Bf:3 really as bad as i think it is

I play BF3 every night with my friends, its a fantastic video game.
Yes I know how to add non-steam games. Have you tried that it doesn't work last time I checked.

I'll give it a shot but as of last week it didn't work for me. You have to launch origin. There's a fix to try and make it work but the overlay still crashes.

Yes, I did it right before I posted it just to verify. No crash.
My steam overlay is sorta working after adding origin to steam, no it's doesn't work adding BF3 to steam you can google it. The official blog says add origin. It works, but it still crashes occasionally. Just a list of my other problems with it.

1.For some reason even though I'm sure theres thousands of BF3 servers battlelog only shows you 20 or so and everytime you refresh it it shows you 20 or completely different servers. and of those only 5 or 6 are ever populated.

2. Logging into a server takes atleast 5 to 10 minutes. Just sits there spinning on "joining server".

3. Once you get in squading up is kinda weird. Maybe you guys think it's awesome but it's not out there in front you kind have to poke around the menu to join a squad and then spawning on somebody is kind of annoying you can click to spawn on somebody even though their dead which you don't know because it doesn't tell you so then you spawn at base looking around and think "wtf".

Ingeneral you know it's just kind of annoying to play. Once I get into a game and manage to find a server with people that would be fun to play with then an hour has passed and I have other shit to do. Last night trying to play I switch to like 5 different servers trying to find something fun.

I'm not trying to stereotype but I think people that enjoy BF3 have a lot of free time to play. When BF3 first came out I didn't have a lot going on at work so I could just you know dedicate like 5+ hours a day to BF3 stay up etc etc so I tolerated the difficulty of finding a decent game. Generally the best servers are 1000 ticket. 1000 ticket with good teams is a 2 hour game easily. Now though, I'm very busy. I work 9-5 and sometime then 12am to 3am. My schedule is irregular so at best I can devote 2 or 3 hours here and there.

I guess that just makes me not an ideal BF3 player. BFBC2 I literally load up the game. click search. a billion 25/32's or what have you pops up. I click join, auto squad and I'm playing inside of 3 minutes. Maps generally last like 30-40 minutes and I can stop to go do something else if I need to.

The only map in BF3 thats reasonably short I've found is Metro. Not a big fan of Metro -___-.
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BF3 is a great game...if you are bitching about it then just quit gaming because you will never be happy.

I play mostly on PS3 but also have it on PC and BOTH provide surperb experiences. I do not know what people can find to complain about.
BF3 has all the potential in the world but it's hampered too much by poor design. I'm tired of all the crutches: 3d spotting, all the lock on weapons, sniper glints, mines/explosives always on minimap, minimap on hardcore, over-effective thermals. I'm tired of only 2 factions that don't even feel like warring armies. Most guns feel the same as each other and sound a lot weaker than BC2. The unlock system for the vehicles for the most part make opposing vehicles mirrors of eachother rather than having their own unique abilities/weapon systems. I hate that there is no real built in VOIP, squad leader is a useless role, & they still haven't made comma rose at all useful.

I've played BF since 42 and have played a decent amount of BF3, I just don't feel it will have the longevity of the past titles. mod support would help many issues but we won't see that. BF3 was designed as a disposable title, to be discarded when the next iteration(BC3) comes along.
Everyweapon i have used has a recoil like the persons holding it in one handed and side ways like a gangster. The way the game looks i think it crap even at max setting. maybe there something in my setting that are screwy but ive got it set to recommened so idk what the issue is with this game but id rather go back to Cod series

You mean realistic recoil?
Not saying they should. I am, however, saying there is a time and a place - shoehorning the same trite shit we've read from you a dozen times over in at every opportunity is tedious. I have my own views about Steam but I bite my tongue every time I see a post I disagree with because it's been done to death. Wouldn't mind it if other people did the same and we could find something else to talk about, this shit is boring and doesn't contribute to threads like this.

Not saying they should. I am, however, saying there is a time and a place - shoehorning the same trite shit we've read from you a dozen times over in at every opportunity is tedious. I have my own views about Steam but I bite my tongue every time I see a post I disagree with because it's been done to death. Wouldn't mind it if other people did the same and we could find something else to talk about, this shit is boring and doesn't contribute to threads like this.

I have two criteria for posting. It's gotta be amusing or valid..well to me anyway.
My steam overlay is sorta working after adding origin to steam, no it's doesn't work adding BF3 to steam you can google it. The official blog says add origin. It works, but it still crashes occasionally. Just a list of my other problems with it.

I must say that one of my initial fears with being forced to use Origin with BF 3 was the deprivation of the steam overlay, but thankfully it has worked for me without a hitch and has been 100% stable. Sorry to hear you haven't had the same experience.

That's not to say that I don't have other complaints with BF 3, in fact I have a huge laundry list of rage inducing issues which has resulted in it being relegated to the "play when I am bored and have nothing better to do" pile of games.
I really tried to avoid it but my roommates threw a fit because I wouldn't play. I'll admit I'm a steam friends fanboy but I've been playing Counter-strike for 7 years literally all my friends are on there it makes sense. I tolerate Origin, but they obviously purposely blocked Steam Overlay because it works fine in every previous BF game. I thought "Ok whatever I'll use Battlelog friends" you can't open it up you literally have to alt-tab out of the game to access it which you can imagine what kind of havok that causes and even then Battlelog friends is crap so I just feel like banging my head against the wall and then go play CS or TF2 or KF or something. Its so frustrating not to be able to enjoy what seems like a good game. The ingame chat sucks too. I'm like "Really???" you can't get ingame chat working right.

I'd expect this shit from one horse studio under 1c company and I give them a break but when I spend like $30 on crap like this and then have to turn around and spend another $20 on Jack just so I can tolerate playing it AAARGGHH.

Uhm lolwut? Shift-F1, ever heard of it?
My steam overlay is sorta working after adding origin to steam, no it's doesn't work adding BF3 to steam you can google it

I dont need to google it. I DO IT. I add BF3 to steam. I launch BF3 from Steam.

Once in game I get BOTH the Steam overlay pressing shift+tab, and the Origin overlay with Shift+F1.

Best of both words really.
Yeah it brings up the origin friends list which no uses.

Lol. Obviously that's YOUR problem if you don't use the friends list BUILT INTO ORIGIN. On steam you had to add your friends to the friends list BUILT INTO STEAM as well.

Its right there, but you just refuse to use it because "no one uses it". Good argument.

That said, just try the Steam thing. Seems pretty neat.
You have become too accustomed to a shooter that requires no skill, that's your problem.

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! :mad:

Don't be angry at a game if you're no good at it. Not everything in this world can cater to the lowest common denominator...even though it sure as hell looks like it does.
I dont need to google it. I DO IT. I add BF3 to steam. I launch BF3 from Steam.

Once in game I get BOTH the Steam overlay pressing shift+tab, and the Origin overlay with Shift+F1.

Best of both words really.

Must be magic. I'm serious it doesn't work. No one's ever gotten it to work that way over hundreds of sites. This is how it has to be done.

Lol. Obviously that's YOUR problem if you don't use the friends list BUILT INTO ORIGIN. On steam you had to add your friends to the friends list BUILT INTO STEAM as well.

Its right there, but you just refuse to use it because "no one uses it". Good argument.

That said, just try the Steam thing. Seems pretty neat.

Yeah, I even said it's a personal choice but what I find interesting is it seems like they literally went out of their way to block it. Except for adams. it works for him.

Arguing aside I like the game I just wish making it go was easier.
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i like bf3 but i like bc2 more the feel of the game is different and in my opinion is better
To be honest, I just use outside programs to chat(Mainly teamspeak since I just play with my clan now). Origin is pretty pointless as it is right now, if they integrated it better(BF3 friends also go on Origin friends list) it would be way better.
My steam overlay is sorta working after adding origin to steam, no it's doesn't work adding BF3 to steam you can google it. The official blog says add origin. It works, but it still crashes occasionally. Just a list of my other problems with it.

1.For some reason even though I'm sure theres thousands of BF3 servers battlelog only shows you 20 or so and everytime you refresh it it shows you 20 or completely different servers. and of those only 5 or 6 are ever populated.

2. Logging into a server takes atleast 5 to 10 minutes. Just sits there spinning on "joining server".

3. Once you get in squading up is kinda weird. Maybe you guys think it's awesome but it's not out there in front you kind have to poke around the menu to join a squad and then spawning on somebody is kind of annoying you can click to spawn on somebody even though their dead which you don't know because it doesn't tell you so then you spawn at base looking around and think "wtf".

Ingeneral you know it's just kind of annoying to play. Once I get into a game and manage to find a server with people that would be fun to play with then an hour has passed and I have other shit to do. Last night trying to play I switch to like 5 different servers trying to find something fun.

I'm not trying to stereotype but I think people that enjoy BF3 have a lot of free time to play. When BF3 first came out I didn't have a lot going on at work so I could just you know dedicate like 5+ hours a day to BF3 stay up etc etc so I tolerated the difficulty of finding a decent game. Generally the best servers are 1000 ticket. 1000 ticket with good teams is a 2 hour game easily. Now though, I'm very busy. I work 9-5 and sometime then 12am to 3am. My schedule is irregular so at best I can devote 2 or 3 hours here and there.

I guess that just makes me not an ideal BF3 player. BFBC2 I literally load up the game. click search. a billion 25/32's or what have you pops up. I click join, auto squad and I'm playing inside of 3 minutes. Maps generally last like 30-40 minutes and I can stop to go do something else if I need to.

The only map in BF3 thats reasonably short I've found is Metro. Not a big fan of Metro -___-.

5 to 10 minutes to join. Takes me a few minutes tops. Does this happen on every server?

If time is an issue. Dont play 1000 ticket servers. Dont play 32 player 1000 ticket servers. There are many many servers with default tickets or even 600 tickets which dont take long. A server doesn't need to be 1000 tickets to be good.

Most of my rounds that I play are 15-40 minutes each.
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one of the annoying issues for me is combining the comma rose and spotting to the same button, I die a lot of times because comma rose opens while I’m shooting at someone

I’m trying not to use it a lot but BC2 made me a Q whore I even use it while playing TF2 :)
I only play the Campaign of "shooter" games. Multiplayer is too boring for me.

BF3 is pretty good imo, graphics and gameplay. Although the whole US Marine vs. Middle East, Terrorists, Russians got boring a while ago.
Not all opinions have to coincide with your own, way of the world, homie. Not everyone is enamored with the business decisions and dev team decisions made by EA/DICE, and I count myself amongst those. I actually liked BF2 and BF2142 a lot, but since then, I haven't seen anything I liked from the Battlefield series, BFBC2 was a pile of crap and BF3 isn't much better.

What I actually want right now is another Quake or Unreal style game, a good twitch-based shooter that is representative of what PC gaming used to be, not this consolized garbage that gets spewed out these days and is called a "modern shooter".

How can you say BF3 is crap when you don't own it and have never played it?
How can you say origin is crap when you have never installed or used it? If I was going to start boycotting some software, and then telling everyone else not to use it, I would at least make sure I had some experience of it. Until you actually do, your opinion does not have any value. :p

But you are right about needing a new quake/unreal... There is a new UE4 coming out (so perhaps a new unreal?). But PC games didn't used to be be one anything. Quake/Quake II/Quake III and Unreal tournament are all different games, with very different gameplay: Quake released now would be called "consolized".