Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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No swing and a miss. Its a fact. Your vagina has sand in it and is now irritated, all because the beta is coming out when stated.

Anyone with common sense knew it was coming out at the end of the month. Anyone without is is now whining like a girl with sand in her pussy.

Snore. Try again, grasshopper.
My impression of a beta is a limited test of the game and all it's mechanics, server usage/load, etc. Based on the beta testing the devs can make any adjustments necessary to ensure the best launch possible.

Having a beta so close to launch doesn't really given enough time to fix all the bugs found. Could be wrong. But whatever. I just want to fucking play it again.

They're also giving us an old build. So not really sure how that helps.

It is for what they are testing it. They have not told us what they are testing. They have even told us some features will not be there, like comma rose.

The fact that the build is older than current builds should tell people they are only looking for specific things to test.
The pre-launch dicking about with pre-orders, bonus content, expansion packs, beta, early access beta and exclusivity to origin is really starting to get on my nerves.

I'm just going to buy it from a shop, fuck EA and their mindless dicking about.

What is the deal with origin then, are we going to be forced to use origin for BF3 even if we store bought, isn't their online service thing for server browsing all separate from origin? I really don't want that piece of shit on my PC.
It is for what they are testing it. They have not told us what they are testing. They have even told us some features will not be there, like comma rose.

The fact that the build is older than current builds should tell people they are only looking for specific things to test.

I don't understand how you can properly test a game with real players without all the features and latest build.

What good does using an older build do? Maybe something will come up that didn't in their testing. Maybe fixing something in the beta build will break something else.

Just doesn't seem like good practice to me.
The pre-launch dicking about with pre-orders, bonus content, expansion packs, beta, early access beta and exclusivity to origin is really starting to get on my nerves.

I'm just going to buy it from a shop, fuck EA and their mindless dicking about.

What is the deal with origin then, are we going to be forced to use origin for BF3 even if we store bought, isn't their online service thing for server browsing all separate from origin? I really don't want that piece of shit on my PC.

Exactly! That requirement is merely a bold move by EA to use BF3's popularity to promote Origin. There is no any functional purpose that Origin provides to BF3, so there's no reason why a retail copy needs Origin. They are just forcing everyone to have that crap on their PC.

BF3 have all of its own services outside of Origin. Origin is nothing more than an annoyance.


Actually I'm tempted not to get it now, 200 games on steam, I don't want to double the number of digital platforms on my PC for a single bloody game, it's so retarded. Probably grab the open beta and try it for a bit and decide on that. My brief stint with the closed beta was alright but wasn't really that thrilled overall.
Exactly! That requirement is merely a bold move by EA to use BF3's popularity to promote Origin. There is no any functional purpose that Origin provides to BF3, so there's no reason why a retail copy needs Origin. They are just forcing everyone to have that crap on their PC.

BF3 have all of its own services outside of Origin. Origin is nothing more than an annoyance.

except that the server browser is(seemingly) part of the origin web portal stuff and obviously they are doing DRM through it

no different than buying a boxed copy of a steamworks game(like mw2)

do I like it? not really, but this is only different because its not steam and for some reason lots of people think steam isnt screwing us all the time
Really? Still waiting for the marketing uproar since it come out at the end of September.


Still waiting.

All I hear is the cries of a little girl with sand in her vagina. Strange how that keeps happening with you.

Just so we're clear; you realize that you're mockingly waiting to see the effects of what I'm talking about by arguing with people who are complaining as a direct result of what I'm talking about, correct? I mean, nobody can really be that dense, can they?

Actually I'm tempted not to get it now, 200 games on steam, I don't want to double the number of digital platforms on my PC for a single bloody game, it's so retarded. Probably grab the open beta and try it for a bit and decide on that. My brief stint with the closed beta was alright but wasn't really that thrilled overall.

By digital platform you mean Steam and Origin? So you don't want to go from 1 to 2? That's a huge jump man. Not sure how I've handled it myself.

Actually I'm tempted not to get it now, 200 games on steam, I don't want to double the number of digital platforms on my PC for a single bloody game, it's so retarded. Probably grab the open beta and try it for a bit and decide on that. My brief stint with the closed beta was alright but wasn't really that thrilled overall.

I'm with you, I have not seen anything that leads me to believe that this will be a return to the glory days of battlefield. Looks like a port of bad company 3 more than anything.
By digital platform you mean Steam and Origin? So you don't want to go from 1 to 2? That's a huge jump man. Not sure how I've handled it myself.

Yes I mean steam and origin. I've decided against getting it now, I think it's a fantastic looking game but I'm not going to bend over backwards and install origin purely because EA want a slice of the pie. I don't do business like that I'm afraid.
There's two big arguments, really.

One, is "it's just Bad Company 3". As abhorrent as it might be, I'm perfectly OK with that. I enjoyed BC2.

Two, is Origin. I pre-ordered through it, and honestly, it's less annoying than steam. Except for the part where it pops up when to boot up, then tells you it is still running when you minimize it.

Yes I mean steam and origin. I've decided against getting it now, I think it's a fantastic looking game but I'm not going to bend over backwards and install origin purely because EA want a slice of the pie. I don't do business like that I'm afraid.

Ha ha. "bend over backwards..."
There's two big arguments, really.

One, is "it's just Bad Company 3". As abhorrent as it might be, I'm perfectly OK with that. I enjoyed BC2.

Two, is Origin. I pre-ordered through it, and honestly, it's less annoying than steam. Except for the part where it pops up when to boot up, then tells you it is still running when you minimize it.


Having never played Battlefield 2 I can't compare it to that. But based on the Alpha it did not feel like Bad Company 2.
Having never played Battlefield 2 I can't compare it to that. But based on the Alpha it did not feel like Bad Company 2.

Having played all of the battlefield games I would definitely say it has more of a Battlefield 2 feel rather than Bad Company 2.

I actually rather excited and I'm going to go cancel my gamestop pre-order after work and get it on origin.
Having never played Battlefield 2 I can't compare it to that. But based on the Alpha it did not feel like Bad Company 2.

Well, that's good news, so long as it plays well.

I meant that it seemed to be one of the main complaints people have against it currently. I suppose I haven't played BF2 itself enough to get a opinion there.
Just so we're clear; you realize that you're mockingly waiting to see the effects of what I'm talking about by arguing with people who are complaining as a direct result of what I'm talking about, correct? I mean, nobody can really be that dense, can they?

There are what, 5 of you here? 4 of which complain about every little thing.

How many pre-orders for BF3?

Who is dense again?
Having played all of the battlefield games I would definitely say it has more of a Battlefield 2 feel rather than Bad Company 2.

I actually rather excited and I'm going to go cancel my gamestop pre-order after work and get it on origin.

Well, that's good news, so long as it plays well.

I meant that it seemed to be one of the main complaints people have against it currently. I suppose I haven't played BF2 itself enough to get a opinion there.

I can say this. A lot of what I hate about BC2 is not present in BF3. And with the limitations on spotting it should be great.

One more thing to note. After the Alpha ended I was really disappointed. I wanted to play more! it definitely left an impression.
Yes I mean steam and origin. I've decided against getting it now, I think it's a fantastic looking game but I'm not going to bend over backwards and install origin purely because EA want a slice of the pie. I don't do business like that I'm afraid.

I agree. Its comparable to being anally raped by full blown aids itself.
Seems to me like they are dumping SecuROM all together, the patch coming on Tuesday for bc2 removed it from all of the versions (Steam already had it removed). Hopefully the only drm for BF3 will be origin or logging into ea through the game.
I can say this. A lot of what I hate about BC2 is not present in BF3. And with the limitations on spotting it should be great.

One more thing to note. After the Alpha ended I was really disappointed. I wanted to play more! it definitely left an impression.

There are really only a few things that are not 'BF' and more 'BC', but none of them are deal killers.

Spawn on any squad mate is dumb. 4 player max squad is dumb(on 64 player servers). No commander is dumb.

Besides those, everything else feels BF. These few game play changes are not deal breakers, just something to get used to. The squad issues can easily be fixed in a patch, my guess is not so much the commander issue.
rofl at all the butthurt people over origin.. it seriously isnt anywhere near as big of a deal as you people are making it.
Oh no it is. See, now I have to have 2 clients, instead of 1. I mean, completely, totally, unreasonable.

oh ffs.

The main problem was the bug preventing people from spawning on each other. I would hope that's been corrected. When it did work teams were able to advance and good times were had.

I was under the impression that was just not implemented /shrugs If putting that in game is all it takes to fix the map, that's fine by me.
Some of you guys really need to work on your sarcasm detection.
I've seen a lot of posts saying 'Oh my it's Bad Company 2, not Battlefield 3'

What in the heck is the difference between Bad Company, and Battlefield??

Both FPS, both with vehicles, both have conquest/rush? I really don't understand, as I did not play BF2.
I've seen a lot of posts saying 'Oh my it's Bad Company 2, not Battlefield 3'

What in the heck is the difference between Bad Company, and Battlefield??

Both FPS, both with vehicles, both have conquest/rush? I really don't understand, as I did not play BF2.

BF2 is a PC game that used the power of a PC, HUGE maps, 64 players in one round. Built and geared toward the PC gaming community.

BC2 is basically a consolized watered down version of that. MUCH smaller maps, half the total players per map, and much more sluggish gunplay that was obviously designed for dual analog.
Just tried to speak with an "EA Expert" via chat with some questions, he wasn't able to help me so I asked some questions about BF3. He didn't even bother to answer those, just told me to check the BF3 forums and gave me a link to a FAN SITE and it's forums (Which happen to be result one when you Google, "Battlefield 3 Forums").

Experts indeed.
BF2 is a PC game that used the power of a PC, HUGE maps, 64 players in one round. Built and geared toward the PC gaming community.

BC2 is basically a consolized watered down version of that. MUCH smaller maps, half the total players per map, and much more sluggish gunplay that was obviously designed for dual analog.

This seems to be a pretty concise summary.

So; BF2 was a awesome PC shooter, BC2 was watered down/slightly slower version that was still good in its own right. (Of course, anyone is welcome to their own opinion)
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