China Releases Insane Video Of It Attacking The U.S.


Aug 20, 2006
What the heck is this about? And why are they using music from The Expendables, an American film franchise? An analysis of the video may also be found here.
In all fairness we make movies about them as the enemy all the time.

But this seems like some military commanders bizarre fap dream fetish. That or a direct challenge. The Gov there would toss 50 million people into a meat grinder without batting an eye just to make a point, unlike the US. Could be a troubling century like the last.
But this seems like some military commanders bizarre fap dream fetish. That or a direct challenge. The Gov there would toss 50 million people into a meat grinder without batting an eye just to make a point, unlike the US. Could be a troubling century like the last.

An all out military confrontation against the US by anyone would end in nothing less than Armageddon. There's little logically to be gained by such a conflict.
The United States are a several generations ahead militarily of China and Russia, our closest competitors.

Plus with all the hacking going on and stolen military secrets, do not put it past the US to use honey-pot Trojan Horse servers to distribute schematics / designs that provide some type of back door access / shut-down feature.
The United States of America isn't unique in needing a crop of bogey-man type characters to keep poeple fearful.

Some times you get to be the bogey man!
Could this recent show of force have anything to do with Obama threatening to impose sanctions on them for their hacking fiascos?
The United States are a several generations ahead militarily of China and Russia,...

At best, they're one "generation" behind. Go watch the videos from this year's MAKS air show.

The Tu-50 was pretty awesome.

The Su-30m with its insane thrust vectoring was absurd.

I know the response to this: we have better electronics. We thought that in Vietnam too, so the F4 didn't have a gun. That was a rough lesson.

Considering the F35 Boondoggle II just got it's ass whipped by an F-16 I'd not put too much faith in American aerospace superiority right now, it's there to pad the pockets of Boeing and Lockheed not defend the nation.
So it's fine for us to make movies about invading random countries even random countries invading us. Another country does it and there's a problem?
This is no way to tread a preferred customer. Even the Mafia know that if you kill someone that owes you money, it's mighty hard to collect.
shite, tread does not equal treat and know does not equal knows or is it know's.
Looks about right since they have all of our technology since they literally manufacture everything for us. They should be really confident what they can do.
I love how they show the F35 not being able to take off, maybe that's a subtle jab about the failing JSF F35 program.

Can't forget how this flick shows the PLA taking no casualties.

Also, NORAD.
In all fairness we make movies about them as the enemy all the time.
Yeah but then we go back and digitally edit things around so that the North Koreans are the enemy... as in that horrible fucking remake of Red Dawn, just because the guy from Thor hit it big so they dusted off the film and released it.
Maybe China should participate in one of the international peace-keeping situations instead of sitting on the sidelines and making silly videos if they want their military to be taken seriously.
Doesn't anybody recognize a game trailer when they see it? It's only freaking out patriotic Americans because they're used to seeing Americans blowing up everyone else's shit instead of somebody else blowing up America's shit.
The Tu-50 was pretty awesome.

The Tu-50 is a bit of a joke as far as what it's supposed to achieve when you actually give it more than a superficial analysis. For one, it's supposed to be a stealth aircraft, supposedly designed from the ground-up for that purpose. But look at those engines. They look almost as if they were simply cut and pasted out of a Su-27. Engines do matter as far as stealth goes, just look at the rear of an F-22 and see how it's engine exhaust is handled. In this case they (Russia, and China as they copy Russian designs) had to forgo that aspect because they simply do not have the technical ability to create an aircraft on the level of the F-22 (which we designed back in the 1980s.)

The Su-30m with its insane thrust vectoring was absurd.

If you actually read-up on a lot of the "impressive" maneuvers that they perform at these airshows, such as the "cobra maneuver", it actually requires them to disable normal systems of the aircraft in order to allow the pilot to perform the maneuver. It's not something a normal pilot in a normal production aircraft would be able to do, and even if they could, it would still have almost no actual value in modern combat. The F-22 is actually able to perform a cobra maneuver also, and without having to make special modifications to the control system first ;)

I know the response to this: we have better electronics. We thought that in Vietnam too, so the F4 didn't have a gun. That was a rough lesson.

Considering the F35 Boondoggle II just got it's ass whipped by an F-16 I'd not put too much faith in American aerospace superiority right now

The thing is, 4th generation gets aren't going anywhere anytime soon. The F-35 will be supplanting, rather than replacing them, for quite a while. The F-35 isn't designed to be better than 4th generation fighters at 4th generation combat, it's designed to fill gaps in capability that currently exist, in many cases, precluding the sort of combat that 4th generation fighters are designed for.

The scenario between the F-35 and F-16 was a very specific and unrealistic scenario, where many of the capabilities of the F-35 were disabled or not used so that they could specifically test raw dog-fighting ability.

The assumption that is being made is that the F-35 should automatically be a better dog-fighter than the F-16, simply because it's newer and expensive. The F-35 was not designed to dog-fight, whereas the F-16 largely was. The F-16 was designed to be maneuverable and has many dog-fight oriented features such as a large bubble canopy, relaxed static stability, etc. This isn't because they adopted an F-4 strategy with the F-35 but rather, in a large part because all of that stealth isn't free. If it was, you would see a lot more stealth fighters out there. Current stealth designs have drawbacks when it comes to maneuverability.

Now let's consider a realistic scenario for a moment where the F-35 didn't have it's abilities intentionally nerfed. In an encounter with an enemy aircraft, the F-16 would show up quite clearly and distinctly on enemy radar and would be easily tracked and destroyed, likely by long-range missiles before it ever got into dog-fight range. The F-35 would not show up on radar as a clearly identifiable target, and would at least have the chance of being able to get in, do what it needs to do, and get back out. If the F-35 was actually fighting the F-16 in a realistic scenario, the F-16 would likely be destroyed by a missile before it even knew the F-35 was there.

We are entering the age of the UAV (or "Drone" :rolleyes:). I don't think there is any aircraft out there that would realistically be able to defeat a bunch of cheap drones in a dogfight. It seems pretty silly to even try. In a war with a country like china, I could see them pumping out combat drones by the millions. Increased stealth, increased inter-connectivity with other aircraft, and a focus on BVR engagements all make sense moving forward while a focus on dogfights does not.
Guys, you are not factoring in two things.

1. This video was released on the WW2 victory parade on Sept 3. (That's the day Japan signed the surrender terms on the Missouri)
2. The video explicitly targets Chinese atoll installations, and Okinawa after that.
At best, they're one "generation" behind. Go watch the videos from this year's MAKS air show.

And most people don't know that Russian SSM and ASM missiles are superior by a decent margin. They can't afford to go all out on all military niches but missiles are what they specialise in. SAMs also they do pretty well with too.

They can't attack head on but they can defend very well. They focus a lot of resources on these missiles and associated systems for this reason, they're a deterrent. They've fielded hypersonic SSMs and ASMs for 20+ years. Other nations without export versions of these missiles do not have this technology in the field yet.

Check out the Iskander. It is effectively an unmanned alternative to an air strike, plus it can pull manoeuvring Gs in terminal phase, that would probably turn a pilot in to red mush.
Like the Chinese could do anything to us with their outdated ghetto technology from 30+ years ago.
A handful of F-22 raptors could probably shoot down the entire Chinese air force and not take a single casualty.
It says "taking back an Island" which I would assume to be Taiwan so where do you all get attacking USA from?
Cool video , hope they make the units balanced , when is the expansion pack "Han`s Revenge" coming out?
I love how they show the F35 not being able to take off, maybe that's a subtle jab about the failing JSF F35 program.

Can't forget how this flick shows the PLA taking no casualties.

Also, NORAD.

I found that funny also. PLA is able to avoid everything, while the enemy gets destroyed with little effort.

But overall as a celebration to show China's power and as an odd celebration to the end of WW2. Not bad, could have used a little better graphics. But not bad.
It says "taking back an Island" which I would assume to be Taiwan so where do you all get attacking USA from?

The unnamed army they are fighting has a lot of USA looking vehicles. So it has been assumed that is who that is supposed to be
Easy way to defeat China without a shot fired is to stop buying Made in China. My latest purchases are from South Korea, Vietnam, etc. I know it's hard for the Apple sheep but do your part Americans.
No I am factoring in that our defense budget for the last 20 - 30 years that has dwarfed every nation combined thousands of times over.

With that budget comes many many MANY top secret projects and programs. You think the US stopped with the F-117 Nighthawk and B2 Stealth Bomber? Those were top secret and classified programs for many years before both of those aircraft were declassified and reveled to the American public. Far far from it.

If the recent Snowden leaks were any indication to the depth at which the US embeds itself covertly, which many security experts were completely and utterly shocked about .... then double and triple that as to our military might.

I served with the 129th during the first Gulf War. Have many friends in the military, from an A-10 pilot ( Ex Wife's Aunts Husband ) to a Navy Officer ( High School friend ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to a lot of friends that I served with. Trust me when I tell you the US Military is several generations ahead of everyone else. I don't claim to know everything I just understand military command and structure better than most. Also, you don't judge our military capability on an over budgeted program. There are many factors that you have to consider to arrive at generational gaps between nations.

What you see on TV is a fraction of what we have at our disposal.

It's pretty common knowledge that the US has Ohio class submarines ( that carry 14 Trident II SSBNs that make up 50% of the total US active inventory of strategic thermonuclear warheads ) stationed off the coast of North Korea that gives us a 2 1/2 minute flight time to detonation. So the next time you hear North Korea sabre rattle, dismiss them without a 2nd thought. This US Gov is this and more x1000 over world wide

The Russian's can't even keep their Subs manned. They just recently moth-balled several of them due to budget constraints and age. In fact, their entire military capability is aged to the point of a 3rd world country. This is all information anyone here can go and research via Google.
This looks like a job for Liberty Prime!

Take that Communist Scum!