BCon is BStupid


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
We are just going to tell you this right now. If ANY of you come round here with this damn thing strapped on your foot (or anywhere else), you are very likely going to get the piss slapped out of you. Don't say we did not warn you.

DO NOT WATCH THIS. You will be moar dumberer for it.

And you in the video, stop biting your nails or I am going to tell your mom.
I kinda did something like this when Glovepie came out and wii remotes to see how things worked.

Not well is the answer, though it did make for a cheap head tracking setup.
It is an interesting concept, but I think the applications of this would be far better in a VR scenario where you are already moving.

I would break my pause button for how much I move my feet/legs while using the computer during gaming sessions.
The fact that their little video only has music, and wasted a minute of my time before there was even a hint of what it did... means it's a piece of shit.
Tell him he's not welcome on HardOCP.
He knows enough about computers to find the power button and remember his sign on for more than 6 months at a time but little else. I'm not 100% sure he could manage the CAPTCHA to register an account.

He saw me type that and agrees, he has his wife do them because he can never get them right.
What's wrong with something like this? Couldn't this help someone who lost a hand to maneuver around in video games?
Folks with hand injuries / disabilities are about the only people I could see using this and enjoying it.

Otherwise this is the biggest derping gimmick I've seen in a long time....
For the average, fully ambulatory computer user this is dumb as hell. For anyone that may have a handicap of some sort, this could be a godsend. Could you imagine a one armed guy using one of these to play FPS games?

It's ashame the video doesn't advertise that aspect at all, just some guy at a computer twitching his foot like an ADHD caffeine addict trying to do combos in League of Legends.
Tell him he's not welcome on HardOCP.

I guess if you have no arms or have some sort of impairment... Otherwise is there really an untapped market for this?
Their latest model Bbang comes mounted in a Jock Strap and provides lateral movement based on the "Clang" principal. Requires a loose pair of Jeans and a wide seat chair.
It actually looks quite useful for some people.

Would be nice for 3d modeling.
It is an interesting concept, but I think the applications of this would be far better in a VR scenario where you are already moving.

I would break my pause button for how much I move my feet/legs while using the computer during gaming sessions.

I was thinking the same thing to a degree. How many people sit perfectly still while gaming without a single movement of their foot? you would have the massive adjustments which require pause, but just tapping your foot or moving it any and suddenly you are doing something you didn't plan. bind foot tap to heal, why am I always out of potion?

What's wrong with something like this? Couldn't this help someone who lost a hand to maneuver around in video games?

Asshole answer: They just should accept that they aren't meant to play games anymore and that is an activity for people with two hands. Real answer: could be very useful for something like that or a few other fringe cases.
I bounce my legs and tap my feet WAY too much to use this.
I bounce my legs and tap my feet WAY too much to use this.

Same here, it's quite the chore for me to sit still actually, I've tried it with those "gaming" chairs once with these stupid metal bars at the side of the seat and it resulted in I had to sell the chair as it became too much of a chore to sit "normal" like a disciplined school girl.
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I'm surprised I haven't bought one yet!
I can proudly place it next to my OCZ NIA, Razer Hydra, OnLive and Ouya systems.

Who isn't looking for more ways to add INPUT for gaming?
I play Fortnite and need more keys to really build the way I'd like.
This would be amazing...if it were more responsive and had more degrees of control.
Really? We're getting outraged over this? This is the gatekeepey bullshit we're resorting to?

Seriously, who gives a shit? If someone needs it, who cares? If someone doesn't "need" it, but uses it, who cares? If someone pisses their money away, throws it on a shelf, and never touches it again... WHO. CARES.

Don't act like none of you have a Nintendo Power Glove or DDR mat or Ouya -shaped skeleton in your closet.

That said, actual criticism: $160 MSRP for an accelerometer bolted to a Bluetooth transceiver? Fuck off. That prototype is $30 in Arduino modules and $15 of 3d-printed plastic. China will pump out the finished product at $15 a pop.

And whoever keeps composing this twee-ass Kickstarter promo muzak needs to have a pickaxe put through their Macbook.
might just be the thing to use if you're making a PowerPoint presentation and want to flip pages while both your hands are free to do whatever but if you're a musician and want to flip song sheets I'd say not so much