Battlefield 4 Beta Discussion

You are not old its the shitty COD gameplay. It sells and that's what EA is about. If they could make a buck with cock sucking simulators they would.:p

Pretty much. It used to be about trying to stay alive because respawns happened around 30 seconds. Now, it's about respawning as quickly as possible so the ADD kids have something to shoot at.

I'm hoping some of the other maps are a tad less frantic. Hardcore might help out.
Was impressed with how easy it was to get in the beta. I like the Shanghai map a lot. I'm getting surprisingly good performance out of my 2600K + GTX580 rig @2560x1600. So I'll probably buy the game.
Pretty much. It used to be about trying to stay alive because respawns happened around 30 seconds. Now, it's about respawning as quickly as possible so the ADD kids have something to shoot at.

I'm hoping some of the other maps are a tad less frantic. Hardcore might help out.


Respawns have been 10 seconds since 1942.
Is the Origin downloader really wonky for you guys? It keeps saying super inflated download rates that I know I'm not getting, then randomly jumps back 10% or so. The estimated time to finish is also WAY off.

EDIT: Turns out I'm getting a fairly common error where it goes to 99% then Origin crashes and rolls back to 81%. Doesn't look to be any known fixes.
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So last night I brought down the tower and it didn't show destroyed on my screen yet it did to everyone else. Also seeing a problem with floating dead bodies after someone is killed.

Running on the latest nvidia beta drivers with a GTX 780 at 2560x1440. The game has its moments where it runs incredibly buttery smooth on auto, high, and ultra - not matter what setting I choose. Then it gets stupid laggy and becomes damn near unplayable.

People say oh its beta, ummmm how many weeks are we from release? This public beta is a stress test of the servers and the game itself is what I would consider final product. A bug-ridden piece of shit....
I'm thinking the servers have different setups running on them because if i go to the recommended server for me it plays fine, but if i pick a server on my own it runs like shit even with a 15 ping.
Can anyone show me where the supports to take out the tower are?

They're the columns at the base of the skyscraper. Get a tank and start shooting the first floor.

People say oh its beta, ummmm how many weeks are we from release? This public beta is a stress test of the servers and the game itself is what I would consider final product. A bug-ridden piece of shit....

As stated repeatedly: the beta is an earlier code base than what DICE is preparing for Golden Master status right now. The point of the beta is to test primarily things like gameplay balance, the netcode alterations, and engine changes.

It's fine if you consider this to be a final product, but it isn't.
@aeonrevolution. Using the beta version of Origin fixed this problem for me. To opt in to the beta version click application settings on the origin drop down menu. On the general tab, scroll down to update to beta when available and click it. Restart Origin.
So last night I brought down the tower and it didn't show destroyed on my screen yet it did to everyone else. Also seeing a problem with floating dead bodies after someone is killed.

Running on the latest nvidia beta drivers with a GTX 780 at 2560x1440. The game has its moments where it runs incredibly buttery smooth on auto, high, and ultra - not matter what setting I choose. Then it gets stupid laggy and becomes damn near unplayable.

People say oh its beta, ummmm how many weeks are we from release? This public beta is a stress test of the servers and the game itself is what I would consider final product. A bug-ridden piece of shit....

beta build is same as e3 build and is very old.
So last night I brought down the tower and it didn't show destroyed on my screen yet it did to everyone else. Also seeing a problem with floating dead bodies after someone is killed.

Running on the latest nvidia beta drivers with a GTX 780 at 2560x1440. The game has its moments where it runs incredibly buttery smooth on auto, high, and ultra - not matter what setting I choose. Then it gets stupid laggy and becomes damn near unplayable.

People say oh its beta, ummmm how many weeks are we from release? This public beta is a stress test of the servers and the game itself is what I would consider final product. A bug-ridden piece of shit....

I have a strange problem where at certain part of the map the fps tanks for some unknown reason. I checked this out running around an empty map and it does occur every time I join a server. That was with the latest WHQL driver.

I decided to revert back to driver 314 and that weird problem went away. I get a warning that the game requires 320 or newer, but so far everything seems fine. It may not be the most optimum driver, but at least it's playable

Perhaps it's worth a shot as a last resort, if you dont mind going back to an older driver until we see the next WHQL driver that supports BF4
My friend and I are both having the same problem with this game. We click a server to join, BF4 launches and then stays at the loading screen for 2-5 minutes before we can start playing. What's also strange is after about 1 min of loading we can hear sounds from the game, people talking etc I'm running specs in my sig with latest beta drivers. He has an i5 4670k OC'd to 4.5GHz, 16GB ram, 256GB SSD, GTX 780 with latest beta drivers. I'm running Win 8 Pro 64bit, he's running Win 7 Pro 64bit.

Anyone else with this issue?
It's amazing how far the BF series has fallen. BF4 is just a cheap copy of BF3 with a few extra features that don't offer anything. I literally forget that I'm playing the latest and greatest BF. Feels like BF3 with a new maps. It's like Candy Crush Saga with guns. Play for a bit, then buy our shitty DLC and PTW items, then buy our shitty Premium service that gives you access to all our shitty DLC and PTW crap. Wait a couple years for BF5, rinse and repeat. Once you add the ability to buy every item in the game for real money, you fucking ruin any game. What's the point in trying for unlocks if my 10 year old cousin can use his birthday money and have it all on day one?

Call of Battlefied Duty 4. Yay.

What a pile of shit.
My friend and I are both having the same problem with this game. We click a server to join, BF4 launches and then stays at the loading screen for 2-5 minutes before we can start playing. What's also strange is after about 1 min of loading we can hear sounds from the game, people talking etc I'm running specs in my sig with latest beta drivers. He has an i5 4670k OC'd to 4.5GHz, 16GB ram, 256GB SSD, GTX 780 with latest beta drivers. I'm running Win 8 Pro 64bit, he's running Win 7 Pro 64bit.

Anyone else with this issue?

Yes. It's been posted about earlier in the thread. You need to manually update Punkbuster.
Anyone else unlock the AK5C yet? This gun restores my confidence in PDWs in this game. The MX4 feels too high-recoil and unreliable. The AK5C is like a laser beam at short and medium range. It's usable even with iron sights. Really fun gun, helps the Engineer class when on defense.

Nice! I'll give this a try when I'm home later today.

No prob. Just run pbsetup, select Battlefield 4, and let it download. There's a point where it'll look like the application or download has frozen, but just leave it alone and it'll finish in about 5 minutes.
I'm on the fence about BF4. I loved BF 1942 and BF2, but BF3 seemed like a zerg rush run and die game, and BF4 feels the same. The game is pretty, though. Finally a game to bring my aging 5 year old system to its knees.
@aeonrevolution. Using the beta version of Origin fixed this problem for me. To opt in to the beta version click application settings on the origin drop down menu. On the general tab, scroll down to update to beta when available and click it. Restart Origin.

I did that. Now it doesn't give me the error message before going back to 81%, it just does it. :D
I think it's random.
Anyway, the games performance has gotten worse since it's been OPEN. Day 1 and 2 I had no issues, then once it got busier I get drops, and or freezes often. And it just doesnt feel smooth. Typical BETA though. I'm not that worried, it's just annoying.

Seems completely random. I unlocked items for a gun I hadn't even used.
2600k @ 4.9ghz w/ Hyper Threading ON, gtx670@1337mhz with the below settings I get on average 85fps!

If you guys want better fps, run these settings, the more you OC the CPU the better.

Also having HT on makes the game smoother and possibly getting even more fps compared to when HT off, when HT was off I was closer to 100% CPU usage.

Let me know what you guys think....


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Respawns have been 10 seconds since 1942.

No. The default for some EA servers were around 20 seconds. They may have changed in a later patch. The advantage of 42 was the public [non EA] servers could manipulate the wave time among other parameters and remain popular (I don't think you could filter the list on that).

You may have only been playing 10 second servers. There were a lot of popular servers that ran upwards of 30 seconds for infantry and much longer for vehicles. The new Generation Me/Now/ADD of gamers don't like that, so those server settings have become unpopular. Now, you're more likely to find servers running near instant timers.
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Overall I have to say this is a huge step back from BF3. I am not sure where DICE went wrong, but BF3 was amazingly good for their standards, so perhaps this is more of a return to the norm for DICE.

The menu UI is ugly and downright terrible. Everything is one color, bland, unresponsive, and you have no idea what you are selecting. Progression and next unlocks are hard to find for most things. When they do pop up, they fade out extremely quickly. So you have about a second to see how much further you have to go to unlock some accessory.

Selecting gear is such a pain where as it was extremely quick and easy in BF3. All BF3 needed was to get rid of the two way switching and replace it with a drop down menu and it would have been perfect. Nevertheless, in its current state it is light years ahead of the crap BF4 is plagued with.

Like in BF3, there are yellow tabs indicating if you have something new, but finding what you just unlocked is a huge pain. Did I unlock something for all classes? Well, there are yellow tabs for all classes, but they want you to click through every little tab to find it.

Performance is terrible, while the game looks uglier than BF3. The colors are bland, even more so than some of the heavily blued out BF3 maps. The blue changed to gray, with ugly, blurry textures and in general unimpressive graphics. Getting a smooth frame rate is impossible due to the non-stop stuttering.

The supplied map is boring. The domination version is extremely terrible; it is amazing they thought that would work as a playable map. The conquest version is better, but is still extremely bland and dull.

The shooting and damage mechanics are shockingly bad. The weapons are extremely inaccurate; a 7.62x51 rifle has the accuracy of a 9mm pistol. Bullets do not go where the barrel is pointed and spray out randomly in ways that are not physically possible. It is not as bad as the horrendous BF2 spread, but it is indeed following the stylization.

Weapons themselves are weak and low powered, with full size rifles having the power of a .380 or similar. The makes spraying in full auto necessary, but as I mentioned, the absurd weapon spread makes this impossible. They have a conflicting accuracy/damage model in the game and they should figure out which method they would prefer as the current hybird is terrible.

The mechanics for med kits and riving is terrible. They make you crouch, or get up from prone (getting you killed), and the shock pads are too slow to save anyone. This makes the whole role of the medic and support class ammo supplying mechanic entirely useless.

Sounds are also "washed out" and lack depth. Weapons sound muted and quiet.

Overall I feel BF4 is a wreck in its current state and it is not just bugs that are at fault here, but downright lazy and schizophrenic game design. Some how I doubt they will be able to get their act together as the game's release is very near though I hope for the best.

It's amazing how far the BF series has fallen. BF4 is just a cheap copy of BF3 with a few extra features that don't offer anything. I literally forget that I'm playing the latest and greatest BF. Feels like BF3 with a new maps. It's like Candy Crush Saga with guns. Play for a bit, then buy our shitty DLC and PTW items, then buy our shitty Premium service that gives you access to all our shitty DLC and PTW crap. Wait a couple years for BF5, rinse and repeat. Once you add the ability to buy every item in the game for real money, you fucking ruin any game. What's the point in trying for unlocks if my 10 year old cousin can use his birthday money and have it all on day one?

Call of Battlefied Duty 4. Yay.

What a pile of shit.

While I agree that unlocks should be done away with entirely, BF3 was not pay to win. And BF2 had about 4 expansion packs; Special Forces, Armored Fury and European something off the top of my head.
After playing for 3 days, Im cancelling my preorder, it could have been so much more! No way this pile of shit is worth $59.99! This is their flag ship product? Yeah more like a steaming pile of shit! My steam backlog is big enough, Ill pick up the game when its like $19-$30. What a fuking disappointment it is!
After playing for 3 days, Im cancelling my preorder, it could have been so much more! No way this pile of shit is worth $59.99! This is their flag ship product? Yeah more like a steaming pile of shit! My steam backlog is big enough, Ill pick up the game when its like $19-$30. What a fuking disappointment it is!

Care to elaborate?
I mean, it isn't quite what I was expecting either but after really playing it for ahwile I do like it a lot. I see a lot of people very angry at what they have seen and played but not saying much besides "it sucks". Sure the performance isn't there but I truly hope no one bases it off a beta. As with any other game, wait for the final product to come out and then judge from other users.
Me? I'm having a blast. After "fixing" my fps issues it's a lot more enjoyable for me. I like the feel of the guns the more I use them. Heli's are maybe too easy to use?...
My biggest peeve is the sound. Often they cut out for me, someone can be shooting right beside me and I wont hear a thing. Shotguns seem totally silent.
Me? I'm having a blast. After "fixing" my fps issues it's a lot more enjoyable for me. I like the feel of the guns the more I use them. Heli's are maybe too easy to use?…

Helicopters are still impossible for me to fly, and the miniguns on the transport chopper don't feel very lethal. I understand that the transport chopper is balanced by the fact that you can have two engineers healing the thing constantly, but the repair tool is nerfed compared to what it was in BF3, and pilots aren't skilled enough to let me maintain target sighting long enough to kill the guy I'm aiming at.

My biggest peeve is the sound. Often they cut out for me, someone can be shooting right beside me and I wont hear a thing. Shotguns seem totally silent.

Disagreed on this. I can hear sounds from all over the place. You might need to check your settings.
Overall I have to say this is a huge step back from BF3. I am not sure where DICE went wrong, but BF3 was amazingly good for their standards, so perhaps this is more of a return to the norm for DICE.

I am not sure what you mean by their standards, but I thought BF3 was an amazing game, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also, if you thought BF3 was good, I am surprised you think this was a step back. I am not saying you are right or wrong, I am just puzzled. They fixed a lot of the problems BF3 had.

The menu UI is ugly and downright terrible. Everything is one color, bland, unresponsive, and you have no idea what you are selecting. Progression and next unlocks are hard to find for most things. When they do pop up, they fade out extremely quickly. So you have about a second to see how much further you have to go to unlock some accessory.

The UI definitely takes some getting used to, and it took a while for me to find my way around, but I did not think it was so terrible.

I am not sure what you mean when you say they face out...I did not have that issue.

Selecting gear is such a pain where as it was extremely quick and easy in BF3. All BF3 needed was to get rid of the two way switching and replace it with a drop down menu and it would have been perfect. Nevertheless, in its current state it is light years ahead of the crap BF4 is plagued with.

I agree with this to a certain extent. I don't think its the worst menu ever, but they could have done a better job on the PC. I think the menus are the way they are because of console. Its really not such a big deal for me.

Performance is terrible, while the game looks uglier than BF3. The colors are bland, even more so than some of the heavily blued out BF3 maps. The blue changed to gray, with ugly, blurry textures and in general unimpressive graphics. Getting a smooth frame rate is impossible due to the non-stop stuttering.

This is definitely an issue with your machine, I feel. My wife plays on a laptop with 630M GPU, and I have 780GTX, and neither of us are having performance problems as such. Of course she has to play on low to get good frame rates. I am playing on a combination of ultra and high, and I am getting extremely good frame rates.

The supplied map is boring. The domination version is extremely terrible; it is amazing they thought that would work as a playable map. The conquest version is better, but is still extremely bland and dull.

This is personal opinion. I love this map, I think its pretty fantastic, and they were very ambitious with that they did. It plays really well for most part. Most of the games I played were close games - very rarely did my team dominate completely or get beaten completely. This to me is a good thing. It keeps the game interesting.

The shooting and damage mechanics are shockingly bad. The weapons are extremely inaccurate; a 7.62x51 rifle has the accuracy of a 9mm pistol. Bullets do not go where the barrel is pointed and spray out randomly in ways that are not physically possible. It is not as bad as the horrendous BF2 spread, but it is indeed following the stylization.

I have to completely disagree with this.. AK12 and AK5C are extremely accurate at close and medium ranges. I felt they were a OP.

Weapons themselves are weak and low powered, with full size rifles having the power of a .380 or similar. The makes spraying in full auto necessary, but as I mentioned, the absurd weapon spread makes this impossible. They have a conflicting accuracy/damage model in the game and they should figure out which method they would prefer as the current hybird is terrible.

From what I understand they follow the same damage model as BF3, so I don't know why you would need more shots to down an enemy. Also like I said, AK12 and AK5C are superb weapons. I suggest you give those a shot.

The mechanics for med kits and riving is terrible. They make you crouch, or get up from prone (getting you killed), and the shock pads are too slow to save anyone. This makes the whole role of the medic and support class ammo supplying mechanic entirely useless.

The movement is a little stiff compared to BF3. This is probably because they were trying to be realistic. I have so many complaints about how unrealistic the movement is, and how in real life it is impossible to sprint, and then aim down the sight accurately. It seems to me that they tried to address those complaints, and now they have another group of people mad at them for changing the movement.. I am not too bothered by it.

i appreciate what they did with the medic and support. They addressed the problems with revive trains we saw in BF3. Now, it really means something to get revived, forcing you to work with your squad. You can't just charge and expect to be revived like before. I think this is a good thing.

Sounds are also "washed out" and lack depth. Weapons sound muted and quiet.

I would have to go back and listen once again, My impression was that they weren't a lot different.

Overall I feel BF4 is a wreck in its current state and it is not just bugs that are at fault here, but downright lazy and schizophrenic game design. Some how I doubt they will be able to get their act together as the game's release is very near though I hope for the best.

I don't know why you would use the word lazy. I think its anything but lazy.

While I agree that unlocks should be done away with entirely, BF3 was not pay to win. And BF2 had about 4 expansion packs; Special Forces, Armored Fury and European something off the top of my head.

Unlocks are the worst thing ever. They should be done away with.
Helicopters are still impossible for me to fly, and the miniguns on the transport chopper don't feel very lethal. I understand that the transport chopper is balanced by the fact that you can have two engineers healing the thing constantly, but the repair tool is nerfed compared to what it was in BF3, and pilots aren't skilled enough to let me maintain target sighting long enough to kill the guy I'm aiming at.

Helicopters are about the same if not lighter feel than bf3's. As far as the mini gun goes, yea it is extremely weak. Repairing the chopper isn't tough, but what makes it tougher is the Lock on RPGs, yes Radar tracking RPGs that do not follow flares.

It is beta, so I would judge to heavy, even on the graphics. The debris from the falling bulding remains in the air.... Bah, I could go on. But like I said it is beta.

Heck I don't know if it was just me or coincidence, but after I died, I'd hit esc, then esc again and be able to respawn directly afterward instead of waiting to show who killed me.
My favorite thing about the beta so far is that soldiers no longer yell out phrases about sodomy and male on male rape.
My favorite thing about the beta so far is that soldiers no longer yell out phrases about sodomy and male on male rape.

I agree. The dialog in BF3 just made it feel like DICE was trying too hard to make it "cool"

personally I'm really enjoying it. Certainly not cancelling any preorder, in fact, I'm upgrading the video card in my other gaming machine so friends can have an ALMOS equally good gaming experience when they come over.
I haven't been able to play at all today. Constant 999 ping. It has been fine the past 4 days. I don't know what's going on.
After playing for 3 days, Im cancelling my preorder, it could have been so much more! No way this pile of shit is worth $59.99! This is their flag ship product? Yeah more like a steaming pile of shit! My steam backlog is big enough, Ill pick up the game when its like $19-$30. What a fuking disappointment it is!

Tried it today and it's kinda not what I was expecting either. I was kinda looking for BF3 with the stuff they took out of BF2-put back in. But this is different and it doesn't feel quite right. Also it feels like they took the chopper avionics from BC2, much easier to fly and maneuver around the buildings.
The menu UI is ugly and downright terrible. Everything is one color, bland, unresponsive, and you have no idea what you are selecting. Progression and next unlocks are hard to find for most things.

Selecting gear is such a pain where as it was extremely quick and easy in BF3.

Performance is terrible, while the game looks uglier than BF3. The colors are bland, even more so than some of the heavily blued out BF3 maps. The blue changed to gray, with ugly, blurry textures and in general unimpressive graphics.

The supplied map is boring. The domination version is extremely terrible; it is amazing they thought that would work as a playable map. The conquest version is better, but is still extremely bland and dull.

The mechanics for med kits and riving is terrible. They make you crouch, or get up from prone (getting you killed), and the shock pads are too slow to save anyone. This makes the whole role of the medic and support class ammo supplying mechanic entirely useless.

Overall I feel BF4 is a wreck in its current state and it is not just bugs that are at fault here, but downright lazy and schizophrenic game design. Some how I doubt they will be able to get their act together as the game's release is very near though I hope for the best.
Kept what I agree with 100%. Won't be playing beta anymore. 3 is much more fun.
My favorite thing about the beta so far is that soldiers no longer yell out phrases about sodomy and male on male rape.

you're shooting people in the face and this bothers you?

Anyway I'll wait to see how the release goes but so far you would have to put a gun to my head to get me to play this pile of shit anymore.
For peeps who claim it looks like BF3, can you please share with me your settings? :confused:

Maybe my current rig (i3570k/gtx670) is not enough. So far BF4 game doesn't look good.. low rez textures with washed out colors... and the STRAWBERRY effect is just icing on the cake and on top of things it is very laggy. :eek:

I know it is beta, but the way it looks, feels and plays it should be an Alpha release...:rolleyes:
Seems you can change the loadout on the App. That would be cool, now if only they improve the layout more to make it easier to change your gear rather than going through all those menus. I already have a tablet i do a quick browse through while waiting through the load screens, a dedicated app for inventory on the tablet that ties ingame would be cool. It takes a long time to setup right now.
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Just chiming in to say the game is practically unplayable on a laptop with a GeForce 675M (desktop equivalent is like a 560). Even with all the options on Low, framerate barely clears 30 and there's constant stutter.

Oh well, only a few more days until I can build my new PC.
Just chiming in to say the game is practically unplayable on a laptop with a GeForce 675M (desktop equivalent is like a 560). Even with all the options on Low, framerate barely clears 30 and there's constant stutter.

Oh well, only a few more days until I can build my new PC.

My wife plays on a laptop with 630M, and she tells me the performance is OK on low. Definitely playable.
Just chiming in to say the game is practically unplayable on a laptop with a GeForce 675M (desktop equivalent is like a 560). Even with all the options on Low, framerate barely clears 30 and there's constant stutter.

Oh well, only a few more days until I can build my new PC.

What CPU?

I think I just got bored of the 1 map, but it did give me 3-4 hours of playtime. The conquest version is definitely better than the domination version. I'm hoping the other maps are better. I mainly unlocked some assault stuff and didn't feel like going for any of the other unlocks. If they unlocked faster in the beta I'd get every class unlocked and play them all, but I had other things to do this weekend so I just shelved it.

I'm on the fence right now in terms of if I really want this game at launch or not.