Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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How come every time a popular new game comes out there is a ton of people nerd-raging? 15 years on the internet and nothing has changed.
I feel for you. But all you're doing here is posting to complain. Which is okay except that your console issues don't affect the PC game... in any way.

So what good is it?

People brought up my gripes about the UI (even though I disclosed beforehand it was the console version), and I answered. Other than that and the graphics, my complaints about the beta are applicable to the PC version.

You and others can also take some enjoyment in the fact that the console version, in its current form, is shit.
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Um so i just played it and i will be flamed for saying this but it feels like Call of duty to me. There isn't too much difference minus vehicles. Definitely need to get adjusted to killing people since it definitely does not play/feel like the way bc2 does.
Am I the only one who loves the web browser use in this game? The BF2 menus were always so slow and buggy even after many patches. It only opens windowed once and then you set it to full screen from then on. I really dig it.

I think you're the only one, the battlelog is a cool idea for kids that like to measure their epeens, but the browser based launching is unintuitive, slow, and laggy. The pings it shows are never smart pings(log into the server(finally...) only to be met with 150+ when the menu was showing 75), browser the server list is annoying as hell.

IF they would pull their heads from the asses and implement an ingame server list, we'd also have a main menu which in turn would allow us to fucking adjust settings in the game we just payed 60 dollars to play. Instead no, you follow the clunky as shit interface, only to be greeted with a tiny window that doesn't go full screen until you set it to while actively in a game, oh wait, shit i just got sniped for standing in one spot and lost all of those settings, guess I'll respawn... ohh fuck killed again, hmm this is fun...

Seriously, DICE is dropping the ball on this, they had TONS of negative feedback on these browser launchers before yet choose to go forward with it... WHY!? The consoles obviously have in-game launchers, why not PC that can handle it even better?

Fucking retards.
Um so i just played it and i will be flamed for saying this but it feels like Call of duty to me. There isn't too much difference minus vehicles. Definitely need to get adjusted to killing people since it definitely does not play/feel like the way bc2 does.

That is what they are going for, a lot of the older Battlefield feelings are gone. Having Metro being the only "public" accessed map atm is NOT helping their cause.

I already returned my pre-order for a full refund, going to stick with the beta, but so far I am grossly unimpressed.
Um so i just played it and i will be flamed for saying this but it feels like Call of duty to me. There isn't too much difference minus vehicles. Definitely need to get adjusted to killing people since it definitely does not play/feel like the way bc2 does.

I haven't played much CoD lately but I can say that they're definitely NOT going for a BC2 feel. That's why it's called Battlefield 3.
That is what they are going for, a lot of the older Battlefield feelings are gone. Having Metro being the only "public" accessed map atm is NOT helping their cause.

I already returned my pre-order for a full refund, going to stick with the beta, but so far I am grossly unimpressed.

Maybe you should try getting into a Caspain Border server so you get the BF3 interpretation of the classic BF gamemode before writing it off based on the limiting Rush map.
The Metro map is the beta map to appeal to the COD crowd. Caspian Border should be the Beta map as it is a real BF map and has the BF feeling to it.
I think you're the only one, the battlelog is a cool idea for kids that like to measure their epeens, but the browser based launching is unintuitive, slow, and laggy. The pings it shows are never smart pings(log into the server(finally...) only to be met with 150+ when the menu was showing 75), browser the server list is annoying as hell.

IF they would pull their heads from the asses and implement an ingame server list, we'd also have a main menu which in turn would allow us to fucking adjust settings in the game we just payed 60 dollars to play. Instead no, you follow the clunky as shit interface, only to be greeted with a tiny window that doesn't go full screen until you set it to while actively in a game, oh wait, shit i just got sniped for standing in one spot and lost all of those settings, guess I'll respawn... ohh fuck killed again, hmm this is fun...

Seriously, DICE is dropping the ball on this, they had TONS of negative feedback on these browser launchers before yet choose to go forward with it... WHY!? The consoles obviously have in-game launchers, why not PC that can handle it even better?

Fucking retards.

It's really not that bad. Is there a way to check your in-game ping though?
Maybe you should try getting into a Caspain Border server so you get the BF3 interpretation of the classic BF gamemode before writing it off based on the limiting Rush map.

The Metro map is the beta map to appeal to the COD crowd. Caspian Border should be the Beta map as it is a real BF map and has the BF feeling to it.

Metro is still only 1 map. They used it because it's small and would work well across all platforms for beta.

However they should open up Caspian for the PC crowd.
It's really not that bad. Is there a way to check your in-game ping though?

Something that worked with BC2 was running as admin, might try that.


I think DICE was using the battlelog in an effort to give the PC users a distinct platform to operate under. Making it "different" and all, like all of you guys asked for.

My question is, can console users log into the battlelog with their EA account on a PC to see their stats as well?
Something that worked with BC2 was running as admin, might try that.


I think DICE was using the battlelog in an effort to give the PC users a distinct platform to operate under. Making it "different" and all, like all of you guys asked for.

My question is, can console users log into the battlelog with their EA account on a PC to see their stats as well? track your console friends' stats and "feeds", you and them need to both be on Battlelog.!/bf3/soldier/Plague Injected/stats/227287771/xbox/
I think you're the only one, the battlelog is a cool idea for kids that like to measure their epeens, but the browser based launching is unintuitive, slow, and laggy. The pings it shows are never smart pings(log into the server(finally...) only to be met with 150+ when the menu was showing 75), browser the server list is annoying as hell.

IF they would pull their heads from the asses and implement an ingame server list, we'd also have a main menu which in turn would allow us to fucking adjust settings in the game we just payed 60 dollars to play. Instead no, you follow the clunky as shit interface, only to be greeted with a tiny window that doesn't go full screen until you set it to while actively in a game, oh wait, shit i just got sniped for standing in one spot and lost all of those settings, guess I'll respawn... ohh fuck killed again, hmm this is fun...

Seriously, DICE is dropping the ball on this, they had TONS of negative feedback on these browser launchers before yet choose to go forward with it... WHY!? The consoles obviously have in-game launchers, why not PC that can handle it even better?

Fucking retards.

I'd suggest not running around the map before adjusting settings, both maps have you spawn into a pretty safe area and if your incapable of running to some nearby cover (see: rocks in Metro or building in Caspian) before going into the menus then maybe this game IS too much for you.

This arguement for/against the server browser implimentation is rediculous. If they intergrated it into the game they could have used the exact same layouts as you see in the browser and the only difference is that you wouldnt have a 3rd party program showing you the info.

Resource usage as a con cant be considered if your playing this game as the amount IE/Firefox/Chrome take up is nothing in comparison to what the game needs/uses. If your worried about the browser resource usage, you need to worry more about your computer instead.

Understandably, it WOULD be nice to be able to change settings and access menu systems before getting into the game but really...its not a big deal...shouldnt be enough to cause someone NOT to play the game.

As was stated earlier, DICE menus have been buggy historically and taken a few patches to get things right, the benefit with the external browser is that its just code on a remote server, very simple (in terms of code languages) HTML that can be "patched" without having to release a client update. Also allows them to do a bit of experimentation that, if the community doesnt like it, can be quickly and easily reverted.
Playing on Metro and playing on Caspian is almost like playing 2 different games.

Metro is Bad Company 2.5, Caspian is what I always wanted BF3 to be.
It's really not that bad. Is there a way to check your in-game ping though?

Actually, it really IS that bad. It's a horrible implementation of the entire system.

Having the browser launcher made me call it quits after a few hours. It's really THAT unintuitive and annoying. I can see a LOT of issues cropping up that DICE will just give up on in a year since browsers seem to like to update every 5 fucking minutes these days, you can't rely on them for anything anymore. I can see a heavy handed add-in being broken in a few weeks. Horrible design decision, 2500 people active on the (battlelog)forums would agree, 180 people on forums want it to stay. That's how bad of a decision it is.

I had fun playing the new COD... I mean BF3, and yes I even had the Caspian map, it was fun for about 15 minutes until you realize how terrible the vehicle mechanics and controls are, especially for flight units.
Seriously, DICE is dropping the ball on this, they had TONS of negative feedback on these browser launchers before yet choose to go forward with it... WHY!? The consoles obviously have in-game launchers, why not PC that can handle it even better?

Fucking retards.

Do you realize how long it would take to write an entire in-game browser? Using the web-based setup allows them to do a lot more, and on the fly even as another person stated.

You're just overreacting.
Seriously, DICE ... had TONS of negative feedback on these browser launchers before yet choose to go forward with it... WHY!? The consoles obviously have in-game launchers, why not PC that can handle it even better?

It's a fair question.

Obviously I haven't tried Battlelog for getting into games, but I'm wondering if the problems people are having are due to load? The alpha players seemed to think the new server browser was far better than any of the previous in-game browsers, and obviously the player pool would have been much smaller.
Just got the beta installed and played 3 games.

i7 920 @ 3.7 5770 x2.

5770s got pretty damn warm. 80/70c May have to try and separate them on the mb.
Lots of the flickering reported. Still looked pretty good and played pretty well.

Don't like the launch from browser stuff. Not in the least. Don't want to have to relaunch the game every time I decide to play on a different server.

The alt enter to fullscreen after the game starts... I wonder who came up with that one and if he's tired of having his asshole stuffed with broken glass yet.

Games feels slower and more tactical than bc2 ever did on rush.

Can't quit the game till you spawn. Sometimes I don't want to load the next map. Or respawn.
I'd suggest not running around the map before adjusting settings, both maps have you spawn into a pretty safe area and if your incapable of running to some nearby cover (see: rocks in Metro or building in Caspian) before going into the menus then maybe this game IS too much for you.

This arguement for/against the server browser implimentation is rediculous. If they intergrated it into the game they could have used the exact same layouts as you see in the browser and the only difference is that you wouldnt have a 3rd party program showing you the info.

Resource usage as a con cant be considered if your playing this game as the amount IE/Firefox/Chrome take up is nothing in comparison to what the game needs/uses. If your worried about the browser resource usage, you need to worry more about your computer instead.

Understandably, it WOULD be nice to be able to change settings and access menu systems before getting into the game but really...its not a big deal...shouldnt be enough to cause someone NOT to play the game.

As was stated earlier, DICE menus have been buggy historically and taken a few patches to get things right, the benefit with the external browser is that its just code on a remote server, very simple (in terms of code languages) HTML that can be "patched" without having to release a client update. Also allows them to do a bit of experimentation that, if the community doesnt like it, can be quickly and easily reverted.

What is so bad about a client update? Forcing us to use a system like origin allows them to push updates to the user with little interaction in the first place anyways.

Also, if they listened to the community they wouldn't have kept the browser launching implementation.

We(those of us that hate battlelog BS) don't care if the method of use is the same in game as it is in the browser, and it's not a resource issue(for most). It's a matter of listening to what the community wants instead of being fucking hitler about it and forcing shit down our throats that doesn't benefit the community at all. It's ugly, back-asswards, and I can see it causing MANY more issues in the next year than a simple menu system in game would.

Yes, when I first logged into the open-beta, I happened into a game that had me spawning as defense near the end of a metro game(near the hotels/apartments at the end of the map), completely indefensible position. The game had opened in a teeny tiny window and I couldn't really figure how to do anything as alt+enter would not work for my system(nor my two room-mates). So I lucked out enough to be killed twice, before I was able to apply full-screen.
Actually, it really IS that bad. It's a horrible implementation of the entire system.

Having the browser launcher made me call it quits after a few hours. It's really THAT unintuitive and annoying. I can see a LOT of issues cropping up that DICE will just give up on in a year since browsers seem to like to update every 5 fucking minutes these days, you can't rely on them for anything anymore. I can see a heavy handed add-in being broken in a few weeks. Horrible design decision, 2500 people active on the (battlelog)forums would agree, 180 people on forums want it to stay. That's how bad of a decision it is.

I had fun playing the new COD... I mean BF3, and yes I even had the Caspian map, it was fun for about 15 minutes until you realize how terrible the vehicle mechanics and controls are, especially for flight units.

I don't care what a bunch of whiny kids think. I won't even bother reading any of the "hate battlelog" posts because it's not worth my time.

I've used it since the Alpha and it does have a lot of potential. It doesn't seem to hinder anything either really.

Not sure why you're worried about browser updates. Pretty sure Firefox has been through a few updates recently, and even up to version 7 now. No issues present.

Personally anything is better than the shit BC2 browser. Still nothing beats the Valve server browsers. Pretty sure they use the same setup for each game. I played TF2 mostly and it was great.

My only complaint and this goes for all servers browsers - is the lack of constantly updating info. I don't like having to refresh all the time to see current servers, current players on the servers etc. But I don't think there's a way around that really.
It's a fair question.

Obviously I haven't tried Battlelog for getting into games, but I'm wondering if the problems people are having are due to load? The alpha players seemed to think the new server browser was far better than any of the previous in-game browsers, and obviously the player pool would have been much smaller.

The difference is night and day apparently, but it's still buggy and unreliable(it's more of a beta than the game is right now).

I still think an in-game system would be better, period.
I love BF3, especially Caspian Border. Haven't had any problems with the Battlelog either. Everything works good and is smooth for me obvious things aside like the ground clipping which DICE said was fixed internally anyway.

The alt enter to fullscreen after the game starts... I wonder who came up with that one and if he's tired of having his asshole stuffed with broken glass yet.

Go to options and make fullscreen default then you click go to game and it switches to full-screen~
Actually, it really IS that bad. It's a horrible implementation of the entire system.

Having the browser launcher made me call it quits after a few hours. It's really THAT unintuitive and annoying. I can see a LOT of issues cropping up that DICE will just give up on in a year since browsers seem to like to update every 5 fucking minutes these days, you can't rely on them for anything anymore. I can see a heavy handed add-in being broken in a few weeks. Horrible design decision, 2500 people active on the (battlelog)forums would agree, 180 people on forums want it to stay. That's how bad of a decision it is.

I had fun playing the new COD... I mean BF3, and yes I even had the Caspian map, it was fun for about 15 minutes until you realize how terrible the vehicle mechanics and controls are, especially for flight units.

I think you are blowing this out of proportion. I haven't had any issues with the browser, it doesn't appear to be slow or laggy at all and most servers are somehwat close to the correct pings. It's also incredibly easy to add friends now and join off them or invite them to a party and join or join everyone under one platoon. It will make competitive play and tourney style play better.
I still don't get why DICE thinks that not being able to adjust options in game unless you are deployed is a good idea.
Why can't we quit(aside from task manager/alt+F4) until we are deployed either?
Seriously are their dev's fucking retarded monkeys? Ever since BF:BC2 shit has been reallly flowing downhill. Someone became in charge, and had some fun ideas and money to back it up, and we get to "reap the benefits"...
I think you are blowing this out of proportion. I haven't had any issues with the browser, it doesn't appear to be slow or laggy at all and most servers are somehwat close to the correct pings. It's also incredibly easy to add friends now and join off them or invite them to a party and join or join everyone under one platoon. It will make competitive play and tourney style play better.

You've actually had luck with making squads? Interesting.
I love BF3, especially Caspian Border. Haven't had any problems with the Battlelog either. Everything works good and is smooth for me obvious things aside like the ground clipping which DICE said was fixed internally anyway.

Go to options and make fullscreen default then you click go to game and it switches to full-screen~

Fair enough.
Can't quit the game till you spawn. Sometimes I don't want to load the next map. Or respawn.

This is the only real valid complaint I see. I feel the same way.

The alt enter to fullscreen after the game starts... I wonder who came up with that one and if he's tired of having his asshole stuffed with broken glass yet.

Yes, when I first logged into the open-beta, I happened into a game that had me spawning as defense near the end of a metro game(near the hotels/apartments at the end of the map), completely indefensible position. The game had opened in a teeny tiny window and I couldn't really figure how to do anything as alt+enter would not work for my system(nor my two room-mates). So I lucked out enough to be killed twice, before I was able to apply full-screen.

This was required to do ONCE. Every time I enter a game or click on the window it goes fullscreen.

What happens currently:

- Launch Battlelog
- Select Server - Join
- Game Loads and when connected is minimized in the taskbar
- Click on "Go to Game" or the taskbar window and the game launches fullscreen.
- If I alt-tab it goes to a windowed mode, but again resumes fullscreen when going back to the game.
The difference is night and day apparently, but it's still buggy and unreliable(it's more of a beta than the game is right now).

I still think an in-game system would be better, period.

What's so buggy and unreliable about it? I've seen one issue and that was with having the filter options expanded and scrolling through the server list. The right-hand side where it has Join Server and all that would overlap the upper Filter options. A page refresh took care of it.
Anyone else sometimes have the gun get stuck and unable to aim zoom? I have to switch weapons and go back to my primary to get zoom back.

Also, the blue hue effect of the Esc menu stays overlaid on the game under some circumstances. Esc'ing again and closing it will remove the blueness.
Configuring this game is a pain in the ass... Every time I try to bind mouse buttons my cursor disappears and I can't bind anything
Honestly, I really like battlelog. It just chills on my desktop and I can go about my business without having to minimize out of anything. I don't even really have to log in since I can just click play in Origin and it opens chrome and logs me in automatically. Plus every previous Battlefield game's interface has sucked shit and the stat tracking is battlelog is pretty cool.

I personally think the gold standard of in game interfaces is still UT99, and nothing else even comes close except Source (Think CS:S, not L4D or TF2).
So at 2560x1600 the ammo count and map get cutoff...

Using screen adjust, I made it the smallest width and height i could and it all shows up, but I'm not sure if it's proper.
Does anyone know how to use the screen adjust ingame properly? How much do we need to resize it... What about aspect ratios and stuff? Not sure if using smallest width and height is how it should be...

I initially thought you were supposed to expand it to fit the screen, but that made it worse and cut off a lot more of the screen
Honestly, I really like battlelog. It just chills on my desktop and I can go about my business without having to minimize out of anything. I don't even really have to log in since I can just click play in Origin and it opens chrome and logs me in automatically. Plus every previous Battlefield game's interface has sucked shit and the stat tracking is battlelog is pretty cool.

I personally think the gold standard of in game interfaces is still UT99, and nothing else even comes close except Source (Think CS:S, not L4D or TF2).

Good point I forgot to bring up. Like last night there were numerous times I stopped playing but left Battlelog logged in. Came back and fired up a game when I was ready. I didn't have to go through an hour of waiting for the actual game to load.

Wonderful change.
I really have no idea why people hate the web-based menu so much. It's fast, simple, and allows you to do other things while waiting for a server to open up without having to alt-tab. If you're whinging about how unintuitive it is, I have to wonder if Battlelog is your first experience on the web at all, considering that there is very little in there that doesn't show up on 95% of modern websites.

It's annoying to have to spawn to get out of the game, and it was a slight inconvenience to have to launch a game before changing my settings, but I can't imagine I won't be able to change my settings from the single player when the full game is released.

Given the majority of feedback regarding Caspian Border, I would say that DICE did a nice job of tailoring conquest to the BF2 crowd, while still keeping rush mode closer to what people from BC2 are used to. Aside from all of the clipping bugs, I've had a blast playing Metro.

I will say, though, that some of these people on the leaderboard are in need of another hobby. Yikes.
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