eVGA ACS³ Thermal Solution Thoughts

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
What do you guys think about all of this? Call me once bitten, twice shy.

First news post is HERE, followup is HERE.
So Kyle, Correct me if im wrong here,

They basically took all of the extra Geforce 4 ti 4600 coolers they had lying around, slapped a big ol' metal plate on it, and are calling it a revolutinoary cooling system?

And to top it all off, it even comes with a shiney new sticker?

I think you're right on the bullshit comment, From what i can tell from the pictures, i dont see much in the way of heat pipes or anything else. Do you think they will even use Thermal grease between all those different peices?

For 120 extra dollars, it had better come with a blowjob attachment.
i've always been a fan of evga. Even have an evga 6800gt in my gaming box at home but of course it has a reference nvidia cooler on it with just an evga sticker attached, but if this is the way that evga is choosing to do business in the future, by trying to sucker people into spending more on the same or even less of a product, then i'm definitely going to be taking my business elsewhere to companies like xfx and bfg.
how much does the add space go for on the metal plate of the video card? Maybe evga would but some banner add on it if the price was right. I can see it now, getting spam on your video card.
It shurly does look like old 4600 coolers with few mods and cold copper plate.

Well it looks also as nVidia cooler for 6800 and 7800 with top plate (where normaly comes a chick) off and some strange box arround whole card. Well theoreticly (allthough I doo not belive) it could work bit better cause air is directed a bit. How big should be a difference if any? Probobly not measurable.

Hot things doo not like to be covered. Any aditional grafic card cooling fan in case will work less efficient to. Whole cooling is now up to a little cage fan (blower).
Allready on 6800GT it's pretty loud. Now it will have to create even more preasure resulting probobly in more noise. But that's just my opinion.

Well copper middle part of a stock nVidia solution works better for shure.
Also Silencer or Zalman works better. Even companies that make stock Silencer on their card sell cards for allmost a same price as once with stock nVidia cooler.
Silencer costs 20+ $ US hence how doo they come on such ripp off price I wouldn't know.

I just can gues they have those old coolers on stock as Code Waste have allready mentioned.

You guys read too much into things :rolleyes: sheez.

Let's psychoanalyze some GPU cooler.
ive posted this already, but here we go again:

kent said:
You guys read too much into things :rolleyes: sheez.

Let's psychoanalyze some GPU cooler.

Nah, we just got this thing about being lied to and ripped off......

We don't like it :(

See we all here have this real asshole thing we like to do....
its called THINKING.

I say, if it looks like bullshit, smells like bullshit, and the bull's sitting right over there......
must be bullshit
kent said:
You guys read too much into things :rolleyes: sheez.

Let's psychoanalyze some GPU cooler.

I am just trying to actually get something out of what they are saying.

If this thread does not interest you, I would suggest you not post in it.
For one hundred dollars more? No way. If the card was designed in a way that vented the exhaust directly out of the case it might be nice--still not worth $100.

I figure the advertising space is the key to this 'new' technology.
I think this its much ado about nothing. Yeah they are marketing a super new cooling solution, but I suspect the majority of people in the market for a 7800GTX will determine that the cooling solution is not necessary and not buy it. I have NEVER seen an eVGA product on a store shelf and I would venture to guess that the majority of buyers of an eVGA product do so online after much research. The walk-up n00bie buyer for this product is few and far between.

Essentially a 7800GTX is a 7800GTX is a 7800GTX no matter how you slice it. I don't blame them for trying to make their package a little more spiffy and make some money off it at the same time.

Look at it this way...You can buy a BFG 7800GTX for $559 at NewEgg or $599 at BestBuy. It's the same card...its up to the buyer to get himeself/herself the best deal.
The man follows all claims of BS and coverup and helps us not get bent over for our dough... Keep up the good work Kyle...

I think i read somewhere that it also to protect the card from damage. The value of that added safety is not worth more than 10-20 bucks to me, i don't think its worth 100+ to the consumer neither. :eek:
Skids1 said:
The man follows all claims of BS and coverup and helps us not get bent over for our dough... Keep up the good work Kyle...


Thanks bro. Are you saying that I got bent over for buying one?!?!?!? :eek: ;)
Kevl4R said:
I think this its much ado about nothing. Yeah they are marketing a super new cooling solution, but I suspect the majority of people in the market for a 7800GTX will determine that the cooling solution is not necessary and not buy it. I have NEVER seen an eVGA product on a store shelf and I would venture to guess that the majority of buyers of an eVGA product do so online after much research. The walk-up n00bie buyer for this product is few and far between.

Essentially a 7800GTX is a 7800GTX is a 7800GTX no matter how you slice it. I don't blame them for trying to make their package a little more spiffy and make some money off it at the same time.

Look at it this way...You can buy a BFG 7800GTX for $559 at NewEgg or $599 at BestBuy. It's the same card...its up to the buyer to get himeself/herself the best deal.
Circuit City sells eVGA, Best Buy sells BFG.
People.. it's just marketing hype. It shouldn't be that big of an issue.
furocious said:
I think i read somewhere that it also to protect the card from damage.

And you can use of for a sheild when fighting the Romans.
I suppose there's a lot to be read into here, and I understand your concerns.

However, do you think it's justified to read into it this much, and downplay it so hard before you even see it? Granted, eVga is kinda shady in their marketing, and have no foothold in the market when compared to BFG and other enthusiast brands, but I think this might be a little over the top.

I do find a couple of mentioned things interesting though, one would be that eVga is USUALLY cheaper than other brands, but with this new cooling it might perform better.

I like reading HardOCP, I have been for a long time, as a matter of fact HardOCP is what inspired me to start my own site... But really Kyle, this place is changing a lot. And I can't necessarily say I like the direction it's going. But I'm only one reader, what do you care :p
Well I know now why does it cost so much more.

It has by far highest nummber of parts needed to be asambled.
Hence it takess longer to putt it together hence time = money so We have to pay for it :)
Well Silencer has less parts = cost less :) Who cares that it cooles better? :)
Even if it doesn't cool better it costs more but that's O.K. they have invested more time in it.
Insert Irony.

Wait so They might think about it but I'm positive it's a ripp of with popular cooling hype storry to cover extra profits.

It's shame that they think that market is so stupid not to recognize such situation.

For 100$+ difference it has to keep GPU and memory atleast on room temps. Or five time better then Silencer.

shaun how can You say something like that?

Kyle is only one person in Web page Bizz that answer on E-mails from people He doo not even know.

He found ripp of and tryes to protect people (You and me to) from spending hard earned $ on ripp off.

See concept and drawings and You will undertend it is a ripp off.

a planar metallic cover plate having an external perimeter configuration that generally corresponds to the plan-form of the printed circuit board used in the graphics card assembly

So in laymans terms: A peice of metal cut in a rectangle.

wow, that's innovation for ya.
That patent picture really shows how craptastic it is:

(Had to actually put the picture in here, b/c I know there are lazy forum lurkers who don't venture out to the front page)

All they did was to connect the ram heatsinks to that ugly piece of green sh1t. (correct me if I'm wrong)

So when will the actual review be up so I can laugh some more ?

P.S. I think in a normal (overclocker's) case with a side fan blowing on the card, the OC'ing results will be worse on the eVGA, b/c the only airflow over your power circuitry will be the already heated GPU HSF's air.
I paid $600 for a 450/1200 version in the first 60 minutes of its release. I am not miffed at the fact that prices have come down because i expected as such. I purchased early just in case availability would be scarce and wanted the GTX for my 2405. I rolled the dice and well i am a big boy. Now I have about 60 days left to step up. If an Ultra does not rear its ugly head, i will use the step up to get the ACS model and for the cost of shipping i will have a higher clocked card with either a excellent peice of engineering or a dipship cooling system. Either way I get a faster card and the shipping cost was my rental of the 1st card.
Not just this article. I respect him and the things he does, but this seems a bit aggressive is all.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing him, or this site. Ripoff or not though, that's their thing. It's not like they're selling a 6800 with a pretty cooler for the 7800's price.
We have a typical 7800GTX with 430MHz core for $480
We have the BFG 460MHz core with a lifetime warranty for $550.
We have the XFX with a 490MHz core for $550.
We have the eVGA with a 490MHz core and lifetime warranty for $600.
Seems that even if we ignore the fancy cooler the eVGA card has the highest clockspeed and the best warranty.
shaun said:
Not just this article. I respect him and the things he does, but this seems a bit aggressive is all.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing him, or this site. Ripoff or not though, that's their thing. It's not like they're selling a 6800 with a pretty cooler for the 7800's price.

I have to agree here. This is my favorite site but in my experience EVGA has been fantastic to me, resolving any and all issues however small they may be. The jury is still out on this one. I think sometimes someone may need to step back and look in the mirror (ala BFG) just to keep our selves in check. BFG is an excellent company and can take care of themselves.
And the question would be does it cool better? Granted it's an old design but is it a GOOD one? Yeah, it's simple. I dunno about you guys but I don't particularly like the 50lb two slot heatpipe coolers that damn near break my PCI-E slot.

So underneath it all does it cool bad and cost more, or does it cool better and cost more?

Btw - Kyle, what do you mean they "Duck HardOCP" ?
Kueller said:
We have a typical 7800GTX with 430MHz core for $480
We have the BFG 460MHz core with a lifetime warranty for $550.
We have the XFX with a 490MHz core for $550.
We have the eVGA with a 490MHz core and lifetime warranty for $600.
Seems that even if we ignore the fancy cooler the eVGA card has the highest clockspeed and the best warranty.

$50 for 30MHz
My card in my sig can do 500/1.4 in Aquamark and 3dmark03,05, but not in Doom 3. at 490/1.3 it's amazingly stable (I have the stock cooler version) So with a bit better cooling I might actually run 500/1.4.
Zombie said:
$50 for 30MHz

And a lifetime warranty.

Reading comprehension....even though it might not seem like it, it IS your friend.

On-topic thoughts: It does seem a little gimmicky....especially after looking at the patent spec sheet. Also, I enjoyed the comment on the evga page detailing the "technical achievement" saying that because of this cooler, it was the only card on the market running at 490mhz. Isn't XFX doing the same on a stocker?
mastercheeze said:
And a lifetime warranty.

Reading comprehension....even though it might not seem like it, it IS your friend.

On-topic thoughts: It does seem a little gimmicky....especially after looking at the patent spec sheet. Also, I enjoyed the comment on the evga page detailing the "technical achievement" saying that because of this cooler, it was the only card on the market running at 490mhz. Isn't XFX doing the same on a stocker?

I was refering to the BFG card that comes with a lifetime warranty as well.
Reading comprehension++ for you too.
BioPort said:
ive posted this already, but here we go again:


From the picture is does not look like they used a GF4 cooler. It does look like the stock 7800 GTX cooler with a fancy cover. If anything the cover looks like it would make the ram run hotter as the factory sink does not actively cool the ram but relies on a heatpipe and passive airflow across fins.

Seems like a nice place to put a sticker. :rolleyes:
I'll agree though, back in my crazier overclocking days nice coolers were definately worth the buck. I recall I had a radeon 9800 XT and bought a thermaltake cooler for it for around 50 bucks. With a single 90mm fan I could overclock it about 130mhz over core and about 150mhz over stock ram speed. It performed well for a period of time...

Here's my question (I'll go back and read):
1. Does the eVga card have higher clock speeds?
2. Is the "modified" cooling actually better?
3. Is the difference in price worth the difference in speed/performance?

My 9800XT performed on par with the first bank of the X*** radeon cards, so I think it was definately worth a 50$ cooler, probably even the 150$ difference in price between the two ranges of cards.

So, 599 for a 7800GTX that performs better than the rest? Sure. Who care's if it's a "Bullshit marketing scheme" if it's better it's better. Someone who pays 599 for a lower performing card? Must be an Intel customer ;)
From the picture is does not look like they used a GF4 cooler. It does look like the stock 7800 GTX cooler with a fancy cover. If anything the cover looks like it would make the ram run hotter as the factory sink does not actively cool the ram but relies on a heatpipe and passive airflow across fins.

Seems like a nice place to put a sticker. :rolleyes:

Yeah, wouldn't a cover like that hinder airflow to the heat sinks?
shaun said:
Btw - Kyle, what do you mean they "Duck HardOCP" ?

Well, first of all, they never made good on their promises of proving to us why our testing n their ACS2 was wrong after publicly stating that we basically were wrong. They committed to show us the error of our ways, but surprisingly, they never made good. After, never making good, they have through their actions refused to ever ship us another review card. And we have asked MANY times, politiely I might add.
shaun said:
Okay, so I retract my comment about "your" hostility ;)

How is your site, "Your one stop Gaming Community"? That is a pretty tall statement for someone with no content. Do you perscribe to the eVGA school of marketing? AKA, "Let's just make shit up that sounds good"? ;) Just joking around....don't go all Tom on me.
mastercheeze said:
And a lifetime warranty.

Reading comprehension....even though it might not seem like it, it IS your friend.

On-topic thoughts: It does seem a little gimmicky....especially after looking at the patent spec sheet. Also, I enjoyed the comment on the evga page detailing the "technical achievement" saying that because of this cooler, it was the only card on the market running at 490mhz. Isn't XFX doing the same on a stocker?

You have a point but the inference was that because of the cooler they felt they could deliver the card at those clocks while offering a lifetime warranty. Marketing is marketing. They are gettting thier moneys worth. Who ever made the decision gets cudos because it has made EVGA the topic of conversation all over the net and if the card delivers without issue and runs cool enough then its a marketing job well done.

THere are more than a few in here that have invested in the area of $50 (which is what we are realy talking here) in coolers and ram sinks to mod thier cards. This is the Alien ware of video cards for the well healed who want a "custom look" highly clocked idiot proof solution. ITs a proven model for an established niche
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