changes this time around though.
The OG far cry with mutant apes and idiotic AI is still a fond memory for me, it was decently difficult, too.

Edit: also, Blood Dragon was the greatest Ubisoft creation to ever grace this realm.
I liked 3, i thought 4 was a worse 3, or at the very least too much more of the same + some annoyances.

never bothered to play the hunting on,e and don't think ill get this one if its more of the same x100000
Never played Primal, but I liked 3 and 4...even if they were so similar 4 was a borderline giant DLC mission. I'm bored of Ubisoft's games, although they usually are quite good. Growing up in the NES era, I can't be mad at developers cranking games out as long as they're decent. Games like Mega Man and Castlevania are now beloved, but they were cranked out in much the same way.
A big, boring, lifeless open world.

Are you kidding? In FC4 I remember the most insane random stuff happening just traversing the map. You had no idea what you were going to get hit with. Could be a quick drive somewhere, could get ambushed by patrols, could have a rhino attack you, etc.
Are you kidding? In FC4 I remember the most insane random stuff happening just traversing the map. You had no idea what you were going to get hit with. Could be a quick drive somewhere, could get ambushed by patrols, could have a rhino attack you, etc.

I'm sure most of that is scripted. Maybe the animal encounters are random. I just don't find the worlds they craft interesting. But more than that, I just don't care for the rinse/repeat formula they have taken on. Ever since the original Assassins Creed, aAll of Ubi's major IPs follow the same formula... Assassins Creed, Far Cry, Division, Ghost Recon, Watch Dogs... they're all the same game at heart. Hell, they even tried to apply their open world nonsense to other genres with the likes of The Crew and Steep. There's simply no need for it. With the vast majority of open world games, engaging story and interesting, well-crafted environments get overlooked in favor of being able to say your playable map is a certain square KM, or having a certain number of side quests. They are designed around marketing buzzwords to move units. It doesn't matter if your playable space is interesting, so long as it's four times the size of Skyrim :rolleyes:.

This trend isn't unique to Ubisoft, but they seem to have taken to it the most, with every major IP in the last decade sticking to it. The only exception that comes to my mind is For Honor. The more and more open-worlds become a games sole selling point, the less interested I become. I have a large enough backlog, and limited enough free time, that I don't need my games to take 100 hours to finish, especially when 75% of that time is spent meandering around doing fetch quests or dealing with randomly generated incidents. Firewatch is a good example. Some people bitch not much happens, it's a walking simulator, it's too short... whatever. I found it incredibly interesting. Enough to do 3 complete playthoughs with a different attitude each time. I logged about 10 hours into it, and then walked away (har har) feeling as though my money was incredibly well spent, and that I had thoroughly enjoyed every minute I spent in the game. Now lets look at FC4. I've spent 29 hours in that game, and I've given up on it. Of those 29 hours, nothing was memorable. I won't say it wasn't fun, but it wasn't interesting. I reached a point where I was just doing the same shit I'd done countless times before, with a slightly different spin. Drive here, kill this, come back. Kill animals, craft shit. Rinse. Repeat. Repeat some more. I didn't give a shit about any person I encountered or any choice the game presented me with. I honestly could not tell you what the story was about. I remember a purple emo guy and mountains (Nepal?). Point is, despite having invested more time in it, I don't feel like I gained anything from having played this game. I don't feel as though it was money well spent.

Maybe I'm just being cynical, but with my limited free time I want my games to make me feel something. Whether it's an emotional story, or just an environment that makes me go "holy shit, look at that". If I've only got 5-10 hours a week to spend gaming, I want to be enjoying every second of it. Doing chores in an open world, at least for me, isn't it. Sorry for the rant, but the "all games should be open world" mentality that seems to be becoming ever more prevalent irks me :yuck:.
I'm done with Far Cry until they make a true sequel to the original... which probably means I'm done with Far Cry.

I agree totally the farther you get away from the original virgin vision it no longer is the original game. Goes for anything out there bascially..
I agree totally the farther you get away from the original virgin vision it no longer is the original game. Goes for anything out there bascially..

The original Far Cry is still one of my all time favorites, and still looked pretty good last time I fired it up. I too wish we could get a real sequel, or if we can't get that, a remaster with high res textures, maybe a modern engine.
I'm sure most of that is scripted. Maybe the animal encounters are random. I just don't find the worlds they craft interesting. But more than that, I just don't care for the rinse/repeat formula they have taken on. Ever since the original Assassins Creed, aAll of Ubi's major IPs follow the same formula... Assassins Creed, Far Cry, Division, Ghost Recon, Watch Dogs... they're all the same game at heart. Hell, they even tried to apply their open world nonsense to other genres with the likes of The Crew and Steep. There's simply no need for it. With the vast majority of open world games, engaging story and interesting, well-crafted environments get overlooked in favor of being able to say your playable map is a certain square KM, or having a certain number of side quests. They are designed around marketing buzzwords to move units. It doesn't matter if your playable space is interesting, so long as it's four times the size of Skyrim :rolleyes:.

This trend isn't unique to Ubisoft, but they seem to have taken to it the most, with every major IP in the last decade sticking to it. The only exception that comes to my mind is For Honor. The more and more open-worlds become a games sole selling point, the less interested I become. I have a large enough backlog, and limited enough free time, that I don't need my games to take 100 hours to finish, especially when 75% of that time is spent meandering around doing fetch quests or dealing with randomly generated incidents. Firewatch is a good example. Some people bitch not much happens, it's a walking simulator, it's too short... whatever. I found it incredibly interesting. Enough to do 3 complete playthoughs with a different attitude each time. I logged about 10 hours into it, and then walked away (har har) feeling as though my money was incredibly well spent, and that I had thoroughly enjoyed every minute I spent in the game. Now lets look at FC4. I've spent 29 hours in that game, and I've given up on it. Of those 29 hours, nothing was memorable. I won't say it wasn't fun, but it wasn't interesting. I reached a point where I was just doing the same shit I'd done countless times before, with a slightly different spin. Drive here, kill this, come back. Kill animals, craft shit. Rinse. Repeat. Repeat some more. I didn't give a shit about any person I encountered or any choice the game presented me with. I honestly could not tell you what the story was about. I remember a purple emo guy and mountains (Nepal?). Point is, despite having invested more time in it, I don't feel like I gained anything from having played this game. I don't feel as though it was money well spent.

Maybe I'm just being cynical, but with my limited free time I want my games to make me feel something. Whether it's an emotional story, or just an environment that makes me go "holy shit, look at that". If I've only got 5-10 hours a week to spend gaming, I want to be enjoying every second of it. Doing chores in an open world, at least for me, isn't it. Sorry for the rant, but the "all games should be open world" mentality that seems to be becoming ever more prevalent irks me :yuck:.

That was another area that I thought the original Far Cry did a great job. It was pretty open world, you had a lot of freedom to explore, and the pacing was good too. I never felt like I was grinding in the first one.
I can't see them ever going back to what made Far Cry 1 so great, but maybe at some point we'll see some kind of spiritual sequel (that isn't Crysis) or pseudo remake.
I'm just looking forward to the "run and slide" into the cactus-laden underbrush.
My dad is a huge FarCry fanatic. His response to this rumor via text was priceless: "Red Far Dead Cry!"

As for my take on it.. if this is true, I couldn't be more excited for a Far Cry game. I think their formula lends itself well to a Western setting. I just hope they don't spoil the fun with some SJW writer guilting players with a native american conquest story-line. I could even imagine they would make the player character himself some half apache / half caucasian bastard child from rape to make some easy headlines. /cynicism
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I can't see them ever going back to what made Far Cry 1 so great, but maybe at some point we'll see some kind of spiritual sequel (that isn't Crysis) or pseudo remake.

Far Cry was fun but not really that innovative. Essentially it is an FPS with open maps and some indoor corridor levels. I liked it a good bit, and I'd like to see some games go back to that style as many don't need to be open world.

The new Deus Ex games get it right. Hub areas, side missions that are well crafted, and major missions that often take place in unique map areas. All of the map space is used, not a lot of extras just used to length travel time and no repeating find this or liberate this task.
Might be interested. I skipped Primal, though I may eventually pick it up on a deep discount. The absence of guns of put me off.
oh jesus not a goddamn frigging western, i want dinosaurs!! like, some plot you travel in time lets say from 2040 and some corporation goes back in time to mine rare metals and theres bad guys and stuff and jungle and and and... DINOSAURS!! wtf man! a goddamn frigging western.. XD
oh jesus not a goddamn frigging western, i want dinosaurs!! like, some plot you travel in time lets say from 2040 and some corporation goes back in time to mine rare metals and theres bad guys and stuff and jungle and and and... DINOSAURS!! wtf man! a goddamn frigging western.. XD

I've got a game that will fit all of your needs right here.
ill let ya all know what i can ...as Ubi invited me to go to E 3 2017 as a UBI star player ...i might have to sign an NDA tho when i get there
hopefully the next Far Cry is a decent game and in the works

can't think of any other reason they wanna pay for my flights and meals an hotel ..as all i did was support the FC 4 FC3 and Primal Steam \ UBI community with tech problems

i leave for E 3 in June 11th , Fly back the following Thursday is all i have heard so far
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a goddamn frigging western with those retarded medieval fucking guns, ugh! shooting indians are we? its basicaly far cry primal 20 years in the future what the hell.
a goddamn frigging western with those retarded medieval fucking guns, ugh! shooting indians are we? its basicaly far cry primal 20 years in the future what the hell.

Yeah I want them to go back to using guns. Why not make a FarCry 5 that takes place in a city? Like make it a FarCry-style game in a Grand Theft Auto-like city.
I'm going to wait until an official announcement and trailer before I have an opinion.
Based on the rumor, why not? It'll probably be fun. I feel like with FC4 they perfected the formula and I'm curious to see how it plays in a western. It could be steam punk so they keep the flying. Not sure how they'd do it otherwise.
As far as going back to the original FC game I'd say a different company will probably make that first. Maybe a little indie company. A different name of course but quite similar. Personally I've liked the whole series so far. #2 not so much as the others but it was okay. I never tried Primal. It didn't peak my interest. Like many I want guns in the game.
I remember the original far cry had such a huge impact on gaming, the ai, the gameplay, pushing hardware, etc. the last few far cry games all seem like call of duty derivatives in a different game universe.
Ubisoft talking points and caveats notwitstanding: I feel the AC series is in a better place and left off on stronger footing with Syndicate than where this series is right now.

This series needs to take at least one year off and get some new concepts going or don't bother.

I still think the first one is pound for pound arguably the best one as well.

Someone mentioned Just Cause 3: Wild albeit repetitive fun that doesn't take itself too seriously. If you want a fun, over the top romp I can easily recommend it.
Other than the graphics (which haven't improved THAT much) I don't know if the Assassin's Creed games have truly improved since #2. Black Flag was a hell of a wonderful game, but what made it great wasn't the AC portion of the game. If anything it felt like a pirate game they added some Assassin's Creed elements to.
I'm hoping that whatever the new game entails it isn't just more of the same stuff. We're at something like 10 full games now.
There are some rumors suggesting you play as a Cop, which seems to match the red/white/blue logo.
Yeah, weird. I know.


However, it’s also possible that the game is set in Montana but takes place in the present day. A reader writing into Giant Bomb, who claimed to have a friend working at Ubisoft Toronto — a studio that supported both Far Cry 4 and Far Cry Primal — said that the game would be set in modern-day Montana, and that the protagonist would be a police officer. According to the letter, a rebel group has apparently taken over part of the northwestern region of the state, and police officer must act as a vigilante in order to stop them.
An open-world urban environment might actually be the change of pace the series needs. I can't imagine a cop shooting up a city being very PC outside of some sort of apocalypse, though.