Clear Sky + Steam question


Jan 17, 2005
So, I come upstairs with my wallet ready to buy my first non-Valve game through Steam and it says the game will unlock in 9 hours.

Does that mean it can be played in 9 hours? Also, 9 hours would mean it unlocks at 3 in the morning????? Why not midnight? So I thought to myself well maybe they have to let the west coast hit midnight but 9 hours is even an hour or two past midnight for them.

Anybody know what the deal is?

yeah the deal is that the makers of Clear Sky told them when they can let ppl play it.

So I bought it and it's not "pre-loading" so I guess thats what happens in 9 hours?
Yeah, after it's released at midnight Pacific time/3am Eastern (because Valve is in Washington state), the game will unlock and you can download/play it.
Alright. Thanks guys. I guess only some games get to pre-load. Would be nice to already have it there ready to go @ 2:00am.........which I would stay up for.......

Got on Steam forums and there is grumblings that the lack of pre-load means there is going to be another delay.

Hope not.
Valve allows the pre-loading of their own games before the release date, but it is ultimately up to the developer as to whether that happens. Since Valve is both developer and distributor on Steam, they can do it. But if GSC doesn't want Clear Sky preloaded, it doesn't get preloaded. Thus, when it unlocks in ~5 hours, it will begin downloading.
Cool. Thanks Mark. Setting my alarm for 2:00am and going now for a little nap although it's probably only to check to see that it started telling how long to download 4-5 Gigs. Especially when everybody and their mother is downloading at the same time.:eek:

Oh well, I'll be Stalking by tomorrow sometime.

Valve allows the pre-loading of their own games before the release date, but it is ultimately up to the developer as to whether that happens. Since Valve is both developer and distributor on Steam, they can do it. But if GSC doesn't want Clear Sky preloaded, it doesn't get preloaded. Thus, when it unlocks in ~5 hours, it will begin downloading.

Cool. Thanks Mark. Setting my alarm for 2:00am and going now for a little nap although it's probably only to check to see that it started telling how long to download 4-5 Gigs. Especially when everybody and their mother is downloading at the same time.:eek:

Oh well, I'll be Stalking by tomorrow sometime.


Well...It was supposed to unlock, at any rate. But it didn't. It is now 5.5 hours late, assuming the original unlock time was correct.
Still not unlocked? I can still buy it for $35... decisions decisions :p

Maybe Valve didn't receive all the CD Keys?? I've heard that's been a problem with this game :eek: :rolleyes: :p
As of right now mine isn't unlocked. I can't download nor play it.
This is the first time I've ever bought a game on Steam. I'm not happy about this. Granted I don't think this is Valve's fault. I'm betting this is the fault of the publisher.
This is the first time I've ever bought a game on Steam. I'm not happy about this. Granted I don't think this is Valve's fault. I'm betting this is the fault of the publisher.

Yeah. I've bought loads of games on Steam, and this is the first time it's happened like this. I think GSC just hasn't told Valve to "throw the switch", or whatever they do.

Extremely annoying, especially since I'm about to head out to run daily errands and could easily swing into BB and just pick it the fuck up. :mad:

Should be an easy way to cancel and get a refund from Steam on a game that isn't downloaded yet. But it would seem not..............

Oh well, I was kind of using this as an experiment to see if I want to use Steam for my non-Valve gaming and so far it is not looking like a service I want to continue to use.

This could very well be a GSC issue but no communication from Steam whatsoever..........I have given my money and they have not lived up to there end of the bargain. Deserves to be addressed. imho
Extremely annoying, especially since I'm about to head out to run daily errands and could easily swing into BB and just pick it the fuck up. :mad:

Should be an easy way to cancel and get a refund from Steam on a game that isn't downloaded yet. But it would seem not..............

Oh well, I was kind of using this as an experiment to see if I want to use Steam for my non-Valve gaming and so far it is not looking like a service I want to continue to use.

It does make a trip to Best Buy to pick up the game seem tempting. This is really the only time I've ever been unhappy with using Steam. I've never purchased a game before on it but I am not going to blame Steam for this. I'll likely give them another chance. Steam has always worked flawlessly for me. I'm going to Blame GSC like Mark. :cool:
They've just updated the status to "This game will unlock in approximately 3 hours", which means approximately 2pm Central.

I was just coming to post.


I'm speechless................just reset the timer.

I bought from Steam so it would be available to me when I got up today. I weighed the difference between a retail copy I could have this afternoon or one waiting for me in the morning and I wanted to try Steam anyway. I bought based on the PREVIOUS timer. I can't help it, I feel ripped off. I feel like they got me with the previous timer.

I can't imagine how the people who had to live through the previous debacle where it got delayed for another week feel.:eek:

Ahhh well........many worse problems in the world than Steam not letting me have my silly little computer game and I've got 35 bucks in the ashtray of my truck.......I can still goes on.

Still feel jipped though.

Well that sucks for everyone who wanted to play this for the last 12 hours :rolleyes:

Only 3 more hours to go.... plus download time.......
I'm still pondering whether I should get it through Steam or locally at Best Buy with a RewardZone $5 certificate...
Those of you that have a BB near by, be happy. All I have is Wal-Mart, and they aren't exactly prompt at putting out new games. (Unless its Halo, Madden or some other large console release)

I'll take Steams 1/2 day delay over my local Wal-Mart's 1-2week delay any time.
Wow, a lot of people need to relax a little.

At any rate, one thing to watch out for on steam is that you cannot control the patch level, what patches are applied, or when they are applied. If this is important to you, avoid steam.
Wow, a lot of people need to relax a little.

At any rate, one thing to watch out for on steam is that you cannot control the patch level, what patches are applied, or when they are applied. If this is important to you, avoid steam.

That is a good point.
Glad to see I'm not the only person having problems with the clear sky download. I woke up this morning (6am PST) to find that it was still unavailable. I'm hoping that the game is automatically preloaded and active when I get home from work tonight. I've been looking forward to this too long. Is this the first Steam release that's ever been botched up like this?
I just closed steam and opened it back up to see stalker not install. Holding my breath I right clicked to see INSTALL. YAY downloading right now.:D
Yep, if it still doesn't show up as installable, close steam and re-open. Appears to be a steam client update that is required as well.

Mines downloading right now.