China Releases Insane Video Of It Attacking The U.S.

Quantity has a quality all its own. Our equipment back in the 80's and 90's a good balance of quality and quantity (Abrams, Apache, F-16, F-18). Now, it seems that we are so worried about being the highest cutting edge tech, that the price prevents any real quantity (F-22, F-35, failed Comanche).
That goes for personnel too - the public in the asian countries are willing to accept at least 10x the casualties as the US public (see Vietnam, Korea).
Not if the appallingly over-budget and under-performing F-35 strike aircraft is any indication.

It's not. The F-35 is just meant to be an all around general purpose multi-role aircraft to replace the F-16. It borrows stealth characteristics from the F-22 and such, but beyond that it is just a modernized version of the F-16. The f-22, some stealth naval vessels, submarine tech, drone warfare, lasers and ICBM's are where it's really at. This is how WW3 will be fought, from beyond visual range, and we have really strengthened our skillset in these areas.
The US won every single battle and military engagement of the Vietnam war. It's important to remember that it was a proxy battle between the US and the Soviet Union.

In which not even one Soviet soldier was fighting. Wonder what would happen if real Soviets would be there.

QUOTE=Lord Nassirbannipal;1041839006]
General William C. Westmoreland was not allowed to invade North Vietnam nor did he control the South Vietnamese army. If the Soviet Union weren't a factor and there was nor risk of the conflict extending and possibly starting WWIII then the US would have simply invaded North Vietnam and the war would have been over in 2-3 months.[/QUOTE]

Not in control of SV army??? That sounds crazy. Regarding the Soviet Union involvement do not underrate the Vietcong and the scale of the US loss.

As far as China attacking the US is concerned, please. Neither China nor Russia have the naval or air power for such a campaign and Russia doesn't have the manpower. China may have more meat for the grinder but it's soldiers aren't particularly well trained. Regardless of what happened during an air show, neither one of them are capable of projecting military power very far behind their own borders and they are both light years behind the US when it comes to technology. Even if nukes weren't a factor and they were able to somehow defeat the US Navy, Airforce, and Coast Guard, they'd have to deal with over 300 million armed US citizens and law enforcement officials.

Such considerations are completely crazy. From the fact that China and Russia do not have offensive naval, air power and worldwide logistics since they are simply in the defensive posture, the only conclusion one can draw is they would use nukes in case of serious conflict if they started loosing the field. 300 mln US citizens armed in guns could be just waiting for evaporation by a couple of ICBM's.
...the only conclusion one can draw is they would use nukes in case of serious conflict if they started loosing the field. 300 mln US citizens armed in guns could be just waiting for evaporation by a couple of ICBM's.

A serious conflict would have to be a serious war and that serious war would have to be a world war and in that world war it would be a rouge state like NK to launch the first nuke. Every nuclear nation, except maybe NK, has a firm grasp on the idea of MAD. If Russia or China were to launch a nuke at us or ANY of our allies, Russia's/China's allies would also launch a simultaneous nuclear attack. As soon as any of our allies picked up the launch, they would fire off a nuclear response as would the US. For the aggressors to do something like this, there would have to be planning and coordination involved. For a nation to realistically suggest launching a first strike nuclear attack and it's allies involved in the planning to agree to such an action would be the world was in a real shit storm.

While the scientists of the Manhattan Project had a good idea of what was going to happen when we dropped the bombs on Japan, I highly doubt anyone of the time grasped the full power of them and the devastating after-effects.
They can blow up all the big stuff they want, but they will eventually have to step on our soil, where they will be greeted by the world largest armed civilian force. Approximately 200 million of us.

Good fucking luck, China.
Their only source was Voice of Russia, along with the ridiculous claim that 27 sailors immediately "resigned" after reaching port.
See, when you leave near Washington DC, you have to have a different prospective.

New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar

The F-22 isnt meant to be a full blown stealth fighter the way the F-117 was. The F-22 simply has numerous stealth characteristics to help it evade radar more so than any other aircraft in its class. Nothing is every going to be completely invisible to modern radar. The wake turbulence left behind in the air alone can be detected by current radar. But given the aerial capabilities of the F-22, the stealth characteristics it has are the best and better than nothing.

Such considerations are completely crazy. From the fact that China and Russia do not have offensive naval, air power and worldwide logistics since they are simply in the defensive posture, the only conclusion one can draw is they would use nukes in case of serious conflict if they started loosing the field. 300 mln US citizens armed in guns could be just waiting for evaporation by a couple of ICBM's.

Heh, a couple of ICBM's would not kill every single citizen in the USA. Plus remember this is why we have been perfecting laser technology and interceptor missiles, so that we can shoot down literally anything come from anywhere in the sky.
In all fairness we make movies about them as the enemy all the time.

But this seems like some military commanders bizarre fap dream fetish. That or a direct challenge. The Gov there would toss 50 million people into a meat grinder without batting an eye just to make a point, unlike the US. Could be a troubling century like the last.

Looks like the opening cut scenes to a video game if you ask me.
And most people don't know that Russian SSM and ASM missiles are superior by a decent margin. They can't afford to go all out on all military niches but missiles are what they specialise in. SAMs also they do pretty well with too.

They can't attack head on but they can defend very well. They focus a lot of resources on these missiles and associated systems for this reason, they're a deterrent. They've fielded hypersonic SSMs and ASMs for 20+ years. Other nations without export versions of these missiles do not have this technology in the field yet.

Check out the Iskander. It is effectively an unmanned alternative to an air strike, plus it can pull manoeuvring Gs in terminal phase, that would probably turn a pilot in to red mush.

Doesn't completely matter, specially the SSMs as they must survive themselves in order to be of use. Kill them first, then have fun in the air. Finding and analyzing them was my job for many years. They haven't gotten any harder to find, turn on those RADARs and we got them.